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/** @file

  This print protocol defines six basic print functions to 
  print the format unicode and ascii string.

Copyright (c) 2006 - 2010, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under 
the terms and conditions of the BSD License that accompanies this distribution.  
The full text of the license may be found at



#ifndef __PPRINT2_H__
#define __PPRINT2_H__

  { 0xf05976ef, 0x83f1, 0x4f3d, { 0x86, 0x19, 0xf7, 0x59, 0x5d, 0x41, 0xe5, 0x38 } }

// Forward reference for pure ANSI compatability

  Produces a Null-terminated Unicode string in an output buffer, based on 
  a Null-terminated Unicode format string and a BASE_LIST argument list
  Produces a Null-terminated Unicode string in the output buffer 
  specified by StartOfBuffer and BufferSize.  
  The Unicode string is produced by parsing the format string specified by FormatString.  
  Arguments are pulled from the variable argument list specified by Marker.
  Marker is constructed based on the contents of the format string.  
  This function returns the number of Unicode characters in the produced output buffer, 
  not including the Null-terminator.
  If BufferSize is 0 or 1, then no output buffer is produced and 0 is returned.

  If BufferSize > 1 and StartOfBuffer is NULL, then ASSERT().
  If BufferSize > 1 and StartOfBuffer is not aligned on a 16-bit boundary, then ASSERT().
  If BufferSize > 1 and FormatString is NULL, then ASSERT().
  If BufferSize > 1 and FormatString is not aligned on a 16-bit boundary, then ASSERT().
  If PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength is not zero, and FormatString contains more than 
  PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength Unicode characters not including the Null-terminator, then ASSERT().
  If PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength is not zero, and produced Null-terminated Unicode string
  contains more than PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength Unicode characters not including the
  Null-terminator, then ASSERT().

  @param  StartOfBuffer   A pointer to the output buffer for the produced Null-terminated 
                          Unicode string.
  @param  BufferSize      The size, in bytes, of the output buffer specified by StartOfBuffer.
  @param  FormatString    Null-terminated Unicode format string.
  @param  Marker          BASE_LIST marker for the variable argument list.
  @return The number of Unicode characters in the produced output buffer, not including the

  OUT CHAR16        *StartOfBuffer,
  IN  UINTN         BufferSize,
  IN  CONST CHAR16  *FormatString,
  IN  BASE_LIST     Marker

  Produces a Null-terminated Unicode string in an output buffer based on a Null-terminated 
  Unicode format string and variable argument list.
  Produces a Null-terminated Unicode string in the output buffer 
  specified by StartOfBuffer and BufferSize.
  The Unicode string is produced by parsing the format string specified by FormatString.
  Arguments are pulled from the variable argument list based on the contents of the format string.
  This function returns the number of Unicode characters in the produced output buffer, 
  not including the Null-terminator.
  If BufferSize is 0 or 1, then no output buffer is produced and 0 is returned.

  If BufferSize > 1 and StartOfBuffer is NULL, then ASSERT().
  If BufferSize > 1 and StartOfBuffer is not aligned on a 16-bit boundary, then ASSERT().
  If BufferSize > 1 and FormatString is NULL, then ASSERT().
  If BufferSize > 1 and FormatString is not aligned on a 16-bit boundary, then ASSERT().
  If PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength is not zero, and FormatString contains more than 
  PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength Unicode characters not including the Null-terminator, then ASSERT().
  If PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength is not zero, and produced Null-terminated Unicode string
  contains more than PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength Unicode characters not including the
  Null-terminator, then ASSERT().

  @param  StartOfBuffer   A pointer to the output buffer for the produced Null-terminated 
                          Unicode string.
  @param  BufferSize      The size, in bytes, of the output buffer specified by StartOfBuffer.
  @param  FormatString    Null-terminated Unicode format string.
  @param  ...             Variable argument list whose contents are accessed based on the 
                          format string specified by FormatString.
  @return The number of Unicode characters in the produced output buffer not including the

  OUT CHAR16        *StartOfBuffer,
  IN  UINTN         BufferSize,
  IN  CONST CHAR16  *FormatString,

  Produces a Null-terminated Unicode string in an output buffer, based on a Null-terminated
  ASCII format string and a BASE_LIST argument list
  Produces a Null-terminated Unicode string in the output buffer 
  specified by StartOfBuffer and BufferSize.
  The Unicode string is produced by parsing the format string specified by FormatString.
  Arguments are pulled from the variable argument list specified by Marker based on the 
  contents of the format string.
  This function returns the number of Unicode characters in the produced output buffer, 
  not including the Null-terminator.
  If BufferSize is 0 or 1, then no output buffer is produced and 0 is returned.

