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# Copyright (c) 2003-2016 CORE Security Technologies
# This software is provided under under a slightly modified version
# of the Apache Software License. See the accompanying LICENSE file
# for more information.
# Author: Alberto Solino (beto@coresecurity.com)
# Description:
#   SPNEGO functions used by SMB, SMB2/3 and DCERPC

from struct import pack, unpack, calcsize

############### GSS Stuff ################
GSS_API_SPNEGO_UUID              = '\x2b\x06\x01\x05\x05\x02' 
ASN1_SEQUENCE                    = 0x30
ASN1_AID                         = 0x60
ASN1_OID                         = 0x06
ASN1_OCTET_STRING                = 0x04
ASN1_MECH_TYPE                   = 0xa0
ASN1_MECH_TOKEN                  = 0xa2
ASN1_SUPPORTED_MECH              = 0xa1
ASN1_RESPONSE_TOKEN              = 0xa2
ASN1_ENUMERATED                  = 0x0a
MechTypes = {
'+\x06\x01\x04\x01\x827\x02\x02\x1e': 'SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.311.2.2.30',
'+\x06\x01\x04\x01\x827\x02\x02\n': 'NTLMSSP - Microsoft NTLM Security Support Provider',
'*\x86H\x82\xf7\x12\x01\x02\x02': 'MS KRB5 - Microsoft Kerberos 5',
'*\x86H\x86\xf7\x12\x01\x02\x02': 'KRB5 - Kerberos 5',
'*\x86H\x86\xf7\x12\x01\x02\x02\x03': 'KRB5 - Kerberos 5 - User to User'
TypesMech = dict((v,k) for k, v in MechTypes.iteritems())

def asn1encode(data = ''):
        #res = asn1.SEQUENCE(str).encode()
        #import binascii
        #print '\nalex asn1encode str: %s\n' % binascii.hexlify(str)
        if 0 <= len(data) <= 0x7F:
            res = pack('B', len(data)) + data
        elif 0x80 <= len(data) <= 0xFF:
            res = pack('BB', 0x81, len(data)) + data
        elif 0x100 <= len(data) <= 0xFFFF:
            res = pack('!BH', 0x82, len(data)) + data
        elif 0x10000 <= len(data) <= 0xffffff:
            res = pack('!BBH', 0x83, len(data) >> 16, len(data) & 0xFFFF) + data
        elif 0x1000000 <= len(data) <= 0xffffffff:
            res = pack('!BL', 0x84, len(data)) + data
            raise Exception('Error in asn1encode')
        return str(res)

def asn1decode(data = ''):
        len1 = unpack('B', data[:1])[0]
        data = data[1:]
        if len1 == 0x81:
            pad = calcsize('B')
            len2 = unpack('B',data[:pad])[0]
            data = data[pad:]
            ans = data[:len2]
        elif len1 == 0x82:
            pad = calcsize('H')
            len2 = unpack('!H', data[:pad])[0]
            data = data[pad:]
            ans = data[:len2]
        elif len1 == 0x83:
            pad = calcsize('B') + calcsize('!H')
            len2, len3 = unpack('!BH', data[:pad])
            data = data[pad:]
            ans = data[:len2 << 16 + len3]
        elif len1 == 0x84:
            pad = calcsize('!L')
            len2 = unpack('!L', data[:pad])[0]
            data = data[pad:]
            ans = data[:len2]
        # 1 byte length, string <= 0x7F
            pad = 0
            ans = data[:len1]
        return ans, len(ans)+pad+1

class GSSAPI:
# Generic GSSAPI Header Format 
    def __init__(self, data = None):
        self.fields = {}
        self['UUID'] = GSS_API_SPNEGO_UUID
        if data:

    def __setitem__(self,key,value):
        self.fields[key] = value

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self.fields[key]

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        del self.fields[key]

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.getData())

    def __str__(self):
        return len(self.getData())

    def fromString(self, data = None):
        # Manual parse of the GSSAPI Header Format
        # It should be something like
        # AID = 0x60 TAG, BER Length
        # OID = 0x06 TAG
        # GSSAPI OID
        # UUID data (BER Encoded)
        # Payload
        next_byte = unpack('B',data[:1])[0]
        if next_byte != ASN1_AID:
            raise Exception('Unknown AID=%x' % next_byte)
        data = data[1:]
        decode_data, total_bytes = asn1decode(data) 
        # Now we should have a OID tag
       	next_byte = unpack('B',decode_data[:1])[0]
        if next_byte !=  ASN1_OID:
            raise Exception('OID tag not found %x' % next_byte)
        decode_data = decode_data[1:]
        # Now the OID contents, should be SPNEGO UUID
        uuid, total_bytes = asn1decode(decode_data)                
        self['OID'] = uuid
        # the rest should be the data
        self['Payload'] = decode_data[total_bytes:]
    def dump(self):
        for i in self.fields.keys():
            print "%s: {%r}" % (i,self[i])

