#!/usr/bin/env python3.4

import queue
import time

import acts.base_test
import acts.test_utils.wifi.wifi_test_utils as wifi_utils
import acts.test_utils.tel.tel_test_utils as tele_utils
import acts.utils

from acts import asserts
from acts import signals
from acts.test_decorators import test_tracker_info
from acts.test_utils.tel.TelephonyBaseTest import TelephonyBaseTest
from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_voice_utils import phone_setup_voice_general
from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_voice_utils import two_phone_call_short_seq

WifiEnums = wifi_utils.WifiEnums

ATTENUATORS = "attenuators"
WIFI_SSID = "wifi_network_ssid"
WIFI_PWD = "wifi_network_pass"
STRESS_COUNT = "stress_iteration"

class WifiTeleCoexTest(TelephonyBaseTest):
    """Tests for WiFi, Celular Co-existance."""

    def __init__(self, controllers):
        TelephonyBaseTest.__init__(self, controllers)

    def setup_class(self):
        self.dut = self.android_devices[0]
        # Set attenuation to 0 on all channels.
        if getattr(self, ATTENUATORS, []):
            for a in self.attenuators:
        self.ads = self.android_devices
        self.dut = self.android_devices[0]
        self.wifi_network_ssid = self.user_params.get(WIFI_SSID)
        self.wifi_network_pass = self.user_params.get(WIFI_PWD)
        self.network = { WifiEnums.SSID_KEY : self.wifi_network_ssid,
                         WifiEnums.PWD_KEY : self.wifi_network_pass
        self.stress_count = self.user_params.get(STRESS_COUNT)

    def setup_test(self):
        wifi_utils.wifi_toggle_state(self.dut, True)

    def teardown_test(self):

    """Helper Functions"""

    def connect_to_wifi(self, ad, network):
        """Connection logic for open and psk wifi networks.

            ad: Android device object.
            network: A JSON dict of the WiFi network configuration.

        scan_results = ad.droid.wifiGetScanResults()
                self.wifi_network_ssid}, scan_results)
        wifi_utils.wifi_connect(ad, network)
        self.log.debug("Connected to %s network on %s device" % (
                network[WifiEnums.SSID_KEY], ad.serial))

    def stress_toggle_wifi(self, stress_count):
        """Toggle WiFi in a loop.

            stress_count: Number of times to toggle WiFi OFF and ON.

        for count in range(stress_count):
            self.log.debug("stress_toggle_wifi: Iteration %d" % count)

        if not self.dut.droid.wifiGetisWifiEnabled():
            raise signals.TestFailure("WiFi did not turn on after toggling it"
                                      " %d times" % self.stress_count)

    def stress_toggle_airplane(self, stress_count):
        """Toggle Airplane mode in a loop.

            stress_count: Number of times to toggle Airplane mode OFF and ON.

        for count in range(stress_count):
            self.log.debug("stress_toggle_airplane: Iteration %d" % count)

        if not self.dut.droid.wifiGetisWifiEnabled():
            raise signals.TestFailure("WiFi did not turn on after toggling it"
                                      " %d times" % self.stress_count)

    def stress_toggle_airplane_and_wifi(self, stress_count):
        """Toggle Airplane and WiFi modes in a loop.

            stress_count: Number of times to perform Airplane mode ON, WiFi ON,
                          Airplane mode OFF, in a sequence.

        self.log.debug("Toggling Airplane mode ON")

            acts.utils.force_airplane_mode(self.dut, True),
            "Can not turn on airplane mode on: %s" % self.dut.serial)
        # Sleep for atleast 500ms so that, call to enable wifi is not deferred.

        self.log.debug("Toggling wifi ON")
        wifi_utils.wifi_toggle_state(self.dut, True)
        # Sleep for 1s before getting new WiFi state.
        if not self.dut.droid.wifiGetisWifiEnabled():
            raise signals.TestFailure("WiFi did not turn on after turning ON"
                                      " Airplane mode")
            acts.utils.force_airplane_mode(self.dut, False),
            "Can not turn on airplane mode on: %s" % self.dut.serial)

        if not self.dut.droid.wifiGetisWifiEnabled():
            raise signals.TestFailure("WiFi did not turn on after toggling it"
                                      " %d times" % self.stress_count)

    def setup_cellular_voice_calling(self):
        """Setup phone for voice general calling and make sure phone is
           attached to voice."""
        # Make sure Phone A and B are attached to voice network.
        for ad in self.ads:
            if not phone_setup_voice_general(self.log, ad):
                raise signals.TestFailure("Phone failed to setup for voice"
                                          " calling serial:%s" % ad.serial)
        self.log.debug("Finished setting up phones for voice calling")

    def validate_cellular_and_wifi(self):
        """Validate WiFi, make some cellular calls.

