package annotator.find;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.lang.model.element.ElementKind;
import javax.lang.model.element.Modifier;
import javax.lang.model.element.Name;
import javax.lang.model.type.NullType;
import com.sun.source.tree.AnnotatedTypeTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.AnnotationTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.ArrayTypeTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.ClassTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.CompilationUnitTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.IdentifierTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.InstanceOfTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.MemberSelectTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.MethodTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.ModifiersTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.NewArrayTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.NewClassTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.ParameterizedTypeTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.PrimitiveTypeTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.Tree;
import com.sun.source.tree.TypeCastTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.TypeParameterTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.VariableTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.WildcardTree;
import com.sun.source.util.TreePath;
import com.sun.source.util.TreeScanner;
import annotator.Main;
import annotator.scanner.CommonScanner;
import annotator.specification.IndexFileSpecification;
import plume.Pair;
import type.DeclaredType;
import type.Type;
* A {@link TreeScanner} that is able to locate program elements in an
* AST based on {@code Criteria}. {@link #getInsertionsByPosition(JCTree.JCCompilationUnit,List)}
* scans a tree and returns a
* mapping of source positions (as character offsets) to insertion text.
public class TreeFinder extends TreeScanner<Void, List<Insertion>> {
public static final DebugWriter dbug = new DebugWriter();
public static final DebugWriter stak = new DebugWriter();
public static final DebugWriter warn = new DebugWriter();
* String representation of regular expression matching a comment in
* Java code. The part before {@code |} matches a single-line
* comment, and the part after matches a multi-line comment, which
* breaks down as follows (adapted from
* <a href="">Perl FAQ</a>):
* <pre>
* /\* ## Start of comment
* [^*]*\*+ ## Non-* followed by 1-or-more *s
* (
* [^/*][^*]*\*+
* )* ## 0 or more things which don't start with /
* ## but do end with '*'
* / ## End of comment
* </pre>
* Note: Care must be taken to avoid false comment matches starting
* inside a string literal. Ensuring that the code segment being
* matched starts at an AST node boundary is sufficient to prevent
* this complication.
private final static String comment =
* Regular expression matching a character or string literal.
private final static String literal =
* Regular expression matching a non-commented instance of {@code /}
* that is not part of a comment-starting delimiter.
private final static String nonDelimSlash = "/(?=[^*/])";
* Returns regular expression matching "anything but" {@code c}: a
* single comment, character or string literal, or non-{@code c}
* character.
private final static String otherThan(char c) {
String cEscaped;
// escape if necessary for use in character class
switch (c) {
case '/':
case '"':
case '\'':
cEscaped = ""; break; // already present in class defn
case '\\':
case '[':
case ']':
cEscaped = "\\" + c; break; // escape!
cEscaped = "" + c;
return "[^/'" + cEscaped + "\"]|" + "|" + literal + "|" + comment
+ (c == '/' ? "" : nonDelimSlash);
// If this code location is not an array type, return null. Otherwise,
// starting at an array type, walk up the AST as long as still an array,
// and stop at the largest containing array (with nothing but arrays in
// between).
public static TreePath largestContainingArray(TreePath p) {
if (p.getLeaf().getKind() != Tree.Kind.ARRAY_TYPE) {
return null;
while (p.getParentPath().getLeaf().getKind() == Tree.Kind.ARRAY_TYPE) {
p = p.getParentPath();
assert p.getLeaf().getKind() == Tree.Kind.ARRAY_TYPE;
return p;
* Returns the position of the first (non-commented) instance of a
* character at or after the given position. (Assumes position is not
* inside a comment.)
* @see #getNthInstanceBetween(char, int, int, int, CompilationUnitTree)
private int getFirstInstanceAfter(char c, int i) {
return getNthInstanceInRange(c, i, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 1);
* Returns the position of the {@code n}th (non-commented, non-quoted)
* instance of a character between the given positions, or the last
* instance if {@code n==0}. (Assumes position is not inside a
* comment.)
* @param c the character being sought
* @param start position at which the search starts (inclusive)
* @param end position at which the search ends (exclusive)
* @param n number of repetitions, or 0 for last occurrence
* @return position of match in {@code tree}, or
* {@link Position.NOPOS} if match not found
private int getNthInstanceInRange(char c, int start, int end, int n) {
if (end < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("negative end position");
if (n < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("negative count");
try {
CharSequence s = tree.getSourceFile().getCharContent(true);
int count = n;
int pos = Position.NOPOS;
int stop = Math.min(end, s.length());
String cQuoted = c == '/' ? nonDelimSlash : Pattern.quote("" + c);
String regex = "(?:" + otherThan(c) + ")*+" + cQuoted;
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regex, Pattern.MULTILINE);
Matcher m = p.matcher(s).region(start, stop);
// using n==0 for "last" ensures that {@code (--n == 0)} is always
// false, (reasonably) assuming no underflow
while (m.find()) {
pos = m.end() - 1;
if (--count == 0) { break; }
// positive count means search halted before nth instance was found
return count > 0 ? Position.NOPOS : pos;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
// Find a node's parent in the current source tree.
private Tree parent(Tree node) {
return getPath(node).getParentPath().getLeaf();
* An alternative to TreePath.getPath(CompilationUnitTree,Tree) that
* caches its results.
public TreePath getPath(Tree target) {
if (treePathCache.containsKey(target)) {
return treePathCache.get(target);
TreePath result = TreePath.getPath(tree, target);
treePathCache.put(target, result);
return result;
Map<Tree, TreePath> treePathCache = new HashMap<Tree, TreePath>();
private ASTRecord astRecord(Tree node) {
Map<Tree, ASTRecord> index = ASTIndex.indexOf(tree);
return index.get(node);
* Determines the insertion position for type annotations on various
* elements. For instance, type annotations for a declaration should be
* placed before the type rather than the variable name.
private class TypePositionFinder
extends TreeScanner<Pair<ASTRecord, Integer>, Insertion> {
private Pair<ASTRecord, Integer> pathAndPos(JCTree t) {
return Pair.of(astRecord(t), t.pos);
private Pair<ASTRecord, Integer> pathAndPos(JCTree t, int i) {
return Pair.of(astRecord(t), i);
/** @param t an expression for a type */
private Pair<ASTRecord, Integer> getBaseTypePosition(JCTree t) {
while (true) {
switch (t.getKind()) {
return pathAndPos(t);
JCTree exp = t;
do { // locate pkg name, if any
JCFieldAccess jfa = (JCFieldAccess) exp;
exp = jfa.getExpression();
if (jfa.sym.isStatic()) {
return pathAndPos(exp,
exp.getEndPosition(tree.endPositions)) + 1);
} while (exp instanceof JCFieldAccess
&& ((JCFieldAccess) exp).sym.getKind() != ElementKind.PACKAGE);
if (exp != null) {
if (exp.getKind() == Tree.Kind.IDENTIFIER) {
Symbol sym = ((JCIdent) exp).sym;
if (!(sym.isStatic() || sym.getKind() == ElementKind.PACKAGE)) {
return pathAndPos(t, t.getStartPosition());
t = exp;
return pathAndPos(t,
t.getEndPosition(tree.endPositions)) + 1);
t = ((JCArrayTypeTree) t).elemtype;
return pathAndPos(t, t.getStartPosition());
t = ((JCWildcard) t).inner;
// This is "?" as in "List<?>". ((JCWildcard) t).inner is null.
