 *  Copyright (C) 2011-2014 Broadcom Corporation
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.

 *  NFA interface for card emulation
#include <string.h>

#include <android-base/stringprintf.h>
#include <base/logging.h>

#include "nfa_api.h"
#include "nfa_ce_int.h"

using android::base::StringPrintf;

extern bool nfc_debug_enabled;

** Function         nfa_ce_api_deregister_listen
** Description      Internal function called by listening for Felica system
**                  code, ISO-DEP AID, or UICC technology
** Returns:
**                  NFA_STATUS_OK,            if command accepted
**                  NFA_STATUS_BAD_HANDLE     invalid handle
**                  NFA_STATUS_FAILED:        otherwise
tNFA_STATUS nfa_ce_api_deregister_listen(tNFA_HANDLE handle,
                                         uint32_t listen_info) {
  tNFA_CE_MSG* p_ce_msg;

  /* Validate handle */
  if ((listen_info != NFA_CE_LISTEN_INFO_UICC) &&
    LOG(ERROR) << StringPrintf("nfa_ce_api_reregister_listen: Invalid handle");

  p_ce_msg = (tNFA_CE_MSG*)GKI_getbuf((uint16_t)(sizeof(tNFA_CE_MSG)));
  if (p_ce_msg != NULL) {
    p_ce_msg->hdr.event = NFA_CE_API_DEREG_LISTEN_EVT;
    p_ce_msg->dereg_listen.handle = handle;
    p_ce_msg->dereg_listen.listen_info = listen_info;


    return (NFA_STATUS_OK);
  } else {
    LOG(ERROR) << StringPrintf("nfa_ce_api_reregister_listen: Out of buffers");
    return (NFA_STATUS_FAILED);

**  APIs

** Function         NFA_CeConfigureLocalTag
** Description      Configure local NDEF tag.
**                  Tag events will be notifed using the tNFA_CONN_CBACK
**                  (registered during NFA_Enable)
**                  The NFA_CE_LOCAL_TAG_CONFIGURED_EVT reports the status of
**                  the operation.
**                  Activation and deactivation are reported using the
**                  NFA_ACTIVATED_EVT and NFA_DEACTIVATED_EVT events
**                  If a write-request is received to update the tag memory,
**                  an NFA_CE_NDEF_WRITE_CPLT_EVT will notify the application,
**                  along with a buffer containing the updated contents.
**                  To disable the local NDEF tag, set protocol_mask=0
**                  The NDEF data provided by p_ndef_data must be persistent
**                  as long as the local NDEF tag is enabled.
** Note:            If RF discovery is started,
**                  NFA_StopRfDiscovery()/NFA_RF_DISCOVERY_STOPPED_EVT should
**                  happen before calling this function. Also, Input parameters
**                  p_uid and uid_len are reserved for future use.
** Returns:
**                  NFA_STATUS_OK,            if command accepted
**                  NFA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM,
**                      if protocol_maks is not 0 and p_ndef_data is NULL
**                  (or)uid_len is not 0
**                  (or)if protocol mask is set for Type 1 or Type 2
**                  NFA_STATUS_FAILED:        otherwise
tNFA_STATUS NFA_CeConfigureLocalTag(tNFA_PROTOCOL_MASK protocol_mask,
                                    uint8_t* p_ndef_data,
                                    uint16_t ndef_cur_size,
                                    uint16_t ndef_max_size, bool read_only,
                                    uint8_t uid_len, uint8_t* p_uid)

  tNFA_CE_MSG* p_msg;

  DLOG_IF(INFO, nfc_debug_enabled) << __func__;

  if (protocol_mask) {
    /* If any protocols are specified, then NDEF buffer pointer must be non-NULL
    if (p_ndef_data == NULL) {
      LOG(ERROR) << StringPrintf(
          "NFA_CeConfigureLocalTag: NULL ndef data pointer");

    if ((protocol_mask & NFA_PROTOCOL_MASK_T1T) ||
        (protocol_mask & NFA_PROTOCOL_MASK_T2T)) {
      LOG(ERROR) << StringPrintf(
          "NFA_CeConfigureLocalTag: Cannot emulate Type 1 / Type 2 tag");

    if (uid_len) {
      LOG(ERROR) << StringPrintf(
          "NFA_CeConfigureLocalTag: Cannot Set UID for Protocol_mask: 0x%x",
  p_msg = (tNFA_CE_MSG*)GKI_getbuf((uint16_t)sizeof(tNFA_CE_MSG));
  if (p_msg != NULL) {
    p_msg->local_tag.hdr.event = NFA_CE_API_CFG_LOCAL_TAG_EVT;

