/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef SIMPLE_PERF_EVENT_SELECTION_SET_H_ #define SIMPLE_PERF_EVENT_SELECTION_SET_H_ #include <functional> #include <map> #include <set> #include <unordered_map> #include <vector> #include <android-base/macros.h> #include "event_attr.h" #include "event_fd.h" #include "event_type.h" #include "InplaceSamplerClient.h" #include "IOEventLoop.h" #include "perf_event.h" #include "record.h" constexpr double DEFAULT_PERIOD_TO_DETECT_CPU_HOTPLUG_EVENTS_IN_SEC = 0.5; constexpr double DEFAULT_PERIOD_TO_CHECK_MONITORED_TARGETS_IN_SEC = 1; struct CounterInfo { pid_t tid; int cpu; PerfCounter counter; }; struct CountersInfo { uint32_t group_id; std::string event_name; std::string event_modifier; std::vector<CounterInfo> counters; }; struct SampleSpeed { // There are two ways to set sample speed: // 1. sample_freq: take [sample_freq] samples every second. // 2. sample_period: take one sample every [sample_period] events happen. uint64_t sample_freq; uint64_t sample_period; SampleSpeed(uint64_t freq = 0, uint64_t period = 0) : sample_freq(freq), sample_period(period) {} bool UseFreq() const { // Only use one way to set sample speed. CHECK_NE(sample_freq != 0u, sample_period != 0u); return sample_freq != 0u; } }; // EventSelectionSet helps to monitor events. It is used in following steps: // 1. Create an EventSelectionSet, and add event types to monitor by calling // AddEventType() or AddEventGroup(). // 2. Define how to monitor events by calling SetEnableOnExec(), SampleIdAll(), // SetSampleFreq(), etc. // 3. Start monitoring by calling OpenEventFilesForCpus() or // OpenEventFilesForThreadsOnCpus(). If SetEnableOnExec() has been called // in step 2, monitor will be delayed until the monitored thread calls // exec(). // 4. Read counters by calling ReadCounters(), or read mapped event records // by calling MmapEventFiles(), PrepareToReadMmapEventData() and // FinishReadMmapEventData(). // 5. Stop monitoring automatically in the destructor of EventSelectionSet by // closing perf event files. class EventSelectionSet { public: EventSelectionSet(bool for_stat_cmd) : for_stat_cmd_(for_stat_cmd), mmap_pages_(0), loop_(new IOEventLoop) {} bool empty() const { return groups_.empty(); } bool AddEventType(const std::string& event_name, size_t* group_id = nullptr); bool AddEventGroup(const std::vector<std::string>& event_names, size_t* group_id = nullptr); std::vector<const EventType*> GetEvents() const; std::vector<const EventType*> GetTracepointEvents() const; bool ExcludeKernel() const; bool HasInplaceSampler() const; std::vector<EventAttrWithId> GetEventAttrWithId() const; void SetEnableOnExec(bool enable); bool GetEnableOnExec(); void SampleIdAll(); void SetSampleSpeed(size_t group_id, const SampleSpeed& speed); bool SetBranchSampling(uint64_t branch_sample_type); void EnableFpCallChainSampling(); bool EnableDwarfCallChainSampling(uint32_t dump_stack_size); void SetInherit(bool enable); void SetClockId(int clock_id); bool NeedKernelSymbol() const; void AddMonitoredProcesses(const std::set<pid_t>& processes) { processes_.insert(processes.begin(), processes.end()); } void AddMonitoredThreads(const std::set<pid_t>& threads) { threads_.insert(threads.begin(), threads.end()); } const std::set<pid_t>& GetMonitoredProcesses() const { return processes_; } const std::set<pid_t>& GetMonitoredThreads() const { return threads_; } bool HasMonitoredTarget() const { return !processes_.empty() || !threads_.empty(); } IOEventLoop* GetIOEventLoop() { return loop_.get(); } bool OpenEventFiles(const std::vector<int>& on_cpus); bool ReadCounters(std::vector<CountersInfo>* counters); bool MmapEventFiles(size_t min_mmap_pages, size_t max_mmap_pages); bool PrepareToReadMmapEventData(const std::function<bool(Record*)>& callback); bool FinishReadMmapEventData(); // If monitored_cpus is empty, monitor all cpus. bool HandleCpuHotplugEvents(const std::vector<int>& monitored_cpus, double check_interval_in_sec = DEFAULT_PERIOD_TO_DETECT_CPU_HOTPLUG_EVENTS_IN_SEC); // Stop profiling if all monitored processes/threads don't exist. bool StopWhenNoMoreTargets(double check_interval_in_sec = DEFAULT_PERIOD_TO_CHECK_MONITORED_TARGETS_IN_SEC); private: struct EventSelection { EventTypeAndModifier event_type_modifier; perf_event_attr event_attr; std::vector<std::unique_ptr<EventFd>> event_fds; std::vector<std::unique_ptr<InplaceSamplerClient>> inplace_samplers; // counters for event files closed for cpu hotplug events std::vector<CounterInfo> hotplugged_counters; }; typedef std::vector<EventSelection> EventSelectionGroup; bool BuildAndCheckEventSelection(const std::string& event_name, EventSelection* selection); void UnionSampleType(); bool IsUserSpaceSamplerGroup(EventSelectionGroup& group); bool OpenUserSpaceSamplersOnGroup(EventSelectionGroup& group, const std::map<pid_t, std::set<pid_t>>& process_map); bool OpenEventFilesOnGroup(EventSelectionGroup& group, pid_t tid, int cpu, std::string* failed_event_type); bool MmapEventFiles(size_t mmap_pages, bool report_error); bool ReadMmapEventData(); bool DetectCpuHotplugEvents(); bool HandleCpuOnlineEvent(int cpu); bool HandleCpuOfflineEvent(int cpu); bool CreateMappedBufferForCpu(int cpu); bool CheckMonitoredTargets(); bool HasSampler(); const bool for_stat_cmd_; std::vector<EventSelectionGroup> groups_; std::set<pid_t> processes_; std::set<pid_t> threads_; size_t mmap_pages_; std::unique_ptr<IOEventLoop> loop_; std::function<bool(Record*)> record_callback_; std::set<int> monitored_cpus_; std::vector<int> online_cpus_; // Records from all mapped buffers are stored in record_buffer_, each // RecordBufferHead manages records read from one mapped buffer. Create // record_buffer_heads_ and record_buffer_ here to avoid allocating them // from heap each time calling ReadMmapEventData(). struct RecordBufferHead { size_t current_pos; // current position in record_buffer_ size_t end_pos; // end position in record_buffer_ perf_event_attr* attr; uint64_t timestamp; std::unique_ptr<Record> r; }; std::vector<RecordBufferHead> record_buffer_heads_; std::vector<char> record_buffer_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(EventSelectionSet); }; bool IsBranchSamplingSupported(); bool IsDwarfCallChainSamplingSupported(); bool IsDumpingRegsForTracepointEventsSupported(); bool IsSettingClockIdSupported(); #endif // SIMPLE_PERF_EVENT_SELECTION_SET_H_