// There is nowhere to attach the annotation, so for now return
// the "?" tree itself.
return pathAndPos(t);
// If this type already has annotations on it, get the underlying
// type, without annotations.
t = ((JCAnnotatedType) t).underlyingType;
throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Unrecognized type (kind=%s, class=%s): %s", t.getKind(), t.getClass(), t));
public Pair<ASTRecord, Integer> visitVariable(VariableTree node, Insertion ins) {
Name name = node.getName();
JCVariableDecl jn = (JCVariableDecl) node;
JCTree jt = jn.getType();
Criteria criteria = ins.getCriteria();
dbug.debug("visitVariable: %s %s%n", jt, jt.getClass());
if (name != null && criteria.isOnFieldDeclaration()) {
return Pair.of(astRecord(node), jn.getStartPosition());
if (jt instanceof JCTypeApply) {
JCExpression type = ((JCTypeApply) jt).clazz;
return pathAndPos(type);
return Pair.of(astRecord(node), jn.pos);
// When a method is visited, it is visited for the receiver, not the
// return value and not the declaration itself.
public Pair<ASTRecord, Integer> visitMethod(MethodTree node, Insertion ins) {
super.visitMethod(node, ins);
JCMethodDecl jcnode = (JCMethodDecl) node;
JCVariableDecl jcvar = (JCVariableDecl) node.getReceiverParameter();
if (jcvar != null) { return pathAndPos(jcvar); }
int pos = Position.NOPOS;
ASTRecord astPath = astRecord(jcnode)
.extend(Tree.Kind.METHOD, ASTPath.PARAMETER, -1);
if (node.getParameters().isEmpty()) {
// no parameters; find first (uncommented) '(' after method name
pos = findMethodName(jcnode);
if (pos >= 0) { pos = getFirstInstanceAfter('(', pos); }
if (++pos <= 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't find param opening paren for: "
+ jcnode);
} else {
pos = ((JCTree) node.getParameters().get(0)).getStartPosition();
return Pair.of(astPath, pos);
public Pair<ASTRecord, Integer> visitIdentifier(IdentifierTree node, Insertion ins) {
dbug.debug("TypePositionFinder.visitIdentifier(%s)%n", node);
// for arrays, need to indent inside array, not right before type
ASTRecord rec = ASTIndex.indexOf(tree).get(node);
ASTPath astPath = ins.getCriteria().getASTPath();
Tree parent = parent(node);
Integer i = null;
JCIdent jcnode = (JCIdent) node;
// ASTPathEntry.type _n_ is a special case because it does not
// correspond to a node in the AST.
if (parent.getKind() == Tree.Kind.NEW_ARRAY) { // NewArrayTree)
ASTPath.ASTEntry entry;
dbug.debug("TypePositionFinder.visitIdentifier: recognized array%n");
if (astPath == null) {
entry = new ASTPath.ASTEntry(Tree.Kind.NEW_ARRAY, ASTPath.TYPE, 0);
astPath = astRecord(parent).extend(entry).astPath;
} else {
entry = astPath.get(astPath.size() - 1); // kind is NewArray
if (entry.childSelectorIs(ASTPath.TYPE)) {
int n = entry.getArgument();
i = jcnode.getStartPosition();
if (n < getDimsSize((JCExpression) parent)) { // else n == #dims
i = getNthInstanceInRange('[', i,
((JCNewArray) parent).getEndPosition(tree.endPositions), n+1);
if (i == null) {
i = jcnode.getEndPosition(tree.endPositions);
} else if (parent.getKind() == Tree.Kind.NEW_CLASS) { // NewClassTree)
dbug.debug("TypePositionFinder.visitIdentifier: recognized class%n");
JCNewClass nc = (JCNewClass) parent;
"TypePositionFinder.visitIdentifier: clazz %s (%d) constructor %s%n",
nc.clazz, nc.clazz.getPreferredPosition(), nc.constructor);
i = nc.clazz.getPreferredPosition();
if (astPath == null) {
astPath = astRecord(node).astPath;
} else {
ASTRecord astRecord = astRecord(node);
astPath = astRecord.astPath;
i = ((JCIdent) node).pos;
dbug.debug("visitIdentifier(%s) => %d where parent (%s) = %s%n",
node, i, parent.getClass(), parent);
return Pair.of(rec.replacePath(astPath), i);
public Pair<ASTRecord, Integer> visitMemberSelect(MemberSelectTree node, Insertion ins) {
dbug.debug("TypePositionFinder.visitMemberSelect(%s)%n", node);
JCFieldAccess raw = (JCFieldAccess) node;
return Pair.of(astRecord(node),
raw.getEndPosition(tree.endPositions) -;
public Pair<ASTRecord, Integer> visitTypeParameter(TypeParameterTree node, Insertion ins) {
JCTypeParameter tp = (JCTypeParameter) node;
return Pair.of(astRecord(node), tp.getStartPosition());
public Pair<ASTRecord, Integer> visitWildcard(WildcardTree node, Insertion ins) {
JCWildcard wc = (JCWildcard) node;
return Pair.of(astRecord(node), wc.getStartPosition());
public Pair<ASTRecord, Integer> visitPrimitiveType(PrimitiveTypeTree node, Insertion ins) {
dbug.debug("TypePositionFinder.visitPrimitiveType(%s)%n", node);
return pathAndPos((JCTree) node);
public Pair<ASTRecord, Integer> visitParameterizedType(ParameterizedTypeTree node, Insertion ins) {
Tree parent = parent(node);
dbug.debug("TypePositionFinder.visitParameterizedType %s parent=%s%n",
node, parent);
Integer pos = getBaseTypePosition(((JCTypeApply) node).getType()).b;
return Pair.of(astRecord(node), pos);
* Returns the number of array levels that are in the given array type tree,
* or 0 if the given node is not an array type tree.
private int arrayLevels( t) {
return t.accept(new Types.SimpleVisitor<Integer, Integer>() {
public Integer visitArrayType( t,
Integer i) {
return t.elemtype.accept(this, i+1);
public Integer visitType( t, Integer i) {
return i;
}, 0);
private int arrayLevels(Tree node) {
int result = 0;
while (node.getKind() == Tree.Kind.ARRAY_TYPE) {
node = ((ArrayTypeTree) node).getType();
return result;
private JCTree arrayContentType(JCArrayTypeTree att) {
JCTree node = att;
do {
node = ((JCArrayTypeTree) node).getType();
} while (node.getKind() == Tree.Kind.ARRAY_TYPE);
return node;
private ArrayTypeTree largestContainingArray(Tree node) {
TreePath p = getPath(node);
Tree result = TreeFinder.largestContainingArray(p).getLeaf();
assert result.getKind() == Tree.Kind.ARRAY_TYPE;
return (ArrayTypeTree) result;
public Pair<ASTRecord, Integer> visitArrayType(ArrayTypeTree node, Insertion ins) {
dbug.debug("TypePositionFinder.visitArrayType(%s)%n", node);
JCArrayTypeTree att = (JCArrayTypeTree) node;
dbug.debug("TypePositionFinder.visitArrayType(%s) preferred = %s%n",
node, att.getPreferredPosition());
// If the code has a type like "String[][][]", then this gets called
// three times: for String[][][], String[][], and String[]
// respectively. For each of the three, call String[][][] "largest".
ArrayTypeTree largest = largestContainingArray(node);
int largestLevels = arrayLevels(largest);
int levels = arrayLevels(node);
int start = arrayContentType(att).getPreferredPosition() + 1;
int end = att.getEndPosition(tree.endPositions);
int pos = arrayInsertPos(start, end);
dbug.debug(" levels=%d largestLevels=%d%n", levels, largestLevels);
for (int i=levels; i<largestLevels; i++) {
pos = getFirstInstanceAfter('[', pos+1);
dbug.debug(" pos %d at i=%d%n", pos, i);
return Pair.of(astRecord(node), pos);
* Find position in source code where annotation is to be inserted.
* @param start beginning of range to be matched
* @param end end of range to be matched
* @return position for annotation insertion
private int arrayInsertPos(int start, int end) {
try {
CharSequence s = tree.getSourceFile().getCharContent(true);
int pos = getNthInstanceInRange('[', start, end, 1);
if (pos < 0) {
// no "[", so check for "..."
