""" % (self.FfsIndex, self.FfsIndex, self.FfsIndex, FfsPath, FfsName, FfsGuid, FfsOffset, FfsType, self.FfsIndex)
if self.DispatchList:
if FfsObj.Type in [0x04, 0x06]:
self.DispatchList.write("%s %s %s %s\n" % (FfsGuid, "P", FfsName, FfsPath))
if FfsObj.Type in [0x05, 0x07, 0x08, 0x0A]:
self.DispatchList.write("%s %s %s %s\n" % (FfsGuid, "D", FfsName, FfsPath))
EotGlobalData.gOP_DISPATCH_ORDER.write('%s\n' %FfsName)
if FfsObj.Depex != '':
Content = """
""" % (self.FfsIndex, self.FfsIndex, self.FfsIndex, self.FfsIndex)
Content = """ |
# End of DEPEX
# Find Consumed Ppi/Protocol
SqlCommand = """select ModuleName, ItemType, GuidName, GuidValue, GuidMacro from Report
where SourceFileFullPath in
(select Value1 from Inf where BelongsToFile =
(select BelongsToFile from Inf
where Value1 = 'FILE_GUID' and Value2 like '%s' and Model = %s)
and Model = %s)
and ItemMode = 'Consumed' group by GuidName order by ItemType""" \
% (FfsGuid, 5001, 3007)
RecordSet = EotGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Exec(SqlCommand)
if RecordSet != []:
Count = len(RecordSet)
Content = """
""" % (self.FfsIndex, self.FfsIndex, self.FfsIndex, Count, self.FfsIndex)
self.ProtocolIndex = 0
for Record in RecordSet:
self.ProtocolIndex = self.ProtocolIndex + 1
Name = Record[2]
CName = Record[4]
Guid = Record[3]
Type = Record[1]
self.GeneratePpiProtocol(Type, Name, Guid, 'Consumed', CName)
Content = """ |
#End of Consumed Ppi/Portocol
# Find Produced Ppi/Protocol
SqlCommand = """select ModuleName, ItemType, GuidName, GuidValue, GuidMacro from Report
where SourceFileFullPath in
(select Value1 from Inf where BelongsToFile =
(select BelongsToFile from Inf
where Value1 = 'FILE_GUID' and Value2 like '%s' and Model = %s)
and Model = %s)
and ItemMode = 'Produced' group by GuidName order by ItemType""" \
% (FfsGuid, 5001, 3007)
RecordSet = EotGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Exec(SqlCommand)
if RecordSet != []:
Count = len(RecordSet)
Content = """
""" % (self.FfsIndex, self.FfsIndex, self.FfsIndex, Count, self.FfsIndex)
self.PpiIndex = 0
for Record in RecordSet:
self.PpiIndex = self.PpiIndex + 1
Name = Record[2]
CName = Record[4]
Guid = Record[3]
Type = Record[1]
self.GeneratePpiProtocol(Type, Name, Guid, 'Produced', CName)
Content = """ |
RecordSet = None
# End of Produced Ppi/Protocol
Content = """ |
## GenerateTail() method
# Generate end tags of HTML report
# @param self: The object pointer
def GenerateTail(self):
Tail = """