 *  Copyright 2005-2016 Broadcom Corporation
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.

 *  This file contains compile-time configurable constants for advanced
 *  audio/video

#include <stddef.h>

#include "bt_common.h"
#include "bt_target.h"
#include "bta_api.h"
#include "bta_av_int.h"



const uint32_t bta_av_meta_caps_co_ids[] = {AVRC_CO_METADATA, AVRC_CO_BROADCOM};

/* AVRCP supported categories */

/* AVRCP Controller and Targer default name */
#define BTA_AV_RC_CT_NAME "AVRC Controller"

#define BTA_AV_RC_TG_NAME "AVRC Target"

/* Added to modify
 *	1. flush timeout
 *	2. Remove Group navigation support in SupportedFeatures
 *	3. GetCapabilities supported event_ids list
 *	4. GetCapabilities supported event_ids count
/* Flushing partial avdtp packets can cause some headsets to disconnect the link
   if receiving partial a2dp frames */
const uint16_t bta_av_audio_flush_to[] = {
    0, /* 1 stream */
    0, /* 2 streams */
    0, /* 3 streams */
    0, /* 4 streams */
    0  /* 5 streams */
};     /* AVDTP audio transport channel flush timeout */

/* Note: Android doesnt support AVRC_SUPF_TG_GROUP_NAVI  */
/* Note: if AVRC_SUPF_TG_GROUP_NAVI is set, bta_av_cfg.avrc_group should be true
#define BTA_AV_RC_SUPF_TG                          \

 * If the number of event IDs is changed in this array, BTA_AV_NUM_RC_EVT_IDS
 * also needs to be changed.
const uint8_t bta_av_meta_caps_evt_ids[] = {
    /* TODO: Add support for these events

  (sizeof(bta_av_meta_caps_evt_ids) / sizeof(bta_av_meta_caps_evt_ids[0]))
#endif /* BTA_AV_NUM_RC_EVT_IDS */

const uint8_t bta_avk_meta_caps_evt_ids[] = {

  (sizeof(bta_avk_meta_caps_evt_ids) / sizeof(bta_avk_meta_caps_evt_ids[0]))
#endif /* BTA_AVK_NUM_RC_EVT_IDS */

// These are the only events used with AVRCP1.3
const uint8_t bta_av_meta_caps_evt_ids_avrcp13[] = {

#define BTA_AV_NUM_RC_EVT_IDS_AVRCP13         \
  (sizeof(bta_av_meta_caps_evt_ids_avrcp13) / \

/* the MTU for the AVRCP browsing channel */
#define BTA_AV_MAX_RC_BR_MTU 1008

/* This configuration to be used when we are Src + TG + CT( only for abs vol) */
const tBTA_AV_CFG bta_av_cfg = {
    BTA_AV_RC_COMP_ID,     /* AVRCP Company ID */
    512,                   /* AVRCP MTU at L2CAP for control channel */
    BTA_AV_MAX_RC_BR_MTU,  /* AVRCP MTU at L2CAP for browsing channel */
    BTA_AV_RC_SUPF_CT,     /* AVRCP controller categories */
    BTA_AV_RC_SUPF_TG,     /* AVRCP target categories */
    672,                   /* AVDTP signaling channel MTU at L2CAP */
    BTA_AV_MAX_A2DP_MTU,   /* AVDTP audio transport channel MTU at L2CAP */
    bta_av_audio_flush_to, /* AVDTP audio transport channel flush
                              timeout */
    6,                     /* AVDTP audio channel max data queue size */
    false, /* true, to accept AVRC 1.3 group nevigation command */
    2,     /* company id count in p_meta_co_ids */
    BTA_AV_NUM_RC_EVT_IDS,    /* event id count in p_meta_evt_ids */
    BTA_AV_RC_PASS_RSP_CODE,  /* the default response code for pass
                                 through commands */
    bta_av_meta_caps_co_ids,  /* the metadata Get Capabilities response
                                 for company id */
    bta_av_meta_caps_evt_ids, /* the the metadata Get Capabilities
                                 response for event id */
    NULL,                     /* the action function table for audio stream */
    BTA_AV_RC_CT_NAME,        /* Default AVRCP controller name */
    BTA_AV_RC_TG_NAME         /* Default AVRCP target name */

