 * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#define FARF_MEDIUM 1

#include "ash/debug.h"
#include "HAP_farf.h"
#include "timer.h"

#include "chre/core/event_loop_manager.h"
#include "chre/core/host_comms_manager.h"
#include "chre/platform/fatal_error.h"
#include "chre/platform/log.h"
#include "chre/platform/memory.h"
#include "chre/platform/system_time.h"
#include "chre/platform/system_timer.h"
#include "chre/platform/shared/host_protocol_chre.h"
#include "chre/platform/slpi/fastrpc.h"
#include "chre/platform/slpi/power_control_util.h"
#include "chre/platform/slpi/nanoapp_load_manager.h"
#include "chre/platform/slpi/system_time.h"
#include "chre/util/fixed_size_blocking_queue.h"
#include "chre/util/macros.h"
#include "chre/util/unique_ptr.h"
#include "chre_api/chre/version.h"

#include <inttypes.h>
#include <limits.h>

using flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder;

namespace chre {

namespace {

constexpr size_t kOutboundQueueSize = 32;

//! The last time a time sync request message has been sent.
//! TODO: Make this a member of HostLinkBase
Nanoseconds gLastTimeSyncRequestNanos(0);

//! Used to pass the client ID through the user data pointer in deferCallback
union HostClientIdCallbackData {
  uint16_t hostClientId;
  void *ptr;
static_assert(sizeof(uint16_t) <= sizeof(void*),
              "Pointer must at least fit a u16 for passing the host client ID");

struct LoadNanoappCallbackData {
  uint64_t appId;
  uint32_t transactionId;
  uint16_t hostClientId;
  UniquePtr<Nanoapp> nanoapp;
  uint32_t fragmentId;

struct NanoappListData {
  FlatBufferBuilder *builder;
  DynamicVector<NanoappListEntryOffset> nanoappEntries;
  uint16_t hostClientId;

enum class PendingMessageType {

struct PendingMessage {
  PendingMessage(PendingMessageType msgType, uint16_t hostClientId) {
    type = msgType;
    data.hostClientId = hostClientId;

  PendingMessage(PendingMessageType msgType,
                 const MessageToHost *msgToHost = nullptr) {
    type = msgType;
    data.msgToHost = msgToHost;

  PendingMessage(PendingMessageType msgType, FlatBufferBuilder *builder) {
    type = msgType;
    data.builder = builder;

  PendingMessageType type;
  union {
    const MessageToHost *msgToHost;
    uint16_t hostClientId;
    FlatBufferBuilder *builder;
  } data;

struct UnloadNanoappCallbackData {
  uint64_t appId;
  uint32_t transactionId;
  uint16_t hostClientId;
  bool allowSystemNanoappUnload;

struct DebugDumpCallbackData {
  uint32_t dataCount;
  uint16_t hostClientId;
  bool success;

 * @see buildAndEnqueueMessage()
typedef void (MessageBuilderFunction)(FlatBufferBuilder& builder, void *cookie);

FixedSizeBlockingQueue<PendingMessage, kOutboundQueueSize>

int copyToHostBuffer(const FlatBufferBuilder& builder, unsigned char *buffer,
                     size_t bufferSize, unsigned int *messageLen) {
  uint8_t *data = builder.GetBufferPointer();
  size_t size = builder.GetSize();
  int result;

  if (size > bufferSize) {
    LOGE("Encoded structure size %zu too big for host buffer %zu; dropping",
         size, bufferSize);
    result = CHRE_FASTRPC_ERROR;
  } else {
    memcpy(buffer, data, size);
    *messageLen = size;

  return result;

 * Wrapper function to enqueue a message on the outbound message queue. All
 * outgoing message to the host must be called through this function.
 * @param message The message to send to host.
 * @return true if the message was successfully added to the queue.
bool enqueueMessage(PendingMessage message) {
  // Vote for big image temporarily when waking up the main thread waiting for
  // the message
  bool voteSuccess = slpiForceBigImage();
  bool success = gOutboundQueue.push(message);

  // Remove the vote only if we successfully made a big image transition
  if (voteSuccess) {

  return success;

