# # Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import base64 import concurrent.futures import datetime import functools import json import logging import os import random import re import signal import string import subprocess import time import traceback # File name length is limited to 255 chars on some OS, so we need to make sure # the file names we output fits within the limit. MAX_FILENAME_LEN = 255 # Path length is limited to 4096 chars on some OS, so we need to make sure # the path we output fits within the limit. MAX_PATH_LEN = 4096 class VTSUtilsError(Exception): """Generic error raised for exceptions in ACTS utils.""" class NexusModelNames: # TODO(angli): This will be fixed later by angli. ONE = 'sprout' N5 = 'hammerhead' N5v2 = 'bullhead' N6 = 'shamu' N6v2 = 'angler' ascii_letters_and_digits = string.ascii_letters + string.digits valid_filename_chars = "-_." + ascii_letters_and_digits models = ("sprout", "occam", "hammerhead", "bullhead", "razor", "razorg", "shamu", "angler", "volantis", "volantisg", "mantaray", "fugu", "ryu") manufacture_name_to_model = { "flo": "razor", "flo_lte": "razorg", "flounder": "volantis", "flounder_lte": "volantisg", "dragon": "ryu" } GMT_to_olson = { "GMT-9": "America/Anchorage", "GMT-8": "US/Pacific", "GMT-7": "US/Mountain", "GMT-6": "US/Central", "GMT-5": "US/Eastern", "GMT-4": "America/Barbados", "GMT-3": "America/Buenos_Aires", "GMT-2": "Atlantic/South_Georgia", "GMT-1": "Atlantic/Azores", "GMT+0": "Africa/Casablanca", "GMT+1": "Europe/Amsterdam", "GMT+2": "Europe/Athens", "GMT+3": "Europe/Moscow", "GMT+4": "Asia/Baku", "GMT+5": "Asia/Oral", "GMT+6": "Asia/Almaty", "GMT+7": "Asia/Bangkok", "GMT+8": "Asia/Hong_Kong", "GMT+9": "Asia/Tokyo", "GMT+10": "Pacific/Guam", "GMT+11": "Pacific/Noumea", "GMT+12": "Pacific/Fiji", "GMT+13": "Pacific/Tongatapu", "GMT-11": "Pacific/Midway", "GMT-10": "Pacific/Honolulu" } def abs_path(path): """Resolve the '.' and '~' in a path to get the absolute path. Args: path: The path to expand. Returns: The absolute path of the input path. """ return os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(path)) def create_dir(path): """Creates a directory if it does not exist already. Args: path: The path of the directory to create. """ full_path = abs_path(path) if not os.path.exists(full_path): os.makedirs(full_path) def get_current_epoch_time(): """Current epoch time in milliseconds. Returns: An integer representing the current epoch time in milliseconds. """ return int(round(time.time() * 1000)) def get_current_human_time(): """Returns the current time in human readable format. Returns: The current time stamp in Month-Day-Year Hour:Min:Sec format. """ return time.strftime("%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S ") def epoch_to_human_time(epoch_time): """Converts an epoch timestamp to human readable time. This essentially converts an output of get_current_epoch_time to an output of get_current_human_time Args: epoch_time: An integer representing an epoch timestamp in milliseconds. Returns: A time string representing the input time. None if input param is invalid. """ if isinstance(epoch_time, int): try: d = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(epoch_time / 1000) return d.strftime("%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S ") except ValueError: return None def get_timezone_olson_id(): """Return the Olson ID of the local (non-DST) timezone. Returns: A string representing one of the Olson IDs of the local (non-DST) timezone. """ tzoffset = int(time.timezone / 3600) gmt = None if tzoffset <= 0: gmt = "GMT+{}".format(-tzoffset) else: gmt = "GMT-{}".format(tzoffset) return GMT_to_olson[gmt] def find_files(paths, file_predicate): """Locate files whose names and extensions match the given predicate in the specified directories. Args: paths: A list of directory paths where to find the files. file_predicate: A function that returns True if the file name and extension are desired. Returns: A list of files that match the predicate. """ file_list = [] for path in paths: p = abs_path(path) for dirPath, subdirList, fileList in os.walk(p): for fname in fileList: name, ext = os.path.splitext(fname) if file_predicate(name, ext): file_list.append((dirPath, name, ext)) return file_list def iterate_files(dir_path): """A generator yielding regular files in a directory recursively. Args: dir_path: A string representing the path to search. Yields: A tuple of strings (directory, file). The directory containing the file and the file name. """ for root_dir, dir_names, file_names in os.walk(dir_path): for file_name in file_names: yield root_dir, file_name def load_config(file_full_path): """Loads a JSON config file. Returns: A JSON object. """ if not os.path.isfile(file_full_path): logging.warning('cwd: %s', os.getcwd()) pypath = os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] if pypath: for base_path in pypath.split(':'): logging.info('checking %s', base_path) new_path = os.path.join(base_path, file_full_path) if os.path.isfile(new_path): logging.info('found') file_full_path = new_path break with open(file_full_path, 'r') as f: conf = json.load(f) return conf def load_file_to_base64_str(f_path): """Loads the content of a file into a base64 string. Args: f_path: full path to the file including the file name. Returns: A base64 string representing the content of the file in utf-8 encoding. """ path = abs_path(f_path) with open(path, 'rb') as f: f_bytes = f.read() base64_str = base64.b64encode(f_bytes).decode("utf-8") return base64_str def find_field(item_list, cond, comparator, target_field): """Finds the value of a field in a dict object that satisfies certain conditions. Args: item_list: A list of dict objects. cond: A param that defines the condition. comparator: A function that checks if an dict satisfies the condition. target_field: Name of the field whose value to be returned if an item satisfies the condition. Returns: Target value or None if no item satisfies the condition. """ for item in item_list: if comparator(item, cond) and target_field in item: return item[target_field] return None def rand_ascii_str(length): """Generates a random string of specified length, composed of ascii letters and digits. Args: length: The number of characters in the string. Returns: The random string generated. """ letters = [random.choice(ascii_letters_and_digits) for i in range(length)] return ''.join(letters) # Thead/Process related functions. def concurrent_exec(func, param_list): """Executes a function with different parameters pseudo-concurrently. This is basically a map function. Each element (should be an iterable) in the param_list is unpacked and passed into the function. Due to Python's GIL, there's no true concurrency. This is suited for IO-bound tasks. Args: func: The function that parforms a task. param_list: A list of iterables, each being a set of params to be passed into the function. Returns: A list of return values from each function execution. If an execution caused an exception, the exception object will be the corresponding result. """ with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=30) as executor: # Start the load operations and mark each future with its params future_to_params = {executor.submit(func, *p): p for p in param_list} return_vals = [] for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(future_to_params): params = future_to_params[future] try: return_vals.append(future.result()) except Exception as exc: print("{} generated an exception: {}".format( params, traceback.format_exc())) return_vals.append(exc) return return_vals def exe_cmd(*cmds): """Executes commands in a new shell. Args: cmds: A sequence of commands and arguments. Returns: The output of the command run. Raises: OSError is raised if an error occurred during the command execution. """ cmd = ' '.join(cmds) proc = subprocess.Popen( cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) (out, err) = proc.communicate() if not err: return out raise OSError(err) def _assert_subprocess_running(proc): """Checks if a subprocess has terminated on its own. Args: proc: A subprocess returned by subprocess.Popen. Raises: VTSUtilsError is raised if the subprocess has stopped. """ ret = proc.poll() if ret is not None: out, err = proc.communicate() raise VTSUtilsError("Process %d has terminated. ret: %d, stderr: %s," " stdout: %s" % (proc.pid, ret, err, out)) def is_on_windows(): """Checks whether the OS is Windows. Returns: A boolean representing whether the OS is Windows. """ return os.name == "nt" def kill_process_group(proc, signal_no=signal.SIGTERM): """Sends signal to a process group. Logs when there is an OSError or PermissionError. The latter one only happens on Mac. On Windows, SIGABRT, SIGINT, and