String nonDot = otherThan('.');
String regex = "(?:(?:\\.\\.?)?" + nonDot + ")*(\\.\\.\\.)";
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regex, Pattern.MULTILINE);
Matcher m = p.matcher(s).region(start, end);
if (m.find()) {
pos = m.start(1);
if (pos < 0) { // should never happen
throw new RuntimeException("no \"[\" or \"...\" in array type");
return pos;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public Pair<ASTRecord, Integer> visitCompilationUnit(CompilationUnitTree node, Insertion ins) {
JCCompilationUnit cu = (JCCompilationUnit) node;
return Pair.of(astRecord(node), cu.getStartPosition());
public Pair<ASTRecord, Integer> visitClass(ClassTree node, Insertion ins) {
JCClassDecl cd = (JCClassDecl) node;
JCTree t = cd.mods == null ? cd : cd.mods;
return Pair.of(astRecord(cd), t.getPreferredPosition());
// There are three types of array initializers:
// /*style 1*/ String[] names1 = new String[12];
// /*style 2*/ String[] names2 = { "Alice", "Bob" };
// /*style 3*/ String[] names3 = new String[] { "Alice", "Bob" };
// (Can the styles be combined?)
// For style 1, we can just find the location of the
// dimensionality expression, and then locate the bracket before it.
// For style 2, annotations are impossible.
// For style 3, we need to count the brackets and get to the right one.
// The AST depth of the initializer is correct unless all arrays are
// empty, in which case it is arbitary. This is legal:
// String[][][][][] names4 = new String[][][][][] { { { } } };
// Array initializers can also be multi-dimensional, but this is not
// relevant to us:
// int[][] pascalsTriangle = { { 1 }, { 1,1 }, { 1,2,1 } };
// int[][] pascalsTriangle = new int[][] { { 1 }, { 1,1 }, { 1,2,1 } };
// structure stolen from javac's
private int getDimsSize(JCExpression tree) {
if (tree instanceof JCNewArray) {
JCNewArray na = (JCNewArray) tree;
if (na.dims.size() != 0) {
// when not all dims are given, na.dims.size() gives wrong answer
return arrayLevels(na.type);
if (na.elemtype != null) {
return getDimsSize(na.elemtype) + 1;
assert na.elems != null;
int maxDimsSize = 0;
for (JCExpression elem : na.elems) {
if (elem instanceof JCNewArray) {
int elemDimsSize = getDimsSize((JCNewArray)elem);
maxDimsSize = Math.max(maxDimsSize, elemDimsSize);
} else if (elem instanceof JCArrayTypeTree) {
// Does this ever happen? javac's handles it.
System.out.printf("JCArrayTypeTree: %s%n", elem);
return maxDimsSize + 1;
} else if (tree instanceof JCAnnotatedType) {
return getDimsSize(((JCAnnotatedType) tree).underlyingType);
} else if (tree instanceof JCArrayTypeTree) {
return 1 + getDimsSize(((JCArrayTypeTree) tree).elemtype);
} else {
return 0;
// Visit an expression of one of these forms:
// new int[5][10]
// new int[][] {...}
// { ... } -- as in: String[] names2 = { "Alice", "Bob" };
public Pair<ASTRecord, Integer> visitNewArray(NewArrayTree node, Insertion ins) {
JCNewArray na = (JCNewArray) node;
GenericArrayLocationCriterion galc =
ASTRecord rec = ASTIndex.indexOf(tree).get(node);
ASTPath astPath = ins.getCriteria().getASTPath();
String childSelector = null;
// Invariant: na.dims.size() == 0 or na.elems == null (but not both)
// If na.dims.size() != 0, na.elemtype is non-null.
// If na.dims.size() == 0, na.elemtype may be null or non-null.
int dimsSize = getDimsSize(na);
int dim = galc == null ? 0 : galc.getLocation().size();
if (astPath == null) {
astPath = astRecord(node).astPath.extendNewArray(dim);
childSelector = ASTPath.TYPE;
} else {
ASTPath.ASTEntry lastEntry = null;
int n = astPath.size();
int i = n;
// find matching node = last path entry w/kind NEW_ARRAY
while (--i >= 0) {
lastEntry = astPath.get(i);
if (lastEntry.getTreeKind() == Tree.Kind.NEW_ARRAY) { break; }
assert i >= 0 : "no matching path entry (kind=NEW_ARRAY)";
if (n > i+1) {
// find correct node further down and visit if present
assert dim + 1 == dimsSize;
Tree typeTree = na.elemtype;
int j = i + dim + 1;
while (--dim >= 0) {
typeTree = ((ArrayTypeTree) typeTree).getType();
while (j < n) {
ASTPath.ASTEntry entry = astPath.get(j);
switch (entry.getTreeKind()) {
typeTree = ((AnnotatedTypeTree) typeTree).getUnderlyingType();
continue; // no increment
typeTree = ((ArrayTypeTree) typeTree).getType();
if (typeTree instanceof JCTree.JCFieldAccess) {
JCTree.JCFieldAccess jfa = (JCTree.JCFieldAccess) typeTree;
typeTree = jfa.getExpression();
// if just a qualifier, don't increment loop counter
if (jfa.sym.getKind() == ElementKind.PACKAGE) { continue; }
break loop;
if (entry.childSelectorIs(ASTPath.TYPE_ARGUMENT)) {
int arg = entry.getArgument();
List<? extends Tree> typeArgs =
((ParameterizedTypeTree) typeTree).getTypeArguments();
typeTree = typeArgs.get(arg);
} else { // ASTPath.TYPE
typeTree = ((ParameterizedTypeTree) typeTree).getType();
break loop;
if (j < n) {
// sought node is absent, so return default; insertion can
// be applied only as an inner of some TypedInsertion anyway
return getBaseTypePosition(na);
return typeTree.accept(this, ins);
childSelector = lastEntry.getChildSelector();
if (dim > 0 && ASTPath.TYPE.equals(childSelector)) {
// rebuild path with current value of dim
ASTPath newPath = ASTPath.empty();
int j = 0;
dim += lastEntry.getArgument();
while (j < i) { // [0,i)
newPath = newPath.extend(astPath.get(j));
lastEntry = new ASTPath.ASTEntry(Tree.Kind.NEW_ARRAY,
ASTPath.TYPE, dim); // i
newPath = newPath.extend(lastEntry);
while (j < n) { // [i,n)
newPath = newPath.extend(astPath.get(j));
astPath = newPath;
} else {
dim = lastEntry.getArgument();
if (ASTPath.TYPE.equals(childSelector)) {
if (na.toString().startsWith("{")) {
if (ins.getKind() == Insertion.Kind.ANNOTATION) {
TreePath parentPath = TreePath.getPath(tree, na).getParentPath();
if (parentPath != null) {
Tree parent = parentPath.getLeaf();
if (parent.getKind() == Tree.Kind.VARIABLE) {
AnnotationInsertion ai = (AnnotationInsertion) ins;
JCTree typeTree = ((JCVariableDecl) parent).getType();
return Pair.of(rec.replacePath(astPath), na.getStartPosition());
System.err.println("WARNING: array initializer " + node +
" has no explicit type; skipping insertion " + ins);
return null;
} else {
return Pair.of(rec.replacePath(astPath), na.getStartPosition());
if (dim == dimsSize) {
if (na.elemtype == null) {
System.err.println("WARNING: array initializer " + node +
" has no explicit type; skipping insertion " + ins);
return null;
return getBaseTypePosition(na.elemtype);
if (na.dims.size() != 0) {
int startPos = na.getStartPosition();
int endPos = na.getEndPosition(tree.endPositions);
int pos = getNthInstanceInRange('[', startPos, endPos, dim + 1);
return Pair.of(rec.replacePath(astPath), pos);
// In a situation like
// node=new String[][][][][]{{{}}}
// Also see Pretty.printBrackets.
if (dim == 0) {
if (na.elemtype == null) {
return Pair.of(rec.replacePath(astPath), na.getStartPosition());
// na.elemtype.getPreferredPosition(); seems to be at the end,
// after the brackets.
