/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "audio_hw_acdb" //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #define LOG_NDDEBUG 0 #include <errno.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <dlfcn.h> #include <log/log.h> #include <cutils/str_parms.h> #include <system/audio.h> #include <tinyalsa/asoundlib.h> #include "acdb.h" #include <platform_api.h> #define PLATFORM_CONFIG_KEY_SOUNDCARD_NAME "snd_card_name" int acdb_init(int snd_card_num) { int result = -1; char *cvd_version = NULL; char *snd_card_name = NULL; struct mixer *mixer = NULL; struct acdb_platform_data *my_data = NULL; if(snd_card_num < 0) { ALOGE("invalid sound card number"); return result; } mixer = mixer_open(snd_card_num); if (!mixer) { ALOGE("%s: Unable to open the mixer card: %d", __func__, snd_card_num); goto cleanup; } my_data = calloc(1, sizeof(struct acdb_platform_data)); if (!my_data) { ALOGE("failed to allocate acdb platform data"); goto cleanup; } list_init(&my_data->acdb_meta_key_list); my_data->acdb_handle = dlopen(LIB_ACDB_LOADER, RTLD_NOW); if (my_data->acdb_handle == NULL) { ALOGE("%s: DLOPEN failed for %s", __func__, LIB_ACDB_LOADER); goto cleanup; } ALOGV("%s: DLOPEN successful for %s", __func__, LIB_ACDB_LOADER); my_data->acdb_init_v3 = (acdb_init_v3_t)dlsym(my_data->acdb_handle, "acdb_loader_init_v3"); if (my_data->acdb_init_v3 == NULL) ALOGE("%s: dlsym error %s for acdb_loader_init_v3", __func__, dlerror()); my_data->acdb_init_v2 = (acdb_init_v2_cvd_t)dlsym(my_data->acdb_handle, "acdb_loader_init_v2"); if (my_data->acdb_init_v2 == NULL) ALOGE("%s: dlsym error %s for acdb_loader_init_v2", __func__, dlerror()); my_data->acdb_init = (acdb_init_t)dlsym(my_data->acdb_handle, "acdb_loader_init_ACDB"); if (my_data->acdb_init == NULL && my_data->acdb_init_v2 == NULL && my_data->acdb_init_v3 == NULL) { ALOGE("%s: dlsym error %s for acdb_loader_init_ACDB", __func__, dlerror()); goto cleanup; } /* Get CVD version */ cvd_version = calloc(1, MAX_CVD_VERSION_STRING_SIZE); if (!cvd_version) { ALOGE("%s: Failed to allocate cvd version", __func__); goto cleanup; } else { struct mixer_ctl *ctl = NULL; int count = 0; ctl = mixer_get_ctl_by_name(mixer, CVD_VERSION_MIXER_CTL); if (!ctl) { ALOGE("%s: Could not get ctl for mixer cmd - %s", __func__, CVD_VERSION_MIXER_CTL); goto cleanup; } mixer_ctl_update(ctl); count = mixer_ctl_get_num_values(ctl); if (count > MAX_CVD_VERSION_STRING_SIZE) count = MAX_CVD_VERSION_STRING_SIZE; result = mixer_ctl_get_array(ctl, cvd_version, count); if (result != 0) { ALOGE("%s: ERROR! mixer_ctl_get_array() failed to get CVD Version", __func__); goto cleanup; } } /* Get Sound card name */ snd_card_name = strdup(mixer_get_name(mixer)); if (!snd_card_name) { ALOGE("failed to allocate memory for snd_card_name"); result = -1; goto cleanup; } if (my_data->acdb_init_v3) result = my_data->acdb_init_v3(snd_card_name, cvd_version, &my_data->acdb_meta_key_list); else if (my_data->acdb_init_v2) result = my_data->acdb_init_v2(snd_card_name, cvd_version, 0); else result = my_data->acdb_init(); cleanup: if (NULL != my_data) { if (my_data->acdb_handle) dlclose(my_data->acdb_handle); struct listnode *node; struct meta_key_list *key_info; list_for_each(node, &my_data->acdb_meta_key_list) { key_info = node_to_item(node, struct meta_key_list, list); free(key_info); } free(my_data); } mixer_close(mixer); free(cvd_version); free(snd_card_name); return result; } int acdb_set_parameters(void *platform, struct str_parms *parms) { struct acdb_platform_data *my_data = (struct acdb_platform_data *)platform; char value[128]; char *kv_pairs = str_parms_to_str(parms); int ret = 0; if (kv_pairs == NULL) { ret = -EINVAL; ALOGE("%s: key-value pair is NULL",__func__); goto done; } ret = str_parms_get_str(parms, PLATFORM_CONFIG_KEY_SOUNDCARD_NAME, value, sizeof(value)); if (ret >= 0) { str_parms_del(parms, PLATFORM_CONFIG_KEY_SOUNDCARD_NAME); my_data->snd_card_name = strdup(value); ALOGV("%s: sound card name %s", __func__, my_data->snd_card_name); } done: free(kv_pairs); return ret; }