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# Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

import logging, re
from autotest_lib.client.bin import test, utils
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
from autotest_lib.client.cros import service_stopper

# Expected results of 'tpmc getX' commands.
    'getvf': # volatile (ST_CLEAR) flags
     set([('deactivated', '0'), ('physicalPresence', '0'),
          ('physicalPresenceLock', '1'), ('bGlobalLock', '1')]),
    'getpf': # permanent flags
     set([('disable', '0'), ('ownership', '1'), ('deactivated', '0'),
          ('physicalPresenceHWEnable', '0'), ('physicalPresenceCMDEnable', '1'),
          ('physicalPresenceLifetimeLock', '1'), ('nvLocked', '1')])}

    'getvf': # volatile (ST_CLEAR) flags
     set([('phEnable', '0'), ('shEnable', '1'),
          ('ehEnable', '1'), ('phEnableNV', '1')]),
    'getpf': # permanent flags
     set([('inLockout', '0')])}

# Expected permissions for NV indexes.
PERM_EXPECTED_1_2 = {'0x1007': '0x8001', '0x1008': '0x1'}
PERM_EXPECTED_2_0 = {'0x1007': '0x60054c01', '0x1008': '0x60050001'}

def missing_firmware_version():
    """Check for empty fwid.

    @return True if no fwid else False.
    cmd = 'crossystem fwid'
    return not utils.system_output(cmd, ignore_status=True).strip()

def __run_tpmc_cmd(subcommand):
    """Make this test more readable by simplifying commonly used tpmc command.

    @param subcommand: String of the tpmc subcommand (getvf, getpf, getp, ...)
    @return String output (which may be empty).
    cmd = 'tpmc %s' % subcommand
    return utils.system_output(cmd, ignore_status=True).strip()

def check_tpmc(subcommand, expected):
    """Runs tpmc command and checks the output against an expected result.

    The expected results take 2 different forms:
    1. A regular expression that is matched.
    2. A set of tuples that are matched.

    @param subcommand: String of the tpmc subcommand (getvf, getpf, getp, ...)
    @param expected: Either a String re or the set of expected tuples.
    @raises error.TestError() for invalidly matching expected.
    error_msg = 'invalid response to tpmc %s' % subcommand
    if isinstance(expected, str):
        out = __run_tpmc_cmd(subcommand)
        if (not re.match(expected, out)):
            raise error.TestError('%s: %s' % (error_msg, out))
        result_set = utils.set_from_keyval_output(__run_tpmc_cmd(subcommand))
        if set(expected) <= result_set:
        raise error.TestError('%s: expected=%s.' %
                              (error_msg, sorted(set(expected) - result_set)))

def check_perm(index, perm):
    return check_tpmc('getp %s' % index, '.*%s$' % perm)

def is_tpm2():
    """Check TPM version.

    @return True if the system has TPM2.0 else False.
    trunks_init_file = '/etc/init/trunksd.conf'
    cmd = 'ls %s' % trunks_init_file
    output = utils.system_output(cmd, ignore_status=True).strip()
    return output == trunks_init_file

class hardware_TPMCheck(test.test):
    """Check that the state of the TPM is as expected."""
    version = 1

    def initialize(self):
        # Must stop the TCSD process to be able to collect TPM status,
        # then restart TCSD process to leave system in a known good state.
        # Must also stop services which depend on tcsd.
        # Note: for TPM2 the order of re-starting services (they are started
        # in the reversed listed order) is important: e.g. tpm_managerd must
        # start after trunksd, and cryptohomed after attestationd.
        self._services = service_stopper.ServiceStopper(['cryptohomed',
                                                         'tcsd', 'trunksd'])

    def run_once(self):
        """Run a few TPM state checks."""
        if missing_firmware_version():
            logging.warning('no firmware version, skipping test')

        if is_tpm2():
            logging.info('Running on TPM 2.0')
            tpmc_expected = TPMC_EXPECTED_2_0
            perm_expected = PERM_EXPECTED_2_0
            logging.info('Running on TPM 1.2')
            tpmc_expected = TPMC_EXPECTED_1_2
            perm_expected = PERM_EXPECTED_1_2

        # Check volatile and permanent flags
        for subcommand in ['getvf', 'getpf']:
            check_tpmc(subcommand, tpmc_expected[subcommand])

        # Check space permissions
        for index in ['0x1007', '0x1008']:
            check_perm(index, perm_expected[index])

        # Check kernel space UID
        check_tpmc('read 0x1008 0x5', '.* 4c 57 52 47$')

    def cleanup(self):