// na.elemtype.getStartPosition(); is before the type name itself.
int startPos = na.elemtype.getStartPosition();
return Pair.of(rec.replacePath(astPath),
getFirstInstanceAfter('[', startPos+1));
} else if (dim == dimsSize) {
return Pair.of(rec.replacePath(astPath),
} else {
JCArrayTypeTree jcatt = (JCArrayTypeTree) na.elemtype;
for (int i=1; i<dim; i++) {
JCTree elem = jcatt.elemtype;
if (elem.hasTag(JCTree.Tag.ANNOTATED_TYPE)) {
elem = ((JCAnnotatedType) elem).underlyingType;
assert elem.hasTag(JCTree.Tag.TYPEARRAY);
jcatt = (JCArrayTypeTree) elem;
return Pair.of(rec.replacePath(astPath),
} else if (ASTPath.DIMENSION.equals(childSelector)) {
List<JCExpression> inits = na.getInitializers();
if (dim < inits.size()) {
JCExpression expr = inits.get(dim);
return Pair.of(astRecord(expr), expr.getStartPosition());
return null;
} else if (ASTPath.INITIALIZER.equals(childSelector)) {
JCExpression expr = na.getDimensions().get(dim);
return Pair.of(astRecord(expr), expr.getStartPosition());
} else {
assert false : "Unexpected child selector in AST path: "
+ (childSelector == null ? "null" : "\"" + childSelector + "\"");
return null;
public Pair<ASTRecord, Integer> visitNewClass(NewClassTree node, Insertion ins) {
JCNewClass na = (JCNewClass) node;
JCExpression className = na.clazz;
// System.out.printf("classname %s (%s)%n", className, className.getClass());
while (! (className.getKind() == Tree.Kind.IDENTIFIER)) { // IdentifierTree
if (className instanceof JCAnnotatedType) {
className = ((JCAnnotatedType) className).underlyingType;
} else if (className instanceof JCTypeApply) {
className = ((JCTypeApply) className).clazz;
} else if (className instanceof JCFieldAccess) {
// This occurs for fully qualified names, e.g. "new java.lang.Object()".
// I'm not quite sure why the field "selected" is taken, but "name" would
// be a type mismatch. It seems to work, see NewPackage test case.
className = ((JCFieldAccess) className).selected;
} else {
throw new Error(String.format("unrecognized JCNewClass.clazz (%s): %s%n" +
" surrounding new class tree: %s%n", className.getClass(), className, node));
// System.out.printf("classname %s (%s)%n", className, className.getClass());
return visitIdentifier((IdentifierTree) className, ins);
* Determine the insertion position for declaration annotations on
* various elements. For instance, method declaration annotations should
* be placed before all the other modifiers and annotations.
private class DeclarationPositionFinder extends TreeScanner<Integer, Void> {
// When a method is visited, it is visited for the declaration itself.
public Integer visitMethod(MethodTree node, Void p) {
super.visitMethod(node, p);
// System.out.printf("DeclarationPositionFinder.visitMethod()%n");
ModifiersTree mt = node.getModifiers();
// actually List<JCAnnotation>.
List<? extends AnnotationTree> annos = mt.getAnnotations();
// Set<Modifier> flags = mt.getFlags();
JCTree before;
if (annos.size() > 1) {
before = (JCAnnotation) annos.get(0);
} else if (node.getReturnType() != null) {
before = (JCTree) node.getReturnType();
} else {
// if we're a constructor, we have null return type, so we use the constructor's position
// rather than the return type's position
before = (JCTree) node;
int declPos = before.getStartPosition();
// There is no source code location information for Modifiers, so
// cannot iterate through the modifiers. But we don't have to.
int modsPos = ((JCModifiers)mt).pos().getStartPosition();
if (modsPos != Position.NOPOS) {
declPos = Math.min(declPos, modsPos);
return declPos;
public Integer visitCompilationUnit(CompilationUnitTree node, Void p) {
JCCompilationUnit cu = (JCCompilationUnit) node;
return cu.getStartPosition();
public Integer visitClass(ClassTree node, Void p) {
JCClassDecl cd = (JCClassDecl) node;
int result = -1;
if (cd.mods != null
&& (cd.mods.flags != 0 || cd.mods.annotations.size() > 0)) {
result = cd.mods.getPreferredPosition();
if (result < 0) {
result = cd.getPreferredPosition();
assert result >= 0 ||
: String.format("%d %d %d%n", cd.getStartPosition(),
cd.getPreferredPosition(), cd.pos);
return result < 0 ? null : result;
private final TypePositionFinder tpf;
private final DeclarationPositionFinder dpf;
private final JCCompilationUnit tree;
private final SetMultimap<Pair<Integer, ASTPath>, Insertion> insertions;
private final SetMultimap<ASTRecord, Insertion> astInsertions;
* Creates a {@code TreeFinder} from a source tree.
* @param tree the source tree to search
public TreeFinder(JCCompilationUnit tree) {
this.tree = tree;
this.insertions = LinkedHashMultimap.create();
this.astInsertions = LinkedHashMultimap.create();
this.tpf = new TypePositionFinder();
this.dpf = new DeclarationPositionFinder();
// which nodes are possible insertion sites
boolean handled(Tree node) {
switch (node.getKind()) {
case CLASS:
case ENUM:
case METHOD:
return true;
return node instanceof ExpressionTree;
* Determines if the last {@link TypePathEntry} in the given list is a
* {@link TypePathEntryKind#WILDCARD}.
* @param location the list to check
* @return {@code true} if the last {@link TypePathEntry} is a
* {@link TypePathEntryKind#WILDCARD}, {@code false} otherwise.
private boolean wildcardLast(List<TypePathEntry> location) {
return location.get(location.size() - 1).tag == TypePathEntryKind.WILDCARD;
* Scans this tree, using the list of insertions to generate the source
* position to insertion text mapping. Insertions are removed from the
* list when positions are found for them.
* @param node AST node being considered for annotation insertions
* @param p list of insertions not yet placed
* <p>
* When a match is found, this routine removes the insertion from p and
* adds it to the insertions map as a value, with a key that is a pair.
* On return, p contains only the insertions for which no match was found.
public Void scan(Tree node, List<Insertion> p) {
if (node == null) {
return null;
dbug.debug("SCANNING: %s %s%n", node.getKind(), node);
if (! handled(node)) {
dbug.debug("Not handled, skipping (%s): %s%n", node.getClass(), node);
// nothing to do
return super.scan(node, p);
TreePath path = getPath(node);
assert path == null || path.getLeaf() == node :
String.format("Mismatch: '%s' '%s' '%s'%n",
path, path.getLeaf(), node);
// To avoid annotating existing annotations right before
// the element you wish to annotate, skip anything inside of
// an annotation.
if (path != null) {
for (Tree t : path) {
if (t.getKind() == Tree.Kind.PARAMETERIZED_TYPE) {
// We started with something within a parameterized type and
// should not look for any further annotations.
// TODO: does this work on multiple nested levels?
if (t.getKind() == Tree.Kind.ANNOTATION) {
return super.scan(node, p);
for (Iterator<Insertion> it = p.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
Insertion i =;
if (i.getInserted()) {
// Skip this insertion if it has already been inserted. See
// the ReceiverInsertion class for details.
dbug.debug("Considering insertion at tree:%n");
dbug.debug(" Insertion: %s%n", i);
dbug.debug(" First line of node: %s%n", Main.firstLine(node.toString()));
dbug.debug(" Type of node: %s%n", node.getClass());
if (!i.getCriteria().isSatisfiedBy(path, node)) {
dbug.debug(" ... not satisfied%n");
} else {
dbug.debug(" ... satisfied!%n");
dbug.debug(" First line of node: %s%n", Main.firstLine(node.toString()));
dbug.debug(" Type of node: %s%n", node.getClass());
ASTPath astPath = i.getCriteria().getASTPath();
Integer pos = astPath == null ? findPosition(path, i)
: Main.convert_jaifs ? null // already in correct form
: findPositionByASTPath(astPath, path, i);
if (pos != null) {
dbug.debug(" ... satisfied! at %d for node of type %s: %s%n",
pos, node.getClass(), Main.treeToString(node));
insertions.put(Pair.of(pos, astPath), i);
return super.scan(node, p);
// Find insertion position for Insertion whose criteria matched the
// given TreePath.