    def getData(self):
        ans = pack('B',ASN1_AID)
        ans += asn1encode(
               pack('B',ASN1_OID) + 
               asn1encode(self['UUID']) +
               self['Payload'] )
        return ans

class SPNEGO_NegTokenResp:
    # http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4178#page-9
    # NegTokenResp ::= SEQUENCE {
    #     negState       [0] ENUMERATED {
    #         accept-completed    (0),
    #         accept-incomplete   (1),
    #         reject              (2),
    #         request-mic         (3)
    #     }                                 OPTIONAL,
    #       -- REQUIRED in the first reply from the target
    #     supportedMech   [1] MechType      OPTIONAL,
    #       -- present only in the first reply from the target
    #     responseToken   [2] OCTET STRING  OPTIONAL,
    #     mechListMIC     [3] OCTET STRING  OPTIONAL,
    #     ...
    # }
    # This structure is not prepended by a GSS generic header!

    def __init__(self, data = None):
        self.fields = {}
        if data:

    def __setitem__(self,key,value):
        self.fields[key] = value

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self.fields[key]

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        del self.fields[key]

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.getData())

    def __str__(self):
        return len(self.getData())

    def fromString(self, data = 0):
        payload = data
        next_byte = unpack('B', payload[:1])[0]
        if next_byte != SPNEGO_NegTokenResp.SPNEGO_NEG_TOKEN_RESP:
            raise Exception('NegTokenResp not found %x' % next_byte)
        payload = payload[1:]
        decode_data, total_bytes = asn1decode(payload)
        next_byte = unpack('B', decode_data[:1])[0]
        if next_byte != ASN1_SEQUENCE:
            raise Exception('SEQUENCE tag not found %x' % next_byte)
        decode_data = decode_data[1:]
        decode_data, total_bytes = asn1decode(decode_data)
        next_byte = unpack('B',decode_data[:1])[0]

        if next_byte != ASN1_MECH_TYPE:
            # MechType not found, could be an AUTH answer
            if next_byte != ASN1_RESPONSE_TOKEN:
               raise Exception('MechType/ResponseToken tag not found %x' % next_byte)
            decode_data2 = decode_data[1:]
            decode_data2, total_bytes = asn1decode(decode_data2)
            next_byte = unpack('B', decode_data2[:1])[0]
            if next_byte != ASN1_ENUMERATED:
                raise Exception('Enumerated tag not found %x' % next_byte)
            item, total_bytes2 = asn1decode(decode_data)
            self['NegResult'] = item
            decode_data = decode_data[1:]
            decode_data = decode_data[total_bytes:]

            # Do we have more data?
            if len(decode_data) == 0:

            next_byte = unpack('B', decode_data[:1])[0]
            if next_byte != ASN1_SUPPORTED_MECH:
                if next_byte != ASN1_RESPONSE_TOKEN:
                    raise Exception('Supported Mech/ResponseToken tag not found %x' % next_byte)
                decode_data2 = decode_data[1:]
                decode_data2, total_bytes = asn1decode(decode_data2)
                next_byte = unpack('B', decode_data2[:1])[0]
                if next_byte != ASN1_OID:
                    raise Exception('OID tag not found %x' % next_byte)
                decode_data2 = decode_data2[1:]
                item, total_bytes2 = asn1decode(decode_data2)
                self['SuportedMech'] = item

                decode_data = decode_data[1:]
                decode_data = decode_data[total_bytes:]
                next_byte = unpack('B', decode_data[:1])[0]
                if next_byte != ASN1_RESPONSE_TOKEN:
                    raise Exception('Response token tag not found %x' % next_byte)

        decode_data = decode_data[1:]
        decode_data, total_bytes = asn1decode(decode_data)
        next_byte = unpack('B', decode_data[:1])[0]
        if next_byte != ASN1_OCTET_STRING:
            raise Exception('Octet string token tag not found %x' % next_byte)
        decode_data = decode_data[1:]
        decode_data, total_bytes = asn1decode(decode_data)
        self['ResponseToken'] = decode_data

