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## @file
# Install distribution package.
# Copyright (c) 2011 - 2015, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
# This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available 
# under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this 
# distribution. The full text of the license may be found at 
# http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
Install a distribution package
# Import Modules
from Core.FileHook import __FileHookOpen__
import os.path
from os import chmod
from os import SEEK_SET
from os import SEEK_END
import stat
import md5
import copy
from sys import stdin
from sys import platform
from shutil import rmtree
from shutil import copyfile
from traceback import format_exc
from platform import python_version

from Logger import StringTable as ST
from Logger.ToolError import UNKNOWN_ERROR
from Logger.ToolError import FILE_UNKNOWN_ERROR
from Logger.ToolError import OPTION_MISSING
from Logger.ToolError import UPT_ALREADY_INSTALLED_ERROR
from Logger.ToolError import FatalError
from Logger.ToolError import ABORT_ERROR
from Logger.ToolError import CODE_ERROR
from Logger.ToolError import FORMAT_INVALID
from Logger.ToolError import FILE_TYPE_MISMATCH
import Logger.Log as Logger

from Library.Misc import Sdict
from Library.Misc import ConvertPath
from Library.ParserValidate import IsValidInstallPath
from Xml.XmlParser import DistributionPackageXml
from GenMetaFile.GenDecFile import PackageToDec
from GenMetaFile.GenInfFile import ModuleToInf
from Core.PackageFile import PackageFile
from Core.PackageFile import FILE_NOT_FOUND
from Core.PackageFile import FILE_CHECKSUM_FAILURE
from Core.PackageFile import CreateDirectory
from Core.DependencyRules import DependencyRules
from Library import GlobalData

## InstallNewPackage
# @param WorkspaceDir:   Workspace Directory
# @param Path:           Package Path
# @param CustomPath:     whether need to customize path at first
def InstallNewPackage(WorkspaceDir, Path, CustomPath = False):
    if os.path.isabs(Path):
    elif CustomPath:
        Path = ConvertPath(Path)
        Path = os.path.normpath(Path)
        FullPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(WorkspaceDir, Path))
        if os.path.exists(FullPath):
            return Path

    Input = stdin.readline()
    Input = Input.replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '')
    if Input == '':
        Logger.Error("InstallPkg", UNKNOWN_ERROR, ST.ERR_USER_INTERRUPT)
    Input = Input.replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '')
    return InstallNewPackage(WorkspaceDir, Input, False)

## InstallNewModule
# @param WorkspaceDir:   Workspace Directory
# @param Path:           Standalone Module Path
# @param PathList:       The already installed standalone module Path list
def InstallNewModule(WorkspaceDir, Path, PathList = None):
    if PathList == None:
        PathList = []
    Path = ConvertPath(Path)
    Path = os.path.normpath(Path)
    FullPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(WorkspaceDir, Path))
    if os.path.exists(FullPath) and FullPath not in PathList:
    elif Path == FullPath:
        return Path
    Input = stdin.readline()
    Input = Input.replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '')
    if Input == '':
        Logger.Error("InstallPkg", UNKNOWN_ERROR, ST.ERR_USER_INTERRUPT)
    Input = Input.replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '')
    return InstallNewModule(WorkspaceDir, Input, PathList)

## InstallNewFile
# @param WorkspaceDir:   Workspace Direction
# @param File:      File
def InstallNewFile(WorkspaceDir, File):
    FullPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(WorkspaceDir, File))
    if os.path.exists(FullPath):
        Logger.Info(ST.ERR_FILE_ALREADY_EXIST %File)
        Input = stdin.readline()
        Input = Input.replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '')
        if Input == '':
            Logger.Error("InstallPkg", UNKNOWN_ERROR, ST.ERR_USER_INTERRUPT)
        Input = Input.replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '')
        return InstallNewFile(WorkspaceDir, Input)
        return File