// If no position is found, report an error and return null.
Integer findPosition(TreePath path, Insertion i) {
Tree node = path.getLeaf();
try {
// As per the JSR308 specification, receiver parameters are not allowed
// on method declarations of anonymous inner classes.
if (i.getCriteria().isOnReceiver()
&& path.getParentPath().getParentPath().getLeaf().getKind() == Tree.Kind.NEW_CLASS) {
warn.debug("WARNING: Cannot insert a receiver parameter "
+ "on a method declaration of an anonymous inner class. "
+ "This insertion will be skipped.%n Insertion: %s%n", i);
return null;
// TODO: Find a more fine-grained replacement for the 2nd conjunct below.
// The real issue is whether the insertion will add non-annotation code,
// which is only sometimes the case for a TypedInsertion.
if (alreadyPresent(path, i) && !(i instanceof TypedInsertion)) {
// Don't insert a duplicate if this particular annotation is already
// present at this location.
return null;
if (i.getKind() == Insertion.Kind.CONSTRUCTOR) {
ConstructorInsertion cons = (ConstructorInsertion) i;
if (node.getKind() == Tree.Kind.METHOD) {
JCMethodDecl method = (JCMethodDecl) node;
// TODO: account for the following situation in matching phase instead
if (method.sym.owner.isAnonymous()) { return null; }
if ((method.mods.flags & Flags.GENERATEDCONSTR) != 0) {
addConstructor(path, cons, method);
} else {
i = cons.getReceiverInsertion();
if (i == null) { return null; }
} else {
if (i.getKind() == Insertion.Kind.RECEIVER && node.getKind() == Tree.Kind.METHOD) {
ReceiverInsertion receiver = (ReceiverInsertion) i;
MethodTree method = (MethodTree) node;
VariableTree rcv = method.getReceiverParameter();
if (rcv == null) {
addReceiverType(path, receiver, method);
if (i.getKind() == Insertion.Kind.NEW && node.getKind() == Tree.Kind.NEW_ARRAY) {
NewInsertion neu = (NewInsertion) i;
NewArrayTree newArray = (NewArrayTree) node;
if (newArray.toString().startsWith("{")) {
addNewType(path, neu, newArray);
// If this is a method, then it might have been selected because of
// the receiver, or because of the return value. Distinguish those.
// One way would be to set a global variable here. Another would be
// to look for a particular different node. I will do the latter.
Integer pos = Position.NOPOS;
// The insertion location is at or below the matched location
// in the source tree. For example, a receiver annotation
// matches on the method and inserts on the (possibly newly
// created) receiver.
Map<Tree, ASTRecord> astIndex = ASTIndex.indexOf(tree);
ASTRecord insertRecord = astIndex.get(node);
dbug.debug("TreeFinder.scan: node=%s%n critera=%s%n",
node, i.getCriteria());
if (CommonScanner.hasClassKind(node)
&& i.getCriteria().isOnTypeDeclarationExtendsClause()
&& ((ClassTree) node).getExtendsClause() == null) {
return implicitClassBoundPosition((JCClassDecl) node, i);
if (node.getKind() == Tree.Kind.METHOD
&& i.getCriteria().isOnReturnType()) {
JCMethodDecl jcnode = (JCMethodDecl) node;
Tree returnType = jcnode.getReturnType();
insertRecord = insertRecord.extend(Tree.Kind.METHOD, ASTPath.TYPE);
if (returnType == null) {
// find constructor name instead
pos = findMethodName(jcnode);
if (pos < 0) { // skip -- inserted w/generated constructor
return null;
dbug.debug("pos = %d at constructor name: %s%n",
pos, jcnode.sym.toString());
} else {
Pair<ASTRecord, Integer> pair = tpf.scan(returnType, i);
insertRecord = pair.a;
pos = pair.b;
assert handled(node);
dbug.debug("pos = %d at return type node: %s%n",
pos, returnType.getClass());
} else if (node.getKind() == Tree.Kind.TYPE_PARAMETER
&& i.getCriteria().onBoundZero()
&& (((TypeParameterTree) node).getBounds().isEmpty()
|| (((JCExpression) ((TypeParameterTree) node)
|| (node instanceof WildcardTree
&& ((WildcardTree) node).getBound() == null
&& wildcardLast(i.getCriteria()
.getGenericArrayLocation().getLocation()))) {
Pair<ASTRecord, Integer> pair = tpf.scan(node, i);
insertRecord = pair.a;
pos = pair.b;
if (i.getKind() == Insertion.Kind.ANNOTATION) {
if (node.getKind() == Tree.Kind.TYPE_PARAMETER
&& !((TypeParameterTree) node).getBounds().isEmpty()) {
Tree bound = ((TypeParameterTree) node).getBounds().get(0);
pos = ((JCExpression) bound).getStartPosition();
((AnnotationInsertion) i).setGenerateBound(true);
} else {
int limit = ((JCTree) parent(node)).getEndPosition(tree.endPositions);
Integer nextpos1 = getNthInstanceInRange(',', pos+1, limit, 1);
Integer nextpos2 = getNthInstanceInRange('>', pos+1, limit, 1);
pos = (nextpos1 != Position.NOPOS && nextpos1 < nextpos2) ? nextpos1 : nextpos2;
((AnnotationInsertion) i).setGenerateExtends(true);
} else if (i.getKind() == Insertion.Kind.CAST) {
Type t = ((CastInsertion) i).getType();
JCTree jcTree = (JCTree) node;
pos = jcTree.getStartPosition();
if (t.getKind() == Type.Kind.DECLARED) {
DeclaredType dt = (DeclaredType) t;
if (dt.getName().isEmpty()) {
dt.setName(jcTree.type instanceof NullType ? "Object"
: jcTree.type.toString());
} else if (i.getKind() == Insertion.Kind.CLOSE_PARENTHESIS) {
JCTree jcTree = (JCTree) node;
pos = jcTree.getEndPosition(tree.endPositions);
} else {
boolean typeScan = true;
if (node.getKind() == Tree.Kind.METHOD) { // MethodTree
// looking for the receiver or the declaration
typeScan = i.getCriteria().isOnReceiver();
} else if (CommonScanner.hasClassKind(node)) { // ClassTree
typeScan = ! i.getSeparateLine(); // hacky check
if (typeScan) {
// looking for the type
dbug.debug("Calling tpf.scan(%s: %s)%n", node.getClass(), node);
Pair<ASTRecord, Integer> pair = tpf.scan(node, i);
insertRecord = pair.a;
pos = pair.b;
assert handled(node);
dbug.debug("pos = %d at type: %s (%s)%n", pos,
node.toString(), node.getClass());
} else if (node.getKind() == Tree.Kind.METHOD
&& i.getKind() == Insertion.Kind.CONSTRUCTOR
&& (((JCMethodDecl) node).mods.flags & Flags.GENERATEDCONSTR) != 0) {
Tree parent = path.getParentPath().getLeaf();
pos = ((JCClassDecl) parent).getEndPosition(tree.endPositions) - 1;
insertRecord = null; // TODO
} else {
// looking for the declaration
pos = dpf.scan(node, null);
insertRecord = astRecord(node);
dbug.debug("pos = %s at declaration: %s%n", pos, node.getClass());
if (pos != null) {
assert pos >= 0 :
String.format("pos: %s%nnode: %s%ninsertion: %s%n", pos, node, i);
astInsertions.put(insertRecord, i);
return pos;
} catch (Throwable e) {
reportInsertionError(i, e);
return null;
// Find insertion position for Insertion whose criteria (including one
// for the ASTPath) matched the given TreePath.
