* Provides interfaces and classes for finding where in the existing
* source to insert annotations etc. {@link annotator.find.TreeFinder} manages the
* control flow and discovers the positions for insertion, relying on
* implementations of {@link annotator.find.Criterion} for determining whether an
* insertion should be made at a given location and on extensions of
* {@link annotator.find.Insertion} for the concrete text to be inserted.
* <p>
* The current flow, given a collection of insertions and an abstract
* syntax tree (AST) representing a Java source file, consists of a
* pre-order traversal of the AST to find insertion positions, followed
* by the insertion of text for each positioned {@link annotator.find.Insertion} into
* the source code, in reverse order by position. At each annotatable
* node encountered during the traversal, the program checks the
* {@link annotator.find.Criteria} for each yet-unmatched {@link annotator.find.Insertion} against
* the current node; when there is a match, the program finds and
* records the appropriate source position.
* @see annotator.find.TreeFinder#getInsertionsByPosition(com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCCompilationUnit, java.util.List)
package annotator.find;