            1. Check if device is still connected to the WiFi network.
            2. If WiFi looks good, check if deivce is attached to voice.
            3. Make a short sequence voice call between Phone A and B.

        # Sleep for 5s before getting new WiFi state.
        wifi_info = self.dut.droid.wifiGetConnectionInfo()
        if wifi_info[WifiEnums.SSID_KEY] != self.wifi_network_ssid:
            raise signals.TestFailure("Phone failed to connect to %s network on"
                                      " %s" % (self.wifi_network_ssid,

        # Make short call sequence between Phone A and Phone B.
        two_phone_call_short_seq(self.log, self.ads[0], None, None, self.ads[1],
                                 None, None)


    def test_toggle_wifi_call(self):
        """Test to toggle WiFi and then perform WiFi connection and
           cellular calls.

            1. Attach device to voice subscription network.
            2. Connect to a WiFi network.
            3. Toggle WiFi OFF and ON.
            4. Verify device auto-connects to the WiFi network.
            5. Verify device is attached to voice network.
            6. Make short sequence voice calls.

        self.connect_to_wifi(self.dut, self.network)
        return True

    def test_toggle_airplane_call(self):
        """Test to toggle Airplane mode and perform WiFi connection and
           cellular calls.

            1. Attach device to voice subscription network.
            2. Connect to a WiFi network.
            3. Toggle Airplane mode OFF and ON.
            4. Verify device auto-connects to the WiFi network.
            5. Verify device is attached to voice network.
            6. Make short sequence voice calls.

        self.connect_to_wifi(self.dut, self.network)
        return True

    def test_toggle_airplane_and_wifi_call(self):
        """Test to toggle WiFi in a loop and perform WiFi connection and
           cellular calls.

            1. Attach device to voice subscription network.
            2. Connect to a WiFi network.
            3. Toggle Airplane mode ON.
            4. Turn WiFi ON.
            5. Toggle Airplane mode OFF.
            3. Verify device auto-connects to the WiFi network.
            4. Verify device is attached to voice network.
            5. Make short sequence voice calls.

        self.connect_to_wifi(self.dut, self.network)
        return True

    def test_stress_toggle_wifi_call(self):
        """Stress test to toggle WiFi in a loop, then perform WiFi connection
           and cellular calls.

            1. Attach device to voice subscription network.
            2. Connect to a WiFi network.
            3. Toggle WiFi OFF and ON in a loop.
            4. Verify device auto-connects to the WiFi network.
            5. Verify device is attached to voice network.
            6. Make short sequence voice calls.

        self.connect_to_wifi(self.dut, self.network)
        return True

    def test_stress_toggle_airplane_call(self):
        """Stress test to toggle Airplane mode in a loop, then perform WiFi and
           cellular calls.

            1. Attach device to voice subscription network.
            2. Connect to a WiFi network.
            3. Toggle Airplane mode OFF and ON in a loop.
            4. Verify device auto-connects to the WiFi network.
            5. Verify device is attached to voice network.
            6. Make short sequence voice calls.

        self.connect_to_wifi(self.dut, self.network)
        return True

    def test_stress_toggle_airplane_and_wifi_call(self):
        """Stress test to toggle Airplane and WiFi mode in a loop, then perform
           WiFi connection and cellular calls.

            1. Attach device to voice subscription network.
            2. Connect to a WiFi network.
            3. Toggle Airplane mode ON.
            4. Turn WiFi ON.
            5. Toggle Airplane mode OFF.
            6. Repeat 3, 4 & 5, in a loop.
            7. Verify device auto-connects to the WiFi network.
            8. Verify device is attached to voice network.
            9. Make short sequence voice calls.

        self.connect_to_wifi(self.dut, self.network)
        return True