  If BufferSize > 1 and StartOfBuffer is NULL, then ASSERT().
  If BufferSize > 1 and StartOfBuffer is not aligned on a 16-bit boundary, then ASSERT().
  If BufferSize > 1 and FormatString is NULL, then ASSERT().
  If PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength is not zero, and FormatString contains more than
  PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength ASCII characters not including the Null-terminator, then ASSERT().
  If PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength is not zero, and produced Null-terminated Unicode string
  contains more than PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength Unicode characters not including the
  Null-terminator, then ASSERT().

  @param  StartOfBuffer   A pointer to the output buffer for the produced Null-terminated 
                          Unicode string.
  @param  BufferSize      The size, in bytes, of the output buffer specified by StartOfBuffer.
  @param  FormatString    Null-terminated ASCII format string.
  @param  Marker          BASE_LIST marker for the variable argument list.
  @return The number of Unicode characters in the produced output buffer not including the

  OUT CHAR16       *StartOfBuffer,
  IN  UINTN        BufferSize,
  IN  CONST CHAR8  *FormatString,
  IN  BASE_LIST    Marker

  Produces a Null-terminated Unicode string in an output buffer based on a Null-terminated 
  ASCII format string and a variable argument list.
  Produces a Null-terminated Unicode string in the output buffer 
  specified by StartOfBuffer and BufferSize.
  The Unicode string is produced by parsing the format string specified by FormatString.
  Arguments are pulled from the variable argument list based on the contents of the format string.
  This function returns the number of Unicode characters in the produced output buffer, 
  not including the Null-terminator.
  If BufferSize is 0 or 1, then no output buffer is produced and 0 is returned.

  If BufferSize > 1 and StartOfBuffer is NULL, then ASSERT().
  If BufferSize > 1 and StartOfBuffer is not aligned on a 16-bit boundary, then ASSERT().
  If BufferSize > 1 and FormatString is NULL, then ASSERT().
  If PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength is not zero, and FormatString contains more than
  PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength ASCII characters not including the Null-terminator, then ASSERT().
  If PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength is not zero, and produced Null-terminated Unicode string
  contains more than PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength Unicode characters not including the
  Null-terminator, then ASSERT().

  @param  StartOfBuffer   A pointer to the output buffer for the produced Null-terminated 
                          Unicode string.
  @param  BufferSize      The size, in bytes, of the output buffer specified by StartOfBuffer.
  @param  FormatString    Null-terminated ASCII format string.
  @param  ...             Variable argument list whose contents are accessed based on the 
                          format string specified by FormatString.
  @return The number of Unicode characters in the produced output buffer not including the

  OUT CHAR16       *StartOfBuffer,
  IN  UINTN        BufferSize,
  IN  CONST CHAR8  *FormatString,

  Converts a decimal value to a Null-terminated Unicode string.
  Converts the decimal number specified by Value to a Null-terminated Unicode 
  string specified by Buffer containing at most Width characters. No padding of spaces 
  is ever performed. If Width is 0, then a width of MAXIMUM_VALUE_CHARACTERS is assumed.
  This function returns the number of Unicode characters in Buffer, not including
  the Null-terminator.
  If the conversion contains more than Width characters, this function returns 
  the first Width characters in the conversion, along with the total number of characters in the conversion.
  Additional conversion parameters are specified in Flags.  
  The Flags bit LEFT_JUSTIFY is always ignored.
  All conversions are left justified in Buffer.
  If Width is 0, PREFIX_ZERO is ignored in Flags.
  If COMMA_TYPE is set in Flags, then PREFIX_ZERO is ignored in Flags, and commas
  are inserted every 3rd digit starting from the right.
  If RADIX_HEX is set in Flags, then the output buffer will be 
  formatted in hexadecimal format.
  If Value is < 0 and RADIX_HEX is not set in Flags, then the fist character in Buffer is a '-'.
  If PREFIX_ZERO is set in Flags and PREFIX_ZERO is not being ignored, 
  then Buffer is padded with '0' characters so the combination of the optional '-' 
  sign character, '0' characters, digit characters for Value, and the Null-terminator
  add up to Width characters.
  If both COMMA_TYPE and RADIX_HEX are set in Flags, then ASSERT().
  If Buffer is NULL, then ASSERT().
  If Buffer is not aligned on a 16-bit boundary, then ASSERT().
  If unsupported bits are set in Flags, then ASSERT().
  If both COMMA_TYPE and RADIX_HEX are set in Flags, then ASSERT().

  @param  Buffer  The pointer to the output buffer for the produced Null-terminated
                  Unicode string.
  @param  Flags   The bitmask of flags that specify left justification, zero pad, and commas.
  @param  Value   The 64-bit signed value to convert to a string.
  @param  Width   The maximum number of Unicode characters to place in Buffer, not including
                  the Null-terminator.
  @return The number of Unicode characters in Buffer not including the Null-terminator.