    /* Copy ndef info */
    p_msg->local_tag.protocol_mask = protocol_mask;
    p_msg->local_tag.p_ndef_data = p_ndef_data;
    p_msg->local_tag.ndef_cur_size = ndef_cur_size;
    p_msg->local_tag.ndef_max_size = ndef_max_size;
    p_msg->local_tag.read_only = read_only;
    p_msg->local_tag.uid_len = uid_len;

    if (uid_len) memcpy(p_msg->local_tag.uid, p_uid, uid_len);


    return (NFA_STATUS_OK);


** Function         NFA_CeConfigureUiccListenTech
** Description      Configure listening for the UICC, using the specified
**                  technologies.
**                  Events will be notifed using the tNFA_CONN_CBACK
**                  (registered during NFA_Enable)
**                  The NFA_CE_UICC_LISTEN_CONFIGURED_EVT reports the status of
**                  the operation.
**                  Activation and deactivation are reported using the
**                  NFA_ACTIVATED_EVT and NFA_DEACTIVATED_EVT events
** Note:            If RF discovery is started,
**                  NFA_StopRfDiscovery()/NFA_RF_DISCOVERY_STOPPED_EVT should
**                  happen before calling this function
** Returns:
**                  NFA_STATUS_OK, if command accepted
**                  NFA_STATUS_FAILED: otherwise
tNFA_STATUS NFA_CeConfigureUiccListenTech(tNFA_HANDLE ee_handle,
                                          tNFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK tech_mask) {
  tNFA_CE_MSG* p_msg;

  DLOG_IF(INFO, nfc_debug_enabled)
      << StringPrintf("ee_handle = 0x%x", ee_handle);

  /* If tech_mask is zero, then app is disabling listening for specified uicc */
  if (tech_mask == 0) {
    return (nfa_ce_api_deregister_listen(ee_handle, NFA_CE_LISTEN_INFO_UICC));

  /* Otherwise then app is configuring uicc listen for the specificed
   * technologies */
  p_msg = (tNFA_CE_MSG*)GKI_getbuf((uint16_t)sizeof(tNFA_CE_MSG));
  if (p_msg != NULL) {
    p_msg->reg_listen.hdr.event = NFA_CE_API_REG_LISTEN_EVT;
    p_msg->reg_listen.listen_type = NFA_CE_REG_TYPE_UICC;

    p_msg->reg_listen.ee_handle = ee_handle;
    p_msg->reg_listen.tech_mask = tech_mask;


    return (NFA_STATUS_OK);
  LOG(ERROR) << StringPrintf(
      "NFCEE related functions are not "

** Function         NFA_CeRegisterFelicaSystemCodeOnDH
** Description      Register listening callback for Felica system code
**                  The NFA_CE_REGISTERED_EVT reports the status of the
**                  operation.
** Note:            If RF discovery is started,
**                  NFA_StopRfDiscovery()/NFA_RF_DISCOVERY_STOPPED_EVT should
**                  happen before calling this function
** Returns:
**                  NFA_STATUS_OK, if command accepted
**                  NFA_STATUS_FAILED: otherwise
tNFA_STATUS NFA_CeRegisterFelicaSystemCodeOnDH(uint16_t system_code,
                                               uint8_t nfcid2[NCI_RF_F_UID_LEN],
                                               uint8_t t3tPmm[NCI_T3T_PMM_LEN],
                                               tNFA_CONN_CBACK* p_conn_cback) {
  tNFA_CE_MSG* p_msg;

  DLOG_IF(INFO, nfc_debug_enabled) << __func__;

  /* Validate parameters */
  if (p_conn_cback == NULL) return (NFA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM);

  p_msg = (tNFA_CE_MSG*)GKI_getbuf((uint16_t)sizeof(tNFA_CE_MSG));
  if (p_msg != NULL) {
    p_msg->reg_listen.hdr.event = NFA_CE_API_REG_LISTEN_EVT;
    p_msg->reg_listen.p_conn_cback = p_conn_cback;
    p_msg->reg_listen.listen_type = NFA_CE_REG_TYPE_FELICA;

    /* Listen info */
    memcpy(p_msg->reg_listen.nfcid2, nfcid2, NCI_RF_F_UID_LEN);
    memcpy(p_msg->reg_listen.t3tPmm, t3tPmm, NCI_T3T_PMM_LEN);
    p_msg->reg_listen.system_code = system_code;


    return (NFA_STATUS_OK);


** Function         NFA_CeDeregisterFelicaSystemCodeOnDH
** Description      Deregister listening callback for Felica
**                  (previously registered using
**                  NFA_CeRegisterFelicaSystemCodeOnDH)
**                  The NFA_CE_DEREGISTERED_EVT reports the status of the
**                  operation.
** Note:            If RF discovery is started,
**                  NFA_StopRfDiscovery()/NFA_RF_DISCOVERY_STOPPED_EVT should
**                  happen before calling this function
** Returns          NFA_STATUS_OK if successfully initiated
**                  NFA_STATUS_BAD_HANDLE if invalid handle
**                  NFA_STATUS_FAILED otherwise
tNFA_STATUS NFA_CeDeregisterFelicaSystemCodeOnDH(tNFA_HANDLE handle) {
  DLOG_IF(INFO, nfc_debug_enabled) << StringPrintf("handle:0x%X", handle);
  return (nfa_ce_api_deregister_listen(handle, NFA_CE_LISTEN_INFO_FELICA));