## UnZipDp
# UnZipDp
def UnZipDp(WorkspaceDir, DpPkgFileName):
    ContentZipFile = None
    DistFile = PackageFile(DpPkgFileName)
    DpDescFileName, ContentFileName = GetDPFile(DistFile.GetZipFile())
    GlobalData.gUNPACK_DIR = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(WorkspaceDir, ".tmp"))
    DistPkgFile = DistFile.UnpackFile(DpDescFileName,
        os.path.normpath(os.path.join(GlobalData.gUNPACK_DIR, DpDescFileName)))
    if not DistPkgFile:
        Logger.Error("InstallPkg", FILE_NOT_FOUND, ST.ERR_FILE_BROKEN %DpDescFileName)
    # Generate distpkg
    DistPkgObj = DistributionPackageXml()
    DistPkg = DistPkgObj.FromXml(DistPkgFile)
    if DistPkg.Header.RePackage == '':
        DistPkg.Header.RePackage = False
    if DistPkg.Header.ReadOnly == '':
        DistPkg.Header.ReadOnly = False

    # unzip contents.zip file
    ContentFile = DistFile.UnpackFile(ContentFileName,
        os.path.normpath(os.path.join(GlobalData.gUNPACK_DIR, ContentFileName)))
    if not ContentFile:
        Logger.Error("InstallPkg", FILE_NOT_FOUND,
            ST.ERR_FILE_BROKEN % ContentFileName)

    FilePointer = __FileHookOpen__(ContentFile, "rb")
    # Assume no archive comment.
    FilePointer.seek(0, SEEK_SET)
    FilePointer.seek(0, SEEK_END)
    # Get file size
    FileSize = FilePointer.tell()
    if FileSize != 0:        
        ContentZipFile = PackageFile(ContentFile)

    # verify MD5 signature when existed
    if DistPkg.Header.Signature != '':
        Md5Sigature = md5.new(__FileHookOpen__(ContentFile, 'rb').read())
        if DistPkg.Header.Signature != Md5Sigature.hexdigest():
            Logger.Error("InstallPkg", FILE_CHECKSUM_FAILURE,

    return DistPkg, ContentZipFile, DpPkgFileName, DistFile

## GetPackageList
# GetPackageList
def GetPackageList(DistPkg, Dep, WorkspaceDir, Options, ContentZipFile, ModuleList, PackageList):
    NewDict = Sdict()
    for Guid, Version, Path in DistPkg.PackageSurfaceArea:
        PackagePath = Path
        Package = DistPkg.PackageSurfaceArea[Guid, Version, Path]
        Logger.Info(ST.MSG_INSTALL_PACKAGE % Package.GetName())
        if Dep.CheckPackageExists(Guid, Version):
            Logger.Info(ST.WRN_PACKAGE_EXISTED %(Guid, Version))
        if Options.UseGuidedPkgPath:
            GuidedPkgPath = "%s_%s_%s" % (Package.GetName(), Guid, Version)
            NewPackagePath = InstallNewPackage(WorkspaceDir, GuidedPkgPath, Options.CustomPath)
            NewPackagePath = InstallNewPackage(WorkspaceDir, PackagePath, Options.CustomPath)
        InstallPackageContent(PackagePath, NewPackagePath, Package, ContentZipFile, Dep, WorkspaceDir, ModuleList, 
        NewDict[Guid, Version, Package.GetPackagePath()] = Package
    # Now generate meta-data files, first generate all dec for package
    # dec should be generated before inf, and inf should be generated after
    # all packages installed, else hard to resolve modules' package
    # dependency (Hard to get the location of the newly installed package)
    for Package in PackageList:
        FilePath = PackageToDec(Package, DistPkg.Header)
        Md5Sigature = md5.new(__FileHookOpen__(str(FilePath), 'rb').read())
        Md5Sum = Md5Sigature.hexdigest()
        if (FilePath, Md5Sum) not in Package.FileList:
            Package.FileList.append((FilePath, Md5Sum))
    return NewDict

## GetModuleList
# GetModuleList
def GetModuleList(DistPkg, Dep, WorkspaceDir, ContentZipFile, ModuleList):
    # ModulePathList will keep track of the standalone module path that
    # we just installed. If a new module's path in that list 
    # (only multiple INF in one directory will be so), we will 
    # install them directly. If not, we will try to create a new directory 
    # for it.
    ModulePathList = []
    # Check module exist and install
    Module = None
    NewDict = Sdict()        
    for Guid, Version, Name, Path in DistPkg.ModuleSurfaceArea:
        ModulePath = Path
        Module = DistPkg.ModuleSurfaceArea[Guid, Version, Name, Path]
        Logger.Info(ST.MSG_INSTALL_MODULE % Module.GetName())
        if Dep.CheckModuleExists(Guid, Version, Name, Path):
            Logger.Quiet(ST.WRN_MODULE_EXISTED %Path)
        # here check for the multiple inf share the same module path cases:
        # they should be installed into the same directory
        ModuleFullPath = \
        os.path.normpath(os.path.join(WorkspaceDir, ModulePath))
        if ModuleFullPath not in ModulePathList:
            NewModulePath = InstallNewModule(WorkspaceDir, ModulePath, ModulePathList)
            NewModuleFullPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(WorkspaceDir, NewModulePath))
            NewModulePath = ModulePath
        InstallModuleContent(ModulePath, NewModulePath, '', Module, ContentZipFile, WorkspaceDir, ModuleList, None, 
        # Update module
        Module.SetModulePath(Module.GetModulePath().replace(Path, NewModulePath, 1))
        NewDict[Guid, Version, Name, Module.GetModulePath()] = Module