    def dump(self):
        for i in self.fields.keys():
            print "%s: {%r}" % (i,self[i])
    def getData(self):
        ans = pack('B',SPNEGO_NegTokenResp.SPNEGO_NEG_TOKEN_RESP)
        if self.fields.has_key('NegResult') and self.fields.has_key('SupportedMech'):
            # Server resp
            ans += asn1encode(
               pack('B', ASN1_SEQUENCE) +
               pack('B',SPNEGO_NegTokenResp.SPNEGO_NEG_TOKEN_TARG) +
               pack('B',ASN1_ENUMERATED) + 
               asn1encode( self['NegResult'] )) +
               pack('B',ASN1_SUPPORTED_MECH) +
               pack('B',ASN1_OID) +
               asn1encode(self['SupportedMech'])) +
               pack('B',ASN1_RESPONSE_TOKEN ) +
               pack('B', ASN1_OCTET_STRING) + asn1encode(self['ResponseToken']))))
        elif self.fields.has_key('NegResult'):
            # Server resp
            ans += asn1encode(
               pack('B', ASN1_SEQUENCE) + 
               pack('B', SPNEGO_NegTokenResp.SPNEGO_NEG_TOKEN_TARG) +
               pack('B',ASN1_ENUMERATED) +
               asn1encode( self['NegResult'] ))))
            # Client resp
            ans += asn1encode(
               pack('B', ASN1_SEQUENCE) +
               pack('B', ASN1_RESPONSE_TOKEN) +
               pack('B', ASN1_OCTET_STRING) + asn1encode(self['ResponseToken']))))
        return ans

class SPNEGO_NegTokenInit(GSSAPI):
    # http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4178#page-8 
    # NegTokeInit :: = SEQUENCE {
    #   mechTypes	[0] MechTypeList,
    #   reqFlags        [1] ContextFlags OPTIONAL,
    #   mechToken       [2] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,	
    #   mechListMIC     [3] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,
    # }
    def fromString(self, data = 0):
        GSSAPI.fromString(self, data)
        payload = self['Payload']
        next_byte = unpack('B', payload[:1])[0] 
        if next_byte != SPNEGO_NegTokenInit.SPNEGO_NEG_TOKEN_INIT:
            raise Exception('NegTokenInit not found %x' % next_byte)
        payload = payload[1:]
        decode_data, total_bytes = asn1decode(payload)
        # Now we should have a SEQUENCE Tag
	next_byte = unpack('B', decode_data[:1])[0]
        if next_byte != ASN1_SEQUENCE:
            raise Exception('SEQUENCE tag not found %x' % next_byte)
        decode_data = decode_data[1:]
        decode_data, total_bytes2 = asn1decode(decode_data)
        next_byte = unpack('B',decode_data[:1])[0]
        if next_byte != ASN1_MECH_TYPE:
            raise Exception('MechType tag not found %x' % next_byte)
        decode_data = decode_data[1:]
        remaining_data = decode_data
        decode_data, total_bytes3 = asn1decode(decode_data)
        next_byte = unpack('B', decode_data[:1])[0]
        if next_byte != ASN1_SEQUENCE:
            raise Exception('SEQUENCE tag not found %x' % next_byte)
        decode_data = decode_data[1:]
        decode_data, total_bytes4 = asn1decode(decode_data)
        # And finally we should have the MechTypes
        self['MechTypes'] = []
        while decode_data:
           next_byte = unpack('B', decode_data[:1])[0]
           if next_byte != ASN1_OID:    
             # Not a valid OID, there must be something else we won't unpack
           decode_data = decode_data[1:]
           item, total_bytes = asn1decode(decode_data)
           decode_data = decode_data[total_bytes:]

        # Do we have MechTokens as well?
        decode_data = remaining_data[total_bytes3:]
        if len(decode_data) > 0:
            next_byte = unpack('B', decode_data[:1])[0]
            if next_byte == ASN1_MECH_TOKEN:
                # We have tokens in here!
                decode_data = decode_data[1:]
                decode_data, total_bytes = asn1decode(decode_data)
                next_byte = unpack('B', decode_data[:1])[0]
                if next_byte ==  ASN1_OCTET_STRING:
                    decode_data = decode_data[1:]
                    decode_data, total_bytes = asn1decode(decode_data)
                    self['MechToken'] =  decode_data

    def getData(self):
        mechTypes = ''
        for i in self['MechTypes']:
            mechTypes += pack('B', ASN1_OID)
            mechTypes += asn1encode(i)

        mechToken = ''
        # Do we have tokens to send?
        if self.fields.has_key('MechToken'):
            mechToken = pack('B', ASN1_MECH_TOKEN) + asn1encode(
                pack('B', ASN1_OCTET_STRING) + asn1encode(

        ans = pack('B',SPNEGO_NegTokenInit.SPNEGO_NEG_TOKEN_INIT)
        ans += asn1encode(
               pack('B', ASN1_SEQUENCE) +
               pack('B', ASN1_MECH_TYPE) +
               pack('B', ASN1_SEQUENCE) + 
               asn1encode(mechTypes)) + mechToken ))

        self['Payload'] = ans
        return GSSAPI.getData(self)