/* This configuration to be used when we are Sink + CT + TG( only for abs vol)
const tBTA_AV_CFG bta_avk_cfg = {
    AVRC_CO_METADATA,      /* AVRCP Company ID */
    512,                   /* AVRCP MTU at L2CAP for control channel */
    BTA_AV_MAX_RC_BR_MTU,  /* AVRCP MTU at L2CAP for browsing channel */
    BTA_AVK_RC_SUPF_CT,    /* AVRCP controller categories */
    BTA_AVK_RC_SUPF_TG,    /* AVRCP target categories */
    672,                   /* AVDTP signaling channel MTU at L2CAP */
    BTA_AV_MAX_A2DP_MTU,   /* AVDTP audio transport channel MTU at L2CAP */
    bta_av_audio_flush_to, /* AVDTP audio transport channel flush timeout */
    6,                     /* AVDTP audio channel max data queue size */
    false, /* true, to accept AVRC 1.3 group nevigation command */
    2,     /* company id count in p_meta_co_ids */
    BTA_AVK_NUM_RC_EVT_IDS,    /* event id count in p_meta_evt_ids */
    BTA_AV_RC_PASS_RSP_CODE,   /* the default response code for pass
                                  through commands */
    bta_av_meta_caps_co_ids,   /* the metadata Get Capabilities response
                                  for company id */
    bta_avk_meta_caps_evt_ids, /* the the metadata Get Capabilities
                                  response for event id */
    NULL,                      /* the action function table for audio stream */
    {0},                       /* Default AVRCP controller name */
    {0},                       /* Default AVRCP target name */

/* This configuration to be used when we are using AVRCP1.3 */
const tBTA_AV_CFG bta_av_cfg_compatibility = {
    BTA_AV_RC_COMP_ID,     /* AVRCP Company ID */
    512,                   /* AVRCP MTU at L2CAP for control channel */
    BTA_AV_MAX_RC_BR_MTU,  /* AVRCP MTU at L2CAP for browsing channel */
    BTA_AV_RC_SUPF_CT,     /* AVRCP controller categories */
    AVRC_SUPF_TG_CAT1,     /* Only support CAT1 for AVRCP1.3 */
    672,                   /* AVDTP signaling channel MTU at L2CAP */
    BTA_AV_MAX_A2DP_MTU,   /* AVDTP audio transport channel MTU at L2CAP */
    bta_av_audio_flush_to, /* AVDTP audio transport channel flush timeout */
    6,                     /* AVDTP audio channel max data queue size */
    false, /* true, to accept AVRC 1.3 group nevigation command */
    2,     /* company id count in p_meta_co_ids */
    BTA_AV_NUM_RC_EVT_IDS_AVRCP13,    /* event id count for AVRCP1.3 */
    BTA_AV_RC_PASS_RSP_CODE,          /* the default response code for pass
                                         through commands */
    bta_av_meta_caps_co_ids,          /* the metadata Get Capabilities response
                                         for company id */
    bta_av_meta_caps_evt_ids_avrcp13, /* the the metadata Get Capabilities
                                         response for event id, compatible
                                         with AVRCP1.3 */
    NULL,              /* the action function table for audio stream */
    BTA_AV_RC_CT_NAME, /* Default AVRCP controller name */
    BTA_AV_RC_TG_NAME  /* Default AVRCP target name */

const tBTA_AV_CFG* p_bta_av_cfg = NULL;

const uint16_t bta_av_rc_id[] = {
    0x0000, /* bit mask: 0=SELECT, 1=UP, 2=DOWN, 3=LEFT,
                         4=RIGHT, 5=RIGHT_UP, 6=RIGHT_DOWN, 7=LEFT_UP,
                         8=LEFT_DOWN, 9=ROOT_MENU, 10=SETUP_MENU, 11=CONT_MENU,
                         12=FAV_MENU, 13=EXIT */

