// Copyright 2018 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

syntax = "proto2";

package android.test.lab;

// To specify a green build scheduling policy.
message GreenBuildScheduleConfigMessage {
  // Schedule name.
  optional bytes name = 1;

  // Schedule description (e.g., daily/HH:MM)
  optional bytes schedule = 2;

  // Scheduling priority (e.g., top, high, medium, low)
  optional bytes priority = 3;

  // if GSI (General System Image) is used, GSI manifest branch name.
  optional bytes gsi_branch = 11;

  // if GSI (General System Image) is used, GSI PAB account ID.
  optional bytes gsi_pab_account_id = 12;

  // Test package's manifest branch name.
  optional bytes test_branch = 21;

  // PAB account ID for test package.
  optional bytes test_pab_account_id = 22;

  repeated GreenBuildTestScheduleConfigMessage test = 31;

// To specify a test plan scheduling policy.
message GreenBuildTestScheduleConfigMessage {
  // Test name (e.g., test_group/test_plan)
  optional bytes test_name = 1;

  // Test package's build target name.
  optional bytes test_build_target = 11;

  // Device manifest branch name.
  optional bytes device_branch = 21;

  // Device PAB account ID.
  optional bytes device_pab_account_id = 22;

  repeated GreenBuildDeviceScheduleConfigMessage device = 31;

// To specify a device scheduling policy.
message GreenBuildDeviceScheduleConfigMessage {
  // Device type (format: <lab>/<device type>)
  optional bytes device = 1;

  // Number of shards (0 for auto selection)
  optional int32 shards = 11;

  // Device manifest branch name if different.
  optional bytes device_branch = 21;

  // Device build target if different.
  optional bytes device_build_target = 22;

  // Device PAB account ID if different.
  optional bytes device_pab_account_id = 23;

  // GSI's build target name.
  optional bytes gsi_build_target = 31;