 * Helper function that takes care of the boilerplate for allocating a
 * FlatBufferBuilder on the heap and adding it to the outbound message queue.
 * @param msgType Identifies the message while in the outboud queue
 * @param initialBufferSize Number of bytes to reserve when first allocating the
 *        FlatBufferBuilder
 * @param buildMsgFunc Synchronous callback used to encode the FlatBuffer
 *        message. Will not be invoked if allocation fails.
 * @param cookie Opaque pointer that will be passed through to buildMsgFunc
 * @return true if the message was successfully added to the queue
bool buildAndEnqueueMessage(PendingMessageType msgType,
                            size_t initialBufferSize,
                            MessageBuilderFunction *msgBuilder,
                            void *cookie) {
  bool pushed = false;

  auto builder = MakeUnique<FlatBufferBuilder>(initialBufferSize);
  if (builder.isNull()) {
    LOGE("Couldn't allocate memory for message type %d",
  } else {
    msgBuilder(*builder, cookie);

    // TODO: if this fails, ideally we should block for some timeout until
    // there's space in the queue
    if (!enqueueMessage(PendingMessage(msgType, builder.get()))) {
      LOGE("Couldn't push message type %d to outbound queue",
    } else {
      pushed = true;

  return pushed;

 * FlatBuffer message builder callback used with constructNanoappListCallback()
void buildNanoappListResponse(FlatBufferBuilder& builder, void *cookie) {
  auto nanoappAdderCallback = [](const Nanoapp *nanoapp, void *data) {
    auto *cbData = static_cast<NanoappListData *>(data);
        *(cbData->builder), cbData->nanoappEntries, nanoapp->getAppId(),
        nanoapp->getAppVersion(), true /*enabled*/,

  // Add a NanoappListEntry to the FlatBuffer for each nanoapp
  auto *cbData = static_cast<NanoappListData *>(cookie);
  cbData->builder = &builder;
  EventLoop& eventLoop = EventLoopManagerSingleton::get()->getEventLoop();
  eventLoop.forEachNanoapp(nanoappAdderCallback, cbData);
      builder, cbData->nanoappEntries, cbData->hostClientId);

void constructNanoappListCallback(uint16_t /*eventType*/, void *deferCbData) {
  HostClientIdCallbackData clientIdCbData;
  clientIdCbData.ptr = deferCbData;

  NanoappListData cbData = {};
  cbData.hostClientId = clientIdCbData.hostClientId;

  const EventLoop& eventLoop = EventLoopManagerSingleton::get()->getEventLoop();
  size_t expectedNanoappCount = eventLoop.getNanoappCount();
  if (!cbData.nanoappEntries.reserve(expectedNanoappCount)) {
  } else {
    constexpr size_t kFixedOverhead  = 48;
    constexpr size_t kPerNanoappSize = 32;
    size_t initialBufferSize =
        (kFixedOverhead + expectedNanoappCount * kPerNanoappSize);

                           initialBufferSize, buildNanoappListResponse,

void finishLoadingNanoappCallback(uint16_t /*eventType*/, void *data) {
  auto msgBuilder = [](FlatBufferBuilder& builder, void *cookie) {
    auto *cbData = static_cast<LoadNanoappCallbackData *>(cookie);

    EventLoop& eventLoop = EventLoopManagerSingleton::get()->getEventLoop();
    bool success =
        cbData->nanoapp->isLoaded() && eventLoop.startNanoapp(cbData->nanoapp);

        builder, cbData->hostClientId, cbData->transactionId,
        success, cbData->fragmentId);

  // Re-wrap the callback data struct, so it is destructed and freed, ensuring
  // we don't leak the embedded UniquePtr<Nanoapp>
  UniquePtr<LoadNanoappCallbackData> dataWrapped(
      static_cast<LoadNanoappCallbackData *>(data));
  constexpr size_t kInitialBufferSize = 48;
                         kInitialBufferSize, msgBuilder, data);

void handleUnloadNanoappCallback(uint16_t /*eventType*/, void *data) {
  auto msgBuilder = [](FlatBufferBuilder& builder, void *cookie) {
    auto *cbData = static_cast<UnloadNanoappCallbackData *>(cookie);

    bool success = false;
    uint32_t instanceId;
    EventLoop& eventLoop = EventLoopManagerSingleton::get()->getEventLoop();
    if (!eventLoop.findNanoappInstanceIdByAppId(cbData->appId, &instanceId)) {
      LOGE("Couldn't unload app ID 0x%016" PRIx64 ": not found", cbData->appId);
    } else {
      success = eventLoop.unloadNanoapp(instanceId,

        builder, cbData->hostClientId, cbData->transactionId, success);

  constexpr size_t kInitialBufferSize = 52;
                         kInitialBufferSize, msgBuilder, data);

