// Copyright 2017 The Gemmlowp Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// simd_wrappers.h: some inline functions wrapping SIMD intrinsics,
// extending the set of such functions from fixedpoint.h.
#include <algorithm>
#include <type_traits>
#include "../fixedpoint/fixedpoint.h"
namespace gemmlowp {
template <typename ScalarType, int ScalarCount>
struct RegisterType {
using Type = ScalarType;
inline std::int32_t Min(std::int32_t a, std::int32_t b) {
return std::min(a, b);
inline std::int32_t Max(std::int32_t a, std::int32_t b) {
return std::max(a, b);
inline void MulAdd(std::int32_t lhs, std::int32_t rhs, std::int32_t* acc) {
*acc += lhs * rhs;
template <typename tScalarType, int tScalarCount>
struct RegisterBuffer {
using ScalarType = tScalarType;
static constexpr int kScalarCount = tScalarCount;
using RegisterType = typename RegisterType<ScalarType, kScalarCount>::Type;
static_assert((kScalarCount & (kScalarCount - 1)) == 0,
"kScalarCount must be a power of two");
static_assert(sizeof(RegisterType) % sizeof(ScalarType) == 0, "");
static constexpr int kRegisterLanes =
sizeof(RegisterType) / sizeof(ScalarType);
static constexpr int kRegisterCount =
(kScalarCount * sizeof(ScalarType) + sizeof(RegisterType) - 1) /
RegisterType reg[kRegisterCount];
template <typename tScalarType, int tRows, int tCols>
struct RegisterBlock {
using ScalarType = tScalarType;
static constexpr int kRows = tRows;
static constexpr int kCols = tCols;
static constexpr int kScalarCount = kRows * kCols;
using BufferType = RegisterBuffer<ScalarType, kScalarCount>;
using RegisterType = typename BufferType::RegisterType;
static constexpr int kRegisterCount = BufferType::kRegisterCount;
static constexpr int kRegisterLanes = BufferType::kRegisterLanes;
BufferType buf;
template <typename RegisterBlockType>
struct RegisterBlockAddImpl {
static RegisterBlockType Run(const RegisterBlockType& lhs,
const RegisterBlockType& rhs) {
RegisterBlockType result;
for (int i = 0; i < RegisterBlockType::kRegisterCount; i++) {
result.buf.reg[i] = Add(lhs.buf.reg[i], rhs.buf.reg[i]);
return result;
template <typename RegisterBlockType>
RegisterBlockType RegisterBlockAdd(const RegisterBlockType& lhs,
const RegisterBlockType& rhs) {
return RegisterBlockAddImpl<RegisterBlockType>::Run(lhs, rhs);
template <typename LhsType, typename RhsType>
struct ShouldFlipLhsRhs {
static constexpr bool kValue =
(LhsType::kScalarCount < RhsType::kScalarCount) ||
(LhsType::kScalarCount == RhsType::kScalarCount &&
(LhsType::kRows < RhsType::kRows));
template <typename LhsType, typename RhsType,
bool Flip = ShouldFlipLhsRhs<LhsType, RhsType>::kValue>
struct FlipLhsRhs {
using FlippedLhsType = LhsType;
using FlippedRhsType = RhsType;
static const FlippedLhsType& FlippedLhs(const LhsType& lhs,
const RhsType& rhs) {
return lhs;
static const FlippedRhsType& FlippedRhs(const LhsType& lhs,
const RhsType& rhs) {
return rhs;
template <typename LhsType, typename RhsType>
struct FlipLhsRhs<LhsType, RhsType, true> {
using FlippedLhsType = RhsType;
using FlippedRhsType = LhsType;
static const FlippedLhsType& FlippedLhs(const LhsType& lhs,
const RhsType& rhs) {
return rhs;
static const FlippedRhsType& FlippedRhs(const LhsType& lhs,
const RhsType& rhs) {
return lhs;
template <typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
struct BroadcastBinaryOpShape {
