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.PHONY: all
all: bridge no-bridge


JAVACVERSION = $(shell $(JAVAC) -version 2>&1)
ifeq (1.7.,$(findstring 1.7.,$(JAVACVERSION)))
  JAVACTARGET = -source 7 -target 7

.PHONY: bridge
# Counting bridge methods, there should be 3 @A annotations.
bridge: C.class
	CLASSPATH=.:${CLASSPATH} ../../../scripts/extract-annotations C.class
# skip test if using javac 1.7, which doesn't copy annotations to bridge methods
	test 3 -eq `grep -c -w '@A' C.jaif` || (echo "Didn't find 3 '@A' in C.jaif:" && cat C.jaif && false)

.PHONY: no-bridge
# Not counting bridge methods, there should be 2 @A annotations.
# -b ignores annotations on bridge methods
no-bridge: C.class
	CLASSPATH=.:${CLASSPATH} ../../../scripts/extract-annotations -b C.class
	test 2 -eq `grep -c -w '@A' C.jaif` || (echo "Didn't find 2 '@A' in C.jaif:" && cat C.jaif && false)

C.class: C.java

.PHONY: clean
	rm -rf *.class C.jaif annotated out