/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <algorithm> #include <cinttypes> #include "chre/platform/platform_sensor.h" extern "C" { #include "fixed_point.h" #include "sns_smgr_api_v01.h" #include "sns_smgr_internal_api_v02.h" #include "sns_usmr.h" #include "timetick.h" } // extern "C" #include "chre_api/chre/sensor.h" #include "chre/core/event_loop_manager.h" #include "chre/core/sensor.h" #include "chre/platform/assert.h" #include "chre/platform/fatal_error.h" #include "chre/platform/log.h" #include "chre/platform/shared/platform_sensor_util.h" #include "chre/platform/slpi/uimg_util.h" #include "chre/platform/slpi/smgr/platform_sensor_util.h" #include "chre/platform/slpi/smgr/smgr_client.h" #include "chre/platform/slpi/smgr/smr_helper.h" #include "chre/platform/system_time.h" #include "chre/util/macros.h" #ifdef CHREX_SENSOR_SUPPORT #include "chre/extensions/platform/slpi/smgr/platform_sensor_util.h" #include "chrex_variant_smgr_sensor_id.h" #endif // CHREX_SENSOR_SUPPORT // As SMGR doesn't support passive sensor request, it's now implemented on the // client (CHRE) side using a combination of the SNS_SMGR_INTERNAL_API_V02 and a // modified SNS_SMGR_API_V01. // // Here's a summary of its design: // 1. A sensor status monitor is added in addSensorMonitor() to receive the // SNS_SMGR_SENSOR_STATUS_MONITOR_IND_V02 message the first time a sensor is // requested. // 2. When a request is made in PlatformSensor::applyRequest(), it checkes // whether it's allowed at that point and makes a corresponding QMI request. // 1) The request is allowed if // - it's an active or an off request, or // - it's a passive request and the merged mode (to be explained // shortly) is active or there exist other SMGR clients. // 2) If the request is allowed, a QMI request to add the sensor request is // made. Otherwise, a QMI request to remove the sensor request is made to // handle the potential active-and-allowed to passive-and-disallowed // transition. // 3) The merged mode of a sensor is the strongest mode of all sensor // requests of the same sensor ID, with active > passive > off. // 3. When SNS_SMGR_SENSOR_STATUS_MONITOR_IND_V02 from SMGR is received, a // SNS_SMGR_CLIENT_REQUEST_INFO_REQ_V01 message is sent to query SMGR on the // existence of other clients. // - If a transition from absence-to-presence of other clients is detected, // all pending passive requests are made. // - If a transition from presence-to-absence of other clients is deteted, // all passive requests are removed if the merged mode is passive. // // Note that currently the sensor status monitor indication only supports // primary sensor status change. So for a secondary sensor that can be requested // without an accompanying primary sensor (Light), this design doesn't work. // In PlatformSensor::applyRequest(), a passive Light sensor request is // overridden to be an active one. namespace chre { namespace { //! The constant used to convert from SMGR to Android unit for magnetometer. constexpr float kMicroTeslaPerGauss = 100.0f; //! The maximum number of CHRE sensors that share the same SMGR sensor ID. constexpr size_t kMaxNumSensorsPerSensorId = 3; //! The value to override a default interval request. constexpr uint64_t kDefaultInterval = Seconds(1).toRawNanoseconds(); //! The offset in nanoseconds each 32-bit tick rollover introduces in timestamp constexpr uint64_t kTickRolloverOffset = ((1ULL << 32) * Seconds(1).toRawNanoseconds()) / TIMETICK_NOMINAL_FREQ_HZ; smr_client_hndl gPlatformSensorServiceSmrClientHandle; smr_client_hndl gPlatformSensorInternalServiceSmrClientHandle; //! A struct to store the number of SMGR clients of a sensor ID. struct SensorMonitor { uint8_t sensorId; bool otherClientPresent; }; //! A vector that tracks the SensorMonitor of each supported sensor ID. DynamicVector<SensorMonitor> gSensorMonitors; //! Forward declarations bool makeAllPendingRequests(uint8_t sensorId); bool removeAllPassiveRequests(uint8_t sensorId); /** * Obtains the element index of gSensorMonitors that corresponds to the * specified sensor ID. If it's not present, gSensorMonitors.size() is returned. * * @return The index of the element that belongs to sensorId. */ size_t getSensorMonitorIndex(uint8_t sensorId) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < gSensorMonitors.size(); i++) { if (gSensorMonitors[i].sensorId == sensorId) { break; } } return i; } /** * Converts a sensorId, dataType and calType as provided by SMGR to a * SensorType as used by platform-independent CHRE code. This is useful in * sensor discovery. * * @param sensorId The sensorID as provided by the SMGR request for sensor info. * @param dataType The dataType for the sesnor as provided by the SMGR request * for sensor info. * @param calType The calibration type (CAL_SEL) as defined in the SMGR API. * @return Returns the platform-independent sensor type or Unknown if no * match is found. */ SensorType getSensorTypeFromSensorId(uint8_t sensorId, uint8_t dataType, uint8_t calType) { // Here be dragons. These constants below are defined in // sns_smgr_common_v01.h. Refer to the section labelled "Define sensor // identifier" for more details. This function relies on the ordering of // constants provided by their API. Do not change these values without care. // You have been warned! if (dataType == SNS_SMGR_DATA_TYPE_PRIMARY_V01) { if (sensorId >= SNS_SMGR_ID_ACCEL_V01 && sensorId < SNS_SMGR_ID_GYRO_V01) { if (calType == SNS_SMGR_CAL_SEL_FULL_CAL_V01) { return SensorType::Accelerometer; } else if (calType == SNS_SMGR_CAL_SEL_FACTORY_CAL_V01) { return SensorType::UncalibratedAccelerometer; } } else if (sensorId >= SNS_SMGR_ID_GYRO_V01 && sensorId < SNS_SMGR_ID_MAG_V01) { if (calType == SNS_SMGR_CAL_SEL_FULL_CAL_V01) { return SensorType::Gyroscope; } else if (calType == SNS_SMGR_CAL_SEL_FACTORY_CAL_V01) { return SensorType::UncalibratedGyroscope; } } else if (sensorId >= SNS_SMGR_ID_MAG_V01 && sensorId < SNS_SMGR_ID_PRESSURE_V01) { if (calType == SNS_SMGR_CAL_SEL_FULL_CAL_V01) { return SensorType::GeomagneticField; } else if (calType == SNS_SMGR_CAL_SEL_FACTORY_CAL_V01) { return SensorType::UncalibratedGeomagneticField; } } else if (sensorId >= SNS_SMGR_ID_PRESSURE_V01 && sensorId < SNS_SMGR_ID_PROX_LIGHT_V01) { return SensorType::Pressure; } else if (sensorId >= SNS_SMGR_ID_PROX_LIGHT_V01 && sensorId < SNS_SMGR_ID_HUMIDITY_V01) { return SensorType::Proximity; } else if (sensorId == SNS_SMGR_ID_OEM_SENSOR_09_V01) { return SensorType::StationaryDetect; } else if (sensorId == SNS_SMGR_ID_OEM_SENSOR_10_V01) { return