    # generate all inf for modules
    for (Module, Package) in ModuleList:
        CheckCNameInModuleRedefined(Module, DistPkg)
        FilePath = ModuleToInf(Module, Package, DistPkg.Header)
        Md5Sigature = md5.new(__FileHookOpen__(str(FilePath), 'rb').read())
        Md5Sum = Md5Sigature.hexdigest()
        if Package:
            if (FilePath, Md5Sum) not in Package.FileList:
                Package.FileList.append((FilePath, Md5Sum))
            if (FilePath, Md5Sum) not in Module.FileList:
                Module.FileList.append((FilePath, Md5Sum))
        # append the module unicode files to Package FileList
        for (FilePath, Md5Sum) in Module.FileList:
            if str(FilePath).endswith('.uni') and Package and (FilePath, Md5Sum) not in Package.FileList:
                Package.FileList.append((FilePath, Md5Sum))
    return NewDict

# Get all protocol/ppi/guid CNames and pcd name from all dependent DEC file
def GetDepProtocolPpiGuidPcdNames(DePackageObjList):
    # [[Dec1Protocol1, Dec1Protocol2...], [Dec2Protocols...],...]
    DependentProtocolCNames = []
    DependentPpiCNames = []
    DependentGuidCNames = []
    DependentPcdNames = []
    for PackageObj in DePackageObjList:
        # Get protocol CName list from all dependent DEC file
        ProtocolCNames = []
        for Protocol in PackageObj.GetProtocolList():
            if Protocol.GetCName() not in ProtocolCNames:
        # Get Ppi CName list from all dependent DEC file
        PpiCNames = []
        for Ppi in PackageObj.GetPpiList():
            if Ppi.GetCName() not in PpiCNames:

        # Get Guid CName list from all dependent DEC file
        GuidCNames = []
        for Guid in PackageObj.GetGuidList():
            if Guid.GetCName() not in GuidCNames:
        # Get PcdName list from all dependent DEC file
        PcdNames = []
        for Pcd in PackageObj.GetPcdList():
            PcdName = '.'.join([Pcd.GetTokenSpaceGuidCName(), Pcd.GetCName()])
            if PcdName not in PcdNames:
    return DependentProtocolCNames, DependentPpiCNames, DependentGuidCNames, DependentPcdNames

# Check if protocol CName is redefined
def CheckProtoclCNameRedefined(Module, DependentProtocolCNames):
    for ProtocolInModule in Module.GetProtocolList():
        IsCNameDefined = False
        for PackageProtocolCNames in DependentProtocolCNames:
            if ProtocolInModule.GetCName() in PackageProtocolCNames:
                if IsCNameDefined:
                    Logger.Error("\nUPT", FORMAT_INVALID, 
                                 File = Module.GetFullPath(), 
                                 ExtraData = \
                                 ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_ITEM_DUPLICATE_IN_DEC % ProtocolInModule.GetCName())
                    IsCNameDefined = True

# Check if Ppi CName is redefined
def CheckPpiCNameRedefined(Module, DependentPpiCNames):
    for PpiInModule in Module.GetPpiList():
        IsCNameDefined = False
        for PackagePpiCNames in DependentPpiCNames:
            if PpiInModule.GetCName() in PackagePpiCNames:
                if IsCNameDefined:
                    Logger.Error("\nUPT", FORMAT_INVALID, 
                                 File = Module.GetFullPath(), 
                                 ExtraData = ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_ITEM_DUPLICATE_IN_DEC % PpiInModule.GetCName())
                    IsCNameDefined = True    

