// // Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // #include <errno.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <xz.h> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <base/logging.h> #include <base/strings/string_number_conversions.h> #include <base/strings/string_split.h> #include <brillo/flag_helper.h> #include <brillo/key_value_store.h> #include "update_engine/common/fake_boot_control.h" #include "update_engine/common/fake_hardware.h" #include "update_engine/common/prefs.h" #include "update_engine/common/terminator.h" #include "update_engine/common/utils.h" #include "update_engine/payload_consumer/delta_performer.h" #include "update_engine/payload_consumer/payload_constants.h" #include "update_engine/payload_generator/delta_diff_generator.h" #include "update_engine/payload_generator/payload_generation_config.h" #include "update_engine/payload_generator/payload_signer.h" #include "update_engine/payload_generator/xz.h" #include "update_engine/update_metadata.pb.h" // This file contains a simple program that takes an old path, a new path, // and an output file as arguments and the path to an output file and // generates a delta that can be sent to Chrome OS clients. using std::string; using std::vector; namespace chromeos_update_engine { namespace { void ParseSignatureSizes(const string& signature_sizes_flag, vector<int>* signature_sizes) { signature_sizes->clear(); vector<string> split_strings = base::SplitString(signature_sizes_flag, ":", base::TRIM_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_ALL); for (const string& str : split_strings) { int size = 0; bool parsing_successful = base::StringToInt(str, &size); LOG_IF(FATAL, !parsing_successful) << "Invalid signature size: " << str; LOG_IF(FATAL, size != (2048 / 8)) << "Only signature sizes of 256 bytes are supported."; signature_sizes->push_back(size); } } bool ParseImageInfo(const string& channel, const string& board, const string& version, const string& key, const string& build_channel, const string& build_version, ImageInfo* image_info) { // All of these arguments should be present or missing. bool empty = channel.empty(); CHECK_EQ(channel.empty(), empty); CHECK_EQ(board.empty(), empty); CHECK_EQ(version.empty(), empty); CHECK_EQ(key.empty(), empty); if (empty) return false; image_info->set_channel(channel); image_info->set_board(board); image_info->set_version(version); image_info->set_key(key); image_info->set_build_channel( build_channel.empty() ? channel : build_channel); image_info->set_build_version( build_version.empty() ? version : build_version); return true; } void CalculateHashForSigning(const vector<int> &sizes, const string& out_hash_file, const string& out_metadata_hash_file, const string& in_file) { LOG(INFO) << "Calculating hash for signing."; LOG_IF(FATAL, in_file.empty()) << "Must pass --in_file to calculate hash for signing."; LOG_IF(FATAL, out_hash_file.empty()) << "Must pass --out_hash_file to calculate hash for signing."; brillo::Blob payload_hash, metadata_hash; CHECK(PayloadSigner::HashPayloadForSigning(in_file, sizes, &payload_hash, &metadata_hash)); CHECK(utils::WriteFile(out_hash_file.c_str(), payload_hash.data(), payload_hash.size())); if (!out_metadata_hash_file.empty()) CHECK(utils::WriteFile(out_metadata_hash_file.c_str(), metadata_hash.data(), metadata_hash.size())); LOG(INFO) << "Done calculating hash for signing."; } void SignatureFileFlagToBlobs(const string& signature_file_flag, vector<brillo::Blob>* signatures) { vector<string> signature_files = base::SplitString(signature_file_flag, ":", base::TRIM_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_ALL); for (const string& signature_file : signature_files) { brillo::Blob signature; CHECK(utils::ReadFile(signature_file, &signature)); signatures->push_back(signature); } } void SignPayload(const string& in_file, const string& out_file, const string& payload_signature_file, const string& metadata_signature_file, const string& out_metadata_size_file) { LOG(INFO) << "Signing payload."; LOG_IF(FATAL, in_file.empty()) << "Must pass --in_file to sign payload."; LOG_IF(FATAL, out_file.empty()) << "Must pass --out_file to sign payload."; LOG_IF(FATAL, payload_signature_file.empty()) << "Must pass --signature_file to sign