** Function         NFA_CeRegisterAidOnDH
** Description      Register listening callback for the specified ISODEP AID
**                  The NFA_CE_REGISTERED_EVT reports the status of the
**                  operation.
**                  If no AID is specified (aid_len=0), then p_conn_cback will
**                  will get notifications for any AIDs routed to the DH. This
**                  over-rides callbacks registered for specific AIDs.
** Note:            If RF discovery is started,
**                  NFA_StopRfDiscovery()/NFA_RF_DISCOVERY_STOPPED_EVT should
**                  happen before calling this function
** Returns:
**                  NFA_STATUS_OK, if command accepted
**                  NFA_STATUS_FAILED: otherwise
tNFA_STATUS NFA_CeRegisterAidOnDH(uint8_t aid[NFC_MAX_AID_LEN], uint8_t aid_len,
                                  tNFA_CONN_CBACK* p_conn_cback) {
  tNFA_CE_MSG* p_msg;

  DLOG_IF(INFO, nfc_debug_enabled) << __func__;

  /* Validate parameters */
  if (p_conn_cback == NULL) return (NFA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM);

  p_msg = (tNFA_CE_MSG*)GKI_getbuf((uint16_t)sizeof(tNFA_CE_MSG));
  if (p_msg != NULL) {
    p_msg->reg_listen.hdr.event = NFA_CE_API_REG_LISTEN_EVT;
    p_msg->reg_listen.p_conn_cback = p_conn_cback;
    p_msg->reg_listen.listen_type = NFA_CE_REG_TYPE_ISO_DEP;

    /* Listen info */
    memcpy(p_msg->reg_listen.aid, aid, aid_len);
    p_msg->reg_listen.aid_len = aid_len;


    return (NFA_STATUS_OK);


** Function         NFA_CeDeregisterAidOnDH
** Description      Deregister listening callback for ISODEP AID
**                  (previously registered using NFA_CeRegisterAidOnDH)
**                  The NFA_CE_DEREGISTERED_EVT reports the status of the
**                  operation.
** Note:            If RF discovery is started,
**                  NFA_StopRfDiscovery()/NFA_RF_DISCOVERY_STOPPED_EVT should
**                  happen before calling this function
** Returns          NFA_STATUS_OK if successfully initiated
**                  NFA_STATUS_BAD_HANDLE if invalid handle
**                  NFA_STATUS_FAILED otherwise
tNFA_STATUS NFA_CeDeregisterAidOnDH(tNFA_HANDLE handle) {
  DLOG_IF(INFO, nfc_debug_enabled) << StringPrintf("handle:0x%X", handle);
  return (nfa_ce_api_deregister_listen(handle, NFA_CE_LISTEN_INFO_T4T_AID));

** Function         NFA_CeSetIsoDepListenTech
** Description      Set the technologies (NFC-A and/or NFC-B) to listen for when
**                  NFA_CeConfigureLocalTag or NFA_CeDeregisterAidOnDH are
**                  called.
**                  By default (if this API is not called), NFA will listen
**                  for both NFC-A and NFC-B for ISODEP.
** Note:            If listening for ISODEP on UICC, the DH listen callbacks
**                  may still get activate notifications for ISODEP if the
**                  reader/writer selects an AID that is not routed to the UICC
**                  (regardless of whether A or B was disabled using
**                  NFA_CeSetIsoDepListenTech)
** Note:            If RF discovery is started,
**                  NFA_StopRfDiscovery()/NFA_RF_DISCOVERY_STOPPED_EVT should
**                  happen before calling this function
** Returns:
**                  NFA_STATUS_OK, if command accepted
**                  NFA_STATUS_FAILED: otherwise
tNFA_STATUS NFA_CeSetIsoDepListenTech(tNFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK tech_mask) {
  tNFA_CE_MSG* p_msg;

  DLOG_IF(INFO, nfc_debug_enabled) << StringPrintf("0x%x", tech_mask);
  if (((tech_mask & use_mask) == 0) || ((tech_mask & ~use_mask) != 0)) {
    LOG(ERROR) << StringPrintf(
        "NFA_CeSetIsoDepListenTech: Invalid technology mask");

  p_msg = (tNFA_CE_MSG*)GKI_getbuf((uint16_t)sizeof(tNFA_CE_MSG));
  if (p_msg != NULL) {
    p_msg->hdr.event = NFA_CE_API_CFG_ISODEP_TECH_EVT;
    p_msg->hdr.layer_specific = tech_mask;


    return (NFA_STATUS_OK);