int generateMessageToHost(const MessageToHost *msgToHost, unsigned char *buffer,
                          size_t bufferSize, unsigned int *messageLen) {
  // TODO: ideally we'd construct our flatbuffer directly in the
  // host-supplied buffer
  constexpr size_t kFixedSizePortion = 80;
  FlatBufferBuilder builder(msgToHost->message.size() + kFixedSizePortion);
    builder, msgToHost->appId, msgToHost->toHostData.messageType,
    msgToHost->toHostData.hostEndpoint, msgToHost->message.data(),

  int result = copyToHostBuffer(builder, buffer, bufferSize, messageLen);

  auto& hostCommsManager =

  return result;

int generateHubInfoResponse(uint16_t hostClientId, unsigned char *buffer,
                            size_t bufferSize, unsigned int *messageLen) {
  constexpr size_t kInitialBufferSize = 192;

  constexpr char kHubName[] = "CHRE on SLPI";
  constexpr char kVendor[] = "Google";
  constexpr char kToolchain[] = "Hexagon Tools 8.x (clang "
    STRINGIFY(__clang_major__) "."
    STRINGIFY(__clang_minor__) "."
    STRINGIFY(__clang_patchlevel__) ")";
  constexpr uint32_t kLegacyPlatformVersion = 0;
  constexpr uint32_t kLegacyToolchainVersion =
    ((__clang_major__ & 0xFF) << 24) |
    ((__clang_minor__ & 0xFF) << 16) |
    (__clang_patchlevel__ & 0xFFFF);
  constexpr float kPeakMips = 350;
  constexpr float kStoppedPower = 0;
  constexpr float kSleepPower = 1;
  constexpr float kPeakPower = 15;

  // Note that this may execute prior to EventLoopManager::lateInit() completing
  FlatBufferBuilder builder(kInitialBufferSize);
      builder, kHubName, kVendor, kToolchain, kLegacyPlatformVersion,
      kLegacyToolchainVersion, kPeakMips, kStoppedPower, kSleepPower,
      kPeakPower, CHRE_MESSAGE_TO_HOST_MAX_SIZE, chreGetPlatformId(),
      chreGetVersion(), hostClientId);

  return copyToHostBuffer(builder, buffer, bufferSize, messageLen);

int generateMessageFromBuilder(
    FlatBufferBuilder *builder, unsigned char *buffer, size_t bufferSize,
    unsigned int *messageLen) {
  CHRE_ASSERT(builder != nullptr);
  int result = copyToHostBuffer(*builder, buffer, bufferSize, messageLen);
  return result;

void sendDebugDumpData(uint16_t hostClientId, const char *debugStr,
                       size_t debugStrSize) {
  struct DebugDumpMessageData {
    uint16_t hostClientId;
    const char *debugStr;
    size_t debugStrSize;

  auto msgBuilder = [](FlatBufferBuilder& builder, void *cookie) {
    const auto *data = static_cast<const DebugDumpMessageData *>(cookie);
        builder, data->hostClientId, data->debugStr, data->debugStrSize);

  constexpr size_t kFixedSizePortion = 52;
  DebugDumpMessageData data;
  data.hostClientId = hostClientId;
  data.debugStr     = debugStr;
  data.debugStrSize = debugStrSize;
                         kFixedSizePortion + debugStrSize, msgBuilder, &data);

void sendDebugDumpResponse(DebugDumpCallbackData *data) {
  auto msgBuilder = [](FlatBufferBuilder& builder, void *cookie) {
    const auto *cbData = static_cast<const DebugDumpCallbackData *>(cookie);
        builder, cbData->hostClientId, cbData->success, cbData->dataCount);

  constexpr size_t kInitialSize = 52;
  buildAndEnqueueMessage(PendingMessageType::DebugDumpResponse, kInitialSize,
                         msgBuilder, data);

 * @see ashDebugDumpReadyCbFunc
void onDebugDumpDataReady(void *cookie, const char *debugStr,
                          size_t debugStrSize, bool complete) {
  auto *cbData = static_cast<DebugDumpCallbackData *>(cookie);
  if (debugStrSize > 0) {
    sendDebugDumpData(cbData->hostClientId, debugStr, debugStrSize);

  if (complete) {

    // This needs to persist across multiple calls

void sendFragmentResponse(
    uint16_t hostClientId, uint32_t transactionId, uint32_t fragmentId,
    bool success) {
  struct FragmentedLoadInfoResponse {
    uint16_t hostClientId;
    uint32_t transactionId;
    uint32_t fragmentId;
    bool success;

  auto msgBuilder = [](FlatBufferBuilder& builder, void *cookie) {
    auto *cbData = static_cast<FragmentedLoadInfoResponse *>(cookie);
        builder, cbData->hostClientId, cbData->transactionId,
        cbData->success, cbData->fragmentId);