SensorType::InstantMotion; #ifdef CHREX_SENSOR_SUPPORT } else if (sensorId == CHREX_VENDOR_TYPE0_SENSOR_ID) { return SensorType::VendorType0; #endif // CHREX_SENSOR_SUPPORT } } else if (dataType == SNS_SMGR_DATA_TYPE_SECONDARY_V01) { if (sensorId >= SNS_SMGR_ID_ACCEL_V01 && sensorId < SNS_SMGR_ID_GYRO_V01) { return SensorType::AccelerometerTemperature; } else if (sensorId >= SNS_SMGR_ID_GYRO_V01 && sensorId < SNS_SMGR_ID_MAG_V01) { return SensorType::GyroscopeTemperature; } else if ((sensorId >= SNS_SMGR_ID_PROX_LIGHT_V01 && sensorId < SNS_SMGR_ID_HUMIDITY_V01) || (sensorId >= SNS_SMGR_ID_ULTRA_VIOLET_V01 && sensorId < SNS_SMGR_ID_OBJECT_TEMP_V01)) { return SensorType::Light; } } return SensorType::Unknown; } /** * Converts a reportId as provided by SMGR to a SensorType. * * @param reportId The reportID as provided by the SMGR buffering index. * @return Returns the sensorType that corresponds to the reportId. */ SensorType getSensorTypeFromReportId(uint8_t reportId) { SensorType sensorType; if (reportId < static_cast<uint8_t>(SensorType::SENSOR_TYPE_COUNT)) { sensorType = static_cast<SensorType>(reportId); } else { sensorType = SensorType::Unknown; } return sensorType; } /** * Converts a PlatformSensor to a unique report ID through SensorType. This is * useful in making sensor request. * * @param sensorId The sensorID as provided by the SMGR request for sensor info. * @param dataType The dataType for the sesnor as provided by the SMGR request * for sensor info. * @param calType The calibration type (CAL_SEL) as defined in the SMGR API. * @return Returns a unique report ID that is based on SensorType. */ uint8_t getReportId(uint8_t sensorId, uint8_t dataType, uint8_t calType) { SensorType sensorType = getSensorTypeFromSensorId( sensorId, dataType, calType); CHRE_ASSERT_LOG(sensorType != SensorType::Unknown, "sensorId %" PRIu8 ", dataType %" PRIu8 ", calType %" PRIu8, sensorId, dataType, calType); return static_cast<uint8_t>(sensorType); } /** * Checks whether the corresponding sensor is a sencondary temperature sensor. * * @param reportId The reportID as provided by the SMGR buffering index. * @return true if the sensor is a secondary temperature sensor. */ bool isSecondaryTemperature(uint8_t reportId) { SensorType sensorType = getSensorTypeFromReportId(reportId); return (sensorType == SensorType::AccelerometerTemperature || sensorType == SensorType::GyroscopeTemperature); } /** * Verifies whether the buffering index's report ID matches the expected * indices length. * * @return true if it's a valid pair of indices length and report ID. */ bool isValidIndicesLength( const sns_smgr_buffering_ind_msg_v01& bufferingIndMsg) { return ((bufferingIndMsg.Indices_len == 1 && !isSecondaryTemperature(bufferingIndMsg.ReportId)) || (bufferingIndMsg.Indices_len == 2 && isSecondaryTemperature(bufferingIndMsg.ReportId))); } /** * Allocates memory and specifies the memory size for an on-change sensor to * store its last data event. * * @param sensorType The sensorType of this sensor. * @param eventSize A non-null pointer to indicate the memory size allocated. * @return Pointer to the memory allocated. */ ChreSensorData *allocateLastEvent(SensorType sensorType, size_t *eventSize) { CHRE_ASSERT(eventSize); *eventSize = 0; ChreSensorData *event = nullptr; if (sensorTypeIsOnChange(sensorType)) { SensorSampleType sampleType = getSensorSampleTypeFromSensorType(sensorType); switch (sampleType) { case SensorSampleType::ThreeAxis: *eventSize = sizeof(chreSensorThreeAxisData); break; case SensorSampleType::Float: *eventSize = sizeof(chreSensorFloatData); break; case SensorSampleType::Byte: *eventSize = sizeof(chreSensorByteData); break; case SensorSampleType::Occurrence: *eventSize = sizeof(chreSensorOccurrenceData); break; default: CHRE_ASSERT_LOG(false, "Unhandled sample type"); break; } event = static_cast<ChreSensorData *>(memoryAlloc(*eventSize)); if (event == nullptr) { *eventSize = 0; FATAL_ERROR("Failed to allocate last event memory for SensorType %d", static_cast<int>(sensorType)); } } return event; } /** * Constructs and initializes a sensor, and adds it to the sensor list. * * @param sensorInfo The sensorInfo as provided by the SMGR. * @param calType The calibration type (CAL_SEL) as defined in the SMGR API. * @param sensor The sensor list. */ void addSensor(const sns_smgr_sensor_datatype_info_s_v01& sensorInfo, uint8_t calType, DynamicVector<Sensor> *sensors) { Sensor sensor; sensor.sensorId = sensorInfo.SensorID; sensor.dataType = sensorInfo.DataType; sensor.calType = calType; size_t bytesToCopy = std::min(sizeof(sensor.sensorName) - 1, static_cast<size_t>(sensorInfo.SensorName_len)); memcpy(sensor.sensorName, sensorInfo.SensorName, bytesToCopy); sensor.sensorName[bytesToCopy] = '\0'; // Override one-shot sensor's minInterval to default SensorType sensorType = getSensorTypeFromSensorId( sensorInfo.SensorID, sensorInfo.DataType, calType); sensor.minInterval = sensorTypeIsOneShot(sensorType) ? CHRE_SENSOR_INTERVAL_DEFAULT : static_cast<uint64_t>( Seconds(1).toRawNanoseconds() / sensorInfo.MaxSampleRate); // Allocates memory for on-change sensor's last event. sensor.lastEvent = allocateLastEvent(sensorType, &sensor.lastEventSize); sensor.isSensorOff = true; sensor.samplingStatus.enabled = false; sensor.samplingStatus.interval = CHRE_SENSOR_INTERVAL_DEFAULT; sensor.samplingStatus.latency = CHRE_SENSOR_LATENCY_DEFAULT; if (!sensors->push_back(std::move(sensor))) { FATAL_ERROR("Failed to allocate new sensor: out of memory"); } } /** * Converts SMGR ticks to nanoseconds as a uint64_t. * * @param ticks The number of ticks. * @return The number of nanoseconds represented by the ticks value. */ uint64_t getNanosecondsFromSmgrTicks(uint32_t ticks) { return (ticks * Seconds(1).toRawNanoseconds()) / TIMETICK_NOMINAL_FREQ_HZ; } void populateSensorDataHeader( SensorType sensorType, chreSensorDataHeader *header, const sns_smgr_buffering_sample_index_s_v01& sensorIndex) { // Compensate for header timestamp's 32-bit rollovers uint64_t slpiTime = SystemTime::getMonotonicTime().toRawNanoseconds(); uint64_t baseTime = getNanosecondsFromSmgrTicks( sensorIndex.FirstSampleTimestamp); while (slpiTime > baseTime + kTickRolloverOffset / 2) { baseTime += kTickRolloverOffset; } memset(header->reserved, 0, sizeof(header->reserved)); header->baseTimestamp = baseTime; header->sensorHandle = getSensorHandleFromSensorType(sensorType); header->readingCount = sensorIndex.SampleCount; } void populateThreeAxisEvent( const sns_smgr_buffering_ind_msg_v01& bufferingIndMsg, SensorType sensorType, chreSensorThreeAxisData *data, const sns_smgr_buffering_sample_index_s_v01& sensorIndex) { populateSensorDataHeader(sensorType, &data->header, sensorIndex); for (size_t i = 0; i < sensorIndex.SampleCount; i++) { const sns_smgr_buffering_sample_s_v01& sensorData = bufferingIndMsg.Samples[i + sensorIndex.FirstSampleIdx]; // TimeStampOffset has max value of < 2 sec so it will not overflow here. data->readings[i].timestampDelta = getNanosecondsFromSmgrTicks(sensorData.TimeStampOffset); // Convert from SMGR's NED coordinate to Android coordinate. data->readings[i].x = FX_FIXTOFLT_Q16_SP(sensorData.Data[1]); data->readings[i].y = FX_FIXTOFLT_Q16_SP(sensorData.Data[0]); data->readings[i].z = -FX_FIXTOFLT_Q16_SP(sensorData.Data[2]); // Convert from Gauss to micro Tesla if (sensorType == SensorType::GeomagneticField || sensorType == SensorType::UncalibratedGeomagneticField) { data->readings[i].x *= kMicroTeslaPerGauss; data->readings[i].y *= kMicroTeslaPerGauss; data->readings[i].z *= kMicroTeslaPerGauss; } } } void populateFloatEvent( const sns_smgr_buffering_ind_msg_v01& bufferingIndMsg, SensorType sensorType, chreSensorFloatData *data, const sns_smgr_buffering_sample_index_s_v01& sensorIndex) { populateSensorDataHeader(sensorType, &data->header, sensorIndex); for (size_t i = 0; i < sensorIndex.SampleCount; i++) { const sns_smgr_buffering_sample_s_v01& sensorData = bufferingIndMsg.Samples[i + sensorIndex.FirstSampleIdx]; // TimeStampOffset has max value of < 2 sec so it will not overflow. data->readings[i].timestampDelta = getNanosecondsFromSmgrTicks(sensorData.TimeStampOffset); data->readings[i].value = FX_FIXTOFLT_Q16_SP(sensorData.Data[0]); } } void populateByteEvent( const sns_smgr_buffering_ind_msg_v01& bufferingIndMsg, SensorType sensorType, chreSensorByteData *data, const sns_smgr_buffering_sample_index_s_v01& sensorIndex) { populateSensorDataHeader(sensorType, &data->header, sensorIndex); for (size_t i = 0; i < sensorIndex.SampleCount; i++) { const sns_smgr_buffering_sample_s_v01& sensorData = bufferingIndMsg.Samples[i + sensorIndex.FirstSampleIdx]; // TimeStampOffset has max value of < 2 sec so it will not overflow. data->readings[i].timestampDelta = getNanosecondsFromSmgrTicks(sensorData.TimeStampOffset); // Zero out fields invalid and padding0. data->readings[i].value = 0; // SMGR reports 1 in Q16 for near, and 0 for far. data->readings[i].isNear = sensorData.Data[0] ? 1 : 0; } } void populateOccurrenceEvent( const sns_smgr_buffering_ind_msg_v01& bufferingIndMsg, SensorType sensorType, chreSensorOccurrenceData *data, const sns_smgr_buffering_sample_index_s_v01& sensorIndex) { populateSensorDataHeader(sensorType, &data->header, sensorIndex); for (size_t i = 0; i < sensorIndex.SampleCount; i++) { const sns_smgr_buffering_sample_s_v01& sensorData = bufferingIndMsg.Samples[i + sensorIndex.FirstSampleIdx]; // TimeStampOffset has max value of < 2 sec so it will not overflow. data->readings[i].timestampDelta = getNanosecondsFromSmgrTicks(sensorData.TimeStampOffset); } } /** * Allocate event memory according to SensorType and populate event readings. */ void *allocateAndPopulateEvent( const sns_smgr_buffering_ind_msg_v01& bufferingIndMsg, SensorType sensorType, const sns_smgr_buffering_sample_index_s_v01& sensorIndex) { SensorSampleType sampleType = getSensorSampleTypeFromSensorType(sensorType); size_t memorySize = sizeof(chreSensorDataHeader); switch (sampleType) { case SensorSampleType::ThreeAxis: { memorySize += sensorIndex.SampleCount * sizeof(chreSensorThreeAxisData::chreSensorThreeAxisSampleData); auto *event = static_cast<chreSensorThreeAxisData *>(memoryAlloc(memorySize)); if (event != nullptr) { populateThreeAxisEvent(bufferingIndMsg, sensorType, event, sensorIndex); } return event; } case SensorSampleType::Float: { memorySize += sensorIndex.SampleCount * sizeof(chreSensorFloatData::chreSensorFloatSampleData); auto *event = static_cast<chreSensorFloatData *>(memoryAlloc(memorySize)); if (event != nullptr) { populateFloatEvent(bufferingIndMsg, sensorType, event, sensorIndex); } return event; } case SensorSampleType::Byte: { memorySize += sensorIndex.SampleCount * sizeof(chreSensorByteData::chreSensorByteSampleData); auto *event = static_cast<chreSensorByteData *>(memoryAlloc(memorySize)); if (event != nullptr) { populateByteEvent(bufferingIndMsg, sensorType, event, sensorIndex); } return event; } case SensorSampleType::Occurrence: { memorySize += sensorIndex.SampleCount * sizeof(chreSensorOccurrenceData::chreSensorOccurrenceSampleData); auto *event = static_cast<chreSensorOccurrenceData *>(memoryAlloc(memorySize)); if (event != nullptr) { populateOccurrenceEvent( bufferingIndMsg, sensorType, event, sensorIndex); } return event; } #ifdef CHREX_SENSOR_SUPPORT case SensorSampleType::Vendor0: return allocateAndPopulateVendor0Event( bufferingIndMsg, sensorType, sensorIndex, populateSensorDataHeader, getNanosecondsFromSmgrTicks); #endif // CHREX_SENSOR_SUPPORT default: LOGW("Unhandled sensor data %" PRIu8, static_cast<uint8_t>(sensorType)); return nullptr; } } void smgrSensorDataEventFree(uint16_t eventType, void *eventData) { // Events are allocated using the simple memoryAlloc/memoryFree platform // functions. // TODO: Consider using a MemoryPool. memoryFree(eventData); // Remove all requests if it's a one-shot sensor and only after data has been // delivered to all clients. SensorType sensorType = getSensorTypeForSampleEventType(eventType); if (sensorTypeIsOneShot(sensorType)) { EventLoopManagerSingleton::get()->getSensorRequestManager() .removeAllRequests(sensorType); } } /** * Handles sensor data provided by the SMGR framework. * * @param bufferingIndMsg Decoded buffering indication message */ void handleSensorDataIndication( const sns_smgr_buffering_ind_msg_v01& bufferingIndMsg) { // We only requested one sensor per request except for a secondary // temperature sensor. bool validReport = isValidIndicesLength(bufferingIndMsg); CHRE_ASSERT_LOG(validReport, "Got buffering indication from %" PRIu32 " sensors with report ID %" PRIu8, bufferingIndMsg.Indices_len, bufferingIndMsg.ReportId); if (validReport) { // Identify the index for the desired sensor. It is always 0 except // possibly for a secondary temperature sensor. uint32_t index = 0; if (isSecondaryTemperature(bufferingIndMsg.ReportId)) { index = (bufferingIndMsg.Indices[0].DataType == SNS_SMGR_DATA_TYPE_SECONDARY_V01) ? 