#!/bin/bash -ex
function mtime() {
stat -c %Y $1
# Go to top of blueprint tree
cd $(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})/..
export TEMPDIR=$(mktemp -d -t blueprint.test.XXX)
function cleanup() {
cd "${TOP}"
echo "cleaning up ${TEMPDIR}"
rm -rf "${TEMPDIR}"
trap cleanup EXIT
export OUTDIR="${TEMPDIR}/out"
mkdir "${OUTDIR}"
export SRCDIR="${TEMPDIR}/src"
cp -r tests/test_tree "${SRCDIR}"
cp -r "${TOP}" "${SRCDIR}/blueprint"
cd "${OUTDIR}"
export BLUEPRINTDIR=${SRCDIR}/blueprint
${SRCDIR}/blueprint/bootstrap.bash $@
#confirm no build.ninja file is rebuilt when no change happens
OLDTIME_BOOTSTRAP=$(mtime .bootstrap/build.ninja)
OLDTIME=$(mtime build.ninja)
sleep 2
if [ ${OLDTIME} != $(mtime build.ninja) ]; then
echo "unnecessary build.ninja regeneration for null build" >&2
exit 1
if [ ${OLDTIME_BOOTSTRAP} != $(mtime .bootstrap/build.ninja) ]; then
echo "unnecessary .bootstrap/build.ninja regeneration for null build" >&2
exit 1
#confirm no build.ninja file is rebuilt when a new directory is created
mkdir ${SRCDIR}/newglob
sleep 2
if [ ${OLDTIME} != $(mtime build.ninja) ]; then
echo "unnecessary build.ninja regeneration for new empty directory" >&2
exit 1
if [ ${OLDTIME_BOOTSTRAP} != $(mtime .bootstrap/build.ninja) ]; then
echo "unnecessary .bootstrap/build.ninja regeneration for new empty directory" >&2
exit 1
#confirm that build.ninja is rebuilt when a new Blueprints file is added
touch ${SRCDIR}/newglob/Blueprints
sleep 2
if [ ${OLDTIME} = $(mtime build.ninja) ]; then
echo "Failed to rebuild build.ninja for glob addition" >&2
exit 1
if [ ${OLDTIME_BOOTSTRAP} = $(mtime .bootstrap/build.ninja) ]; then
echo "Failed to rebuild .bootstrap/build.ninja for glob addition" >&2
exit 1
#confirm that build.ninja is rebuilt when a glob match is removed
OLDTIME=$(mtime build.ninja)
OLDTIME_BOOTSTRAP=$(mtime .bootstrap/build.ninja)
rm ${SRCDIR}/newglob/Blueprints
sleep 2
if [ ${OLDTIME} = $(mtime build.ninja) ]; then
echo "Failed to rebuild build.ninja for glob removal" >&2
exit 1
if [ ${OLDTIME_BOOTSTRAP} = $(mtime .bootstrap/build.ninja) ]; then
echo "Failed to rebuild .bootstrap/build.ninja for glob removal" >&2
exit 1
#confirm that build.ninja is not rebuilt when a glob match is removed
OLDTIME=$(mtime build.ninja)
OLDTIME_BOOTSTRAP=$(mtime .bootstrap/build.ninja)
rmdir ${SRCDIR}/newglob
sleep 2
if [ ${OLDTIME} != $(mtime build.ninja) ]; then
echo "unnecessary build.ninja regeneration for removal of empty directory" >&2
exit 1
if [ ${OLDTIME_BOOTSTRAP} != $(mtime .bootstrap/build.ninja) ]; then
echo "unnecessary .bootstrap/build.ninja regeneration for removal of empty directory" >&2
exit 1
echo tests passed