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/** @file
PEIM to produce gPeiUsb2HostControllerPpiGuid based on gPeiUsbControllerPpiGuid
which is used to enable recovery function from USB Drivers.

Copyright (c) 2010, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
This program and the accompanying materials
are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions
of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution.  The
full text of the license may be found at



#include "EhcPeim.h"

  Delete a single asynchronous interrupt transfer for
  the device and endpoint.
  @param  Ehc         The EHCI device.
  @param  Data        Current data not associated with a QTD.
  @param  DataLen     The length of the data.
  @param  PktId       Packet ID to use in the QTD.
  @param  Toggle      Data toggle to use in the QTD.
  @param  MaxPacket   Maximu packet length of the endpoint.

  @retval the pointer to the created QTD or NULL if failed to create one.

EhcCreateQtd (
  IN PEI_USB2_HC_DEV      *Ehc,
  IN UINT8                *Data,
  IN UINTN                DataLen,
  IN UINT8                PktId,
  IN UINT8                Toggle,
  IN UINTN                MaxPacket
  PEI_EHC_QTD             *Qtd;
  QTD_HW                  *QtdHw;
  UINTN                   Index;
  UINTN                   Len;
  UINTN                   ThisBufLen;

  ASSERT (Ehc != NULL);

  Qtd = UsbHcAllocateMem (Ehc, Ehc->MemPool, sizeof (PEI_EHC_QTD));

  if (Qtd == NULL) {
    return NULL;

  Qtd->Signature    = EHC_QTD_SIG;
  Qtd->Data         = Data;
  Qtd->DataLen      = 0;

  InitializeListHead (&Qtd->QtdList);

  QtdHw             = &Qtd->QtdHw;
  QtdHw->NextQtd    = QTD_LINK (NULL, TRUE);
  QtdHw->AltNext    = QTD_LINK (NULL, TRUE);
  QtdHw->Status     = QTD_STAT_ACTIVE;
  QtdHw->Pid        = PktId;
  QtdHw->ErrCnt     = QTD_MAX_ERR;
  QtdHw->Ioc        = 0;
  QtdHw->TotalBytes = 0;
  QtdHw->DataToggle = Toggle;

  // Fill in the buffer points
  if (Data != NULL) {
    Len = 0;

    for (Index = 0; Index <= QTD_MAX_BUFFER; Index++) {
      // Set the buffer point (Check page 41 EHCI Spec 1.0). No need to
      // compute the offset and clear Reserved fields. This is already
      // done in the data point.
      QtdHw->Page[Index]      = EHC_LOW_32BIT (Data);
      QtdHw->PageHigh[Index]  = EHC_HIGH_32BIT (Data);

      ThisBufLen              = QTD_BUF_LEN - (EHC_LOW_32BIT (Data) & QTD_BUF_MASK);

      if (Len + ThisBufLen >= DataLen) {
        Len = DataLen;

      Len += ThisBufLen;
      Data += ThisBufLen;
    // Need to fix the last pointer if the Qtd can't hold all the
    // user's data to make sure that the length is in the unit of
    // max packets. If it can hold all the data, there is no such
    // need.
    if (Len < DataLen) {
      Len = Len - Len % MaxPacket;

    QtdHw->TotalBytes = (UINT32) Len;
    Qtd->DataLen      = Len;

  return Qtd;

  Initialize the queue head for interrupt transfer,
  that is, initialize the following three fields:
    1. SplitXState in the Status field.
    2. Microframe S-mask.
    3. Microframe C-mask.
  @param  Ep    The queue head's related endpoint.
  @param  QhHw  The queue head to initialize.

EhcInitIntQh (
  IN USB_ENDPOINT         *Ep,
  IN QH_HW                *QhHw
  // Because UEFI interface can't utilitize an endpoint with
  // poll rate faster than 1ms, only need to set one bit in
  // the queue head. simple. But it may be changed later. If
  // sub-1ms interrupt is supported, need to update the S-Mask
  // here
  if (Ep->DevSpeed == EFI_USB_SPEED_HIGH) {
    QhHw->SMask = QH_MICROFRAME_0;
    return ;
  // For low/full speed device, the transfer must go through
  // the split transaction. Need to update three fields
  // 1. SplitXState in the status
  // 2. Microframe S-Mask
  // 3. Microframe C-Mask
  // UEFI USB doesn't exercise admission control. It simplely
  // schedule the high speed transactions in microframe 0, and
  // full/low speed transactions at microframe 1. This also
  // avoid the use of FSTN.
  QhHw->SMask = QH_MICROFRAME_1;

  Allocate and initialize a EHCI queue head.
  @param  Ehci      The EHCI device.
  @param  Ep        The endpoint to create queue head for.