# Check if Guid CName is redefined
def CheckGuidCNameRedefined(Module, DependentGuidCNames):
    for GuidInModule in Module.GetGuidList():
        IsCNameDefined = False
        for PackageGuidCNames in DependentGuidCNames:
            if GuidInModule.GetCName() in PackageGuidCNames:
                if IsCNameDefined:
                    Logger.Error("\nUPT", FORMAT_INVALID, 
                                 File = Module.GetFullPath(), 
                                 ExtraData = \
                                 ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_ITEM_DUPLICATE_IN_DEC % GuidInModule.GetCName())
                    IsCNameDefined = True

# Check if PcdName is redefined
def CheckPcdNameRedefined(Module, DependentPcdNames):
    PcdObjs = []
    if not Module.GetBinaryFileList():
        PcdObjs += Module.GetPcdList()
        Binary = Module.GetBinaryFileList()[0]
        for AsBuild in Binary.GetAsBuiltList():
            PcdObjs += AsBuild.GetPatchPcdList() + AsBuild.GetPcdExList()

    for PcdObj in PcdObjs:
        PcdName = '.'.join([PcdObj.GetTokenSpaceGuidCName(), PcdObj.GetCName()])
        IsPcdNameDefined = False
        for PcdNames in DependentPcdNames:
            if PcdName in PcdNames:
                if IsPcdNameDefined:
                    Logger.Error("\nUPT", FORMAT_INVALID, 
                                 File = Module.GetFullPath(), 
                                 ExtraData = ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_ITEM_DUPLICATE_IN_DEC % PcdName)
                    IsPcdNameDefined = True

# Check if any Protocol/Ppi/Guid and Pcd name is redefined in its dependent DEC files
def CheckCNameInModuleRedefined(Module, DistPkg):
    DePackageObjList = []
    # Get all dependent package objects
    for Obj in Module.GetPackageDependencyList():
        Guid = Obj.GetGuid()
        Version = Obj.GetVersion()
        for Key in DistPkg.PackageSurfaceArea:
            if Key[0] == Guid and Key[1] == Version:
                if DistPkg.PackageSurfaceArea[Key] not in DePackageObjList:
    DependentProtocolCNames, DependentPpiCNames, DependentGuidCNames, DependentPcdNames = \

    CheckProtoclCNameRedefined(Module, DependentProtocolCNames)
    CheckPpiCNameRedefined(Module, DependentPpiCNames)
    CheckGuidCNameRedefined(Module, DependentGuidCNames)
    CheckPcdNameRedefined(Module, DependentPcdNames)

## GenToolMisc
# GenToolMisc
def GenToolMisc(DistPkg, WorkspaceDir, ContentZipFile):
    ToolObject = DistPkg.Tools
    MiscObject = DistPkg.MiscellaneousFiles
    DistPkg.FileList = []
    FileList = []
    ToolFileNum = 0
    FileNum = 0
    RootDir = WorkspaceDir
    # FileList stores both tools files and misc files
    # Misc file list must be appended to FileList *AFTER* Tools file list
    if ToolObject:
        FileList += ToolObject.GetFileList()
        ToolFileNum = len(ToolObject.GetFileList())
        if 'EDK_TOOLS_PATH' in os.environ:
            RootDir = os.environ['EDK_TOOLS_PATH']
    if MiscObject:
        FileList += MiscObject.GetFileList()
    for FileObject in FileList:
        FileNum += 1
        if FileNum > ToolFileNum:
            # Misc files, root should be changed to WORKSPACE
            RootDir = WorkspaceDir
        File = ConvertPath(FileObject.GetURI())
        ToFile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(RootDir, File))
        if os.path.exists(ToFile):
            Logger.Info( ST.WRN_FILE_EXISTED % ToFile )
            # ask for user input the new file name
            Logger.Info( ST.MSG_NEW_FILE_NAME)
            Input = stdin.readline()
            Input = Input.replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '')
            OrigPath = os.path.split(ToFile)[0]
            ToFile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(OrigPath, Input))
        FromFile = os.path.join(FileObject.GetURI())
        Md5Sum = InstallFile(ContentZipFile, FromFile, ToFile, DistPkg.Header.ReadOnly, FileObject.GetExecutable())
        DistPkg.FileList.append((ToFile, Md5Sum))

