# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import logging, re, subprocess, threading
import common
from autotest_lib.client.bin import test, utils
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
class hardware_Badblocks(test.test):
Runs badblocks on the root partition that is not being used.
version = 1
# Define output that is expected from a successful badblocks run.
'Pass completed, 0 bad blocks found. (0/0/0 errors)')
# Define Linux badblocks utility name.
_BADBLOCKS = 'badblocks'
# Define variables to store some statistics of the runs.
_pass_count = 0
_fail_count = 0
_longest_runtime = 0
def _get_sector_size(self, dev):
Finds block device's sector size in bytes.
@return the sector size.
argv = ('parted ' + dev + ' print | grep "Sector size" | awk -F ' +
'"/" \'{print $3}\' | sed \'$s/.$//\'')
return utils.system_output(argv)
def _timeout(self, badblocks_proc):
Timeout callback for the badblocks process.
Kills badblocks process if still running and fails test.
# Kill badblocks, report if not killed, log any exceptions.
if badblocks_proc.poll() == None:
logging.info('badblocks taking too long---sending SIGKILL')
except Exception as e:
logging.info('%s', e)
# name of the kernel function in which the process is sleeping.
argv = ('ps eopid,fname,wchan | grep ' + self._BADBLOCKS +
' | awk \'{print $3}\'')
waiton = utils.system_output(argv)
if waiton:
logging.info('badblocks is waiting on %s', waiton)
raise error.TestError('Error: badblocks timed out.')
def _run_badblocks(self, dev, sector_size, tmout):
Runs badblocks.
# Run badblocks on the selected partition, with parameters:
# -s = show progress
# -v = verbose (print error count)
# -w = destructive write+read test
# -b = block size (set equal to sector size)
argv = [self._BADBLOCKS, '-svw', '-d', str(sector_size), dev]
msg = 'Running: ' + ' '.join(map(str, argv))
badblocks_proc = subprocess.Popen(
stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, # Combine stderr with stdout.
# Start timeout timer thread.
t = threading.Timer(tmout, self._timeout, [badblocks_proc])
# Get badblocks output.
stdout, _ = badblocks_proc.communicate()
# Stop timer if badblocks has finished.
# Check badblocks exit status.
if badblocks_proc.returncode != 0:
raise error.TestError('badblocks returned with code: %s',
# Parse and log badblocks output.
logging.info('badblocks output:')
lines = stdout.split('\n')
del lines[-1] # Remove blank line at end.
# Log the progress of badblocks (line 2 onwards, minus last line).
for line in lines[2:-1]:
# replace backspace characters with a newline character.
line = re.sub(r'[\b]+', '\n', line)
# Log test pattern info.
pattern_info = line[:line.find(':') + 1]
logging.info('%s', pattern_info)
sublines = line[line.find(':') + 2:].split('\n')
for subline in sublines:
logging.info('%s', subline)
# Log result (last line).
# Get run time in seconds.
min_sec = re.match(r'(\w+):(\w+)', lines[-2].split()[-4])
runtime = int(min_sec.group(1)) * 60 + int(min_sec.group(2))
# Update longest run time.
if self._longest_runtime < runtime:
self._longest_runtime = runtime
# Check badblocks result.
result = lines[-1].strip()
self._fail_count += 1
self._pass_count += 1
def run_once(self, iters=1, tmout=60 * 60):
Executes test.
@param iters: Number of times to run badblocks.
@param tmout: Time allowed badblocks to run before killing it.
(Default time is 60 minutes.)
# Log starting message.
logging.info('Statring hardware_Badblocks Test.')
logging.info('Iterations: %d', iters)
logging.info('badblocks Timeout (sec): %d', tmout)
# Determine which device and partition to use.
logging.info('Determine unused root partition to test on:')
dev = utils.get_free_root_partition()
logging.info('Testing on ' + dev)
# Get block device's sector size.
logging.info('Determine block device sector size:')
sector_size = self._get_sector_size(utils.get_root_device())
logging.info('Sector size (bytes): ' + sector_size)
# Get partition size.
logging.info('Determine partition size:')
part_size = utils.get_disk_size(dev)
logging.info('Partition size (bytes): %s', part_size)
# Run badblocks.
for i in range(iters):
logging.info('Starting iteration %d', i)
self._run_badblocks(dev, sector_size, tmout)
# Report statistics.
logging.info('Total pass: %d', self._pass_count)
logging.info('Total fail: %d', self._fail_count)
stats = {}
stats['ea_badblocks_runs'] = iters
stats['ea_passed_count'] = self._pass_count
stats['ea_failed_count'] = self._fail_count
stats['sec_longest_run'] = self._longest_runtime
# TODO: change write_perf_keyval() to output_perf_value() as soon as
# autotest is ready for it.
# Report test pass/fail.
if self._pass_count != iters:
raise error.TestFail('One or more runs found bad blocks on'
' storage device.')