SIGTERM are replaced with CTRL_BREAK_EVENT so as to kill every subprocess in the group. Args: proc: The Popen object whose pid is the group id. signal_no: The signal sent to the subprocess group. """ pid = proc.pid try: if not is_on_windows(): os.killpg(pid, signal_no) else: if signal_no in [signal.SIGABRT, signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGTERM]: windows_signal_no = signal.CTRL_BREAK_EVENT else: windows_signal_no = signal_no os.kill(pid, windows_signal_no) except (OSError, PermissionError) as e: logging.exception("Cannot send signal %s to process group %d: %s", signal_no, pid, str(e)) def start_standing_subprocess(cmd, check_health_delay=0): """Starts a long-running subprocess. This is not a blocking call and the subprocess started by it should be explicitly terminated with stop_standing_subprocess. For short-running commands, you should use exe_cmd, which blocks. You can specify a health check after the subprocess is started to make sure it did not stop prematurely. Args: cmd: string, the command to start the subprocess with. check_health_delay: float, the number of seconds to wait after the subprocess starts to check its health. Default is 0, which means no check. Returns: The subprocess that got started. """ if not is_on_windows(): proc = subprocess.Popen( cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, preexec_fn=os.setpgrp) else: proc = subprocess.Popen( cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, creationflags=subprocess.CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP) logging.debug("Start standing subprocess with cmd: %s", cmd) if check_health_delay > 0: time.sleep(check_health_delay) _assert_subprocess_running(proc) return proc def stop_standing_subprocess(proc, signal_no=signal.SIGTERM): """Stops a subprocess started by start_standing_subprocess. Before killing the process, we check if the process is running, if it has terminated, VTSUtilsError is raised. Args: proc: Subprocess to terminate. signal_no: The signal sent to the subprocess group. """ logging.debug("Stop standing subprocess %d", proc.pid) _assert_subprocess_running(proc) kill_process_group(proc, signal_no) def wait_for_standing_subprocess(proc, timeout=None): """Waits for a subprocess started by start_standing_subprocess to finish or times out. Propagates the exception raised by the subprocess.wait(.) function. The subprocess.TimeoutExpired exception is raised if the process timed-out rather then terminating. If no exception is raised: the subprocess terminated on its own. No need to call stop_standing_subprocess() to kill it. If an exception is raised: the subprocess is still alive - it did not terminate. Either call stop_standing_subprocess() to kill it, or call wait_for_standing_subprocess() to keep waiting for it to terminate on its own. Args: p: Subprocess to wait for. timeout: An integer number of seconds to wait before timing out. """ proc.wait(timeout) def sync_device_time(ad): """Sync the time of an android device with the current system time. Both epoch time and the timezone will be synced. Args: ad: The android device to sync time on. """ droid = ad.droid droid.setTimeZone(get_timezone_olson_id()) droid.setTime(get_current_epoch_time()) # Timeout decorator block class TimeoutError(Exception): """Exception for timeout decorator related errors. """ pass def _timeout_handler(signum, frame): """Handler function used by signal to terminate a timed out function. """ raise TimeoutError() def timeout(sec): """A decorator used to add time out check to a function. Args: sec: Number of seconds to wait before the function times out. No timeout if set to 0 Returns: What the decorated function returns. Raises: TimeoutError is raised when time out happens. """ def decorator(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if sec: signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, _timeout_handler) signal.alarm(sec) try: return func(*args, **kwargs) except TimeoutError: raise TimeoutError(("Function {} timed out after {} " "seconds.").format(func.