/* * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <fcntl.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <linux/inet_diag.h> #include <linux/sock_diag.h> #include <net/if.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <gtest/gtest.h> #include <android-base/stringprintf.h> #include <android-base/strings.h> #include <netdutils/MockSyscalls.h> #include "bpf/BpfMap.h" #include "bpf/BpfNetworkStats.h" #include "bpf/BpfUtils.h" using ::testing::_; using ::testing::ByMove; using ::testing::Invoke; using ::testing::Return; using ::testing::StrictMock; using ::testing::Test; namespace android { namespace bpf { using base::unique_fd; using netdutils::StatusOr; constexpr uint32_t TEST_MAP_SIZE = 10; constexpr uint32_t TEST_KEY1 = 1; constexpr uint32_t TEST_VALUE1 = 10; constexpr const char PINNED_MAP_PATH[] = "/sys/fs/bpf/testMap"; class BpfMapTest : public testing::Test { protected: BpfMapTest() {} int mMapFd; void SetUp() { if (!access(PINNED_MAP_PATH, R_OK)) { EXPECT_EQ(0, remove(PINNED_MAP_PATH)); } mMapFd = createMap(BPF_MAP_TYPE_HASH, sizeof(uint32_t), sizeof(uint32_t), TEST_MAP_SIZE, BPF_F_NO_PREALLOC); } void TearDown() { if (!access(PINNED_MAP_PATH, R_OK)) { EXPECT_EQ(0, remove(PINNED_MAP_PATH)); } close(mMapFd); } void checkMapInvalid(BpfMap<uint32_t, uint32_t>& map) { EXPECT_FALSE(map.isValid()); EXPECT_EQ(-1, map.getMap().get()); EXPECT_TRUE(map.getPinnedPath().empty()); } void checkMapValid(BpfMap<uint32_t, uint32_t>& map) { EXPECT_LE(0, map.getMap().get()); EXPECT_TRUE(map.isValid()); } void writeToMapAndCheck(BpfMap<uint32_t, uint32_t>& map, uint32_t key, uint32_t value) { ASSERT_TRUE(isOk(map.writeValue(key, value, BPF_ANY))); uint32_t value_read; ASSERT_EQ(0, findMapEntry(map.getMap(), &key, &value_read)); checkValueAndStatus(value, value_read); } void checkValueAndStatus(uint32_t refValue, StatusOr<uint32_t> value) { ASSERT_TRUE(isOk(value.status())); ASSERT_EQ(refValue, value.value()); } void populateMap(uint32_t total, BpfMap<uint32_t, uint32_t>& map) { for (uint32_t key = 0; key < total; key++) { uint32_t value = key * 10; EXPECT_TRUE(isOk(map.writeValue(key, value, BPF_ANY))); } } }; TEST_F(BpfMapTest, constructor) { BpfMap<uint32_t, uint32_t> testMap1; checkMapInvalid(testMap1); BpfMap<uint32_t, uint32_t> testMap2(mMapFd); checkMapValid(testMap2); EXPECT_TRUE(testMap2.getPinnedPath().empty()); BpfMap<uint32_t, uint32_t> testMap3(BPF_MAP_TYPE_HASH, TEST_MAP_SIZE, BPF_F_NO_PREALLOC); checkMapValid(testMap3); EXPECT_TRUE(testMap3.getPinnedPath().empty()); } TEST_F(BpfMapTest, basicHelpers) { BpfMap<uint32_t, uint32_t> testMap(mMapFd); uint32_t key = TEST_KEY1; uint32_t value_write = TEST_VALUE1; writeToMapAndCheck(testMap, key, value_write); StatusOr<uint32_t> value_read = testMap.readValue(key); checkValueAndStatus(value_write, value_read); StatusOr<uint32_t> key_read = testMap.getFirstKey(); checkValueAndStatus(key, key_read); ASSERT_TRUE(isOk(testMap.deleteValue(key))); ASSERT_GT(0, findMapEntry(testMap.getMap(), &key, &value_read)); ASSERT_EQ(ENOENT, errno); } TEST_F(BpfMapTest, reset) { BpfMap<uint32_t, uint32_t> testMap; testMap.reset(mMapFd); uint32_t key = TEST_KEY1; uint32_t value_write = TEST_VALUE1; writeToMapAndCheck(testMap, key, value_write); testMap.reset(); checkMapInvalid(testMap); unique_fd invalidFd(mMapFd); ASSERT_GT(0, findMapEntry(invalidFd, &key, &value_write)); ASSERT_EQ(EBADF, errno); } TEST_F(BpfMapTest, moveConstructor) { BpfMap<uint32_t, uint32_t> testMap1(mMapFd); BpfMap<uint32_t, uint32_t> testMap2; testMap2 = std::move(testMap1); uint32_t key = TEST_KEY1; checkMapInvalid(testMap1); uint32_t value = TEST_VALUE1; writeToMapAndCheck(testMap2, key, value); } TEST_F(BpfMapTest, iterateEmptyMap) { BpfMap<uint32_t, uint32_t> testMap(mMapFd); auto itr = testMap.begin(); ASSERT_NE(testMap.end(), itr); itr.start(); ASSERT_EQ(testMap.end(), itr); ASSERT_FALSE(isOk(itr.next())); ASSERT_EQ(testMap.end(), itr); } TEST_F(BpfMapTest, iterator) { BpfMap<uint32_t, uint32_t> testMap(mMapFd); for (uint32_t key = 0; key < TEST_MAP_SIZE; key++) { uint32_t value = key * 10; ASSERT_TRUE(isOk(testMap.writeValue(key, value, BPF_ANY))); } std::vector<uint32_t> valueList; auto itr = testMap.begin(); for (itr.start(); itr != testMap.end(); itr.next()) { uint32_t readKey = *itr; StatusOr<uint32_t> readValue = testMap.readValue(readKey); ASSERT_TRUE(isOk(readValue.status())); valueList.push_back(readValue.value()); } ASSERT_EQ((size_t)TEST_MAP_SIZE, valueList.size()); std::sort(valueList.begin(), valueList.end()); for (uint32_t key = 0; key < TEST_MAP_SIZE; key++) { EXPECT_EQ(key * 10, valueList[key]); } } TEST_F(BpfMapTest, twoIterator) { BpfMap<uint32_t, uint32_t> testMap(mMapFd); for (uint32_t key = 0; key < TEST_MAP_SIZE; key++) { uint32_t value = key * 10; ASSERT_TRUE(isOk(testMap.writeValue(key, value, BPF_ANY))); } auto itr1 = testMap.begin(); auto itr2 = testMap.begin(); ASSERT_EQ(itr1, itr2); ASSERT_TRUE(isOk(itr1.start())); ASSERT_NE(itr1, itr2); ASSERT_TRUE(isOk(itr2.start())); ASSERT_EQ(itr1, itr2); uint32_t count = 0; while (itr1 != testMap.end()) { ASSERT_TRUE(isOk(itr1.next())); count++; } ASSERT_EQ(testMap.end(), itr1); ASSERT_EQ(TEST_MAP_SIZE, count); while (count != 0) { ASSERT_NE(testMap.end(), itr2); count--; ASSERT_TRUE(isOk(itr2.next())); } ASSERT_EQ(itr1, itr2); ASSERT_EQ(testMap.end(), itr2); } TEST_F(BpfMapTest, pinnedToPath) { BpfMap<uint32_t, uint32_t> testMap1(mMapFd); EXPECT_TRUE(isOk(testMap1.pinToPath(PINNED_MAP_PATH))); EXPECT_EQ(0, access(PINNED_MAP_PATH, R_OK)); EXPECT_EQ(0, testMap1.getPinnedPath().compare(PINNED_MAP_PATH)); BpfMap<uint32_t, uint32_t> testMap2(mapRetrieve(PINNED_MAP_PATH, 0)); checkMapValid(testMap2); uint32_t key = TEST_KEY1; uint32_t value = TEST_VALUE1; writeToMapAndCheck(testMap1, key, value); StatusOr<uint32_t> value_read = testMap2.readValue(key); checkValueAndStatus(value, value_read); } TEST_F(BpfMapTest, SetUpMap) { BpfMap<uint32_t, uint32_t> testMap1; EXPECT_TRUE(isOk(testMap1.getOrCreate(TEST_MAP_SIZE, PINNED_MAP_PATH, BPF_MAP_TYPE_HASH))); EXPECT_EQ(0, access(PINNED_MAP_PATH, R_OK)); checkMapValid(testMap1); EXPECT_EQ(0, testMap1.getPinnedPath().compare(PINNED_MAP_PATH)); BpfMap<uint32_t, uint32_t> testMap2; testMap2.getOrCreate(TEST_MAP_SIZE, PINNED_MAP_PATH, BPF_MAP_TYPE_HASH); checkMapValid(testMap2); EXPECT_EQ(0, testMap2.getPinnedPath().compare(PINNED_MAP_PATH)); uint32_t key = TEST_KEY1; uint32_t value = TEST_VALUE1; writeToMapAndCheck(testMap1, key, value); StatusOr<uint32_t> value_read = testMap2.readValue(key); checkValueAndStatus(value, value_read); } TEST_F(BpfMapTest, iterate) { BpfMap<uint32_t, uint32_t> testMap(mMapFd); populateMap(TEST_MAP_SIZE, testMap); int totalCount = 0; int totalSum = 0; const auto iterateWithDeletion = [&totalCount, &totalSum](const uint32_t& key, BpfMap<uint32_t, uint32_t>& map) { EXPECT_GE((uint32_t)TEST_MAP_SIZE, key); totalCount++; totalSum += key; return map.deleteValue(key); }; EXPECT_TRUE(isOk(testMap.iterate(iterateWithDeletion))); EXPECT_EQ((int)TEST_MAP_SIZE, totalCount); EXPECT_EQ(((1 + TEST_MAP_SIZE - 1) * (TEST_MAP_SIZE - 1)) / 2, (uint32_t)totalSum); EXPECT_FALSE(isOk(testMap.getFirstKey())); } TEST_F(BpfMapTest, iterateWithValue) { BpfMap<uint32_t, uint32_t> testMap(mMapFd); populateMap(TEST_MAP_SIZE, testMap); int totalCount = 0; int totalSum = 0; const auto iterateWithDeletion = [&totalCount, &totalSum](const uint32_t& key, const uint32_t& value, BpfMap<uint32_t, uint32_t>& map) { EXPECT_GE((uint32_t)TEST_MAP_SIZE, key); EXPECT_EQ(value, key * 10); totalCount++; totalSum += value; return map.deleteValue(key); }; EXPECT_TRUE(isOk(testMap.iterateWithValue(iterateWithDeletion))); EXPECT_EQ((int)TEST_MAP_SIZE, totalCount); EXPECT_EQ(((1 + TEST_MAP_SIZE - 1) * (TEST_MAP_SIZE - 1)) * 5, (uint32_t)totalSum); EXPECT_FALSE(isOk(testMap.getFirstKey())); } } // namespace bpf } // namespace android