  IN OUT CHAR16  *Buffer,
  IN UINTN       Flags,
  IN INT64       Value,
  IN UINTN       Width

  Produces a Null-terminated ASCII string in an output buffer based on a Null-terminated
  ASCII format string and a BASE_LIST argument list.
  Produces a Null-terminated ASCII string in the output buffer 
  pecified by StartOfBuffer and BufferSize.
  The ASCII string is produced by parsing the format string specified by FormatString.
  Arguments are pulled from the variable argument list specified by Marker based on 
  the contents of the format string.
  This function returns the number of ASCII characters in the output buffer, 
  not including the Null-terminator.
  If BufferSize is 0, then no output buffer is produced and 0 is returned.

  If BufferSize > 0 and StartOfBuffer is NULL, then ASSERT().
  If BufferSize > 0 and FormatString is NULL, then ASSERT().
  If PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength is not zero, and FormatString contains more than
  PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength ASCII characters not including the Null-terminator, then ASSERT().
  If PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength is not zero, and produced Null-terminated ASCII string
  contains more than PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength ASCII characters not including the
  Null-terminator, then ASSERT().

  @param  StartOfBuffer   A pointer to the output buffer for the produced Null-terminated 
                          ASCII string.
  @param  BufferSize      The size, in bytes, of the output buffer specified by StartOfBuffer.
  @param  FormatString    Null-terminated ASCII format string.
  @param  Marker          BASE_LIST marker for the variable argument list.
  @return The number of ASCII characters in the produced output buffer not including the

  OUT CHAR8         *StartOfBuffer,
  IN  UINTN         BufferSize,
  IN  CONST CHAR8   *FormatString,
  IN  BASE_LIST     Marker

  Produces a Null-terminated ASCII string in an output buffer based on a Null-terminated
  ASCII format string and variable argument list.
  Produces a Null-terminated ASCII string in the output buffer 
  specified by StartOfBuffer and BufferSize.
  The ASCII string is produced by parsing the format string specified by FormatString.
  Arguments are pulled from the variable argument list based on the contents of the format string.
  This function returns the number of ASCII characters in the output buffer, 
  not including the Null-terminator.
  If BufferSize is 0, then no output buffer is produced and 0 is returned.

  If BufferSize > 0 and StartOfBuffer is NULL, then ASSERT().
  If BufferSize > 0 and FormatString is NULL, then ASSERT().
  If PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength is not zero, and FormatString contains more than
  PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength ASCII characters not including the Null-terminator, then ASSERT().
  If PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength is not zero, and produced Null-terminated ASCII string
  contains more than PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength ASCII characters not including the
  Null-terminator, then ASSERT().

  @param  StartOfBuffer   A pointer to the output buffer for the produced Null-terminated 
                          ASCII string.
  @param  BufferSize      The size, in bytes, of the output buffer specified by StartOfBuffer.
  @param  FormatString    Null-terminated ASCII format string.
  @param  ...             Variable argument list whose contents are accessed based on the 
                          format string specified by FormatString.
  @return The number of ASCII characters in the produced output buffer not including the

  OUT CHAR8        *StartOfBuffer,
  IN  UINTN        BufferSize,
  IN  CONST CHAR8  *FormatString,

  Produces a Null-terminated ASCII string in an output buffer based on a Null-terminated
  Unicode format string and a BASE_LIST argument list.
  Produces a Null-terminated ASCII string in the output buffer 
  specified by StartOfBuffer and BufferSize.
  The ASCII string is produced by parsing the format string specified by FormatString.
  Arguments are pulled from the variable argument list specified by Marker based on 
  the contents of the format string.
  This function returns the number of ASCII characters in the output buffer, 
  not including the Null-terminator.
  If BufferSize is 0, then no output buffer is produced and 0 is returned.

  If BufferSize > 0 and StartOfBuffer is NULL, then ASSERT().
  If BufferSize > 0 and FormatString is NULL, then ASSERT().
  If BufferSize > 0 and FormatString is not aligned on a 16-bit boundary, then ASSERT().
  If PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength is not zero, and FormatString contains more than
  PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength Unicode characters not including the Null-terminator, then ASSERT().
  If PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength is not zero, and produced Null-terminated ASCII string
  contains more than PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength ASCII characters not including the
  Null-terminator, then ASSERT().