payload."; vector<brillo::Blob> signatures, metadata_signatures; SignatureFileFlagToBlobs(payload_signature_file, &signatures); SignatureFileFlagToBlobs(metadata_signature_file, &metadata_signatures); uint64_t final_metadata_size; CHECK(PayloadSigner::AddSignatureToPayload(in_file, signatures, metadata_signatures, out_file, &final_metadata_size)); LOG(INFO) << "Done signing payload. Final metadata size = " << final_metadata_size; if (!out_metadata_size_file.empty()) { string metadata_size_string = std::to_string(final_metadata_size); CHECK(utils::WriteFile(out_metadata_size_file.c_str(), metadata_size_string.data(), metadata_size_string.size())); } } int VerifySignedPayload(const string& in_file, const string& public_key) { LOG(INFO) << "Verifying signed payload."; LOG_IF(FATAL, in_file.empty()) << "Must pass --in_file to verify signed payload."; LOG_IF(FATAL, public_key.empty()) << "Must pass --public_key to verify signed payload."; if (!PayloadSigner::VerifySignedPayload(in_file, public_key)) { LOG(INFO) << "VerifySignedPayload failed"; return 1; } LOG(INFO) << "Done verifying signed payload."; return 0; } // TODO(deymo): This function is likely broken for deltas minor version 2 or // newer. Move this function to a new file and make the delta_performer // integration tests use this instead. bool ApplyPayload(const string& payload_file, // Simply reuses the payload config used for payload // generation. const PayloadGenerationConfig& config) { LOG(INFO) << "Applying delta."; FakeBootControl fake_boot_control; FakeHardware fake_hardware; MemoryPrefs prefs; InstallPlan install_plan; InstallPlan::Payload payload; install_plan.source_slot = config.is_delta ? 0 : BootControlInterface::kInvalidSlot; install_plan.target_slot = 1; payload.type = config.is_delta ? InstallPayloadType::kDelta : InstallPayloadType::kFull; for (size_t i = 0; i < config.target.partitions.size(); i++) { const string& part_name = config.target.partitions[i].name; const string& target_path = config.target.partitions[i].path; fake_boot_control.SetPartitionDevice( part_name, install_plan.target_slot, target_path); string source_path; if (config.is_delta) { TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(config.target.partitions.size() == config.source.partitions.size()); source_path = config.source.partitions[i].path; fake_boot_control.SetPartitionDevice( part_name, install_plan.source_slot, source_path); } LOG(INFO) << "Install partition:" << " source: " << source_path << " target: " << target_path; } DeltaPerformer performer(&prefs, &fake_boot_control, &fake_hardware, nullptr, &install_plan, &payload, true); // is_interactive brillo::Blob buf(1024 * 1024); int fd = open(payload_file.c_str(), O_RDONLY, 0); CHECK_GE(fd, 0); ScopedFdCloser fd_closer(&fd); xz_crc32_init(); for (off_t offset = 0;; offset += buf.size()) { ssize_t bytes_read; CHECK(utils::PReadAll(fd, buf.data(), buf.size(), offset, &bytes_read)); if (bytes_read == 0) break; TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(performer.Write(buf.data(), bytes_read)); } CHECK_EQ(performer.Close(), 0); DeltaPerformer::ResetUpdateProgress(&prefs, false); LOG(INFO) << "Completed applying " << (config.is_delta ? "delta" : "full") << " payload."; return true; } int ExtractProperties(const string& payload_path, const string& props_file) { brillo::KeyValueStore properties; TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE( PayloadSigner::ExtractPayloadProperties(payload_path, &properties)); if (props_file == "-") { printf("%s", properties.SaveToString().c_str()); } else { properties.Save(base::FilePath(props_file)); LOG(INFO) << "Generated properties file at " << props_file; } return true; } int Main(int argc, char** argv) { DEFINE_string(old_image, "", "Path to the old rootfs"); DEFINE_string(new_image, "", "Path to the new rootfs"); DEFINE_string(old_kernel, "", "Path to the old kernel partition image"); DEFINE_string(new_kernel, "", "Path to the new kernel partition image"); DEFINE_string(old_partitions, "", "Path to the old partitions. To pass multiple partitions, use " "a single argument with a colon between paths, e.g. " "/path/to/part:/path/to/part2::/path/to/last_part . Path can " "be empty, but it has to match the order of partition_names."); DEFINE_string(new_partitions, "", "Path to the new partitions. To pass multiple