## Tool entrance method
# This method mainly dispatch specific methods per the command line options.
# If no error found, return zero value so the caller of this tool can know
# if it's executed successfully or not.
# @param  Options: command Options
def Main(Options = None):
    ContentZipFile, DistFile = None, None

        DataBase = GlobalData.gDB
        WorkspaceDir = GlobalData.gWORKSPACE
        if not Options.PackageFile:
            Logger.Error("InstallPkg", OPTION_MISSING, ExtraData=ST.ERR_SPECIFY_PACKAGE)
        # unzip dist.pkg file
        DistPkg, ContentZipFile, DpPkgFileName, DistFile = UnZipDp(WorkspaceDir, Options.PackageFile)

        # check dependency
        Dep = DependencyRules(DataBase)
        CheckInstallDpx(Dep, DistPkg)

        # Install distribution
        InstallDp(DistPkg, DpPkgFileName, ContentZipFile, Options, Dep, WorkspaceDir, DataBase)
        ReturnCode = 0
    except FatalError, XExcept:
        ReturnCode = XExcept.args[0]
        if Logger.GetLevel() <= Logger.DEBUG_9:
            Logger.Quiet(ST.MSG_PYTHON_ON % (python_version(), platform) + format_exc())
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        ReturnCode = ABORT_ERROR
        if Logger.GetLevel() <= Logger.DEBUG_9:
            Logger.Quiet(ST.MSG_PYTHON_ON % (python_version(), platform) + format_exc())
        ReturnCode = CODE_ERROR
                    ST.ERR_UNKNOWN_FATAL_INSTALL_ERR % Options.PackageFile,
        Logger.Quiet(ST.MSG_PYTHON_ON % (python_version(),
            platform) + format_exc())
        if ReturnCode != UPT_ALREADY_INSTALLED_ERROR:
            if DistFile:
            if ContentZipFile:
            if GlobalData.gUNPACK_DIR:
                GlobalData.gUNPACK_DIR = None
    if ReturnCode == 0:
    return ReturnCode

# BackupDist method
# This method will backup the Distribution file into the $(WORKSPACE)/conf/upt, and rename it 
# if there is already a same-named distribution existed.
# @param DpPkgFileName: The distribution path
# @param Guid:          The distribution Guid
# @param Version:       The distribution Version
# @param WorkspaceDir:  The workspace directory
# @retval NewDpPkgFileName: The exact backup file name
def BackupDist(DpPkgFileName, Guid, Version, WorkspaceDir):
    DistFileName = os.path.split(DpPkgFileName)[1]
    DestDir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(WorkspaceDir, GlobalData.gUPT_DIR))
    DestFile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(DestDir, DistFileName))
    if os.path.exists(DestFile):
        FileName, Ext = os.path.splitext(DistFileName)
        NewFileName = FileName + '_' + Guid + '_' + Version + Ext
        DestFile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(DestDir, NewFileName))
        if os.path.exists(DestFile):
            # ask for user input the new file name
            Logger.Info( ST.MSG_NEW_FILE_NAME_FOR_DIST)
            Input = stdin.readline()
            Input = Input.replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '')
            DestFile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(DestDir, Input))
    copyfile(DpPkgFileName, DestFile)
    NewDpPkgFileName = DestFile[DestFile.find(DestDir) + len(DestDir) + 1:]
    return NewDpPkgFileName

## CheckInstallDpx method
#  check whether distribution could be installed
#   @param  Dep: the DependencyRules instance that used to check dependency
#   @param  DistPkg: the distribution object
def CheckInstallDpx(Dep, DistPkg):
    # Check distribution package installed or not
    if Dep.CheckDpExists(DistPkg.Header.GetGuid(),
        Logger.Error("InstallPkg", UPT_ALREADY_INSTALLED_ERROR,
    # Check distribution dependency (all module dependency should be
    # satisfied)
    if not Dep.CheckInstallDpDepexSatisfied(DistPkg):
        Logger.Error("InstallPkg", UNKNOWN_ERROR,

