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 * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

 * This class is an abstraction to treat a capture device (e.g., a webcam)
 * connected to the host computer as an image sensor.  The capture device must
 * support both 360x240 and 640x480 resolutions.
 * The characteristics of this sensor don't correspond to any actual sensor,
 * but are not far off typical sensors.


#include "fake-pipeline2/Base.h"
#include "QemuClient.h"

#include <utils/Mutex.h>
#include <utils/Thread.h>
#include <utils/Timers.h>

namespace android {

class EmulatedFakeCamera2;

class QemuSensor: private Thread, public virtual RefBase {
    * Args:
    *     deviceName: File path where the capture device can be found (e.g.,
    *                 "/dev/video0").
    *     width: Width of pixel array.
    *     height: Height of pixel array.
    QemuSensor(const char *deviceName, uint32_t width, uint32_t height);

     * Power Control

    status_t startUp();
    status_t shutDown();

     * Controls that can be updated every frame.

    void setFrameDuration(uint64_t ns);

     * Each Buffer in "buffers" must be at least stride*height*2 bytes in size.
    void setDestinationBuffers(Buffers *buffers);
     * To simplify tracking the sensor's current frame.
    void setFrameNumber(uint32_t frameNumber);

     * Synchronizing with sensor operation (vertical sync).

     * Wait until the sensor outputs its next vertical sync signal, meaning it
     * is starting readout of its latest frame of data.
     * Returns:
     *     true if vertical sync is signaled; false if the wait timed out.
    bool waitForVSync(nsecs_t reltime);

     * Wait until a new frame has been read out, and then return the time
     * capture started. May return immediately if a new frame has been pushed
     * since the last wait for a new frame.
     * Returns:
     *     true if new frame is returned; false if timed out.
    bool waitForNewFrame(nsecs_t reltime, nsecs_t *captureTime);

     * Interrupt event servicing from the sensor. Only triggers for sensor
     * cycles that have valid buffers to write to.
    struct QemuSensorListener {
        enum Event {

        virtual void onQemuSensorEvent(uint32_t frameNumber, Event e,
                nsecs_t timestamp) = 0;
        virtual ~QemuSensorListener();

    void setQemuSensorListener(QemuSensorListener *listener);

     * Static Sensor Characteristics
    const uint32_t mWidth, mHeight;
    const uint32_t mActiveArray[4];

    static const nsecs_t kExposureTimeRange[2];
    static const nsecs_t kFrameDurationRange[2];
    static const nsecs_t kMinVerticalBlank;

    static const int32_t kSensitivityRange[2];
    static const uint32_t kDefaultSensitivity;

    int32_t mLastRequestWidth, mLastRequestHeight;

     * Defines possible states of the emulated camera device object.
    enum EmulatedCameraDeviceState {
        // Object has been constructed.
        // Object has been initialized.
        // Object has been connected to the physical device.
        // Camera device has been started.
    // Object state.
    EmulatedCameraDeviceState mState;

    CameraQemuClient mCameraQemuClient;
    const char *mDeviceName;

    // Always lock before accessing control parameters.
    Mutex mControlMutex;
     * Control Parameters
    Condition mVSync;
    bool mGotVSync;
    uint64_t mFrameDuration;
    Buffers *mNextBuffers;
    uint32_t mFrameNumber;

    // Always lock before accessing readout variables.
    Mutex mReadoutMutex;
     * Readout Variables
    Condition mReadoutAvailable;
    Condition mReadoutComplete;
    Buffers *mCapturedBuffers;
    nsecs_t mCaptureTime;
    QemuSensorListener *mListener;

    // Time of sensor startup (used for simulation zero-time point).
    nsecs_t mStartupTime;

     * Inherited Thread Virtual Overrides
    virtual status_t readyToRun();
     * QemuSensor capture operation main loop.
    virtual bool threadLoop();

     * Members only used by the processing thread.
    nsecs_t mNextCaptureTime;
    Buffers *mNextCapturedBuffers;

    void captureRGBA(uint8_t *img, uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
            uint32_t stride, int64_t *timestamp);
    void captureRGB(uint8_t *img, uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
            uint32_t stride, int64_t *timestamp);
    void captureNV21(uint8_t *img, uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
            uint32_t stride, int64_t *timestamp);

}; // end of namespace android