#!/usr/bin/python2 # # Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # """A C++ code generator for printing protobufs which use the LITE_RUNTIME. Normally printing a protobuf would be done with Message::DebugString(). However, this is not available when using only MessageLite. This script generates code to emulate Message::DebugString() without using reflection. The input must be a valid .proto file. Usage: proto_print.py [--subdir=foo] <bar.proto> Files named print_bar_proto.h and print_bar_proto.cc will be created in the current working directory. """ from __future__ import print_function import argparse import collections from datetime import date import os import re import subprocess # Holds information about a protobuf message field. # # Attributes: # repeated: Whether the field is a repeated field. # type_: The type of the field. E.g. int32. # name: The name of the field. Field = collections.namedtuple('Field', 'repeated type_ name') class Message(object): """Holds information about a protobuf message. Attributes: name: The name of the message. fields: A list of Field tuples. """ def __init__(self, name): """Initializes a Message instance. Args: name: The protobuf message name. """ self.name = name self.fields = [] def AddField(self, attribute, field_type, field_name): """Adds a new field to the message. Args: attribute: This should be 'optional', 'required', or 'repeated'. field_type: The type of the field. E.g. int32. field_name: The name of the field. """ self.fields.append(Field(repeated=attribute == 'repeated', type_=field_type, name=field_name)) class Enum(object): """Holds information about a protobuf enum. Attributes: name: The name of the enum. values: A list of enum value names. """ def __init__(self, name): """Initializes a Enum instance. Args: name: The protobuf enum name. """ self.name = name self.values = [] def AddValue(self, value_name): """Adds a new value to the enum. Args: value_name: The name of the value. """ self.values.append(value_name) def ParseProto(input_file): """Parses a proto file and returns a tuple of parsed information. Args: input_file: The proto file to parse. Returns: A tuple in the form (package, imports, messages, enums) where package: A string holding the proto package. imports: A list of strings holding proto imports. messages: A list of Message objects; one for each message in the proto. enums: A list of Enum objects; one for each enum in the proto. """ package = '' imports = [] messages = [] enums = [] current_message_stack = [] current_enum = None package_re = re.compile(r'package\s+(\w+);') import_re = re.compile(r'import\s+"([\w]*/)*(\w+).proto";') message_re = re.compile(r'message\s+(\w+)\s*{') field_re = re.compile(r'(optional|required|repeated)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s*=') enum_re = re.compile(r'enum\s+(\w+)\s*{') enum_value_re = re.compile(r'(\w+)\s*=') for line in input_file: line = line.strip() if not line or line.startswith('//'): continue # Close off the current scope. Enums first because they can't be nested. if line == '}': if current_enum: enums.append(current_enum) current_enum = None if current_message_stack: messages.append(current_message_stack.pop()) continue # Look for a message definition. match = message_re.search(line) if match: prefix = '' if current_message_stack: prefix = '::'.join([m.name for m in current_message_stack]) + '::' current_message_stack.append(Message(prefix + match.group(1))) continue # Look for a message field definition. if current_message_stack: match = field_re.search(line) if match: current_message_stack[-1].AddField(match.group(1), match.group(2), match.group(3)) continue # Look for an enum definition. match = enum_re.search(line) if match: current_enum = Enum(match.group(1)) continue # Look for an enum value. if current_enum: match = enum_value_re.search(line) if match: current_enum.AddValue(match.group(1)) continue # Look for a package statement. match = package_re.search(line) if match: package = match.group(1) # Look for an import statement. match = import_re.search(line) if match: imports.append(match.group(2)) return package, imports, messages, enums def GenerateFileHeaders(proto_name, package, imports, subdir, header_file_name, header_file, impl_file): """Generates and prints file headers. Args: proto_name: The name of the proto file. package: The protobuf package. imports: A list of imported protos. subdir: The --subdir arg. header_file_name: The header file name. header_file: The header file handle, open for writing. impl_file: The implementation file handle, open for writing. """ if subdir: guard_name = '%s_%s_PRINT_%s_PROTO_H_' % (package.upper(), subdir.upper(), proto_name.upper()) package_with_subdir = '%s/%s' % (package, subdir) else: guard_name = '%s_PRINT_%s_PROTO_H_' % (package.upper(), proto_name.upper()) package_with_subdir = package includes = '\n'.join( ['#include "%(package_with_subdir)s/print_%(import)s_proto.h"' % { 'package_with_subdir': package_with_subdir, 'import': current_import} for current_import in imports]) header = """\ // Copyright %(year)s The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // THIS CODE IS GENERATED. #ifndef %(guard_name)s #define %(guard_name)s #include <string> #include "%(package_with_subdir)s/%(proto)s.pb.h" namespace %(package)s { """ % {'year': date.today().year, 'guard_name': guard_name, 'package': package, 'proto': proto_name, 'package_with_subdir': package_with_subdir} impl = """\ // Copyright %(year)s The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // THIS CODE IS GENERATED. #include "%(package_with_subdir)s/%(header_file_name)s" #include <string> #include <base/strings/string_number_conversions.h> #include <base/strings/stringprintf.h> %(includes)s namespace %(package)s { """ % {'year': date.today().year, 'package': package, 'package_with_subdir': package_with_subdir, 'header_file_name': header_file_name, 'includes': includes} header_file.write(header) impl_file.write(impl) def GenerateFileFooters(proto_name, package, subdir, header_file, impl_file): """Generates and prints file footers. Args: proto_name: The name of the proto file. package: The protobuf package. subdir: The --subdir arg. header_file: The header file handle, open for writing. impl_file: The implementation file handle, open for writing. """ if subdir: guard_name = '%s_%s_PRINT_%s_PROTO_H_' % (package.upper(), subdir.upper(), proto_name.upper()) else: guard_name = '%s_PRINT_%s_PROTO_H_' % (package.upper(), proto_name.upper()) header = """ } // namespace %(package)s #endif // %(guard_name)s """ % {'guard_name': guard_name, 'package': package} impl = """ } // namespace %(package)s """ % {'package': package} header_file.write(header) impl_file.write(impl) def GenerateEnumPrinter(enum, header_file, impl_file): """Generates and prints a function to print an enum value. Args: enum: An Enum instance. header_file: The header file handle, open for writing. impl_file: The implementation file handle, open for writing. """ declare = """ std::string GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(%(name)s value, int indent_size); std::string GetProtoDebugString(%(name)s value);""" % {'name': enum.name} define_begin = """ std::string GetProtoDebugString(%(name)s value) { return GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(value, 0); } std::string GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(%(name)s value, int indent_size) { """ % {'name': enum.name} define_end = """ return "<unknown>"; } """ condition = """ if (value == %(value_name)s) { return "%(value_name)s"; }""" header_file.write(declare) impl_file.write(define_begin) for value_name in enum.values: impl_file.write(condition % {'value_name': value_name}) impl_file.write(define_end) def GenerateMessagePrinter(message, header_file, impl_file): """Generates and prints a function to print a message. Args: message: A Message instance. header_file: The header file handle, open for writing. impl_file: The implementation file handle, open for writing. """ declare = """ std::string GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(const %(name)s& value, int indent_size); std::string GetProtoDebugString(const %(name)s& value);""" % {'name': message.name} define_begin = """ std::string GetProtoDebugString(const %(name)s& value) { return GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(value, 0); } std::string GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(const %(name)s& value, int indent_size) { std::string indent(indent_size, ' '); std::string output = base::StringPrintf("[%%s] {\\n", value.GetTypeName().c_str()); """ % {'name': message.name} define_end = """ output += indent + "}\\n"; return output; } """ singular_field = """ if (value.has_%(name)s()) { output += indent + " %(name)s: "; base::StringAppendF(&output, %(format)s); output += "\\n"; }""" repeated_field = """ output += indent + " %(name)s: {"; for (int i = 0; i < value.%(name)s_size(); ++i) { if (i > 0) { base::StringAppendF(&output, ", "); } base::StringAppendF(&output, %(format)s); } output += "}\\n";""" singular_field_get = 'value.%(name)s()' repeated_field_get = 'value.%(name)s(i)' formats = {'bool': '"%%s", %(value)s ? "true" : "false"', 'int32': '"%%d", %(value)s', 'int64': '"%%ld", %(value)s', 'uint32': '"%%u (0x%%08X)", %(value)s, %(value)s', 'uint64': '"%%lu (0x%%016X)", %(value)s, %(value)s', 'string': '"%%s", %(value)s.c_str()', 'bytes': """"%%s", base::HexEncode(%(value)s.data(), %(value)s.size()).c_str()"""} subtype_format = ('"%%s", GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(%(value)s, ' 'indent_size + 2).c_str()') header_file.write(declare) impl_file.write(define_begin) for field in message.fields: if field.repeated: value_get = repeated_field_get % {'name': field.name} field_code = repeated_field else: value_get = singular_field_get % {'name': field.name} field_code = singular_field if field.type_ in formats: value_format = formats[field.type_] % {'value': value_get} else: value_format = subtype_format % {'value': value_get} impl_file.write(field_code % {'name': field.name, 'format': value_format}) impl_file.write(define_end) def FormatFile(filename): subprocess.call(['clang-format', '-i', '-style=Chromium', filename]) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='print proto code generator') parser.add_argument('input_file') parser.add_argument('--subdir', default='') args = parser.parse_args() with open(args.input_file) as input_file: package, imports, messages, enums = ParseProto(input_file) proto_name = os.path.basename(args.input_file).rsplit('.', 1)[0] header_file_name = 'print_%s_proto.h' % proto_name impl_file_name = 'print_%s_proto.cc' % proto_name with open(header_file_name, 'w') as header_file: with open(impl_file_name, 'w') as impl_file: GenerateFileHeaders(proto_name, package, imports, args.subdir, header_file_name, header_file, impl_file) for enum in enums: GenerateEnumPrinter(enum, header_file, impl_file) for message in messages: GenerateMessagePrinter(message, header_file, impl_file) GenerateFileFooters(proto_name, package, args.subdir, header_file, impl_file) FormatFile(header_file_name) FormatFile(impl_file_name) if __name__ == '__main__': main()