__name__, sec)) finally: signal.alarm(0) return wrapper return decorator def trim_model_name(model): """Trim any prefix and postfix and return the android designation of the model name. e.g. "m_shamu" will be trimmed to "shamu". Args: model: model name to be trimmed. Returns Trimmed model name if one of the known model names is found. None otherwise. """ # Directly look up first. if model in models: return model if model in manufacture_name_to_model: return manufacture_name_to_model[model] # If not found, try trimming off prefix/postfix and look up again. tokens = re.split("_|-", model) for t in tokens: if t in models: return t if t in manufacture_name_to_model: return manufacture_name_to_model[t] return None def force_airplane_mode(ad, new_state, timeout_value=60): """Force the device to set airplane mode on or off by adb shell command. Args: ad: android device object. new_state: Turn on airplane mode if True. Turn off airplane mode if False. timeout_value: max wait time for 'adb wait-for-device' Returns: True if success. False if timeout. """ # Using timeout decorator. # Wait for device with timeout. If after <timeout_value> seconds, adb # is still waiting for device, throw TimeoutError exception. @timeout(timeout_value) def wait_for_device_with_timeout(ad): ad.adb.wait_for_device() try: wait_for_device_with_timeout(ad) ad.adb.shell("settings put global airplane_mode_on {}".format( 1 if new_state else 0)) except TimeoutError: # adb wait for device timeout return False return True def enable_doze(ad): """Force the device into doze mode. Args: ad: android device object. Returns: True if device is in doze mode. False otherwise. """ ad.adb.shell("dumpsys battery unplug") ad.adb.shell("dumpsys deviceidle enable") if (ad.adb.shell("dumpsys deviceidle force-idle") != b'Now forced in to idle mode\r\n'): return False ad.droid.goToSleepNow() time.sleep(5) adb_shell_result = ad.adb.shell("dumpsys deviceidle step") if adb_shell_result not in [b'Stepped to: IDLE_MAINTENANCE\r\n', b'Stepped to: IDLE\r\n']: info = ("dumpsys deviceidle step: {}dumpsys battery: {}" "dumpsys deviceidle: {}".format( adb_shell_result.decode('utf-8'), ad.adb.shell("dumpsys battery").decode('utf-8'), ad.adb.shell("dumpsys deviceidle").decode('utf-8'))) print(info) return False return True def disable_doze(ad): """Force the device not in doze mode. Args: ad: android device object. Returns: True if device is not in doze mode. False otherwise. """ ad.adb.shell("dumpsys deviceidle disable") ad.adb.shell("dumpsys battery reset") adb_shell_result = ad.adb.shell("dumpsys deviceidle step") if (adb_shell_result != b'Stepped to: ACTIVE\r\n'): info = ("dumpsys deviceidle step: {}dumpsys battery: {}" "dumpsys deviceidle: {}".format( adb_shell_result.decode('utf-8'), ad.adb.shell("dumpsys battery").decode('utf-8'), ad.adb.shell("dumpsys deviceidle").decode('utf-8'))) print(info) return False return True def set_ambient_display(ad, new_state): """Set "Ambient Display" in Settings->Display Args: ad: android device object. new_state: new state for "Ambient Display". True or False. """ ad.adb.shell("settings put secure doze_enabled {}".format(1 if new_state else 0)) def set_adaptive_brightness(ad, new_state): """Set "Adaptive Brightness" in Settings->Display Args: ad: android device object. new_state: new state for "Adaptive Brightness". True or False. """ ad.adb.shell("settings put system screen_brightness_mode {}".format( 1 if new_state else 0)) def set_auto_rotate(ad, new_state): """Set "Auto-rotate" in QuickSetting Args: ad: android device object. new_state: new state for "Auto-rotate". True or False. """ ad.adb.shell("settings put system accelerometer_rotation {}".format( 1 if new_state else 0)) def set_location_service(ad, new_state): """Set Location service on/off in Settings->Location Args: ad: android device object. new_state: new state for "Location service". If new_state is False, turn off location service. If new_state if True, set location service to "High accuracy". """ if new_state: ad.adb.shell("settings put secure location_providers_allowed +gps") ad.adb.shell("settings put secure location_providers_allowed +network") else: ad.adb.shell("settings put secure location_providers_allowed -gps") ad.adb.shell("settings put secure location_providers_allowed -network") def set_mobile_data_always_on(ad, new_state): """Set Mobile_Data_Always_On feature bit Args: ad: android device object. new_state: new state for "mobile_data_always_on" if new_state is False, set mobile_data_always_on disabled. if new_state if True, set mobile_data_always_on enabled. """ ad.adb.shell("settings put global mobile_data_always_on {}".format( 1 if new_state else 0))