/* * Copyright (C) 2015, The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "ast_java.h" #include "code_writer.h" #include "type_java.h" using std::vector; using std::string; namespace android { namespace aidl { namespace java { void WriteModifiers(CodeWriter* to, int mod, int mask) { int m = mod & mask; if (m & OVERRIDE) { to->Write("@Override "); } if ((m & SCOPE_MASK) == PUBLIC) { to->Write("public "); } else if ((m & SCOPE_MASK) == PRIVATE) { to->Write("private "); } else if ((m & SCOPE_MASK) == PROTECTED) { to->Write("protected "); } if (m & STATIC) { to->Write("static "); } if (m & FINAL) { to->Write("final "); } if (m & ABSTRACT) { to->Write("abstract "); } } void WriteArgumentList(CodeWriter* to, const vector<Expression*>& arguments) { size_t N = arguments.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i++) { arguments[i]->Write(to); if (i != N - 1) { to->Write(", "); } } } Field::Field(int m, Variable* v) : ClassElement(), modifiers(m), variable(v) {} void Field::Write(CodeWriter* to) const { if (this->comment.length() != 0) { to->Write("%s\n", this->comment.c_str()); } WriteModifiers(to, this->modifiers, SCOPE_MASK | STATIC | FINAL | OVERRIDE); to->Write("%s %s", this->variable->type->JavaType().c_str(), this->variable->name.c_str()); if (this->value.length() != 0) { to->Write(" = %s", this->value.c_str()); } to->Write(";\n"); } LiteralExpression::LiteralExpression(const string& v) : value(v) {} void LiteralExpression::Write(CodeWriter* to) const { to->Write("%s", this->value.c_str()); } StringLiteralExpression::StringLiteralExpression(const string& v) : value(v) {} void StringLiteralExpression::Write(CodeWriter* to) const { to->Write("\"%s\"", this->value.c_str()); } Variable::Variable(const Type* t, const string& n) : type(t), name(n), dimension(0) {} Variable::Variable(const Type* t, const string& n, int d) : type(t), name(n), dimension(d) {} void Variable::WriteDeclaration(CodeWriter* to) const { string dim; for (int i = 0; i < this->dimension; i++) { dim += "[]"; } to->Write("%s%s %s", this->type->JavaType().c_str(), dim.c_str(), this->name.c_str()); } void Variable::Write(CodeWriter* to) const { to->Write("%s", name.c_str()); } FieldVariable::FieldVariable(Expression* o, const string& n) : object(o), clazz(NULL), name(n) {} FieldVariable::FieldVariable(const Type* c, const string& n) : object(NULL), clazz(c), name(n) {} void FieldVariable::Write(CodeWriter* to) const { if (this->object != NULL) { this->object->Write(to); } else if (this->clazz != NULL) { to->Write("%s", this->clazz->JavaType().c_str()); } to->Write(".%s", name.c_str()); } void StatementBlock::Write(CodeWriter* to) const { to->Write("{\n"); int N = this->statements.size(); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { this->statements[i]->Write(to); } to->Write("}\n"); } void StatementBlock::Add(Statement* statement) { this->statements.push_back(statement); } void StatementBlock::Add(Expression* expression) { this->statements.push_back(new ExpressionStatement(expression)); } ExpressionStatement::ExpressionStatement(Expression* e) : expression(e) {} void ExpressionStatement::Write(CodeWriter* to) const { this->expression->Write(to); to->Write(";\n"); } Assignment::Assignment(Variable* l, Expression* r) : lvalue(l), rvalue(r), cast(NULL) {} Assignment::Assignment(Variable* l, Expression* r, const Type* c) : lvalue(l), rvalue(r), cast(c) {} void Assignment::Write(CodeWriter* to) const { this->lvalue->Write(to); to->Write(" = "); if (this->cast != NULL) { to->Write("(%s)", this->cast->JavaType().c_str()); } this->rvalue->Write(to); } MethodCall::MethodCall(const string& n) : name(n) {} MethodCall::MethodCall(const string& n, int argc = 0, ...) : name(n) { va_list args; va_start(args, argc); init(argc, args); va_end(args); } MethodCall::MethodCall(Expression* o, const string& n) : obj(o), name(n) {} MethodCall::MethodCall(const