    0, /* not used */

    0x0000, /* bit mask: 0=0, 1=1, 2=2, 3=3,
                         4=4, 5=5, 6=6, 7=7,
                         8=8, 9=9, 10=DOT, 11=ENTER,
                         12=CLEAR */

    0x0000, /* bit mask: 0=CHAN_UP, 1=CHAN_DOWN, 2=PREV_CHAN, 3=SOUND_SEL,
                         4=INPUT_SEL, 5=DISP_INFO, 6=HELP, 7=PAGE_UP,
                         8=PAGE_DOWN */

/* btui_app provides an example of how to leave the decision of rejecting a
 command or not
 * based on which media player is currently addressed (this is only applicable
 for AVRCP 1.4 or later)
 * If the decision is per player for a particular rc_id, the related bit is
 clear (not set)
 * bit mask: 0=POWER, 1=VOL_UP, 2=VOL_DOWN, 3=MUTE, 4=PLAY, 5=STOP,
             6=PAUSE, 7=RECORD, 8=REWIND, 9=FAST_FOR, 10=EJECT, 11=FORWARD,
             12=BACKWARD */
    0x0070, /* PLAY | STOP | PAUSE */
    0x1b7E, /* PLAY | STOP | PAUSE | FF | RW | VOL_UP | VOL_DOWN | MUTE | FW |
               BACK */
#endif /* BTA_AV_RC_PASS_RSP_CODE */

    0x0000, /* bit mask: 0=ANGLE, 1=SUBPICT */

    0, /* not used */

    0x0000 /* bit mask: 0=not used, 1=F1, 2=F2, 3=F3,
                        4=F4, 5=F5 */

const uint16_t bta_av_rc_id_ac[] = {
    0x0000, /* bit mask: 0=SELECT, 1=UP, 2=DOWN, 3=LEFT,
                         4=RIGHT, 5=RIGHT_UP, 6=RIGHT_DOWN,
                         8=LEFT_DOWN, 9=ROOT_MENU, 10=SETUP_MENU,
                         12=FAV_MENU, 13=EXIT */

    0, /* not used */

    0x0000, /* bit mask: 0=0, 1=1, 2=2, 3=3,
                         4=4, 5=5, 6=6, 7=7,
                         8=8, 9=9, 10=DOT, 11=ENTER,
                         12=CLEAR */

    0x0000, /* bit mask: 0=CHAN_UP, 1=CHAN_DOWN, 2=PREV_CHAN,
                         4=INPUT_SEL, 5=DISP_INFO, 6=HELP,
                         8=PAGE_DOWN */

    /* btui_app provides an example of how to leave the decision of
     * rejecting a command or not
     * based on which media player is currently addressed (this is
     * only applicable for AVRCP 1.4 or later)
     * If the decision is per player for a particular rc_id, the
     * related bit is set */
    0x1800, /* bit mask: 0=POWER, 1=VOL_UP, 2=VOL_DOWN, 3=MUTE,
                         4=PLAY, 5=STOP, 6=PAUSE, 7=RECORD,
                         8=REWIND, 9=FAST_FOR, 10=EJECT, 11=FORWARD,
                         12=BACKWARD */

    0x0000, /* bit mask: 0=ANGLE, 1=SUBPICT */

    0, /* not used */

    0x0000 /* bit mask: 0=not used, 1=F1, 2=F2, 3=F3,
                        4=F4, 5=F5 */
uint16_t* p_bta_av_rc_id_ac = (uint16_t*)bta_av_rc_id_ac;
uint16_t* p_bta_av_rc_id_ac = NULL;

uint16_t* p_bta_av_rc_id = (uint16_t*)bta_av_rc_id;