  @retval the pointer to the created queue head or NULL if failed to create one.

EhcCreateQh (
  IN PEI_USB2_HC_DEV      *Ehci,
  IN USB_ENDPOINT         *Ep
  PEI_EHC_QH              *Qh;
  QH_HW                   *QhHw;

  Qh = UsbHcAllocateMem (Ehci, Ehci->MemPool, sizeof (PEI_EHC_QH));

  if (Qh == NULL) {
    return NULL;

  Qh->Signature       = EHC_QH_SIG;
  Qh->NextQh          = NULL;
  Qh->Interval        = Ep->PollRate;
  InitializeListHead (&Qh->Qtds);

  QhHw                = &Qh->QhHw;
  QhHw->HorizonLink   = QH_LINK (NULL, 0, TRUE);
  QhHw->DeviceAddr    = Ep->DevAddr;
  QhHw->Inactive      = 0;
  QhHw->EpNum         = Ep->EpAddr;
  QhHw->EpSpeed       = Ep->DevSpeed;
  QhHw->DtCtrl        = 0;
  QhHw->ReclaimHead   = 0;
  QhHw->MaxPacketLen  = (UINT32) Ep->MaxPacket;
  QhHw->CtrlEp        = 0;
  QhHw->NakReload     = QH_NAK_RELOAD;
  QhHw->HubAddr       = Ep->HubAddr;
  QhHw->PortNum       = Ep->HubPort;
  QhHw->Multiplier    = 1;
  QhHw->DataToggle    = Ep->Toggle;

  if (Ep->DevSpeed != EFI_USB_SPEED_HIGH) {
    QhHw->Status |= QTD_STAT_DO_SS;

  switch (Ep->Type) {
    // Special initialization for the control transfer:
    // 1. Control transfer initialize data toggle from each QTD
    // 2. Set the Control Endpoint Flag (C) for low/full speed endpoint.
    QhHw->DtCtrl = 1;

    if (Ep->DevSpeed != EFI_USB_SPEED_HIGH) {
      QhHw->CtrlEp = 1;

    // Special initialization for the interrupt transfer
    // to set the S-Mask and C-Mask
    QhHw->NakReload = 0;
    EhcInitIntQh (Ep, QhHw);

    if ((Ep->DevSpeed == EFI_USB_SPEED_HIGH) && (Ep->Direction == EfiUsbDataOut)) {
      QhHw->Status |= QTD_STAT_DO_PING;


  return Qh;

  Convert the poll interval from application to that
  be used by EHCI interface data structure. Only need
  to get the max 2^n that is less than interval. UEFI
  can't support high speed endpoint with a interval less
  than 8 microframe because interval is specified in
  the unit of ms (millisecond).
  @param Interval       The interval to convert.

  @retval The converted interval.

EhcConvertPollRate (
  IN  UINTN               Interval
  UINTN                   BitCount;

  if (Interval == 0) {
    return 1;
  // Find the index (1 based) of the highest non-zero bit
  BitCount = 0;

  while (Interval != 0) {
    Interval >>= 1;

  return (UINTN)1 << (BitCount - 1);

  Free a list of QTDs.
  @param  Ehc         The EHCI device.
  @param  Qtds        The list head of the QTD.

EhcFreeQtds (
  IN PEI_USB2_HC_DEV      *Ehc,
  IN EFI_LIST_ENTRY       *Qtds
  EFI_LIST_ENTRY          *Entry;
  EFI_LIST_ENTRY          *Next;
  PEI_EHC_QTD             *Qtd;

  EFI_LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE (Entry, Next, Qtds) {
    Qtd = EFI_LIST_CONTAINER (Entry, PEI_EHC_QTD, QtdList);

    RemoveEntryList (&Qtd->QtdList);
    UsbHcFreeMem (Ehc->MemPool, Qtd, sizeof (PEI_EHC_QTD));

  Free an allocated URB. It is possible for it to be partially inited.
  @param  Ehc         The EHCI device.
  @param  Urb         The URB to free.