Type* t, const string& n) : clazz(t), name(n) {} MethodCall::MethodCall(Expression* o, const string& n, int argc = 0, ...) : obj(o), name(n) { va_list args; va_start(args, argc); init(argc, args); va_end(args); } MethodCall::MethodCall(const Type* t, const string& n, int argc = 0, ...) : clazz(t), name(n) { va_list args; va_start(args, argc); init(argc, args); va_end(args); } void MethodCall::init(int n, va_list args) { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Expression* expression = (Expression*)va_arg(args, void*); this->arguments.push_back(expression); } } void MethodCall::Write(CodeWriter* to) const { if (this->obj != NULL) { this->obj->Write(to); to->Write("."); } else if (this->clazz != NULL) { to->Write("%s.", this->clazz->JavaType().c_str()); } to->Write("%s(", this->name.c_str()); WriteArgumentList(to, this->arguments); to->Write(")"); } Comparison::Comparison(Expression* l, const string& o, Expression* r) : lvalue(l), op(o), rvalue(r) {} void Comparison::Write(CodeWriter* to) const { to->Write("("); this->lvalue->Write(to); to->Write("%s", this->op.c_str()); this->rvalue->Write(to); to->Write(")"); } NewExpression::NewExpression(const Type* t) : type(t) {} NewExpression::NewExpression(const Type* t, int argc = 0, ...) : type(t) { va_list args; va_start(args, argc); init(argc, args); va_end(args); } void NewExpression::init(int n, va_list args) { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Expression* expression = (Expression*)va_arg(args, void*); this->arguments.push_back(expression); } } void NewExpression::Write(CodeWriter* to) const { to->Write("new %s(", this->type->InstantiableName().c_str()); WriteArgumentList(to, this->arguments); to->Write(")"); } NewArrayExpression::NewArrayExpression(const Type* t, Expression* s) : type(t), size(s) {} void NewArrayExpression::Write(CodeWriter* to) const { to->Write("new %s[", this->type->JavaType().c_str()); size->Write(to); to->Write("]"); } Ternary::Ternary(Expression* a, Expression* b, Expression* c) : condition(a), ifpart(b), elsepart(c) {} void Ternary::Write(CodeWriter* to) const { to->Write("(("); this->condition->Write(to); to->Write(")?("); this->ifpart->Write(to); to->Write("):("); this->elsepart->Write(to); to->Write("))"); } Cast::Cast(const Type* t, Expression* e) : type(t), expression(e) {} void Cast::Write(CodeWriter* to) const { to->Write("((%s)", this->type->JavaType().c_str()); expression->Write(to); to->Write(")"); } VariableDeclaration::VariableDeclaration(Variable* l, Expression* r, const Type* c) : lvalue(l), cast(c), rvalue(r) {} VariableDeclaration::VariableDeclaration(Variable* l) : lvalue(l) {} void VariableDeclaration::Write(CodeWriter* to) const { this->lvalue->WriteDeclaration(to); if (this->rvalue != NULL) { to->Write(" = "); if (this->cast != NULL) { to->Write("(%s)", this->cast->JavaType().c_str()); } this->rvalue->Write(to); } to->Write(";\n"); } void IfStatement::Write(CodeWriter* to) const { if (this->expression != NULL) { to->Write("if ("); this->expression->Write(to); to->Write(") "); } this->statements->Write(to); if (this->elseif != NULL) { to->Write("else "); this->elseif->Write(to); } } ReturnStatement::ReturnStatement(Expression* e) : expression(e) {} void ReturnStatement::Write(CodeWriter* to) const { to->Write("return "); this->expression->Write(to); to->Write(";\n"); } void TryStatement::Write(CodeWriter* to) const { to->Write("try "); this->statements->Write(to); } CatchStatement::CatchStatement(Variable* e) : statements(new StatementBlock), exception(e) {} void CatchStatement::Write(CodeWriter* to) const { to->Write("catch "); if (this->exception != NULL) { to->Write("("); this->exception->WriteDeclaration(to); to->Write(") "); } this->statements->Write(to); } void FinallyStatement::Write(CodeWriter* to) const { to->Write("finally "); this->statements->Write(to); } Case::Case(const