// If no position is found, report an error and return null.
Integer findPositionByASTPath(ASTPath astPath, TreePath path, Insertion i) {
Tree node = path.getLeaf();
try {
ASTPath.ASTEntry entry = astPath.get(-1);
// As per the JSR308 specification, receiver parameters are not allowed
// on method declarations of anonymous inner classes.
if (entry.getTreeKind() == Tree.Kind.METHOD
&& entry.childSelectorIs(ASTPath.PARAMETER)
&& entry.getArgument() == -1
&& path.getParentPath().getParentPath().getLeaf().getKind()
== Tree.Kind.NEW_CLASS) {
warn.debug("WARNING: Cannot insert a receiver parameter "
+ "on a method declaration of an anonymous inner class. "
+ "This insertion will be skipped.%n Insertion: %s%n", i);
return null;
if (alreadyPresent(path, i)) {
// Don't insert a duplicate if this particular annotation is already
// present at this location.
return null;
if (i.getKind() == Insertion.Kind.CONSTRUCTOR) {
ConstructorInsertion cons = (ConstructorInsertion) i;
if (node.getKind() == Tree.Kind.METHOD) {
JCMethodDecl method = (JCMethodDecl) node;
if ((method.mods.flags & Flags.GENERATEDCONSTR) != 0) {
addConstructor(path, cons, method);
} else {
i = cons.getReceiverInsertion();
if (i == null) { return null; }
} else {
if (i.getKind() == Insertion.Kind.RECEIVER && node.getKind() == Tree.Kind.METHOD) {
ReceiverInsertion receiver = (ReceiverInsertion) i;
MethodTree method = (MethodTree) node;
if (method.getReceiverParameter() == null) {
addReceiverType(path, receiver, method);
if (i.getKind() == Insertion.Kind.NEW && node.getKind() == Tree.Kind.NEW_ARRAY) {
NewInsertion neu = (NewInsertion) i;
NewArrayTree newArray = (NewArrayTree) node;
if (newArray.toString().startsWith("{")) {
addNewType(path, neu, newArray);
// If this is a method, then it might have been selected because of
// the receiver, or because of the return value. Distinguish those.
// One way would be to set a global variable here. Another would be
// to look for a particular different node. I will do the latter.
Integer pos = Position.NOPOS;
// The insertion location is at or below the matched location
// in the source tree. For example, a receiver annotation
// matches on the method and inserts on the (possibly newly
// created) receiver.
Map<Tree, ASTRecord> astIndex = ASTIndex.indexOf(tree);
ASTRecord insertRecord = astIndex.get(node);
dbug.debug("TreeFinder.scan: node=%s%n criteria=%s%n",
node, i.getCriteria());
if (CommonScanner.hasClassKind(node)
&& entry.childSelectorIs(ASTPath.BOUND)
&& entry.getArgument() < 0
&& ((ClassTree) node).getExtendsClause() == null) {
return implicitClassBoundPosition((JCClassDecl) node, i);
if (node.getKind() == Tree.Kind.METHOD
&& i.getCriteria().isOnMethod("<init>()V")
&& entry.childSelectorIs(ASTPath.PARAMETER)
&& entry.getArgument() < 0) {
if (i.getKind() != Insertion.Kind.CONSTRUCTOR) { return null; }
Tree parent = path.getParentPath().getLeaf();
insertRecord = insertRecord.extend(Tree.Kind.METHOD, ASTPath.PARAMETER, -1);
pos = ((JCTree) parent).getEndPosition(tree.endPositions) - 1;
} else if (node.getKind() == Tree.Kind.METHOD
&& entry.childSelectorIs(ASTPath.TYPE)) {
JCMethodDecl jcnode = (JCMethodDecl) node;
Tree returnType = jcnode.getReturnType();
insertRecord = insertRecord.extend(Tree.Kind.METHOD, ASTPath.TYPE);
if (returnType == null) {
// find constructor name instead
pos = findMethodName(jcnode);
if (pos < 0) { // skip -- inserted w/generated constructor
return null;
dbug.debug("pos = %d at constructor name: %s%n",
pos, jcnode.sym.toString());
} else {
Pair<ASTRecord, Integer> pair = tpf.scan(returnType, i);
insertRecord = pair.a;
pos = pair.b;
assert handled(node);
dbug.debug("pos = %d at return type node: %s%n",
pos, returnType.getClass());
} else if (node.getKind() == Tree.Kind.TYPE_PARAMETER
&& entry.getTreeKind() == Tree.Kind.TYPE_PARAMETER // TypeParameter.bound
&& (((TypeParameterTree) node).getBounds().isEmpty()
|| (((JCExpression) ((TypeParameterTree) node)
|| ASTPath.isWildcard(node.getKind())
&& (entry.getTreeKind() == Tree.Kind.TYPE_PARAMETER
|| ASTPath.isWildcard(entry.getTreeKind()))
&& entry.childSelectorIs(ASTPath.BOUND)
&& (!entry.hasArgument() || entry.getArgument() == 0)) {
Pair<ASTRecord, Integer> pair = tpf.scan(node, i);
insertRecord = pair.a;
pos = pair.b;
if (i.getKind() == Insertion.Kind.ANNOTATION) {
if (node.getKind() == Tree.Kind.TYPE_PARAMETER
&& !((TypeParameterTree) node).getBounds().isEmpty()) {
Tree bound = ((TypeParameterTree) node).getBounds().get(0);
pos = ((JCExpression) bound).getStartPosition();
((AnnotationInsertion) i).setGenerateBound(true);
} else {
int limit = ((JCTree) parent(node)).getEndPosition(tree.endPositions);
Integer nextpos1 = getNthInstanceInRange(',', pos+1, limit, 1);
Integer nextpos2 = getNthInstanceInRange('>', pos+1, limit, 1);
pos = (nextpos1 != Position.NOPOS && nextpos1 < nextpos2) ? nextpos1 : nextpos2;
((AnnotationInsertion) i).setGenerateExtends(true);
} else if (i.getKind() == Insertion.Kind.CAST) {
Type t = ((CastInsertion) i).getType();
JCTree jcTree = (JCTree) node;
if (jcTree.getKind() == Tree.Kind.VARIABLE && !astPath.isEmpty()
&& astPath.get(-1).childSelectorIs(ASTPath.INITIALIZER)) {
node = ((JCVariableDecl) node).getInitializer();
if (node == null) { return null; }
jcTree = (JCTree) node;
pos = jcTree.getStartPosition();
if (t.getKind() == Type.Kind.DECLARED) {
DeclaredType dt = (DeclaredType) t;
if (dt.getName().isEmpty()) {
if (jcTree.type instanceof NullType) {
} else {
t = Insertions.TypeTree.conv(jcTree.type);
((CastInsertion) i).setType(t);
} else if (i.getKind() == Insertion.Kind.CLOSE_PARENTHESIS) {
JCTree jcTree = (JCTree) node;
if (jcTree.getKind() == Tree.Kind.VARIABLE && !astPath.isEmpty()
&& astPath.get(-1).childSelectorIs(ASTPath.INITIALIZER)) {
node = ((JCVariableDecl) node).getInitializer();
if (node == null) { return null; }
jcTree = (JCTree) node;
pos = jcTree.getEndPosition(tree.endPositions);
} else {
boolean typeScan = true;
if (node.getKind() == Tree.Kind.METHOD) { // MethodTree
// looking for the receiver or the declaration
typeScan = IndexFileSpecification.isOnReceiver(i.getCriteria());
} else if (node.getKind() == Tree.Kind.CLASS) { // ClassTree
typeScan = ! i.getSeparateLine(); // hacky check
if (typeScan) {
// looking for the type
dbug.debug("Calling tpf.scan(%s: %s)%n", node.getClass(), node);
Pair<ASTRecord, Integer> pair = tpf.scan(node, i);
insertRecord = pair.a;
pos = pair.b;
assert handled(node);
dbug.debug("pos = %d at type: %s (%s)%n",
pos, node.toString(), node.getClass());
} else if (node.getKind() == Tree.Kind.METHOD