EhcFreeUrb (
  IN PEI_USB2_HC_DEV      *Ehc,
  IN PEI_URB              *Urb
  if (Urb->Qh != NULL) {
    // Ensure that this queue head has been unlinked from the
    // schedule data structures. Free all the associated QTDs
    EhcFreeQtds (Ehc, &Urb->Qh->Qtds);
    UsbHcFreeMem (Ehc->MemPool, Urb->Qh, sizeof (PEI_EHC_QH));

  Create a list of QTDs for the URB.
  @param  Ehc         The EHCI device.
  @param  Urb         The URB to create QTDs for.

  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES    Failed to allocate resource for QTD.
  @retval EFI_SUCCESS             The QTDs are allocated for the URB.

EhcCreateQtds (
  IN PEI_USB2_HC_DEV      *Ehc,
  IN PEI_URB              *Urb
  USB_ENDPOINT            *Ep;
  PEI_EHC_QH              *Qh;
  PEI_EHC_QTD             *Qtd;
  PEI_EHC_QTD             *StatusQtd;
  PEI_EHC_QTD             *NextQtd;
  EFI_LIST_ENTRY          *Entry;
  UINT32                  AlterNext;
  UINT8                   Toggle;
  UINTN                   Len;
  UINT8                   Pid;

  ASSERT ((Urb != NULL) && (Urb->Qh != NULL));

  // EHCI follows the alternet next QTD pointer if it meets
  // a short read and the AlterNext pointer is valid. UEFI
  // EHCI driver should terminate the transfer except the
  // control transfer.
  Toggle    = 0;
  Qh        = Urb->Qh;
  Ep        = &Urb->Ep;
  StatusQtd = NULL;
  AlterNext = QTD_LINK (NULL, TRUE);

  if (Ep->Direction == EfiUsbDataIn) {
    AlterNext = QTD_LINK (Ehc->ShortReadStop, FALSE);
  // Build the Setup and status packets for control transfer
  if (Urb->Ep.Type == EHC_CTRL_TRANSFER) {
    Len = sizeof (EFI_USB_DEVICE_REQUEST);
    Qtd = EhcCreateQtd (Ehc, Urb->RequestPhy, Len, QTD_PID_SETUP, 0, Ep->MaxPacket);

    if (Qtd == NULL) {
      return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;

    InsertTailList (&Qh->Qtds, &Qtd->QtdList);

    // Create the status packet now. Set the AlterNext to it. So, when
    // EHCI meets a short control read, it can resume at the status stage.
    // Use the opposite direction of the data stage, or IN if there is
    // no data stage.
    if (Ep->Direction == EfiUsbDataIn) {
      Pid = QTD_PID_OUTPUT;
    } else {
      Pid = QTD_PID_INPUT;

    StatusQtd = EhcCreateQtd (Ehc, NULL, 0, Pid, 1, Ep->MaxPacket);

    if (StatusQtd == NULL) {
      goto ON_ERROR;

    if (Ep->Direction == EfiUsbDataIn) {
      AlterNext = QTD_LINK (StatusQtd, FALSE);

    Toggle = 1;

  // Build the data packets for all the transfers
  if (Ep->Direction == EfiUsbDataIn) {
    Pid = QTD_PID_INPUT;
  } else {

  Qtd = NULL;
  Len = 0;

  while (Len < Urb->DataLen) {
    Qtd = EhcCreateQtd (
            (UINT8 *) Urb->DataPhy + Len,
            Urb->DataLen - Len,

    if (Qtd == NULL) {
      goto ON_ERROR;

    Qtd->QtdHw.AltNext = AlterNext;
    InsertTailList (&Qh->Qtds, &Qtd->QtdList);

    // Switch the Toggle bit if odd number of packets are included in the QTD.
    if (((Qtd->DataLen + Ep->MaxPacket - 1) / Ep->MaxPacket) % 2) {
      Toggle = (UINT8) (1 - Toggle);

    Len += Qtd->DataLen;
  // Insert the status packet for control transfer
  if (Ep->Type == EHC_CTRL_TRANSFER) {
    InsertTailList (&Qh->Qtds, &StatusQtd->QtdList);

  // OK, all the QTDs needed are created. Now, fix the NextQtd point
  EFI_LIST_FOR_EACH (Entry, &Qh->Qtds) {
    Qtd = EFI_LIST_CONTAINER (Entry, PEI_EHC_QTD, QtdList);

    // break if it is the last entry on the list
    if (Entry->ForwardLink == &Qh->Qtds) {