## InstallModuleContent method
# If this is standalone module, then Package should be none,
# ModulePath should be ''
#   @param  FromPath: FromPath
#   @param  NewPath: NewPath
#   @param  ModulePath: ModulePath
#   @param  Module: Module
#   @param  ContentZipFile: ContentZipFile
#   @param  WorkspaceDir: WorkspaceDir
#   @param  ModuleList: ModuleList
#   @param  Package: Package
def InstallModuleContent(FromPath, NewPath, ModulePath, Module, ContentZipFile,
    WorkspaceDir, ModuleList, Package = None, ReadOnly = False):
    if NewPath.startswith("\\") or NewPath.startswith("/"):
        NewPath = NewPath[1:]
    if not IsValidInstallPath(NewPath):
    NewModuleFullPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(WorkspaceDir, NewPath,
        ConvertPath(Module.GetName()) + '.inf')))
    Module.FileList = []
    for MiscFile in Module.GetMiscFileList():
        if not MiscFile:
        for Item in MiscFile.GetFileList():
            File = Item.GetURI()
            if File.startswith("\\") or File.startswith("/"):
                File = File[1:]
            if not IsValidInstallPath(File):
                Logger.Error("UPT", FORMAT_INVALID, ST.ERR_FILE_NAME_INVALIDE%File)

            FromFile = os.path.join(FromPath, ModulePath, File)
            Executable = Item.GetExecutable()            
            ToFile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(NewModuleFullPath, ConvertPath(File)))
            Md5Sum = InstallFile(ContentZipFile, FromFile, ToFile, ReadOnly, Executable)
            if Package and ((ToFile, Md5Sum) not in Package.FileList):
                Package.FileList.append((ToFile, Md5Sum))
            elif Package:
            elif (ToFile, Md5Sum) not in Module.FileList:
                Module.FileList.append((ToFile, Md5Sum))
    for Item in Module.GetSourceFileList():
        File = Item.GetSourceFile()
        if File.startswith("\\") or File.startswith("/"):
            File = File[1:]
        if not IsValidInstallPath(File):
            Logger.Error("UPT", FORMAT_INVALID, ST.ERR_FILE_NAME_INVALIDE%File) 
        FromFile = os.path.join(FromPath, ModulePath, File)
        ToFile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(NewModuleFullPath, ConvertPath(File)))
        Md5Sum = InstallFile(ContentZipFile, FromFile, ToFile, ReadOnly)
        if Package and ((ToFile, Md5Sum) not in Package.FileList):
            Package.FileList.append((ToFile, Md5Sum))
        elif Package:
        elif (ToFile, Md5Sum) not in Module.FileList:
            Module.FileList.append((ToFile, Md5Sum))
    for Item in Module.GetBinaryFileList():
        FileNameList = Item.GetFileNameList()
        for FileName in FileNameList:              
            File = FileName.GetFilename()          
            if File.startswith("\\") or File.startswith("/"):
                File = File[1:]
            if not IsValidInstallPath(File):
                Logger.Error("UPT", FORMAT_INVALID, ST.ERR_FILE_NAME_INVALIDE%File)

            FromFile = os.path.join(FromPath, ModulePath, File)
            ToFile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(NewModuleFullPath, ConvertPath(File)))
            Md5Sum = InstallFile(ContentZipFile, FromFile, ToFile, ReadOnly)       
            if Package and ((ToFile, Md5Sum) not in Package.FileList):
                Package.FileList.append((ToFile, Md5Sum))
            elif Package:
            elif (ToFile, Md5Sum) not in Module.FileList:
                Module.FileList.append((ToFile, Md5Sum))
    InstallModuleContentZipFile(ContentZipFile, FromPath, ModulePath, WorkspaceDir, NewPath, Module, Package, ReadOnly,

## InstallModuleContentZipFile
# InstallModuleContentZipFile
def InstallModuleContentZipFile(ContentZipFile, FromPath, ModulePath, WorkspaceDir, NewPath, Module, Package, ReadOnly,
    # Extract other files under current module path in content Zip file but not listed in the description 
    if ContentZipFile:
        for FileName in ContentZipFile.GetZipFile().namelist():
            FileName = os.path.normpath(FileName)
            CheckPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(FromPath, ModulePath))
            if FileUnderPath(FileName, CheckPath):
                if FileName.startswith("\\") or FileName.startswith("/"):
                    FileName = FileName[1:]
                if not IsValidInstallPath(FileName):
                    Logger.Error("UPT", FORMAT_INVALID, ST.ERR_FILE_NAME_INVALIDE%FileName)
                FromFile = FileName
                ToFile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(WorkspaceDir, 
                        ConvertPath(FileName.replace(FromPath, NewPath, 1))))
                CheckList = copy.copy(Module.FileList)
                if Package:
                    CheckList += Package.FileList
                for Item in CheckList:
                    if Item[0] == ToFile:
                    Md5Sum = InstallFile(ContentZipFile, FromFile, ToFile, ReadOnly)
                    if Package and ((ToFile, Md5Sum) not in Package.FileList):
                        Package.FileList.append((ToFile, Md5Sum))
                    elif Package:
                    elif (ToFile, Md5Sum) not in Module.FileList:
                        Module.FileList.append((ToFile, Md5Sum))            
    ModuleList.append((Module, Package))