&& i.getKind() == Insertion.Kind.CONSTRUCTOR
&& (((JCMethodDecl) node).mods.flags & Flags.GENERATEDCONSTR) != 0) {
Tree parent = path.getParentPath().getLeaf();
pos = ((JCClassDecl) parent).getEndPosition(tree.endPositions) - 1;
insertRecord = null; // TODO
} else {
// looking for the declaration
pos = dpf.scan(node, null);
insertRecord = astRecord(node);
assert pos != null;
dbug.debug("pos = %d at declaration: %s%n", pos, node.getClass());
if (pos != null) {
assert pos >= 0 :
String.format("pos: %s%nnode: %s%ninsertion: %s%n", pos, node, i);
astInsertions.put(insertRecord, i);
return pos;
} catch (Throwable e) {
reportInsertionError(i, e);
return null;
private Integer implicitClassBoundPosition(JCClassDecl cd, Insertion i) {
Integer pos;
if (cd.sym == null || cd.sym.isAnonymous()
|| i.getKind() != Insertion.Kind.ANNOTATION) {
return null;
JCModifiers mods = cd.getModifiers();
String name = cd.getSimpleName().toString();
if (cd.typarams == null || cd.typarams.isEmpty()) {
int start = cd.getStartPosition();
int offset = Math.max(start,
mods.getEndPosition(tree.endPositions) + 1);
String s = cd.toString().substring(offset - start);
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(?:\\s|" + comment
+ ")*+class(?:\\s|" + comment
+ ")++" + Pattern.quote(name) + "\\b");
Matcher m = p.matcher(s);
if (!m.find() || m.start() != 0) { return null; }
pos = offset + m.end() - 1;
} else { // generic class
JCTypeParameter param = cd.typarams.get(cd.typarams.length()-1);
int start = param.getEndPosition(tree.endPositions);
pos = getFirstInstanceAfter('>', start) + 1;
((AnnotationInsertion) i).setGenerateExtends(true);
return pos;
* Returns the start position of the method's name. In particular,
* works properly for constructors, for which the name field in the
* AST is always "<init>" instead of the name from the source.
* @param node AST node of method declaration
* @return position of method name (from {@link JCMethodDecl#sym}) in source
private int findMethodName(JCMethodDecl node) {
String sym = node.sym.toString();
String name = sym.substring(0, sym.indexOf('('));
JCModifiers mods = node.getModifiers();
JCBlock body = node.body;
if ((mods.flags & Flags.GENERATEDCONSTR) != 0) { return Position.NOPOS; }
int nodeStart = node.getStartPosition();
int nodeEnd = node.getEndPosition(tree.endPositions);
int nodeLength = nodeEnd - nodeStart;
int modsLength = mods.getEndPosition(tree.endPositions)
- mods.getStartPosition(); // can't trust string length!
int bodyLength = body == null ? 1
: body.getEndPosition(tree.endPositions) - body.getStartPosition();
int start = nodeStart + modsLength;
int end = nodeStart + nodeLength - bodyLength;
int angle = name.lastIndexOf('>'); // check for type params
if (angle >= 0) { name = name.substring(angle + 1); }
try {
CharSequence s = tree.getSourceFile().getCharContent(true);
String regex = "\\b" + Pattern.quote(name) + "\\b"; // sufficient?
Pattern pat = Pattern.compile(regex, Pattern.MULTILINE);
Matcher mat = pat.matcher(s).region(start, end);
return mat.find() ? mat.start() : Position.NOPOS;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* Determines if the annotation in the given insertion is already present
* at the given location in the AST.
* @param path the location in the AST to check for the annotation
* @param ins the annotation to check for
* @return {@code true} if the given annotation is already at the given
* location in the AST, {@code false} otherwise.
private boolean alreadyPresent(TreePath path, Insertion ins) {
List<? extends AnnotationTree> alreadyPresent = null;
if (path != null) {
for (Tree n : path) {
if (n.getKind() == Tree.Kind.CLASS) {
alreadyPresent = ((ClassTree) n).getModifiers().getAnnotations();
} else if (n.getKind() == Tree.Kind.METHOD) {
alreadyPresent = ((MethodTree) n).getModifiers().getAnnotations();
} else if (n.getKind() == Tree.Kind.VARIABLE) {
alreadyPresent = ((VariableTree) n).getModifiers().getAnnotations();
} else if (n.getKind() == Tree.Kind.TYPE_CAST) {
Tree type = ((TypeCastTree) n).getType();
if (type.getKind() == Tree.Kind.ANNOTATED_TYPE) {
alreadyPresent = ((AnnotatedTypeTree) type).getAnnotations();
} else if (n.getKind() == Tree.Kind.INSTANCE_OF) {
Tree type = ((InstanceOfTree) n).getType();
if (type.getKind() == Tree.Kind.ANNOTATED_TYPE) {
alreadyPresent = ((AnnotatedTypeTree) type).getAnnotations();
} else if (n.getKind() == Tree.Kind.NEW_CLASS) {
JCNewClass nc = (JCNewClass) n;
if (nc.clazz.getKind() == Tree.Kind.ANNOTATED_TYPE) {
alreadyPresent = ((AnnotatedTypeTree) nc.clazz).getAnnotations();
} else if (n.getKind() == Tree.Kind.PARAMETERIZED_TYPE) {
// If we pass through a parameterized type, stop, otherwise we
// mix up annotations on the outer type.
} else if (n.getKind() == Tree.Kind.ARRAY_TYPE) {
Tree type = ((ArrayTypeTree) n).getType();
if (type.getKind() == Tree.Kind.ANNOTATED_TYPE) {
alreadyPresent = ((AnnotatedTypeTree) type).getAnnotations();
} else if (n.getKind() == Tree.Kind.ANNOTATED_TYPE) {
alreadyPresent = ((AnnotatedTypeTree) n).getAnnotations();
// TODO: don't add cast insertion if it's already present.
if (alreadyPresent != null) {
for (AnnotationTree at : alreadyPresent) {
// Compare the to-be-inserted annotation to the existing
// annotation, ignoring its arguments (duplicate annotations are
// never allowed even if they differ in arguments). If we did
// have to compare our arguments, we'd have to deal with enum
// arguments potentially being fully qualified or not:
// @Retention(java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.CLASS) vs
// @Retention(RetentionPolicy.CLASS)
String ann = at.getAnnotationType().toString();
// strip off leading @ along w/any leading or trailing whitespace
String text = ins.getText();
String iann = Main.removeArgs(text).a.trim()
.substring(text.startsWith("@") ? 1 : 0);
String iannNoPackage = Insertion.removePackage(iann).b;
// System.out.printf("Comparing: %s %s %s%n", ann, iann, iannNoPackage);
if (ann.equals(iann) || ann.equals(iannNoPackage)) {
dbug.debug("Already present, not reinserting: %s%n", ann);
return true;
return false;
* Reports an error inserting an insertion to {@code System.err}.
* @param i the insertion that caused the error
* @param e the error. If there's a message it will be printed.
public static void reportInsertionError(Insertion i, Throwable e) {
System.err.println("Error processing insertion:");
System.err.println("\t" + i);
if (e.getMessage() != null) {
// If the message has multiple lines, indent them so it's easier to read.