  FragmentedLoadInfoResponse response = {
    .hostClientId = hostClientId,
    .transactionId = transactionId,
    .fragmentId = fragmentId,
    .success = success,
  constexpr size_t kInitialBufferSize = 48;
                         kInitialBufferSize, msgBuilder, &response);

 * Sends a request to the host for a time sync message.
void sendTimeSyncRequest() {
  auto msgBuilder = [](FlatBufferBuilder& builder, void *cookie) {

  constexpr size_t kInitialSize = 52;
  buildAndEnqueueMessage(PendingMessageType::TimeSyncRequest, kInitialSize,
                         msgBuilder, nullptr);

  gLastTimeSyncRequestNanos = SystemTime::getMonotonicTime();

void setTimeSyncRequestTimer(Nanoseconds delay) {
  static SystemTimer sTimeSyncRequestTimer;
  static bool sTimeSyncRequestTimerInitialized = false;

  // Check for timer init since this method might be called before CHRE
  // init is called.
  if (!sTimeSyncRequestTimerInitialized) {
    if (!sTimeSyncRequestTimer.init()) {
      FATAL_ERROR("Failed to initialize time sync request timer.");
    } else {
      sTimeSyncRequestTimerInitialized = true;
  if (sTimeSyncRequestTimer.isActive()) {
  auto callback = [](void* /* data */) {
  if (!sTimeSyncRequestTimer.set(callback, nullptr /* data */, delay)) {
    LOGE("Failed to set time sync request timer.");

 * FastRPC method invoked by the host to block on messages
 * @param buffer Output buffer to populate with message data
 * @param bufferLen Size of the buffer, in bytes
 * @param messageLen Output parameter to populate with the size of the message
 *        in bytes upon success
 * @return 0 on success, nonzero on failure
extern "C" int chre_slpi_get_message_to_host(
    unsigned char *buffer, int bufferLen, unsigned int *messageLen) {
  CHRE_ASSERT(buffer != nullptr);
  CHRE_ASSERT(bufferLen > 0);
  CHRE_ASSERT(messageLen != nullptr);
  int result = CHRE_FASTRPC_ERROR;

  if (bufferLen <= 0 || buffer == nullptr || messageLen == nullptr) {
    // Note that we can't use regular logs here as they can result in sending
    // a message, leading to an infinite loop if the error is persistent
    FARF(FATAL, "Invalid buffer size %d or bad pointers (buf %d len %d)",
         bufferLen, (buffer == nullptr), (messageLen == nullptr));
  } else {
    size_t bufferSize = static_cast<size_t>(bufferLen);
    PendingMessage pendingMsg = gOutboundQueue.pop();

    switch (pendingMsg.type) {
      case PendingMessageType::Shutdown:

      case PendingMessageType::NanoappMessageToHost:
        result = generateMessageToHost(pendingMsg.data.msgToHost, buffer,
                                       bufferSize, messageLen);

      case PendingMessageType::HubInfoResponse:
        result = generateHubInfoResponse(pendingMsg.data.hostClientId, buffer,
                                         bufferSize, messageLen);

      case PendingMessageType::NanoappListResponse:
      case PendingMessageType::LoadNanoappResponse:
      case PendingMessageType::UnloadNanoappResponse:
      case PendingMessageType::DebugDumpData:
      case PendingMessageType::DebugDumpResponse:
      case PendingMessageType::TimeSyncRequest:
      case PendingMessageType::LowPowerMicAccessRequest:
      case PendingMessageType::LowPowerMicAccessRelease:
        result = generateMessageFromBuilder(pendingMsg.data.builder,
                                            buffer, bufferSize, messageLen);

        CHRE_ASSERT_LOG(false, "Unexpected pending message type");

  // Opportunistically send a time sync message (1 hour period threshold)
  constexpr Seconds kOpportunisticTimeSyncPeriod = Seconds(60 * 60 * 1);
  if (SystemTime::getMonotonicTime() >
      gLastTimeSyncRequestNanos + kOpportunisticTimeSyncPeriod) {

  return result;