    NextQtd             = EFI_LIST_CONTAINER (Entry->ForwardLink, PEI_EHC_QTD, QtdList);
    Qtd->QtdHw.NextQtd  = QTD_LINK (NextQtd, FALSE);

  // Link the QTDs to the queue head
  NextQtd           = EFI_LIST_CONTAINER (Qh->Qtds.ForwardLink, PEI_EHC_QTD, QtdList);
  Qh->QhHw.NextQtd  = QTD_LINK (NextQtd, FALSE);
  return EFI_SUCCESS;

  EhcFreeQtds (Ehc, &Qh->Qtds);

  Create a new URB and its associated QTD.
  @param  Ehc               The EHCI device.
  @param  DevAddr           The device address.
  @param  EpAddr            Endpoint addrress & its direction.
  @param  DevSpeed          The device speed.
  @param  Toggle            Initial data toggle to use.
  @param  MaxPacket         The max packet length of the endpoint.
  @param  Hub               The transaction translator to use.
  @param  Type              The transaction type.
  @param  Request           The standard USB request for control transfer.
  @param  Data              The user data to transfer.
  @param  DataLen           The length of data buffer.
  @param  Callback          The function to call when data is transferred.
  @param  Context           The context to the callback.
  @param  Interval          The interval for interrupt transfer.

  @retval the pointer to the created URB or NULL.

EhcCreateUrb (
  IN PEI_USB2_HC_DEV                    *Ehc,
  IN UINT8                              DevAddr,
  IN UINT8                              EpAddr,  
  IN UINT8                              DevSpeed,
  IN UINT8                              Toggle,
  IN UINTN                              MaxPacket,
  IN UINTN                              Type,
  IN EFI_USB_DEVICE_REQUEST             *Request,
  IN VOID                               *Data,
  IN UINTN                              DataLen,
  IN VOID                               *Context,
  IN UINTN                              Interval
  USB_ENDPOINT                  *Ep;
  EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS          PhyAddr;
  EFI_STATUS                    Status;
  UINTN                         Len;
  PEI_URB                       *Urb;
  VOID                          *Map;

  Map = NULL;
  Urb = Ehc->Urb;
  Urb->Signature  = EHC_URB_SIG;
  InitializeListHead (&Urb->UrbList);

  Ep              = &Urb->Ep;
  Ep->DevAddr     = DevAddr;
  Ep->EpAddr      = (UINT8) (EpAddr & 0x0F);
  Ep->Direction   = (((EpAddr & 0x80) != 0) ? EfiUsbDataIn : EfiUsbDataOut);
  Ep->DevSpeed    = DevSpeed;
  Ep->MaxPacket   = MaxPacket;

  Ep->HubAddr     = 0;
  Ep->HubPort     = 0;

  if (DevSpeed != EFI_USB_SPEED_HIGH) {
    ASSERT (Hub != NULL);

    Ep->HubAddr   = Hub->TranslatorHubAddress;
    Ep->HubPort   = Hub->TranslatorPortNumber;

  Ep->Toggle      = Toggle;
  Ep->Type        = Type;
  Ep->PollRate    = EhcConvertPollRate (Interval);

  Urb->Request    = Request;
  Urb->Data       = Data;
  Urb->DataLen    = DataLen;
  Urb->Callback   = Callback;
  Urb->Context    = Context;
  Urb->Qh         = EhcCreateQh (Ehc, &Urb->Ep);

  if (Urb->Qh == NULL) {
    goto ON_ERROR;
  // Map the request and user data
  if (Request != NULL) {
    Len     = sizeof (EFI_USB_DEVICE_REQUEST);
    PhyAddr =  (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS) (UINTN) Request ;
    if ( (Len != sizeof (EFI_USB_DEVICE_REQUEST))) {
      goto ON_ERROR;

    Urb->RequestPhy = (VOID *) ((UINTN) PhyAddr);
    Urb->RequestMap = Map;

  if (Data != NULL) {
    Len      = DataLen;
    PhyAddr  =  (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS) (UINTN) Data ;
    if ( (Len != DataLen)) {
      goto ON_ERROR;

    Urb->DataPhy  = (VOID *) ((UINTN) PhyAddr);
    Urb->DataMap  = Map;

  Status = EhcCreateQtds (Ehc, Urb);

  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    goto ON_ERROR;

  return Urb;

  EhcFreeUrb (Ehc, Urb);
  return NULL;