# otapreopt_chroot executable
type otapreopt_chroot, domain;
type otapreopt_chroot_exec, exec_type, file_type;

# Chroot preparation and execution.
# We need to create an unshared mount namespace, and then mount /data.
allow otapreopt_chroot postinstall_file:dir { search mounton };
allow otapreopt_chroot self:global_capability_class_set { sys_admin sys_chroot };

# This is required to mount /vendor.
allow otapreopt_chroot block_device:dir search;
allow otapreopt_chroot labeledfs:filesystem mount;
# Mounting /vendor can have this side-effect. Ignore denial.
dontaudit otapreopt_chroot kernel:process setsched;

# Allow otapreopt to use file descriptors from update-engine. It will
# close them immediately.
allow otapreopt_chroot postinstall:fd use;
allow otapreopt_chroot update_engine:fd use;
allow otapreopt_chroot update_engine:fifo_file write;