partitions, use " "a single argument with a colon between paths, e.g. " "/path/to/part:/path/to/part2:/path/to/last_part . Path has " "to match the order of partition_names."); DEFINE_string(old_mapfiles, "", "Path to the .map files associated with the partition files " "in the old partition. The .map file is normally generated " "when creating the image in Android builds. Only recommended " "for unsupported filesystem. Pass multiple files separated by " "a colon as with -old_partitions."); DEFINE_string(new_mapfiles, "", "Path to the .map files associated with the partition files " "in the new partition, similar to the -old_mapfiles flag."); DEFINE_string(partition_names, string(kLegacyPartitionNameRoot) + ":" + kLegacyPartitionNameKernel, "Names of the partitions. To pass multiple names, use a single " "argument with a colon between names, e.g. " "name:name2:name3:last_name . Name can not be empty, and it " "has to match the order of partitions."); DEFINE_string(in_file, "", "Path to input delta payload file used to hash/sign payloads " "and apply delta over old_image (for debugging)"); DEFINE_string(out_file, "", "Path to output delta payload file"); DEFINE_string(out_hash_file, "", "Path to output hash file"); DEFINE_string(out_metadata_hash_file, "", "Path to output metadata hash file"); DEFINE_string(out_metadata_size_file, "", "Path to output metadata size file"); DEFINE_string(private_key, "", "Path to private key in .pem format"); DEFINE_string(public_key, "", "Path to public key in .pem format"); DEFINE_int32(public_key_version, -1, "DEPRECATED. Key-check version # of client"); DEFINE_string(signature_size, "", "Raw signature size used for hash calculation. " "You may pass in multiple sizes by colon separating them. E.g. " "2048:2048:4096 will assume 3 signatures, the first two with " "2048 size and the last 4096."); DEFINE_string(signature_file, "", "Raw signature file to sign payload with. To pass multiple " "signatures, use a single argument with a colon between paths, " "e.g. /path/to/sig:/path/to/next:/path/to/last_sig . Each " "signature will be assigned a client version, starting from " "kSignatureOriginalVersion."); DEFINE_string(metadata_signature_file, "", "Raw signature file with the signature of the metadata hash. " "To pass multiple signatures, use a single argument with a " "colon between paths, " "e.g. /path/to/sig:/path/to/next:/path/to/last_sig ."); DEFINE_int32(chunk_size, 200 * 1024 * 1024, "Payload chunk size (-1 for whole files)"); DEFINE_uint64(rootfs_partition_size, chromeos_update_engine::kRootFSPartitionSize, "RootFS partition size for the image once installed"); DEFINE_uint64(major_version, 1, "The major version of the payload being generated."); DEFINE_int32(minor_version, -1, "The minor version of the payload being generated " "(-1 means autodetect)."); DEFINE_string(properties_file, "", "If passed, dumps the payload properties of the payload passed " "in --in_file and exits."); DEFINE_int64(max_timestamp, 0, "The maximum timestamp of the OS allowed to apply this " "payload."); DEFINE_string(old_channel, "", "The channel for the old image. 'dev-channel', 'npo-channel', " "etc. Ignored, except during delta generation."); DEFINE_string(old_board, "", "The board for the old image. 'x86-mario', 'lumpy', " "etc. Ignored, except during delta generation."); DEFINE_string(old_version, "", "The build version of the old image. 1.2.3, etc."); DEFINE_string(old_key, "", "The key used to sign the old image. 'premp', 'mp', 'mp-v3'," " etc"); DEFINE_string(old_build_channel, "", "The channel for the build of the old image. 'dev-channel', " "etc, but will never contain special channels such as " "'npo-channel'. Ignored, except during delta generation."); DEFINE_string(old_build_version, "", "The version of the build containing the old image."); DEFINE_string(new_channel, "", "The channel for the new image. 'dev-channel', 'npo-channel', " "etc. Ignored, except during delta generation."); DEFINE_string(new_board, "", "The board for the new image. 'x86-mario', 'lumpy', " "etc. Ignored, except during delta generation."); DEFINE_string(new_version, "", "The build version of the new image. 1.2.3, etc."); DEFINE_string(new_key, "", "The key used to sign the new image. 