0 : 1; } const sns_smgr_buffering_sample_index_s_v01& sensorIndex = bufferingIndMsg.Indices[index]; // Use ReportID to identify sensors as // bufferingIndMsg.Samples[i].Flags are not populated. SensorType sensorType = getSensorTypeFromReportId( bufferingIndMsg.ReportId); if (sensorType == SensorType::Unknown) { LOGW("Received sensor sample for unknown sensor %" PRIu8 " %" PRIu8, sensorIndex.SensorId, sensorIndex.DataType); } else if (sensorIndex.SampleCount == 0) { LOGW("Received sensorType %d event with 0 sample", static_cast<int>(sensorType)); } else { void *eventData = allocateAndPopulateEvent( bufferingIndMsg, sensorType, sensorIndex); auto *header = static_cast< chreSensorDataHeader *>(eventData); if (eventData == nullptr) { LOGW("Dropping event due to allocation failure"); } else if (header->readingCount == 0) { LOGW("Dropping zero readingCount event"); memoryFree(eventData); } else { // Schedule a deferred callback to update on-change sensor's last // event in the main thread. if (sensorTypeIsOnChange(sensorType)) { updateLastEvent(sensorType, eventData); } EventLoopManagerSingleton::get()->getEventLoop().postEventOrFree( getSampleEventTypeForSensorType(sensorType), eventData, smgrSensorDataEventFree); } } } // if (validReport) } /** * This callback is invoked by the SMR framework when an asynchronous message is * delivered. Unhandled messages are logged. * * @param handle Handle for the SMR client this indication was received on. * @param messageId The message ID number. * @param buffer Buffer containing decoded (C struct) message data. * @param bufferLength Size of the decoded buffer in bytes. * @param callbackData Data that is provided as a context to this callback. This * is not used in this context. * * @see smr_client_ind_cb */ void platformSensorServiceIndicationCallback( smr_client_hndl handle, unsigned int messageId, void *decodedInd, unsigned int decodedIndLen, void *callbackData) { switch (messageId) { case SNS_SMGR_BUFFERING_IND_V01: { CHRE_ASSERT(decodedIndLen >= sizeof(sns_smgr_buffering_ind_msg_v01)); auto *bufferingInd = static_cast<sns_smgr_buffering_ind_msg_v01 *>(decodedInd); handleSensorDataIndication(*bufferingInd); break; } default: LOGW("Received unhandled sensor service message: 0x%x", messageId); break; }; } /** * Populates the supplied SensorTypes array with SensorTypes of the specified * sensor ID. * * @param sensorId The sensor ID as provided by the SMGR. * @param sensorTypes A non-null pointer to a SensorType array of size at least * kMaxNumSensorsPerSensorId. */ size_t populateSensorTypeArrayFromSensorId(uint8_t sensorId, SensorType *sensorTypes) { static_assert(kMaxNumSensorsPerSensorId >= 3, "This function assumes kMaxNumSensorsPerSensorId >= 3"); CHRE_ASSERT(sensorTypes); size_t numSensorTypes = 0; if (sensorTypes != nullptr) { if (sensorId >= SNS_SMGR_ID_ACCEL_V01 && sensorId < SNS_SMGR_ID_GYRO_V01) { sensorTypes[0] = SensorType::Accelerometer; sensorTypes[1] = SensorType::UncalibratedAccelerometer; sensorTypes[2] = SensorType::AccelerometerTemperature; numSensorTypes = 3; } else if (sensorId >= SNS_SMGR_ID_GYRO_V01 && sensorId < SNS_SMGR_ID_MAG_V01) { sensorTypes[0] = SensorType::Gyroscope; sensorTypes[1] = SensorType::UncalibratedGyroscope; sensorTypes[2] = SensorType::GyroscopeTemperature; numSensorTypes = 3; } else if (sensorId >= SNS_SMGR_ID_MAG_V01 && sensorId < SNS_SMGR_ID_PRESSURE_V01) { sensorTypes[0] = SensorType::GeomagneticField; sensorTypes[1] = SensorType::UncalibratedGeomagneticField; numSensorTypes = 2; } else { SensorType sensorType = getSensorTypeFromSensorId(sensorId, SNS_SMGR_DATA_TYPE_PRIMARY_V01, SNS_SMGR_CAL_SEL_FULL_CAL_V01); if (sensorType != SensorType::Unknown) { sensorTypes[0] = sensorType; numSensorTypes = 1; } } } return numSensorTypes; } /** * Obtains the merged SensorMode of the specified sensor ID, with sensorType's * sensor request replaced by the supplied request. * * @param sensorId The sensor ID as provided by the SMGR. * @param sensorType The SensorType whose sensor request is to be replaced by * the supplied request. * @param request The sensor request to replace the existing one. * @return The merged SensorMode. */ SensorMode getMergedMode(uint8_t sensorId, SensorType sensorType, const SensorRequest& request) { // Identify sensor requests to merge SensorType sensorTypes[kMaxNumSensorsPerSensorId]; size_t numSensorTypes = populateSensorTypeArrayFromSensorId( sensorId, sensorTypes); // merge requests SensorRequest mergedRequest; for (size_t i = 0; i < numSensorTypes; i++) { const Sensor *sensor = EventLoopManagerSingleton::get() ->getSensorRequestManager().getSensor(sensorTypes[i]); if (sensor != nullptr) { mergedRequest.mergeWith( (sensorTypes[i] == sensorType) ? request : sensor->getRequest()); } } return mergedRequest.getMode(); } /** * Makes or removes passive sensor requests when the presence of other SMGR * clients changes. * * @param sensorID The sensor ID being monitored. * @param otherClientPresent The presence of other SMGR clients. */ void onOtherClientPresenceChange(uint8_t sensorId, bool otherClientPresent) { bool makeAllRequests = otherClientPresent; SensorRequest dummyRequest; SensorMode mode = getMergedMode(sensorId, SensorType::Unknown, dummyRequest); bool removeAllRequests = (sensorModeIsPassive(mode) && !otherClientPresent); bool requestMade = false; if (makeAllRequests) { requestMade = makeAllPendingRequests(sensorId); } else if (removeAllRequests) { requestMade = removeAllPassiveRequests(sensorId); } if (requestMade) { LOGD("%s: id %" PRIu8 ", otherClientPresent %d, mode %d", makeAllRequests ? "+" : "-", sensorId, otherClientPresent, static_cast<size_t>(mode)); } } /** * Processes sensor status monitor indication message. * * @param status The new sensor status indication from SMGR */ void onStatusChange(const sns_smgr_sensor_status_monitor_ind_msg_v02& status) { size_t index = getSensorMonitorIndex(status.sensor_id); if (index == gSensorMonitors.size()) { LOGE("Sensor status monitor update of invalid sensor ID %" PRIu64, status.sensor_id); } else { // Use asynchronous sensor status monitor indication message as a cue to // query and obtain the synchronous client request info. // As the info conveyed in the indication is asynchronous from current // status and is insufficient to determine other clients' status, relying on // it to enable/disable passive sensors may put the system in an incorrect // state or lead to a request loop. auto infoRequest = MakeUniqueZeroFill<sns_smgr_client_request_info_req_msg_v01>(); auto infoResponse = MakeUnique<sns_smgr_client_request_info_resp_msg_v01>(); if (infoRequest.isNull() || infoResponse.isNull()) { LOGE("Failed to allocate client request info message"); } else { infoRequest->sensor_id = status.sensor_id; smr_err