string& c) { cases.push_back(c); } void Case::Write(CodeWriter* to) const { int N = this->cases.size(); if (N > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { string s = this->cases[i]; if (s.length() != 0) { to->Write("case %s:\n", s.c_str()); } else { to->Write("default:\n"); } } } else { to->Write("default:\n"); } statements->Write(to); } SwitchStatement::SwitchStatement(Expression* e) : expression(e) {} void SwitchStatement::Write(CodeWriter* to) const { to->Write("switch ("); this->expression->Write(to); to->Write(")\n{\n"); int N = this->cases.size(); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { this->cases[i]->Write(to); } to->Write("}\n"); } void Break::Write(CodeWriter* to) const { to->Write("break;\n"); } void Method::Write(CodeWriter* to) const { size_t N, i; if (this->comment.length() != 0) { to->Write("%s\n", this->comment.c_str()); } WriteModifiers(to, this->modifiers, SCOPE_MASK | STATIC | ABSTRACT | FINAL | OVERRIDE); if (this->returnType != NULL) { string dim; for (i = 0; i < this->returnTypeDimension; i++) { dim += "[]"; } to->Write("%s%s ", this->returnType->JavaType().c_str(), dim.c_str()); } to->Write("%s(", this->name.c_str()); N = this->parameters.size(); for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { this->parameters[i]->WriteDeclaration(to); if (i != N - 1) { to->Write(", "); } } to->Write(")"); N = this->exceptions.size(); for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { if (i == 0) { to->Write(" throws "); } else { to->Write(", "); } to->Write("%s", this->exceptions[i]->JavaType().c_str()); } if (this->statements == NULL) { to->Write(";\n"); } else { to->Write("\n"); this->statements->Write(to); } } void IntConstant::Write(CodeWriter* to) const { WriteModifiers(to, STATIC | FINAL | PUBLIC, ALL_MODIFIERS); to->Write("int %s = %d;\n", name.c_str(), value); } void StringConstant::Write(CodeWriter* to) const { WriteModifiers(to, STATIC | FINAL | PUBLIC, ALL_MODIFIERS); to->Write("String %s = %s;\n", name.c_str(), value.c_str()); } void Class::Write(CodeWriter* to) const { size_t N, i; if (this->comment.length() != 0) { to->Write("%s\n", this->comment.c_str()); } WriteModifiers(to, this->modifiers, ALL_MODIFIERS); if (this->what == Class::CLASS) { to->Write("class "); } else { to->Write("interface "); } string name = this->type->JavaType(); size_t pos = name.rfind('.'); if (pos != string::npos) { name = name.c_str() + pos + 1; } to->Write("%s", name.c_str()); if (this->extends != NULL) { to->Write(" extends %s", this->extends->JavaType().c_str()); } N = this->interfaces.size(); if (N != 0) { if (this->what == Class::CLASS) { to->Write(" implements"); } else { to->Write(" extends"); } for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { to->Write(" %s", this->interfaces[i]->JavaType().c_str()); } } to->Write("\n"); to->Write("{\n"); N = this->elements.size(); for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { this->elements[i]->Write(to); } to->Write("}\n"); } static string escape_backslashes(const string& str) { string result; const size_t I = str.length(); for (size_t i = 0; i < I; i++) { char c = str[i]; if (c == '\\') { result += "\\\\"; } else { result += c; } } return result; } Document::Document(const std::string& comment, const std::string& package, const std::string& original_src, std::unique_ptr<Class> clazz) : comment_(comment), package_(package), original_src_(original_src), clazz_(std::move(clazz)) { } void Document::Write(CodeWriter* to) const { if (!comment_.empty()) { to->Write("%s\n", comment_.c_str()); } to->Write( "/*\n" " * This file is auto-generated. DO NOT MODIFY.\n" " * Original file: %s\n" " */\n", escape_backslashes(original_src_).c_str()); if (!package_.empty()) { to->Write("package %s;\n", package_.c_str()); } if (clazz_) { clazz_->Write(to); } } } // namespace java } // namespace aidl } // namespace android