'premp', 'mp', 'mp-v3'," " etc"); DEFINE_string(new_build_channel, "", "The channel for the build of the new image. 'dev-channel', " "etc, but will never contain special channels such as " "'npo-channel'. Ignored, except during delta generation."); DEFINE_string(new_build_version, "", "The version of the build containing the new image."); DEFINE_string(new_postinstall_config_file, "", "A config file specifying postinstall related metadata. " "Only allowed in major version 2 or newer."); brillo::FlagHelper::Init(argc, argv, "Generates a payload to provide to ChromeOS' update_engine.\n\n" "This tool can create full payloads and also delta payloads if the src\n" "image is provided. It also provides debugging options to apply, sign\n" "and verify payloads."); Terminator::Init(); logging::LoggingSettings log_settings; log_settings.log_file = "delta_generator.log"; log_settings.logging_dest = logging::LOG_TO_SYSTEM_DEBUG_LOG; log_settings.lock_log = logging::LOCK_LOG_FILE; log_settings.delete_old = logging::APPEND_TO_OLD_LOG_FILE; logging::InitLogging(log_settings); // Initialize the Xz compressor. XzCompressInit(); vector<int> signature_sizes; ParseSignatureSizes(FLAGS_signature_size, &signature_sizes); if (!FLAGS_out_hash_file.empty() || !FLAGS_out_metadata_hash_file.empty()) { CHECK(FLAGS_out_metadata_size_file.empty()); CalculateHashForSigning(signature_sizes, FLAGS_out_hash_file, FLAGS_out_metadata_hash_file, FLAGS_in_file); return 0; } if (!FLAGS_signature_file.empty()) { SignPayload(FLAGS_in_file, FLAGS_out_file, FLAGS_signature_file, FLAGS_metadata_signature_file, FLAGS_out_metadata_size_file); return 0; } if (!FLAGS_public_key.empty()) { LOG_IF(WARNING, FLAGS_public_key_version != -1) << "--public_key_version is deprecated and ignored."; return VerifySignedPayload(FLAGS_in_file, FLAGS_public_key); } if (!FLAGS_properties_file.empty()) { return ExtractProperties(FLAGS_in_file, FLAGS_properties_file) ? 0 : 1; } // A payload generation was requested. Convert the flags to a // PayloadGenerationConfig. PayloadGenerationConfig payload_config; vector<string> partition_names, old_partitions, new_partitions; vector<string> old_mapfiles, new_mapfiles; if (!FLAGS_old_mapfiles.empty()) { old_mapfiles = base::SplitString( FLAGS_old_mapfiles, ":", base::TRIM_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_ALL); } if (!FLAGS_new_mapfiles.empty()) { new_mapfiles = base::SplitString( FLAGS_new_mapfiles, ":", base::TRIM_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_ALL); } partition_names = base::SplitString(FLAGS_partition_names, ":", base::TRIM_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_ALL); CHECK(!partition_names.empty()); if (FLAGS_major_version == kChromeOSMajorPayloadVersion || FLAGS_new_partitions.empty()) { LOG_IF(FATAL, partition_names.size() != 2) << "To support more than 2 partitions, please use the " << "--new_partitions flag and major version 2."; LOG_IF(FATAL, partition_names[0] != kLegacyPartitionNameRoot || partition_names[1] != kLegacyPartitionNameKernel) << "To support non-default partition name, please use the " << "--new_partitions flag and major version 2."; } if (!FLAGS_new_partitions.empty()) { LOG_IF(FATAL, !FLAGS_new_image.empty() || !FLAGS_new_kernel.empty()) << "--new_image and --new_kernel are deprecated, please use " << "--new_partitions for all partitions."; new_partitions = base::SplitString(FLAGS_new_partitions, ":", base::TRIM_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_ALL); CHECK(partition_names.size() == new_partitions.size()); payload_config.is_delta = !FLAGS_old_partitions.empty(); LOG_IF(FATAL, !FLAGS_old_image.empty() || !FLAGS_old_kernel.empty()) << "--old_image and --old_kernel are deprecated, please use " << "--old_partitions if you are using --new_partitions."; } else { new_partitions = {FLAGS_new_image, FLAGS_new_kernel}; LOG(WARNING) << "--new_partitions is empty, using deprecated --new_image " << "and --new_kernel flags."; payload_config.is_delta = !FLAGS_old_image.empty() || !FLAGS_old_kernel.empty(); LOG_IF(FATAL, !FLAGS_old_partitions.empty()) << "Please use --new_partitions if you are using --old_partitions."; } for (size_t i = 0; i < partition_names.size(); i++) { LOG_IF(FATAL, partition_names[i].empty()) << "Partition name can't be empty, see --partition_names."; payload_config.target.partitions.emplace_back(partition_names[i]); payload_config.target.partitions.back().path = new_partitions[i]; if (i < new_mapfiles.size()) payload_config.target.partitions.back().mapfile_path = new_mapfiles[i]; } if (payload_config.is_delta) { if (!FLAGS_old_partitions.empty()) { old_partitions = base::SplitString(FLAGS_old_partitions, ":", base::TRIM_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_ALL); CHECK(old_partitions.size() == new_partitions.size()); } else { old_partitions = {FLAGS_old_image, FLAGS_old_kernel}; LOG(WARNING) << "--old_partitions is empty, using deprecated --old_image " << "and --old_kernel flags."; } for (size_t i = 0; i < partition_names.size(); i++) { payload_config.source.partitions.emplace_back(partition_names[i]); payload_config.source.partitions.back().path = old_partitions[i]; if (i < old_mapfiles.size()) payload_config.source.partitions.back().mapfile_path = old_mapfiles[i]; } } if (!FLAGS_in_file.empty()) { return ApplyPayload(FLAGS_in_file, payload_config) ? 0 : 1; } if (!FLAGS_new_postinstall_config_file.empty()) { LOG_IF(FATAL, FLAGS_major_version == kChromeOSMajorPayloadVersion) << "Postinstall config is only allowed in major version 2 or newer."; brillo::KeyValueStore store; CHECK(store.Load(base::FilePath(FLAGS_new_postinstall_config_file))); CHECK(payload_config.target.LoadPostInstallConfig(store)); } // Use the default soft_chunk_size defined in the config. payload_config.hard_chunk_size = FLAGS_chunk_size; payload_config.block_size = kBlockSize; // The partition size is never passed to the delta_generator, so we // need to detect those from the provided files. if (payload_config.is_delta) { CHECK(payload_config.source.LoadImageSize()); } CHECK(payload_config.target.LoadImageSize()); CHECK(!FLAGS_out_file.empty()); // Ignore failures. These are optional arguments. ParseImageInfo(FLAGS_new_channel, FLAGS_new_board, FLAGS_new_version, FLAGS_new_key, FLAGS_new_build_channel, FLAGS_new_build_version, &payload_config.target.image_info); // Ignore failures. These are optional arguments. ParseImageInfo(FLAGS_old_channel, FLAGS_old_board, FLAGS_old_version, FLAGS_old_key, FLAGS_old_build_channel, FLAGS_old_build_version, &payload_config.source.image_info); payload_config.rootfs_partition_size = FLAGS_rootfs_partition_size; if (payload_config.is_delta) { // Avoid opening the filesystem interface for full payloads. for (PartitionConfig& part : payload_config.target.partitions) CHECK(part.OpenFilesystem()); for (PartitionConfig& part : payload_config.source.partitions) CHECK(part.OpenFilesystem()); } payload_config.version.major = FLAGS_major_version; LOG(INFO) << "Using provided major_version=" << FLAGS_major_version; if (FLAGS_minor_version == -1) { // Autodetect minor_version by looking at the update_engine.conf in the old // image. if (payload_config.is_delta) { payload_config.version.minor = kInPlaceMinorPayloadVersion; brillo::KeyValueStore store; uint32_t minor_version; for (const PartitionConfig& part : payload_config.source.partitions) { if (part.fs_interface && part.fs_interface->LoadSettings(&store) && utils::GetMinorVersion(store, &minor_version)) { payload_config.version.minor = minor_version; break; } } } else { payload_config.version.minor = kFullPayloadMinorVersion; } LOG(INFO) << "Auto-detected minor_version=" << payload_config.version.minor; } else { payload_config.version.minor = FLAGS_minor_version; LOG(INFO) << "Using provided minor_version=" << FLAGS_minor_version; } payload_config.max_timestamp = FLAGS_max_timestamp; LOG(INFO) << "Generating " << (payload_config.is_delta ? "delta" : "full") << " update"; // From this point, all the options have been parsed. if (!payload_config.Validate()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid options passed. See errors above."; return 1; } uint64_t metadata_size; if (!GenerateUpdatePayloadFile(payload_config, FLAGS_out_file, FLAGS_private_key, &metadata_size)) { return 1; } if (!FLAGS_out_metadata_size_file.empty()) { string metadata_size_string = std::to_string(metadata_size); CHECK(utils::WriteFile(FLAGS_out_metadata_size_file.c_str(), metadata_size_string.data(), metadata_size_string.size())); } return 0; } } // namespace } // namespace chromeos_update_engine int main(int argc, char** argv) { return chromeos_update_engine::Main(argc, argv); }