 * FastRPC method invoked by the host to send a message to the system
 * @param buffer
 * @param size
 * @return 0 on success, nonzero on failure
extern "C" int chre_slpi_deliver_message_from_host(const unsigned char *message,
                                                   int messageLen) {
  CHRE_ASSERT(message != nullptr);
  CHRE_ASSERT(messageLen > 0);
  int result = CHRE_FASTRPC_ERROR;

  if (message == nullptr || messageLen <= 0) {
    LOGE("Got null or invalid size (%d) message from host", messageLen);
  } else if (!HostProtocolChre::decodeMessageFromHost(
      message, static_cast<size_t>(messageLen))) {
    LOGE("Failed to decode/handle message");
  } else {

  return result;

}  // anonymous namespace

void HostLink::flushMessagesSentByNanoapp(uint64_t /*appId*/) {
  // TODO: this is not completely safe since it's timer-based, but should work
  // well enough for the initial implementation. To be fully safe, we'd need
  // some synchronization with the thread that runs
  // chre_slpi_get_message_to_host(), e.g. a mutex that is held by that thread
  // prior to calling pop() and only released after onMessageToHostComplete
  // would've been called. If we acquire that mutex here, and hold it while
  // purging any messages sent by the nanoapp in the queue, we can be certain
  // that onMessageToHostComplete will not be called after this function returns
  // for messages sent by that nanoapp

  // One extra sleep to try to ensure that any messages popped just before
  // checking empty() are fully processed before we return
  constexpr time_timetick_type kFinalDelayUsec = 10000;
  timer_sleep(kFinalDelayUsec, T_USEC, true /* non_deferrable */);

bool HostLink::sendMessage(const MessageToHost *message) {
  return enqueueMessage(
      PendingMessage(PendingMessageType::NanoappMessageToHost, message));

bool HostLinkBase::flushOutboundQueue() {
  // This function is used in preFatalError() so it must never call FATAL_ERROR
  int waitCount = 5;

  FARF(MEDIUM, "Draining message queue");
  while (!gOutboundQueue.empty() && waitCount-- > 0) {
    timer_sleep(kPollingIntervalUsec, T_USEC, true /* non_deferrable */);

  return (waitCount >= 0);

void HostLinkBase::shutdown() {
  // Push a null message so the blocking call in chre_slpi_get_message_to_host()
  // returns and the host can exit cleanly. If the queue is full, try again to
  // avoid getting stuck (no other new messages should be entering the queue at
  // this time). Don't wait too long as the host-side binary may have died in
  // a state where it's not blocked in chre_slpi_get_message_to_host().
  int retryCount = 5;
  FARF(MEDIUM, "Shutting down host link");
  while (!enqueueMessage(PendingMessage(PendingMessageType::Shutdown))
         && --retryCount > 0) {
    timer_sleep(kPollingIntervalUsec, T_USEC, true /* non_deferrable */);

  if (retryCount <= 0) {
    // Don't use LOGE, as it may involve trying to send a message
    FARF(ERROR, "No room in outbound queue for shutdown message and host not "
         "draining queue!");
  } else {
    // We were able to push the shutdown message. Wait for the queue to
    // completely flush before returning.
    if (!flushOutboundQueue()) {
      FARF(ERROR, "Host took too long to drain outbound queue; exiting anyway");
    } else {
      FARF(MEDIUM, "Finished draining queue");

void sendAudioRequest() {
  auto msgBuilder = [](FlatBufferBuilder& builder, void *cookie) {

  constexpr size_t kInitialSize = 32;
                         kInitialSize, msgBuilder, nullptr);

void sendAudioRelease() {
  auto msgBuilder = [](FlatBufferBuilder& builder, void *cookie) {

  constexpr size_t kInitialSize = 32;
                         kInitialSize, msgBuilder, nullptr);

void HostMessageHandlers::handleNanoappMessage(
    uint64_t appId, uint32_t messageType, uint16_t hostEndpoint,
    const void *messageData, size_t messageDataLen) {
  LOGD("Parsed nanoapp message from host: app ID 0x%016" PRIx64 ", endpoint "
       "0x%" PRIx16 ", msgType %" PRIu32 ", payload size %zu",
       appId, hostEndpoint, messageType, messageDataLen);