smrStatus = getSmrHelper()->sendReqSync( gPlatformSensorServiceSmrClientHandle, SNS_SMGR_CLIENT_REQUEST_INFO_REQ_V01, &infoRequest, &infoResponse); if (smrStatus != SMR_NO_ERR) { LOGE("Error requesting client request info: %d", smrStatus); } else if (infoResponse->resp.sns_result_t != SNS_RESULT_SUCCESS_V01) { LOGE("Client request info failed with error: %" PRIu8 ", id %" PRIu8, infoResponse->resp.sns_err_t, infoRequest->sensor_id); } else { bool otherClientPresent = infoResponse->other_client_present; if (gSensorMonitors[index].otherClientPresent != otherClientPresent) { onOtherClientPresenceChange(status.sensor_id, otherClientPresent); gSensorMonitors[index].otherClientPresent = otherClientPresent; } } } } } /** * Posts a CHRE_EVENT_SENSOR_SAMPLING_CHANGE event to the specified Nanoapp. * * @param instaceId The instance ID of the nanoapp with an open request * @param eventRef A reference of the sampling status event to be posted. */ void postSamplingStatusEvent(uint32_t instanceId, uint32_t sensorHandle, const struct chreSensorSamplingStatus& status) { // TODO: add a generic reference counted pointer class and use it for Event // to share across interested nanoapps. auto *event = memoryAlloc<struct chreSensorSamplingStatusEvent>(); if (event == nullptr) { LOGE("Failed to allocate memory for sampling status change event"); } else { event->sensorHandle = sensorHandle; memcpy(&event->status, &status, sizeof(event->status)); EventLoopManagerSingleton::get()->getEventLoop().postEventOrFree( CHRE_EVENT_SENSOR_SAMPLING_CHANGE, event, freeEventDataCallback, kSystemInstanceId, instanceId); } } /** * Updates the sampling status after the sensor request is accepted by SMGR. */ void updateSamplingStatus(Sensor *sensor, const SensorRequest& request) { // With SMGR's implementation, sampling interval will be filtered to be the // same as requested. Latency can be shorter if there were other SMGR clients // with proc_type also set to SNS_PROC_SSC_V01. // If the request is passive, 'enabled' may change over time and needs to be // updated. if (sensor != nullptr) { bool postUpdate = false; struct chreSensorSamplingStatus& status = sensor->samplingStatus; bool enabled = (request.getMode() != SensorMode::Off); if (status.enabled != enabled) { postUpdate = true; status.enabled = enabled; } if (!sensorTypeIsOneShot(sensor->getSensorType())) { if (status.interval != request.getInterval().toRawNanoseconds()) { postUpdate = true; status.interval = request.getInterval().toRawNanoseconds(); } if (status.latency != request.getLatency().toRawNanoseconds()) { postUpdate = true; status.latency = request.getLatency().toRawNanoseconds(); } } if (postUpdate) { uint32_t sensorHandle = getSensorHandleFromSensorType( sensor->getSensorType()); // Only post to Nanoapps with an open request. auto& requests = EventLoopManagerSingleton::get()-> getSensorRequestManager().getRequests(sensor->getSensorType()); for (const auto& req : requests) { if (req.getNanoapp() != nullptr) { postSamplingStatusEvent(req.getNanoapp()->getInstanceId(), sensorHandle, status); } } } } } /** * Handles sensor status provided by the SMGR framework. * * @param smgrMonitorIndMsg Indication message received from SMGR */ void handleSensorStatusMonitorIndication( const sns_smgr_sensor_status_monitor_ind_msg_v02& smgrMonitorIndMsg) { auto *callbackData = memoryAlloc<sns_smgr_sensor_status_monitor_ind_msg_v02>(); if (callbackData == nullptr) { LOGE("Failed to allocate status update deferred callback memory"); } else { *callbackData = smgrMonitorIndMsg; auto callback = [](uint16_t /* type */, void *data) { auto *cbData = static_cast<sns_smgr_sensor_status_monitor_ind_msg_v02 *>(data); onStatusChange(*cbData); memoryFree(cbData); }; // Schedule a deferred callback to handle sensor status change in the main // thread. EventLoopManagerSingleton::get()->deferCallback( SystemCallbackType::SensorStatusUpdate, callbackData, callback); } } /** * This callback is invoked by the SMR framework when an asynchronous message is * delivered. Unhandled messages are logged. * * @param handle Handle for the SMR client this indication was received on. * @param messageId The message ID number. * @param decodedInd Buffer containing decoded (C struct) message data. * @param decodedIndLen Size of the decoded buffer in bytes. * @param callbackData Data that is provided as a context to this callback. This * is not used in this context. * * @see smr_client_ind_cb */ void platformSensorInternalServiceIndicationCallback( smr_client_hndl handle, unsigned int messageId, void *decodedInd, unsigned int decodedIndLen, void *callbackData) { switch (messageId) { case SNS_SMGR_SENSOR_STATUS_MONITOR_IND_V02: { CHRE_ASSERT(decodedIndLen >= sizeof(sns_smgr_sensor_status_monitor_ind_msg_v02)); auto *monitorInd = static_cast<sns_smgr_sensor_status_monitor_ind_msg_v02 *>(decodedInd); handleSensorStatusMonitorIndication(*monitorInd); break; } default: LOGW("Received unhandled sensor internal service message: 0x%x", messageId); break; }; } /** * Adds or removes an SMGR sensor monitor for the specified sensor ID. * * @param sensorId The sensor ID to add/remove sensor status monitor for. * @param enable true to add and false to remove the status monitor. */ void setSensorMonitorRequest(uint8_t sensorId, bool enable) { auto monitorRequest = MakeUniqueZeroFill<sns_smgr_sensor_status_monitor_req_msg_v02>(); auto monitorResponse = MakeUnique<sns_smgr_sensor_status_monitor_resp_msg_v02>(); if (monitorRequest.isNull() || monitorResponse.isNull()) { LOGE("Failed to allocate monitor request/response"); } else { monitorRequest->sensor_id = sensorId; monitorRequest->registering = enable; smr_err status = getSmrHelper()->sendReqSync( gPlatformSensorInternalServiceSmrClientHandle, SNS_SMGR_SENSOR_STATUS_MONITOR_REQ_V02, &monitorRequest, &monitorResponse); if (status != SMR_NO_ERR) { LOGE("Error setting sensor status monitor: %d", status); } else if (monitorResponse->resp.sns_result_t != SNS_RESULT_SUCCESS_V01) { LOGE("Sensor status monitor request failed with error: %" PRIu8 " sensor ID %" PRIu8 " enable %d", monitorResponse->resp.sns_err_t, sensorId, enable); } } } /** * Adds and initializes a sensor monitor for the specified sensor ID if it * doesn't exist yet. * * @param sensorId The sensor ID to request monitor for. */ void addSensorMonitor(uint8_t sensorId) { size_t index = getSensorMonitorIndex(sensorId); if (index == gSensorMonitors.size()) { LOGD("Adding sensor status monitor for sensor ID %" PRIu8, sensorId); // Initialize sensor monitor status before making the