/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef SIMPLE_PERF_PERF_REGS_H_ #define SIMPLE_PERF_PERF_REGS_H_ #if defined(USE_BIONIC_UAPI_HEADERS) #include <uapi/asm-x86/asm/perf_regs.h> #include <uapi/asm-arm/asm/perf_regs.h> #define perf_event_arm_regs perf_event_arm64_regs #include <uapi/asm-arm64/asm/perf_regs.h> #else #include <asm-x86/asm/perf_regs.h> #include <asm-arm/asm/perf_regs.h> #define perf_event_arm_regs perf_event_arm64_regs #include <asm-arm64/asm/perf_regs.h> #endif #include <stdint.h> #include <string> #include <vector> #include "perf_event.h" enum ArchType { ARCH_X86_32, ARCH_X86_64, ARCH_ARM, ARCH_ARM64, ARCH_UNSUPPORTED, }; constexpr ArchType GetBuildArch() { #if defined(__i386__) return ARCH_X86_32; #elif defined(__x86_64__) return ARCH_X86_64; #elif defined(__aarch64__) return ARCH_ARM64; #elif defined(__arm__) return ARCH_ARM; #else return ARCH_UNSUPPORTED; #endif } ArchType GetArchType(const std::string& arch); ArchType GetArchForAbi(ArchType machine_arch, int abi); std::string GetArchString(ArchType arch); uint64_t GetSupportedRegMask(ArchType arch); std::string GetRegName(size_t regno, ArchType arch); class ScopedCurrentArch { public: explicit ScopedCurrentArch(ArchType arch) : saved_arch(current_arch) { current_arch = arch; current_arch32 = GetArchForAbi(arch, PERF_SAMPLE_REGS_ABI_32); } ~ScopedCurrentArch() { current_arch = saved_arch; current_arch32 = GetArchForAbi(saved_arch, PERF_SAMPLE_REGS_ABI_32); } static ArchType GetCurrentArch() { return current_arch; } static ArchType GetCurrentArch32() { return current_arch32; } private: ArchType saved_arch; static ArchType current_arch; static ArchType current_arch32; }; struct RegSet { ArchType arch; // For each setting bit in valid_mask, there is a valid reg value in data[]. uint64_t valid_mask; // Stores reg values. Values for invalid regs are 0. uint64_t data[64]; RegSet(int abi, uint64_t valid_mask, const uint64_t* valid_regs); bool GetRegValue(size_t regno, uint64_t* value) const; bool GetSpRegValue(uint64_t* value) const; bool GetIpRegValue(uint64_t* value) const; }; #endif // SIMPLE_PERF_PERF_REGS_H_