  @param  StartOfBuffer   A pointer to the output buffer for the produced Null-terminated 
                          ASCII string.
  @param  BufferSize      The size, in bytes, of the output buffer specified by StartOfBuffer.
  @param  FormatString    Null-terminated Unicode format string.
  @param  Marker          BASE_LIST marker for the variable argument list.
  @return The number of ASCII characters in the produced output buffer not including the

  OUT CHAR8         *StartOfBuffer,
  IN  UINTN         BufferSize,
  IN  CONST CHAR16  *FormatString,
  IN  BASE_LIST     Marker

  Produces a Null-terminated ASCII string in an output buffer based on a Null-terminated
  Unicode format string and  variable argument list.
  Produces a Null-terminated ASCII string in the output buffer 
  specified by StartOfBuffer and BufferSize.
  The ASCII string is produced by parsing the format string specified by FormatString.
  Arguments are pulled from the variable argument list based on the contents of the format string.
  This function returns the number of ASCII characters in the output buffer, 
  not including the Null-terminator.
  If BufferSize is 0, then no output buffer is produced and 0 is returned.

  If BufferSize > 0 and StartOfBuffer is NULL, then ASSERT().
  If BufferSize > 0 and FormatString is NULL, then ASSERT().
  If BufferSize > 0 and FormatString is not aligned on a 16-bit boundary, then ASSERT().
  If PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength is not zero, and FormatString contains more than 
  PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength Unicode characters not including the Null-terminator, then ASSERT().
  If PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength is not zero, and produced Null-terminated ASCII string
  contains more than PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength ASCII characters not including the
  Null-terminator, then ASSERT().

  @param  StartOfBuffer   A pointer to the output buffer for the produced Null-terminated 
                          ASCII string.
  @param  BufferSize      The size, in bytes, of the output buffer specified by StartOfBuffer.
  @param  FormatString    Null-terminated Unicode format string.
  @param  ...             Variable argument list whose contents are accessed based on the 
                          format string specified by FormatString.
  @return The number of ASCII characters in the produced output buffer not including the

  OUT CHAR8         *StartOfBuffer,
  IN  UINTN         BufferSize,
  IN  CONST CHAR16  *FormatString,

  Converts a decimal value to a Null-terminated ASCII string.
  Converts the decimal number specified by Value to a Null-terminated ASCII string 
  specified by Buffer containing at most Width characters. No padding of spaces is ever performed.
  If Width is 0 then a width of MAXIMUM_VALUE_CHARACTERS is assumed.
  The number of ASCII characters in Buffer is returned not including the Null-terminator.
  If the conversion contains more than Width characters, then only the first Width
  characters are returned, and the total number of characters required to perform
  the conversion is returned.
  Additional conversion parameters are specified in Flags.  
  The Flags bit LEFT_JUSTIFY is always ignored.
  All conversions are left justified in Buffer.
  If Width is 0, PREFIX_ZERO is ignored in Flags.
  If COMMA_TYPE is set in Flags, then PREFIX_ZERO is ignored in Flags, and commas
  are inserted every 3rd digit starting from the right.
  If RADIX_HEX is set in Flags, then the output buffer will be 
  formatted in hexadecimal format.
  If Value is < 0 and RADIX_HEX is not set in Flags, then the fist character in Buffer is a '-'.
  If PREFIX_ZERO is set in Flags and PREFIX_ZERO is not being ignored, 
  then Buffer is padded with '0' characters so the combination of the optional '-' 
  sign character, '0' characters, digit characters for Value, and the Null-terminator
  add up to Width characters.
  If Buffer is NULL, then ASSERT().
  If unsupported bits are set in Flags, then ASSERT().
  If both COMMA_TYPE and RADIX_HEX are set in Flags, then ASSERT().

  @param  Buffer  The pointer to the output buffer for the produced Null-terminated
                  ASCII string.
  @param  Flags   The bitmask of flags that specify left justification, zero pad, and commas.
  @param  Value   The 64-bit signed value to convert to a string.
  @param  Width   The maximum number of ASCII characters to place in Buffer, not including
                  the Null-terminator.
  @return The number of ASCII characters in Buffer not including the Null-terminator.

  OUT CHAR8      *Buffer,
  IN  UINTN      Flags,
  IN  INT64      Value,
  IN  UINTN      Width

  UNICODE_BS_PRINT                     UnicodeBSPrint;
  UNICODE_S_PRINT                      UnicodeSPrint;
  UNICODE_BS_PRINT_ASCII_FORMAT        UnicodeBSPrintAsciiFormat;
  UNICODE_S_PRINT_ASCII_FORMAT         UnicodeSPrintAsciiFormat;
  UNICODE_VALUE_TO_STRING              UnicodeValueToString;
  ASCII_BS_PRINT                       AsciiBSPrint;
  ASCII_S_PRINT                        AsciiSPrint;
  ASCII_BS_PRINT_UNICODE_FORMAT        AsciiBSPrintUnicodeFormat;
  ASCII_S_PRINT_UNICODE_FORMAT         AsciiSPrintUnicodeFormat;
  ASCII_VALUE_TO_STRING                AsciiValueToString;

extern EFI_GUID gEfiPrint2ProtocolGuid;
