# Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open-Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# the DIAG device node is not world writable/readable.
/dev/diag 0660 system diag
/dev/wlan 0666 system system
/dev/kgsl-3d0 0666 system system
/dev/ion 0664 system system
/dev/rtc0 0660 system system
/dev/smd7 0660 bluetooth bluetooth
/dev/ipa 0660 system radio
/dev/wwan_ioctl 0660 system radio
/dev/ipaNatTable 0660 system radio
/dev/rmnet_ctrl 0660 usb usb
#permissions for CSVT
/dev/smd11 0660 radio radio
/dev/smdcntl8 0640 radio radio
/dev/at_usb0 0640 radio radio
/dev/at_mdm0 0640 radio radio
/dev/video* 0660 system camera
/dev/media* 0660 system camera
/dev/v4l-subdev* 0660 system camera
/dev/qseecom 0660 system drmrpc
/dev/qsee_ipc_irq_spss 0660 system drmrpc
/dev/seemplog 0660 system system
/dev/spcom 0660 system system
/dev/jpeg0 0660 system camera
/dev/adsprpc-smd 0664 system system
/dev/hw_random 0600 root root
/dev/sdsprpc-smd 0660 system system
/dev/wcd-dsp-glink 0660 system audio
/dev/wcd_dsp0_control 0660 system audio
/dev/msm_qcelp 0660 system audio
/dev/msm_evrc 0660 system audio
/dev/msm_wma 0660 system audio
/dev/msm_wmapro 0660 system audio
/dev/msm_alac 0660 system audio
/dev/msm_ape 0660 system audio
/dev/msm_amrnb 0660 system audio
/dev/msm_amrwb 0660 system audio
/dev/msm_amrwbplus 0660 system audio
/dev/msm_aac 0660 system audio
/dev/msm_multi_aac 0660 system audio
/dev/msm_aac_in 0660 system audio
/dev/msm_qcelp_in 0660 system audio
/dev/msm_evrc_in 0660 system audio
/dev/msm_amrnb_in 0640 system audio
/dev/msm_a2dp_in 0660 system audio
/dev/msm_ac3 0660 system audio
/dev/msm_audio_cal 0660 system audio
/dev/msm_hweffects 0660 system audio
/dev/msm_rtac 0660 system audio
/dev/i2c-5 0660 media media
/dev/avtimer 0660 system audio
/dev/uio0 0660 system system
/dev/uio1 0660 system system
# SSR devices
/dev/subsys_* 0640 system system
# Ramdump devices
/dev/ramdump_* 0640 system system
#ImproveTouch device
/dev/hbtp_input 0660 system system
/dev/hbtp_vm 0660 system system
# BT
/dev/ttyHS0 0660 bluetooth net_bt
/dev/btpower 0660 bluetooth net_bt
#nfc permissions
/dev/nq-nci 0660 nfc nfc
# eSE device
/dev/pn81a 0660 ese ese
# fpc fingerprint
/sys/devices/soc/soc:fp_fpc* irq 0600 system system
/sys/devices/soc/soc:fp_fpc* wakeup_enable 0200 system system
# Easel
/dev/easelcomm-client 0666 cameraserver camera
/dev/mnh_sm 0666 cameraserver camera
# Storage: for factory reset protection feature
/dev/block/platform/soc/1da4000.ufshc/by-name/frp 0660 system system