# dex2oat
type dex2oat, domain;
type dex2oat_exec, exec_type, file_type;

r_dir_file(dex2oat, apk_data_file)
# Access to /vendor/app
r_dir_file(dex2oat, vendor_app_file)
# Access /vendor/framework
allow dex2oat vendor_framework_file:dir { getattr search };
allow dex2oat vendor_framework_file:file { getattr open read };

allow dex2oat tmpfs:file { read getattr };

r_dir_file(dex2oat, dalvikcache_data_file)
allow dex2oat dalvikcache_data_file:file write;
# Read symlinks in /data/dalvik-cache. This is required for PIC mode boot images, where
# the oat file is symlinked to the original file in /system.
allow dex2oat dalvikcache_data_file:lnk_file read;
allow dex2oat installd:fd use;

# Acquire advisory lock on /system/framework/arm/*
allow dex2oat system_file:file lock;

# Read already open asec_apk_file file descriptors passed by installd.
# Also allow reading unlabeled files, to allow for upgrading forward
# locked APKs.
allow dex2oat asec_apk_file:file read;
allow dex2oat unlabeled:file read;
allow dex2oat oemfs:file read;
allow dex2oat apk_tmp_file:dir search;
allow dex2oat apk_tmp_file:file r_file_perms;
allow dex2oat user_profile_data_file:file { getattr read lock };

# Allow dex2oat to compile app's secondary dex files which were reported back to
# the framework.
allow dex2oat app_data_file:file { getattr read write lock };

# A/B OTA Dexopt #

# Allow dex2oat to use file descriptors from otapreopt.
allow dex2oat postinstall_dexopt:fd use;

allow dex2oat postinstall_file:dir { getattr search };
allow dex2oat postinstall_file:filesystem getattr;
allow dex2oat postinstall_file:lnk_file { getattr read };

# Allow dex2oat access to files in /data/ota.
allow dex2oat ota_data_file:dir ra_dir_perms;
allow dex2oat ota_data_file:file r_file_perms;

# Create and read symlinks in /data/ota/dalvik-cache. This is required for PIC mode boot images,
# where the oat file is symlinked to the original file in /system.
allow dex2oat ota_data_file:lnk_file { create read };

# It would be nice to tie this down, but currently, because of how images are written, we can't
# pass file descriptors for the preopted boot image to dex2oat. So dex2oat needs to be able to
# create them itself (and make them world-readable).
allow dex2oat ota_data_file:file { create w_file_perms setattr };

# Neverallow #

neverallow dex2oat app_data_file:notdevfile_class_set open;