/* * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "keystore" #include <android-base/logging.h> #include <android/hidl/manager/1.1/IServiceManager.h> #include <android/security/IKeystoreService.h> #include <android/system/wifi/keystore/1.0/IKeystore.h> #include <binder/IPCThreadState.h> #include <binder/IServiceManager.h> #include <hidl/HidlTransportSupport.h> #include <keymasterV4_0/Keymaster3.h> #include <keymasterV4_0/Keymaster4.h> #include <utils/StrongPointer.h> #include <wifikeystorehal/keystore.h> #include <keystore/keystore_hidl_support.h> #include <keystore/keystore_return_types.h> #include "KeyStore.h" #include "entropy.h" #include "key_store_service.h" #include "legacy_keymaster_device_wrapper.h" #include "permissions.h" /* KeyStore is a secured storage for key-value pairs. In this implementation, * each file stores one key-value pair. Keys are encoded in file names, and * values are encrypted with checksums. The encryption key is protected by a * user-defined password. To keep things simple, buffers are always larger than * the maximum space we needed, so boundary checks on buffers are omitted. */ using ::android::sp; using ::android::hardware::configureRpcThreadpool; using ::android::system::wifi::keystore::V1_0::IKeystore; using ::android::system::wifi::keystore::V1_0::implementation::Keystore; using ::android::hidl::manager::V1_1::IServiceManager; using ::android::hardware::hidl_string; using ::android::hardware::hidl_vec; using ::android::hardware::keymaster::V4_0::SecurityLevel; using ::android::hardware::keymaster::V4_0::HmacSharingParameters; using ::android::hardware::keymaster::V4_0::ErrorCode; using ::keystore::keymaster::support::Keymaster; using ::keystore::keymaster::support::Keymaster3; using ::keystore::keymaster::support::Keymaster4; using keystore::KeymasterDevices; template <typename Wrapper> KeymasterDevices enumerateKeymasterDevices(IServiceManager* serviceManager) { KeymasterDevices result; serviceManager->listByInterface( Wrapper::WrappedIKeymasterDevice::descriptor, [&](const hidl_vec<hidl_string>& names) { auto try_get_device = [&](const auto& name, bool fail_silent) { auto device = Wrapper::WrappedIKeymasterDevice::getService(name); if (fail_silent && !device) return; CHECK(device) << "Failed to get service for \"" << Wrapper::WrappedIKeymasterDevice::descriptor << "\" with interface name \"" << name << "\""; sp<Keymaster> kmDevice(new Wrapper(device, name)); auto halVersion = kmDevice->halVersion(); SecurityLevel securityLevel = halVersion.securityLevel; LOG(INFO) << "found " << Wrapper::WrappedIKeymasterDevice::descriptor << " with interface name " << name << " and seclevel " << toString(securityLevel); CHECK(static_cast<uint32_t>(securityLevel) < result.size()) << "Security level of \"" << Wrapper::WrappedIKeymasterDevice::descriptor << "\" with interface name \"" << name << "\" out of range"; auto& deviceSlot = result[securityLevel]; if (deviceSlot) { if (!fail_silent) { LOG(WARNING) << "Implementation of \"" << Wrapper::WrappedIKeymasterDevice::descriptor << "\" with interface name \"" << name << "\" and security level: " << toString(securityLevel) << " Masked by other implementation of Keymaster"; } } else { deviceSlot = kmDevice; } }; bool has_default = false; for (auto& n : names) { try_get_device(n, false); if (n == "default") has_default = true; } // Make sure that we always check the default device. If we enumerate only what is // known to hwservicemanager, we miss a possible passthrough HAL. if (!has_default) { try_get_device("default", true /* fail_silent */); } }); return result; } KeymasterDevices initializeKeymasters() { auto serviceManager = android::hidl::manager::V1_1::IServiceManager::getService(); CHECK(serviceManager.get()) << "Failed to get ServiceManager"; auto result = enumerateKeymasterDevices<Keymaster4>(serviceManager.get()); auto softKeymaster = result[SecurityLevel::SOFTWARE]; if (!result[SecurityLevel::TRUSTED_ENVIRONMENT]) { result = enumerateKeymasterDevices<Keymaster3>(serviceManager.get()); } if (softKeymaster) result[SecurityLevel::SOFTWARE] = softKeymaster; if (result[SecurityLevel::SOFTWARE] && !result[SecurityLevel::TRUSTED_ENVIRONMENT]) { LOG(WARNING) << "No secure Keymaster implementation found, but device offers insecure" " Keymaster HAL. Using as default."; result[SecurityLevel::TRUSTED_ENVIRONMENT] = result[SecurityLevel::SOFTWARE]; result[SecurityLevel::SOFTWARE] = nullptr; } if (!result[SecurityLevel::SOFTWARE]) { auto fbdev = android::keystore::makeSoftwareKeymasterDevice(); CHECK(fbdev.get()) << "Unable to create Software Keymaster Device"; result[SecurityLevel::SOFTWARE] = new Keymaster3(fbdev, "Software"); } return result; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { using android::hardware::hidl_string; CHECK(argc >= 2) << "A directory must be specified!"; CHECK(chdir(argv[1]) != -1) << "chdir: " << argv[1] << ": " << strerror(errno); Entropy entropy; CHECK(entropy.open()) << "Failed to open entropy source."; auto kmDevices = initializeKeymasters(); CHECK(kmDevices[SecurityLevel::SOFTWARE]) << "Missing software Keymaster device"; CHECK(kmDevices[SecurityLevel::TRUSTED_ENVIRONMENT]) << "Error no viable keymaster device found"; CHECK(configure_selinux() != -1) << "Failed to configure SELinux."; auto halVersion = kmDevices[SecurityLevel::TRUSTED_ENVIRONMENT]->halVersion(); // If the hardware is keymaster 2.0 or higher we will not allow the fallback device for import // or generation of keys. The fallback device is only used for legacy keys present on the // device. SecurityLevel minimalAllowedSecurityLevelForNewKeys = halVersion.majorVersion >= 2 ? SecurityLevel::TRUSTED_ENVIRONMENT : SecurityLevel::SOFTWARE; keystore::KeyStore keyStore(&entropy, kmDevices, minimalAllowedSecurityLevelForNewKeys); keyStore.initialize(); android::sp<android::IServiceManager> sm = android::defaultServiceManager(); android::sp<keystore::KeyStoreService> service = new keystore::KeyStoreService(&keyStore); android::status_t ret = sm->addService(android::String16("android.security.keystore"), service); CHECK(ret == android::OK) << "Couldn't register binder service!"; /** * Register the wifi keystore HAL service to run in passthrough mode. * This will spawn off a new thread which will service the HIDL * transactions. */ configureRpcThreadpool(1, false /* callerWillJoin */); android::sp<IKeystore> wifiKeystoreHalService = new Keystore(); android::status_t err = wifiKeystoreHalService->registerAsService(); CHECK(ret == android::OK) << "Cannot register wifi keystore HAL service: " << err; /* * This thread is just going to process Binder transactions. */ android::IPCThreadState::self()->joinThreadPool(); return 1; }