  HostCommsManager& manager =
      appId, messageType, hostEndpoint, messageData, messageDataLen);

void HostMessageHandlers::handleHubInfoRequest(uint16_t hostClientId) {
  // We generate the response in the context of chre_slpi_get_message_to_host
  LOGD("Got hub info request from client ID %" PRIu16, hostClientId);
      PendingMessageType::HubInfoResponse, hostClientId));

void HostMessageHandlers::handleNanoappListRequest(uint16_t hostClientId) {
  LOGD("Got nanoapp list request from client ID %" PRIu16, hostClientId);
  HostClientIdCallbackData cbData = {};
  cbData.hostClientId = hostClientId;
      SystemCallbackType::NanoappListResponse, cbData.ptr,

void HostMessageHandlers::handleLoadNanoappRequest(
    uint16_t hostClientId, uint32_t transactionId, uint64_t appId,
    uint32_t appVersion, uint32_t targetApiVersion, const void *buffer,
    size_t bufferLen, uint32_t fragmentId, size_t appBinaryLen) {
  static NanoappLoadManager sLoadManager;

  LOGD("Got load nanoapp request (client %" PRIu16 " txnId %" PRIu32
       " fragment %" PRIu32 ") for appId 0x%016" PRIx64 " version 0x%"
       PRIx32 " target API version 0x%08" PRIx32 " size %zu",
       hostClientId, transactionId, fragmentId, appId, appVersion,
       targetApiVersion, bufferLen);

  bool success = true;
  if (fragmentId == 0 || fragmentId == 1) { // first fragment
    if (sLoadManager.hasPendingLoadTransaction()) {
      FragmentedLoadInfo info = sLoadManager.getTransactionInfo();
          info.hostClientId, info.transactionId, 0 /* fragmentId */,
          false /* success */);

    size_t totalAppBinaryLen = (fragmentId == 0) ? bufferLen : appBinaryLen;
    success = sLoadManager.prepareForLoad(
        hostClientId, transactionId, appId, appVersion, totalAppBinaryLen);
  success &= sLoadManager.copyNanoappFragment(
      hostClientId, transactionId, (fragmentId == 0) ? 1 : fragmentId, buffer,

  if (!sLoadManager.isLoadComplete()) {
    sendFragmentResponse(hostClientId, transactionId, fragmentId, success);
  } else {
    UniquePtr<Nanoapp> nanoapp = sLoadManager.releaseNanoapp();
    auto cbData = MakeUnique<LoadNanoappCallbackData>();
    if (cbData.isNull()) {
    } else {
      cbData->transactionId = transactionId;
      cbData->hostClientId  = hostClientId;
      cbData->appId = appId;
      cbData->fragmentId = fragmentId;
      cbData->nanoapp = std::move(nanoapp);

      // Note that if this fails, we'll generate the error response in
      // the normal deferred callback
          SystemCallbackType::FinishLoadingNanoapp, cbData.release(),

void HostMessageHandlers::handleUnloadNanoappRequest(
    uint16_t hostClientId, uint32_t transactionId, uint64_t appId,
    bool allowSystemNanoappUnload) {
  LOGD("Got unload nanoapp request (txnID %" PRIu32 ") for appId 0x%016" PRIx64
       " system %d", transactionId, appId, allowSystemNanoappUnload);
  auto *cbData = memoryAlloc<UnloadNanoappCallbackData>();
  if (cbData == nullptr) {
    LOGE("Couldn't allocate unload nanoapp callback data");
  } else {
    cbData->appId = appId;
    cbData->transactionId = transactionId;
    cbData->hostClientId = hostClientId;
    cbData->allowSystemNanoappUnload = allowSystemNanoappUnload;

        SystemCallbackType::HandleUnloadNanoapp, cbData,

void HostMessageHandlers::handleTimeSyncMessage(int64_t offset) {

  // Schedule a time sync request since offset may drift
  constexpr Seconds kClockDriftTimeSyncPeriod = Seconds(60 * 60 * 6); // 6 hours

void HostMessageHandlers::handleDebugDumpRequest(uint16_t hostClientId) {
  auto *cbData = memoryAlloc<DebugDumpCallbackData>();
  if (cbData == nullptr) {
    LOGE("Couldn't allocate debug dump callback data");
  } else {
    cbData->hostClientId = hostClientId;
    cbData->dataCount = 0;
    cbData->success = ashTriggerDebugDump(onDebugDumpDataReady, cbData);

    if (!cbData->success) {
      LOGE("Couldn't post callback to complete debug dump");

}  // namespace chre