request. SensorMonitor monitor; monitor.sensorId = sensorId; monitor.otherClientPresent = false; gSensorMonitors.push_back(monitor); // Make a request to add the status monitor setSensorMonitorRequest(sensorId, true); } } /** * Requests the sensors for a given sensor ID and appends them to the provided * list of sensors. If an error occurs, false is returned. * * @param sensorId The sensor ID to request sensor info for. * @param sensors The list of sensors to append newly found sensors to. * @return Returns false if an error occurs. */ bool getSensorsForSensorId(uint8_t sensorId, DynamicVector<Sensor> *sensors) { bool success = false; auto sensorInfoRequest = MakeUniqueZeroFill<sns_smgr_single_sensor_info_req_msg_v01>(); auto sensorInfoResponse = MakeUnique<sns_smgr_single_sensor_info_resp_msg_v01>(); if (sensorInfoRequest.isNull() || sensorInfoResponse.isNull()) { LOGE("Failed to allocate sensor info msg"); } else { sensorInfoRequest->SensorID = sensorId; smr_err status = getSmrHelper()->sendReqSync( gPlatformSensorServiceSmrClientHandle, SNS_SMGR_SINGLE_SENSOR_INFO_REQ_V01, &sensorInfoRequest, &sensorInfoResponse); if (status != SMR_NO_ERR) { LOGE("Error requesting single sensor info: %d", status); } else if (sensorInfoResponse->Resp.sns_result_t != SNS_RESULT_SUCCESS_V01) { LOGE("Single sensor info request failed with error: %d", sensorInfoResponse->Resp.sns_err_t); } else { const sns_smgr_sensor_info_s_v01& sensorInfoList = sensorInfoResponse->SensorInfo; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sensorInfoList.data_type_info_len; i++) { const sns_smgr_sensor_datatype_info_s_v01& sensorInfo = sensorInfoList.data_type_info[i]; LOGD("SensorID %" PRIu8 ", DataType %" PRIu8 ", MaxRate %" PRIu16 "Hz, SensorName %s", sensorInfo.SensorID, sensorInfo.DataType, sensorInfo.MaxSampleRate, sensorInfo.SensorName); SensorType sensorType = getSensorTypeFromSensorId( sensorInfo.SensorID, sensorInfo.DataType, SNS_SMGR_CAL_SEL_FULL_CAL_V01); if (sensorType != SensorType::Unknown) { addSensor(sensorInfo, SNS_SMGR_CAL_SEL_FULL_CAL_V01, sensors); // Add an uncalibrated version if defined. SensorType uncalibratedType = getSensorTypeFromSensorId( sensorInfo.SensorID, sensorInfo.DataType, SNS_SMGR_CAL_SEL_FACTORY_CAL_V01); if (sensorType != uncalibratedType) { addSensor(sensorInfo, SNS_SMGR_CAL_SEL_FACTORY_CAL_V01, sensors); } } } success = true; } } return success; } /** * Converts a SensorMode into an SMGR request action. When the net request for * a sensor is considered to be active an add operation is required for the * SMGR request. When the sensor becomes inactive the request is deleted. * * @param mode The sensor mode. * @return Returns the SMGR request action given the sensor mode. */ uint8_t getSmgrRequestActionForMode(SensorMode mode) { if (mode != SensorMode::Off) { return SNS_SMGR_BUFFERING_ACTION_ADD_V01; } else { return SNS_SMGR_BUFFERING_ACTION_DELETE_V01; } } /** * Specify the sensor decimation type. * * @param sensorId The sensorID as provided by the SMGR. * @param dataType The dataType for the sesnor as provided by the SMGR. * return The decimation type as defined by the SMGR. */ uint8_t getDecimationType(uint8_t sensorId, uint8_t dataType) { // Request filtered data for accel and gyro to reduce noise aliasing in case // SMGR has other higher ODR clients. if ((sensorId == SNS_SMGR_ID_ACCEL_V01 || sensorId == SNS_SMGR_ID_GYRO_V01) && dataType == SNS_SMGR_DATA_TYPE_PRIMARY_V01) { return SNS_SMGR_DECIMATION_FILTER_V01; } else { return SNS_SMGR_DECIMATION_RECENT_SAMPLE_V01; } } /** * Populates a sns_smgr_buffering_req_msg_v01 struct to request sensor data. * * @param request The new request to set this sensor to. * @param sensorId The sensorID as provided by the SMGR request for sensor info. * @param dataType The dataType for the sesnor as provided by the SMGR request * for sensor info. * @param calType The calibration type (CAL_SEL) as defined in the SMGR API. * @param minInterval The minimum interval allowed by this sensor. * @param sensorDataRequest The pointer to the data request to be populated. */ void populateSensorRequest( const SensorRequest& chreRequest, uint8_t sensorId, uint8_t dataType, uint8_t calType, uint64_t minInterval, sns_smgr_buffering_req_msg_v01 *sensorRequest) { // Zero the fields in the request. All mandatory and unused fields are // specified to be set to false or zero so this is safe. memset(sensorRequest, 0, sizeof(*sensorRequest)); // Reconstructs a request to deliver one-shot sensors' data ASAP and set // default interval to some meaningful number. bool isOneShot = sensorTypeIsOneShot(getSensorTypeFromSensorId( sensorId, dataType, calType)); uint64_t cappedInterval = chreRequest.getInterval().toRawNanoseconds(); if (cappedInterval == CHRE_SENSOR_INTERVAL_DEFAULT) { // For one-shot sensors, we've overridden minInterval to default in init. // However, for InstantMotion/StationaryDetect, making a request with // default interval will not trigger. cappedInterval = isOneShot ? kDefaultInterval : std::max(minInterval, kDefaultInterval); } SensorRequest request(chreRequest.getMode(), Nanoseconds(cappedInterval), isOneShot ? Nanoseconds(0) : chreRequest.getLatency()); // Build the request for one sensor at the requested rate. An add action for a // ReportID that is already in use causes a replacement of the last request. sensorRequest->ReportId = getReportId(sensorId, dataType, calType); sensorRequest->Action = getSmgrRequestActionForMode(request.getMode()); // SMGR report interval should be (interval + latency). However, to handle // fractional-interval latency setting and to guarantee meeting chre request, // report interval is set to latency only. Also, lower-bound batchInterval as // request to SMGR would fail if batchInterval < interval. Nanoseconds batchInterval = std::max(request.getLatency(), request.getInterval()); sensorRequest->ReportRate = intervalToSmgrQ16ReportRate(batchInterval); sensorRequest->Item_len = 1; // One sensor per request if possible. sensorRequest->Item[0].SensorId = sensorId; sensorRequest->Item[0].DataType = dataType; sensorRequest->Item[0].Decimation = getDecimationType(sensorId, dataType); sensorRequest->Item[0].Calibration = calType; sensorRequest->Item[0].SamplingRate = intervalToSmgrSamplingRate(request.getInterval()); // Add a dummy primary sensor to accompany a secondary temperature sensor. // This is requred by the SMGR. The primary sensor is requested with the same // (low) rate and the same latency, whose response data will be ignored. if (isSecondaryTemperature(sensorRequest->ReportId)) { sensorRequest->Item_len = 2; sensorRequest->Item[1].SensorId = sensorId; sensorRequest->Item[1].DataType = SNS_SMGR_DATA_TYPE_PRIMARY_V01; sensorRequest->Item[1].Decimation = getDecimationType( sensorId, SNS_SMGR_DATA_TYPE_PRIMARY_V01); sensorRequest->Item[1].Calibration = SNS_SMGR_CAL_SEL_FULL_CAL_V01; sensorRequest->Item[1].SamplingRate = sensorRequest->Item[0].SamplingRate; } // Synchronize fifo flushes with other clients that have SSC proc_type. // send_indications_during_suspend has no effect on data sent to SLPI. // Default is to synchronize with AP clients, which may shorten flush // intervals for data sent to the AP. sensorRequest->notify_suspend_valid = true; sensorRequest->notify_suspend.proc_type = SNS_PROC_SSC_V01; sensorRequest->notify_suspend.send_indications_during_suspend = true; } /** * Determines whether a request is allowed. A passive request is not always * allowed. * * @param sensorType The SensorType of this request * @param request The intended sensor request * @return true if the request is allowed. */ bool isRequestAllowed(SensorType sensorType, const SensorRequest& request) { bool allowed = false; const Sensor *sensor = EventLoopManagerSingleton::get() ->getSensorRequestManager().getSensor(sensorType); if (sensor != nullptr) { if (sensorModeIsPassive(request.getMode())) { size_t index = getSensorMonitorIndex(sensor->sensorId); if (index == gSensorMonitors.size()) { LOGE("SensorId %" PRIu8 " doesn't have a monitor", sensor->sensorId); } else { SensorMode mergedMode = getMergedMode( sensor->sensorId, sensorType, request); bool otherClientPresent = gSensorMonitors[index].otherClientPresent; allowed = (sensorModeIsActive(mergedMode) || otherClientPresent); LOGD("sensorType %d allowed %d: mergedMode %d, otherClientPresent %d", static_cast<size_t>(sensorType), allowed, static_cast<int>(mergedMode), otherClientPresent); } } else { // If it's an ACTIVE or an OFF request, it's always allowed. allowed = true; } } return allowed; } /** * Makes a SNS_SMGR_BUFFERING_REQ request based on the arguments provided. * * @param sensorId The sensorID as provided by the SMGR. * @param dataType The dataType for the sesnor as provided by the MSGR. * @param calType The calibration type (CAL_SEL) as defined in the SMGR API. * @param minInterval The minimum interval of this sensor. * @param request The sensor request * @return true if the request has been made successfully. */ bool makeBufferingReq(uint8_t sensorId, uint8_t dataType, uint8_t calType, uint64_t minInterval, const SensorRequest& request) { bool success = false; auto sensorRequest = MakeUniqueZeroFill<sns_smgr_buffering_req_msg_v01>(); auto sensorResponse = MakeUnique<sns_smgr_buffering_resp_msg_v01>(); if (sensorRequest.isNull() || sensorResponse.isNull()) { LOGE("Failed to allocate buffering msg"); } else { populateSensorRequest(request, sensorId, dataType, calType, minInterval, sensorRequest.get()); smr_err status = getSmrHelper()->sendReqSync( gPlatformSensorServiceSmrClientHandle, SNS_SMGR_BUFFERING_REQ_V01, &sensorRequest, &sensorResponse); if (status != SMR_NO_ERR) { LOGE("Error requesting sensor data: %d", status); } else if (sensorResponse->Resp.sns_result_t != SNS_RESULT_SUCCESS_V01 || (sensorResponse->AckNak != SNS_SMGR_RESPONSE_ACK_SUCCESS_V01 && sensorResponse->AckNak != SNS_SMGR_RESPONSE_ACK_MODIFIED_V01)) { LOGE("Sensor data request failed with error: %d, AckNak: %d", sensorResponse->Resp.sns_err_t, sensorResponse->AckNak); } else { success = true; } } return success; } /** * Makes a SNS_SMGR_BUFFERING_REQ request if necessary. * * @param sensorType The sensor type of the request. * @param request The sensor request to be made. * @return true if the request has been accepted. */ bool makeRequest(SensorType sensorType, const SensorRequest& request) { bool success = false; Sensor *sensor = EventLoopManagerSingleton::get()->getSensorRequestManager() .getSensor(sensorType); if (sensor != nullptr) { // Do not make an off request if the sensor is already off. Otherwise, SMGR // returns an error. if (request.getMode() == SensorMode::Off) { success = sensor->isSensorOff; } // Make a SMGR buffering request if necessary. if (!success) { success = makeBufferingReq(sensor->sensorId, sensor->dataType, sensor->calType, sensor->minInterval, request); } } // TODO: handle makeBufferingReq failures if (success) { // Update internal states if request was accepted by SMGR. sensor->isSensorOff = (request.getMode() == SensorMode::Off); if (request.getMode() == SensorMode::Off) { sensor->lastEventValid = false; } updateSamplingStatus(sensor, request); } return success; } /** * Makes all pending requests of the specified sensor ID to SMGR. * * @param sensorId The sensor ID whose pending requests are to be made. * @return true if an ADD request has been accepted. */ bool makeAllPendingRequests(uint8_t sensorId) { // Identify sensor types to check for pending requests SensorType sensorTypes[kMaxNumSensorsPerSensorId]; size_t numSensorTypes = populateSensorTypeArrayFromSensorId( sensorId, sensorTypes); bool accepted = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < numSensorTypes; i++) { const Sensor *sensor = EventLoopManagerSingleton::get() ->getSensorRequestManager().getSensor(sensorTypes[i]); // If sensor is off and the request is not off, it's a pending request. if (sensor != nullptr && sensor->isSensorOff && sensor->getRequest().getMode() != SensorMode::Off) { accepted |= makeRequest(sensorTypes[i], sensor->getRequest()); } } return accepted; } /** * Identifies and removes passive requests that have been made to the SMGR, and * adds them to the sensor monitor. * * @param sensorId The sensor ID whose passive requests are to be removed. * @return true if a DELETE request has been accepted. */ bool removeAllPassiveRequests(uint8_t sensorId) { // Specify sensor types to check for passive requests SensorType sensorTypes[kMaxNumSensorsPerSensorId]; size_t numSensorTypes = populateSensorTypeArrayFromSensorId( sensorId, sensorTypes); bool accepted = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < numSensorTypes; i++) { const Sensor *sensor = EventLoopManagerSingleton::get() ->getSensorRequestManager().getSensor(sensorTypes[i]); // Turn off sensors that have a passive request if (sensor != nullptr && sensorModeIsPassive(sensor->getRequest().getMode())) { SensorRequest offRequest; accepted |= makeRequest(sensorTypes[i], offRequest); } } return accepted; } } // anonymous namespace PlatformSensor::~PlatformSensor() { if (lastEvent != nullptr) { LOGD("Releasing lastEvent: id %" PRIu8 ", type %" PRIu8 ", cal %" PRIu8 ", size %zu", sensorId, dataType, calType, lastEventSize); memoryFree(lastEvent); } } void PlatformSensor::init() { // Timeout for SMR client initialization, in milliseconds. constexpr uint32_t kSmrInitTimeoutMs = 10; SmrHelperSingleton::init(); // sns_smgr_api_v01 qmi_idl_service_object_type smgrSvcObj = SNS_SMGR_SVC_get_service_object_v01(); if (smgrSvcObj == nullptr) { FATAL_ERROR("Failed to obtain the SNS SMGR service instance"); } smr_err result = getSmrHelper()->waitForService(smgrSvcObj); if (result != SMR_NO_ERR) { FATAL_ERROR("Failed while waiting for SNS SMGR service"); } // Note: giving nullptr for err_cb prevents this from degrading to a regular // QMI client if the service is not found. smr_err status = smr_client_init( smgrSvcObj, SMR_CLIENT_INSTANCE_ANY, platformSensorServiceIndicationCallback, nullptr /* ind_cb_data */, kSmrInitTimeoutMs, nullptr /* err_cb */, nullptr /* err_cb_data */, &gPlatformSensorServiceSmrClientHandle, isSlpiUimgSupported()); if (status != SMR_NO_ERR) { FATAL_ERROR("Failed to initialize SMGR client: %d", status); } // sns_smgr_interal_api_v02 qmi_idl_service_object_type smgrInternalSvcObj = SNS_SMGR_INTERNAL_SVC_get_service_object_v02(); if (smgrInternalSvcObj == nullptr) { FATAL_ERROR("Failed to obtain the SNS SMGR internal service instance"); } result = getSmrHelper()->waitForService(smgrInternalSvcObj); if (result != SMR_NO_ERR) { FATAL_ERROR("Failed while waiting for SNS SMGR internal service"); } status = smr_client_init( smgrInternalSvcObj, SMR_CLIENT_INSTANCE_ANY, platformSensorInternalServiceIndicationCallback, nullptr /* ind_cb_data */, kSmrInitTimeoutMs, nullptr /* err_cb */, nullptr /* err_cb_data */, &gPlatformSensorInternalServiceSmrClientHandle, isSlpiUimgSupported()); if (status != SMR_NO_ERR) { FATAL_ERROR("Failed to initialize SMGR internal client: %d", status); } } void PlatformSensor::deinit() { smr_err err = getSmrHelper()->releaseSync( gPlatformSensorServiceSmrClientHandle); if (err != SMR_NO_ERR) { LOGE("Failed to release SMGR client: %d", err); } gPlatformSensorServiceSmrClientHandle = nullptr; err = getSmrHelper()->releaseSync( gPlatformSensorInternalServiceSmrClientHandle); if (err != SMR_NO_ERR) { LOGE("Failed to release SMGR internal client: %d", err); } gPlatformSensorInternalServiceSmrClientHandle = nullptr; // Clearing all sensor status monitors. Releasing an SMR client also releases // all sensor status monitor requests. gSensorMonitors.clear(); SmrHelperSingleton::deinit(); } bool PlatformSensor::getSensors(DynamicVector<Sensor> *sensors) { CHRE_ASSERT(sensors); auto sensorListRequest = MakeUniqueZeroFill<sns_smgr_all_sensor_info_req_msg_v01>(); auto sensorListResponse = MakeUnique<sns_smgr_all_sensor_info_resp_msg_v01>(); smr_err status = getSmrHelper()->sendReqSync( gPlatformSensorServiceSmrClientHandle, SNS_SMGR_ALL_SENSOR_INFO_REQ_V01, &sensorListRequest, &sensorListResponse); bool success = false; if (status != SMR_NO_ERR) { LOGE("Error requesting sensor list: %d", status); } else if (sensorListResponse->Resp.sns_result_t != SNS_RESULT_SUCCESS_V01) { LOGE("Sensor list lequest failed with error: %d", sensorListResponse->Resp.sns_err_t); } else { success = true; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sensorListResponse->SensorInfo_len; i++) { uint8_t sensorId = sensorListResponse->SensorInfo[i].SensorID; if (!getSensorsForSensorId(sensorId, sensors)) { success = false; break; } } } return success; } bool PlatformSensor::applyRequest(const SensorRequest& request) { bool success; if (!SmrHelperSingleton::isInitialized()) { // Off requests made as part of shutdown come after PlatformSensor::deinit() // which releases our SMGR clients, removing all requests. Report success in // this case. success = (request.getMode() == SensorMode::Off) ? true : false; CHRE_ASSERT_LOG(success, "Sensor request made before init/after deinit"); } else { // Adds a sensor monitor the first time this sensor is requested. addSensorMonitor(this->sensorId); // As sensor status monior indication doesn't support secondary sensor // status change, Light sensor (a secondary one) is always overridden to be // requested with an active mode. bool passiveLight = (getSensorType() == SensorType::Light && sensorModeIsPassive(request.getMode())); if (passiveLight) { LOGE("Passive request for Light sensor is not supported. " "Overriding request to active"); } SensorRequest localRequest( passiveLight ? SensorMode::ActiveContinuous : request.getMode(), request.getInterval(), request.getLatency()); // Determines whether a (passive) request is allowed at this point. bool requestAllowed = isRequestAllowed(getSensorType(), localRequest); // If request is not allowed, turn off the sensor. Otherwise, make request. SensorRequest offRequest; success = makeRequest(getSensorType(), requestAllowed ? localRequest : offRequest); } return success; } SensorType PlatformSensor::getSensorType() const { return getSensorTypeFromSensorId(this->sensorId, this->dataType, this->calType); } uint64_t PlatformSensor::getMinInterval() const { return minInterval; } const char *PlatformSensor::getSensorName() const { return sensorName; } PlatformSensor::PlatformSensor(PlatformSensor&& other) { // Our move assignment operator doesn't assume that "this" is initialized, so // we can just use that here *this = std::move(other); } PlatformSensor& PlatformSensor::operator=(PlatformSensor&& other) { // Note: if this implementation is ever changed to depend on "this" containing // initialized values, the move constructor implemenation must be updated sensorId = other.sensorId; dataType = other.dataType; calType = other.calType; memcpy(sensorName, other.sensorName, SNS_SMGR_MAX_SENSOR_NAME_SIZE_V01); minInterval = other.minInterval; lastEvent = other.lastEvent; other.lastEvent = nullptr; lastEventSize = other.lastEventSize; other.lastEventSize = 0; lastEventValid = other.lastEventValid; isSensorOff = other.isSensorOff; samplingStatus = other.samplingStatus; return *this; } ChreSensorData *PlatformSensor::getLastEvent() const { return (this->lastEventValid) ? this->lastEvent : nullptr; } bool PlatformSensor::getSamplingStatus( struct chreSensorSamplingStatus *status) const { CHRE_ASSERT(status); memcpy(status, &samplingStatus, sizeof(*status)); return true; } void PlatformSensorBase::setLastEvent(const ChreSensorData *event) { memcpy(this->lastEvent, event, this->lastEventSize); this->lastEventValid = true; } smr_client_hndl getSensorServiceSmrClientHandle() { return gPlatformSensorServiceSmrClientHandle; } } // namespace chre