System.err.println("\tError: " + e.getMessage().replace("\n", "\n\t\t"));
if (dbug.or(stak).isEnabled()) {
} else {
System.err.println("\tRun with --print_error_stack to see the stack trace.");
System.err.println("\tThis insertion will be skipped.");
* Modifies the given receiver insertion so that it contains the type
* information necessary to insert a full method declaration receiver
* parameter. This is for receiver insertions where a receiver does not
* already exist in the source code. This will also add the annotations to be
* inserted to the correct part of the receiver type.
* @param path the location in the AST to insert the receiver
* @param receiver details of the receiver to insert
* @param method the method the receiver is being inserted into
private void addReceiverType(TreePath path, ReceiverInsertion receiver,
MethodTree method) {
// Find the name of the class
// with type parameters to create the receiver. Walk up the tree and
// pick up class names to add to the receiver type. Since we're
// starting from the innermost class, the classes we get to at earlier
// iterations of the loop are inside of the classes we get to at later
// iterations.
TreePath parent = path;
Tree leaf = parent.getLeaf();
Tree.Kind kind = leaf.getKind();
// This is the outermost type, currently containing only the
// annotation to add to the receiver.
Type outerType = receiver.getType();
DeclaredType baseType = receiver.getBaseType();
// This holds the inner types as they're being read in.
DeclaredType innerTypes = null;
DeclaredType staticType = null;
// For an inner class constructor, the receiver comes from the
// superclass, so skip past the first type definition.
boolean isCon = ((MethodTree) parent.getLeaf()).getReturnType() == null;
boolean skip = isCon;
while (kind != Tree.Kind.COMPILATION_UNIT
&& kind != Tree.Kind.NEW_CLASS) {
if (kind == Tree.Kind.CLASS
|| kind == Tree.Kind.INTERFACE
|| kind == Tree.Kind.ENUM
|| kind == Tree.Kind.ANNOTATION_TYPE) {
ClassTree clazz = (ClassTree) leaf;
String className = clazz.getSimpleName().toString();
boolean isStatic = kind == Tree.Kind.INTERFACE
|| kind == Tree.Kind.ENUM
|| clazz.getModifiers().getFlags().contains(Modifier.STATIC);
skip &= !isStatic;
if (skip) {
skip = false;
} else if (!className.isEmpty()) {
// className will be empty for the CLASS node directly inside an
// anonymous inner class NEW_CLASS node.
DeclaredType inner = new DeclaredType(className);
if (staticType == null) {
// Only include type parameters on the classes to the right of and
// including the rightmost static class.
for (TypeParameterTree tree : clazz.getTypeParameters()) {
inner.addTypeParameter(new DeclaredType(tree.getName().toString()));
if (staticType == null && isStatic) {
// If this is the first static class then move the annotations here.
staticType = inner;
if (innerTypes == null) {
// This is the first type we've read in, so set it as the
// innermost type.
innerTypes = inner;
} else {
// inner (the type just read in this iteration) is outside of
// innerTypes (the types already read in previous iterations).
innerTypes = inner;
parent = parent.getParentPath();
leaf = parent.getLeaf();
kind = leaf.getKind();
if (isCon && innerTypes == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"can't annotate (non-existent) receiver of non-inner constructor");
// Merge innerTypes into outerType: outerType only has the annotations
// on the receiver, while innerTypes has everything else. innerTypes can
// have the annotations if it is a static class.
if (staticType != null && !innerTypes.getAnnotations().isEmpty()) {
Type type = (staticType == null) ? baseType : staticType;
Insertion.decorateType(receiver.getInnerTypeInsertions(), type,
// If the method doesn't have parameters, don't add a comma.
receiver.setAddComma(method.getParameters().size() > 0);
private void addNewType(TreePath path, NewInsertion neu,
NewArrayTree newArray) {
DeclaredType baseType = neu.getBaseType();
if (baseType.getName().isEmpty()) {
List<String> annotations = neu.getType().getAnnotations();
Type newType = Insertions.TypeTree.conv(
((JCTree.JCNewArray) newArray).type);
for (String ann : annotations) {
Insertion.decorateType(neu.getInnerTypeInsertions(), neu.getType(),
private void addConstructor(TreePath path, ConstructorInsertion cons,
MethodTree method) {
ReceiverInsertion recv = cons.getReceiverInsertion();
MethodTree leaf = (MethodTree) path.getLeaf();
ClassTree parent = (ClassTree) path.getParentPath().getLeaf();
DeclaredType baseType = cons.getBaseType();
if (baseType.getName().isEmpty()) {
List<String> annotations = baseType.getAnnotations();
String className = parent.getSimpleName().toString();
Type newType = new DeclaredType(className);
for (String ann : annotations) {
if (recv != null) {
Iterator<Insertion> iter = cons.getInnerTypeInsertions().iterator();
List<Insertion> recvInner = new ArrayList<Insertion>();
addReceiverType(path, recv, leaf);
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Insertion i =;
if (i.getCriteria().isOnReceiver()) {
Insertion.decorateType(recvInner, recv.getType(),
Insertion.decorateType(cons.getInnerTypeInsertions(), cons.getType(),
public SetMultimap<ASTRecord, Insertion> getPaths() {
return Multimaps.unmodifiableSetMultimap(astInsertions);
* Scans the given tree with the given insertion list and returns the
* mapping from source position to insertion text. The positions are sorted
* in decreasing order of index, so that inserting one doesn't throw
* off the index for a subsequent one.
* <p>
* <i>N.B.:</i> This method calls {@code scan()} internally.
* </p>
* @param node the tree to scan
* @param p the list of insertion criteria
* @return the source position to insertion text mapping
public SetMultimap<Pair<Integer, ASTPath>, Insertion>
getInsertionsByPosition(JCCompilationUnit node, List<Insertion> p) {
List<Insertion> uninserted = new ArrayList<Insertion>(p);
this.scan(node, uninserted);
// There may be many extra annotations in a .jaif file. For instance,
// the .jaif file may be for an entire library, but its compilation
// units are processed one by one.
// However, we should warn about any insertions that were within the
// given compilation unit but still didn't get inserted.
List<? extends Tree> typeDecls = node.getTypeDecls();
for (Insertion i : uninserted) {
InClassCriterion c = i.getCriteria().getInClass();
if (c == null) {
for (Tree t : typeDecls) {
if (c.isSatisfiedBy(TreePath.getPath(node, t))) {
// Avoid warnings about synthetic generated methods.
// This test is too coarse, but is good enough for now.
// There are also synthetic local variables; maybe suppress
// warnings about them, too.
if (! (i.getCriteria().isOnMethod("<init>()V")
|| i.getCriteria().isOnLocalVariable())) {
// Should be made more user-friendly
System.err.printf("Found class %s, but unable to insert %s:%n %s%n", c.className, i.getText(), i);
if (dbug.isEnabled()) {
// Output every insertion that was not given a position:
for (Insertion i : uninserted) {
System.err.println("Unable to insert: " + i);
dbug.debug("getPositions => %d positions%n", insertions.size());
return Multimaps.unmodifiableSetMultimap(insertions);
* Scans the given tree with the given {@link Insertions} and returns
* the mapping from source position to insertion text.
* <p>
* <i>N.B.:</i> This method calls {@code scan()} internally.
* </p>
* @param node the tree to scan
* @param insertions the insertion criteria
* @return the source position to insertion text mapping
public SetMultimap<Pair<Integer, ASTPath>, Insertion>
getPositions(JCCompilationUnit node, Insertions insertions) {
List<Insertion> list = new ArrayList<Insertion>();
list.addAll(insertions.forOuterClass(node, ""));
for (JCTree decl : node.getTypeDecls()) {
if (decl.getTag() == JCTree.Tag.CLASSDEF) {
String name = ((JCClassDecl) decl).sym.className();
Collection<Insertion> forClass = insertions.forOuterClass(node, name);
return getInsertionsByPosition(node, list);