## FileUnderPath
#  Check whether FileName started with directory specified by CheckPath 
# @param FileName: the FileName need to be checked
# @param CheckPath: the path need to be checked against
# @return:  True or False  
def FileUnderPath(FileName, CheckPath):
    FileName = FileName.replace('\\', '/')
    FileName = os.path.normpath(FileName)
    CheckPath = CheckPath.replace('\\', '/')
    CheckPath = os.path.normpath(CheckPath)
    if FileName.startswith(CheckPath):
        RemainingPath = os.path.normpath(FileName.replace(CheckPath, '', 1))
        while RemainingPath.startswith('\\') or RemainingPath.startswith('/'):
            RemainingPath = RemainingPath[1:]
        if FileName == os.path.normpath(os.path.join(CheckPath, RemainingPath)):
            return True
    return False

## InstallFile
#  Extract File from Zipfile, set file attribute, and return the Md5Sum
# @return:  True or False  
def InstallFile(ContentZipFile, FromFile, ToFile, ReadOnly, Executable=False):
    if os.path.exists(os.path.normpath(ToFile)):
        if not ContentZipFile or not ContentZipFile.UnpackFile(FromFile, ToFile):

        if ReadOnly:
            if not Executable:
                chmod(ToFile, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IROTH)
                chmod(ToFile, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IROTH | stat.S_IEXEC | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH)
        elif Executable:
            chmod(ToFile, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IROTH | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IWGRP |
                  stat.S_IWOTH | stat.S_IEXEC | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH)
            chmod(ToFile, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IROTH | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IWGRP | stat.S_IWOTH)
    Md5Sigature = md5.new(__FileHookOpen__(str(ToFile), 'rb').read())
    Md5Sum = Md5Sigature.hexdigest()

    return Md5Sum

## InstallPackageContent method
#   @param  FromPath: FromPath
#   @param  ToPath: ToPath
#   @param  Package: Package
#   @param  ContentZipFile: ContentZipFile
#   @param  Dep: Dep
#   @param  WorkspaceDir: WorkspaceDir
#   @param  ModuleList: ModuleList
def InstallPackageContent(FromPath, ToPath, Package, ContentZipFile, Dep,
    WorkspaceDir, ModuleList, ReadOnly = False):
    if Dep:
    Package.FileList = []
    if ToPath.startswith("\\") or ToPath.startswith("/"):
        ToPath = ToPath[1:]
    if not IsValidInstallPath(ToPath):
        Logger.Error("UPT", FORMAT_INVALID, ST.ERR_FILE_NAME_INVALIDE%ToPath)     

