/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "audio_hw_extn" /*#define LOG_NDEBUG 0*/ #define LOG_NDDEBUG 0 #include <stdlib.h> #include <errno.h> #include <dlfcn.h> #include <cutils/properties.h> #include <log/log.h> #include "audio_hw.h" #include "audio_extn.h" #include "platform.h" #include "platform_api.h" struct snd_card_split cur_snd_card_split = { .device = {0}, .snd_card = {0}, .form_factor = {0}, }; struct snd_card_split *audio_extn_get_snd_card_split() { return &cur_snd_card_split; } void audio_extn_set_snd_card_split(const char* in_snd_card_name) { /* sound card name follows below mentioned convention <target name>-<sound card name>-<form factor>-snd-card parse target name, sound card name and form factor */ char *snd_card_name = strdup(in_snd_card_name); char *tmp = NULL; char *device = NULL; char *snd_card = NULL; char *form_factor = NULL; if (in_snd_card_name == NULL) { ALOGE("%s: snd_card_name passed is NULL", __func__); goto on_error; } device = strtok_r(snd_card_name, "-", &tmp); if (device == NULL) { ALOGE("%s: called on invalid snd card name", __func__); goto on_error; } strlcpy(cur_snd_card_split.device, device, HW_INFO_ARRAY_MAX_SIZE); snd_card = strtok_r(NULL, "-", &tmp); if (snd_card == NULL) { ALOGE("%s: called on invalid snd card name", __func__); goto on_error; } strlcpy(cur_snd_card_split.snd_card, snd_card, HW_INFO_ARRAY_MAX_SIZE); form_factor = strtok_r(NULL, "-", &tmp); if (form_factor == NULL) { ALOGE("%s: called on invalid snd card name", __func__); goto on_error; } strlcpy(cur_snd_card_split.form_factor, form_factor, HW_INFO_ARRAY_MAX_SIZE); ALOGI("%s: snd_card_name(%s) device(%s) snd_card(%s) form_factor(%s)", __func__, in_snd_card_name, device, snd_card, form_factor); on_error: if (snd_card_name) free(snd_card_name); } #ifdef KPI_OPTIMIZE_ENABLED typedef int (*perf_lock_acquire_t)(int, int, int*, int); typedef int (*perf_lock_release_t)(int); static void *qcopt_handle; static perf_lock_acquire_t perf_lock_acq; static perf_lock_release_t perf_lock_rel; static int perf_lock_handle; char opt_lib_path[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX] = {0}; int perf_lock_opts[] = {0x101, 0x20E, 0x30E}; int audio_extn_perf_lock_init(void) { int ret = 0; if (qcopt_handle == NULL) { if (property_get("ro.vendor.extension_library", opt_lib_path, NULL) <= 0) { ALOGE("%s: Failed getting perf property", __func__); ret = -EINVAL; goto err; } if ((qcopt_handle = dlopen(opt_lib_path, RTLD_NOW)) == NULL) { ALOGE("%s: Failed to open perf handle", __func__); ret = -EINVAL; goto err; } else { perf_lock_acq = (perf_lock_acquire_t)dlsym(qcopt_handle, "perf_lock_acq"); if (perf_lock_acq == NULL) { ALOGE("%s: Perf lock Acquire NULL", __func__); dlclose(qcopt_handle); qcopt_handle = NULL; ret = -EINVAL; goto err; } perf_lock_rel = (perf_lock_release_t)dlsym(qcopt_handle, "perf_lock_rel"); if (perf_lock_rel == NULL) { ALOGE("%s: Perf lock Release NULL", __func__); dlclose(qcopt_handle); qcopt_handle = NULL; ret = -EINVAL; goto err; } ALOGD("%s: Perf lock handles Success", __func__); } } err: return ret; } void audio_extn_perf_lock_acquire(void) { if (perf_lock_acq) { perf_lock_handle = perf_lock_acq(perf_lock_handle, 0, perf_lock_opts, 3); ALOGV("%s: Perf lock acquired", __func__); } else { ALOGE("%s: Perf lock acquire error", __func__); } } void audio_extn_perf_lock_release(void) { if (perf_lock_rel && perf_lock_handle) { perf_lock_rel(perf_lock_handle); perf_lock_handle = 0; ALOGV("%s: Perf lock released", __func__); } else { ALOGE("%s: Perf lock release error", __func__); } } #endif /* KPI_OPTIMIZE_ENABLED */