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package annotations;

import annotations.el.AnnotationDef;
import annotations.field.AnnotationAFT;
import annotations.field.AnnotationFieldType;
import annotations.field.ArrayAFT;
import annotations.field.EnumAFT;
import annotations.field.ScalarAFT;

import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.*;

 * This noninstantiable class provides useful static methods related to
 * annotations, following the convention of {@link java.util.Collections}.
public abstract class Annotations {
    private Annotations() {}

    public static Set<Annotation> noAnnotations;
    public static Map<String, ? extends AnnotationFieldType> noFieldTypes;
    public static Map<String, ? extends Object> noFieldValues;
    public static Set<Annotation> typeQualifierMetaAnnotations;

    public static EnumAFT aftRetentionPolicy;
    public static AnnotationDef adRetention;
    public static Annotation aRetentionClass;
    public static Annotation aRetentionRuntime;
    public static Annotation aRetentionSource;
    public static Set<Annotation> asRetentionClass;
    public static Set<Annotation> asRetentionRuntime;
    public static Set<Annotation> asRetentionSource;

    public static AnnotationDef adTarget;
    public static Annotation aTargetTypeUse;

    public static AnnotationDef adDocumented;
    public static Annotation aDocumented;

    public static AnnotationDef adNonNull;
    public static Annotation aNonNull;

    public static AnnotationDef adTypeQualifier;
    public static Annotation aTypeQualifier;

     * Annotations that are meta-annotated with themselves.  Due to a flaw
     * in the the Scene Library, it is unable to read them from classfiles.
     * An expedient workaround is to pre-define them, so they never need be
     * read from a classfile.
    public static Set<AnnotationDef> standardDefs;

    // the field types for an annotation with only one field, named "value".
    static Map<String, ? extends AnnotationFieldType>
                          valueFieldTypeOnly(AnnotationFieldType aft) {
        return Collections.singletonMap("value", aft);

    // the field values for an annotation with only one field, named "value".
    public static Map<String, ? extends Object> valueFieldOnly(Object valueValue) {
        return Collections.singletonMap("value", valueValue);

    // Create an annotation definition with only a value field.
    public static AnnotationDef createValueAnnotationDef(String name, Set<Annotation> metaAnnotations, AnnotationFieldType aft) {
        return new AnnotationDef(name, metaAnnotations, valueFieldTypeOnly(aft));

    // Create an annotation with only a value field.
    public static Annotation createValueAnnotation(AnnotationDef ad, Object value) {
        return new Annotation(ad, valueFieldOnly(value));

    public static Annotation getRetentionPolicyMetaAnnotation(RetentionPolicy rp) {
        switch (rp) {
        case CLASS: return aRetentionClass;
        case RUNTIME: return aRetentionRuntime;
        case SOURCE: return aRetentionSource;
            throw new Error("This can't happen");

    public static Set<Annotation> getRetentionPolicyMetaAnnotationSet(RetentionPolicy rp) {
        switch (rp) {
        case CLASS: return asRetentionClass;
        case RUNTIME: return asRetentionRuntime;
        case SOURCE: return asRetentionSource;
            throw new Error("This can't happen");

    static {
        noAnnotations = Collections.<Annotation> emptySet();
        noFieldTypes = Collections.<String, AnnotationFieldType> emptyMap();
        noFieldValues = Collections.<String, Object> emptyMap();

        // This is slightly complicated because Retention's definition is
        // meta-annotated by itself, we have to define the annotation
        // before we can create the annotation on it.
        aftRetentionPolicy = new EnumAFT("java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy");
        adRetention = new AnnotationDef("java.lang.annotation.Retention");
        aRetentionRuntime = createValueAnnotation(adRetention, "RUNTIME");
        aRetentionClass = createValueAnnotation(adRetention, "CLASS");
        aRetentionSource = createValueAnnotation(adRetention, "SOURCE");
        asRetentionClass = Collections.singleton(aRetentionClass);
        asRetentionRuntime = Collections.singleton(aRetentionRuntime);
        asRetentionSource = Collections.singleton(aRetentionSource);

        // Documented's definition is also self-meta-annotated.
        adDocumented = new AnnotationDef("java.lang.annotation.Documented");
        aDocumented = new Annotation(adDocumented, noFieldValues);

        adTarget = createValueAnnotationDef("java.lang.annotation.Target",
                                            new ArrayAFT(new EnumAFT("java.lang.annotation.ElementType")));
        aTargetTypeUse = createValueAnnotation(adTarget,
                                               // Problem:  ElementType.TYPE_USE is defined only in JDK 7.
                                               // need to decide what the canonical format for these strings is.
                                               // Collections.singletonList("java.lang.annotation.ElementType.TYPE_USE")
                                               // This is the way that naively reading them from classfile gives.

        typeQualifierMetaAnnotations = new HashSet<Annotation>();

        adNonNull = new AnnotationDef("org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.NonNull",
        aNonNull = new Annotation(adNonNull, noFieldValues);

        adTypeQualifier = new AnnotationDef("org.checkerframework.framework.qual.TypeQualifier",
        aTypeQualifier = new Annotation(adTypeQualifier, noFieldValues);

        standardDefs = new LinkedHashSet<AnnotationDef>();
        // Because annotations can be read from classfiles, it isn't really
        // necessary to add any more here.


     * Converts the given scalar annotation field value to one appropriate for
     * passing to an {@link AnnotationBuilder} created by <code>af</code>.
     * Conversion is only necessary if <code>x</code> is a subannotation, in
     * which case we rebuild it with <code>af</code> since
     * {@link AnnotationBuilder#addScalarField addScalarField} of an
     * {@link AnnotationBuilder} created by <code>af</code> only accepts
     * subannotations built by <code>af</code>.
    private static Object convertAFV(ScalarAFT aft, Object x) {
        if (aft instanceof AnnotationAFT) {
            return rebuild((Annotation) x);
        } else {
            return x;

     * Rebuilds the annotation <code>a</code> using the factory
     * <code>af</code> by iterating through its fields according to its
     * definition and getting the values with {@link Annotation#getFieldValue}.
     * Returns null if the factory is not interested in <code>a</code>.
    public static final Annotation rebuild(Annotation a) {
        AnnotationBuilder ab = AnnotationFactory.saf.beginAnnotation(a.def());
        if (ab != null) {
            for (Map. Entry<String, AnnotationFieldType> fieldDef
                    : a.def().fieldTypes.entrySet()) {

                String fieldName = fieldDef.getKey();
                AnnotationFieldType fieldType =
                Object fieldValue =

                Object nnFieldValue;
                if (fieldValue != null) {
                    nnFieldValue = fieldValue;
                } else throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "annotation has no field value");

                if (fieldType instanceof ArrayAFT) {
                    ArrayAFT aFieldType =
                            (ArrayAFT) fieldType;
                    ArrayBuilder arrb =
                            ab.beginArrayField(fieldName, aFieldType);
                    List<? extends Object> l =
                            (List<? extends Object>) fieldValue;
                    ScalarAFT nnElementType;
                    if (aFieldType.elementType != null) {
                        nnElementType = aFieldType.elementType;
                    } else {
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                                "annotation field type is missing element type");
                    for (Object o : l) {
                                nnElementType, o));
                } else {
                    ScalarAFT sFieldType =
                            (ScalarAFT) fieldType;
                    ab.addScalarField(fieldName, sFieldType,
                            convertAFV(sFieldType, fieldValue));
            return ab.finish();
        } else {
            return null;