    if FromPath.startswith("\\") or FromPath.startswith("/"):
        FromPath = FromPath[1:]
    if not IsValidInstallPath(FromPath):
        Logger.Error("UPT", FORMAT_INVALID, ST.ERR_FILE_NAME_INVALIDE%FromPath)   
    PackageFullPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(WorkspaceDir, ToPath))
    for MiscFile in Package.GetMiscFileList():
        for Item in MiscFile.GetFileList():
            FileName = Item.GetURI()
            if FileName.startswith("\\") or FileName.startswith("/"):
                FileName = FileName[1:]
            if not IsValidInstallPath(FileName):
                Logger.Error("UPT", FORMAT_INVALID, ST.ERR_FILE_NAME_INVALIDE%FileName)
            FromFile = os.path.join(FromPath, FileName)
            Executable = Item.GetExecutable()
            ToFile =  (os.path.join(PackageFullPath, ConvertPath(FileName)))
            Md5Sum = InstallFile(ContentZipFile, FromFile, ToFile, ReadOnly, Executable)
            if (ToFile, Md5Sum) not in Package.FileList:
                Package.FileList.append((ToFile, Md5Sum))
    PackageIncludeArchList = [] 
    for Item in Package.GetPackageIncludeFileList():
        FileName = Item.GetFilePath()
        if FileName.startswith("\\") or FileName.startswith("/"):
            FileName = FileName[1:]
        if not IsValidInstallPath(FileName):
            Logger.Error("UPT", FORMAT_INVALID, ST.ERR_FILE_NAME_INVALIDE%FileName) 
        FromFile = os.path.join(FromPath, FileName)
        ToFile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(PackageFullPath, ConvertPath(FileName)))
        RetFile = ContentZipFile.UnpackFile(FromFile, ToFile)
        if RetFile == '':
            # a non-exist path in Zipfile will return '', which means an include directory in our case
            # save the information for later DEC creation usage and also create the directory
            PackageIncludeArchList.append([Item.GetFilePath(), Item.GetSupArchList()])
        if ReadOnly:
            chmod(ToFile, stat.S_IRUSR|stat.S_IRGRP|stat.S_IROTH)
            chmod(ToFile, stat.S_IRUSR|stat.S_IRGRP|stat.S_IROTH|stat.S_IWUSR|stat.S_IWGRP|stat.S_IWOTH)            
        Md5Sigature = md5.new(__FileHookOpen__(str(ToFile), 'rb').read())
        Md5Sum = Md5Sigature.hexdigest()
        if (ToFile, Md5Sum) not in Package.FileList:
            Package.FileList.append((ToFile, Md5Sum))
    for Item in Package.GetStandardIncludeFileList():
        FileName = Item.GetFilePath()
        if FileName.startswith("\\") or FileName.startswith("/"):
            FileName = FileName[1:]
        if not IsValidInstallPath(FileName):
            Logger.Error("UPT", FORMAT_INVALID, ST.ERR_FILE_NAME_INVALIDE%FileName) 
        FromFile = os.path.join(FromPath, FileName)
        ToFile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(PackageFullPath, ConvertPath(FileName)))
        Md5Sum = InstallFile(ContentZipFile, FromFile, ToFile, ReadOnly)
        if (ToFile, Md5Sum) not in Package.FileList:
            Package.FileList.append((ToFile, Md5Sum))

    # Update package
        ToPath, 1))
        ConvertPath(Package.GetName()) + '.dec')))

    # Install files in module
    Module = None
    ModuleDict = Package.GetModuleDict()
    for ModuleGuid, ModuleVersion, ModuleName, ModulePath in ModuleDict:
        Module = ModuleDict[ModuleGuid, ModuleVersion, ModuleName, ModulePath]
        InstallModuleContent(FromPath, ToPath, ModulePath, Module,
            ContentZipFile, WorkspaceDir, ModuleList, Package, ReadOnly)

## GetDPFile method
#   @param  ZipFile: A ZipFile
def GetDPFile(ZipFile):
    ContentFile = ''
    DescFile = ''
    for FileName in ZipFile.namelist():
        if FileName.endswith('.content'):
            if not ContentFile:
                ContentFile = FileName
        elif FileName.endswith('.pkg'):
            if not DescFile:
                DescFile = FileName
        Logger.Error("PackagingTool", FILE_TYPE_MISMATCH,
    if not DescFile or not ContentFile:
        Logger.Error("PackagingTool", FILE_UNKNOWN_ERROR,
    return DescFile, ContentFile

## InstallDp method
#   Install the distribution to current workspace
def InstallDp(DistPkg, DpPkgFileName, ContentZipFile, Options, Dep, WorkspaceDir, DataBase):
    # PackageList, ModuleList record the information for the meta-data
    # files that need to be generated later
    PackageList = []
    ModuleList = []
    DistPkg.PackageSurfaceArea = GetPackageList(DistPkg, Dep, WorkspaceDir, Options, 
                                                ContentZipFile, ModuleList, PackageList)

    DistPkg.ModuleSurfaceArea = GetModuleList(DistPkg, Dep, WorkspaceDir, ContentZipFile, ModuleList)
    GenToolMisc(DistPkg, WorkspaceDir, ContentZipFile)
    # copy "Distribution File" to directory $(WORKSPACE)/conf/upt
    DistFileName = os.path.split(DpPkgFileName)[1]
    NewDpPkgFileName = BackupDist(DpPkgFileName, DistPkg.Header.GetGuid(), DistPkg.Header.GetVersion(), WorkspaceDir)

    # update database
    DataBase.AddDPObject(DistPkg, NewDpPkgFileName, DistFileName, 