static constexpr int kRows =
Lhs::kRows > Rhs::kRows ? Lhs::kRows : Rhs::kRows;
static constexpr int kCols =
Lhs::kCols > Rhs::kCols ? Lhs::kCols : Rhs::kCols;
template <typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
struct BroadcastBinaryOpRegisterBlock {
using Shape = BroadcastBinaryOpShape<Lhs, Rhs>;
using ScalarType = typename Lhs::ScalarType;
using Type = RegisterBlock<ScalarType, Shape::kRows, Shape::kCols>;
template <typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
struct BroadcastAddImpl {
using ResultBlockType =
typename BroadcastBinaryOpRegisterBlock<Lhs, Rhs>::Type;
static ResultBlockType Run(const Lhs& lhs, const Rhs& rhs) {
ResultBlockType result;
static constexpr int Rows = ResultBlockType::kRows;
static constexpr int Cols = ResultBlockType::kCols;
static constexpr int LhsRows = Lhs::kRows;
static constexpr int LhsCols = Lhs::kCols;
static constexpr int RhsRows = Rhs::kRows;
static constexpr int RhsCols = Rhs::kCols;
static_assert(LhsRows == Rows || LhsRows == 1, "");
static_assert(RhsRows == Rows || RhsRows == 1, "");
static_assert(LhsCols == Cols || LhsCols == 1, "");
static_assert(RhsCols == Cols || RhsCols == 1, "");
static_assert(ResultBlockType::kRegisterLanes == 1,
"This path is only for scalar values");
static_assert(Lhs::kRegisterLanes == 1,
"This path is only for scalar values");
static_assert(Rhs::kRegisterLanes == 1,
"This path is only for scalar values");
for (int c = 0; c < Cols; c++) {
const int lhs_c = LhsCols == Cols ? c : 0;
const int rhs_c = RhsCols == Cols ? c : 0;
for (int r = 0; r < Rows; r++) {
const int lhs_r = LhsRows == Rows ? r : 0;
const int rhs_r = RhsRows == Rows ? r : 0;
result.buf.reg[r + c * Rows] =
Add(lhs.buf.reg[lhs_r + lhs_c * LhsRows],
rhs.buf.reg[rhs_r + rhs_c * RhsRows]);
return result;
template <typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
typename BroadcastBinaryOpRegisterBlock<Lhs, Rhs>::Type BroadcastAdd(
const Lhs& lhs, const Rhs& rhs) {
using Flip = FlipLhsRhs<Lhs, Rhs>;
return BroadcastAddImpl<
typename Flip::FlippedLhsType,
typename Flip::FlippedRhsType>::Run(Flip::FlippedLhs(lhs, rhs),
Flip::FlippedRhs(lhs, rhs));
template <typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
struct BroadcastMulImpl {
using ResultBlockType =
typename BroadcastBinaryOpRegisterBlock<Lhs, Rhs>::Type;
static ResultBlockType Run(const Lhs& lhs, const Rhs& rhs) {
ResultBlockType result;
static constexpr int Rows = ResultBlockType::kRows;
static constexpr int Cols = ResultBlockType::kCols;
static constexpr int LhsRows = Lhs::kRows;
static constexpr int LhsCols = Lhs::kCols;
static constexpr int RhsRows = Rhs::kRows;
static constexpr int RhsCols = Rhs::kCols;
static_assert(ResultBlockType::kRegisterLanes == 1,
"This path is only for scalar values");
static_assert(Lhs::kRegisterLanes == 1,
"This path is only for scalar values");
static_assert(Rhs::kRegisterLanes == 1,
"This path is only for scalar values");
static_assert(LhsRows == Rows || LhsRows == 1, "");
static_assert(RhsRows == Rows || RhsRows == 1, "");
static_assert(LhsCols == Cols || LhsCols == 1, "");
static_assert(RhsCols == Cols || RhsCols == 1, "");
for (int c = 0; c < Cols; c++) {
const int lhs_c = LhsCols == Cols ? c : 0;
const int rhs_c = RhsCols == Cols ? c : 0;
for (int r = 0; r < Rows; r++) {
const int lhs_r = LhsRows == Rows ? r : 0;
const int rhs_r = RhsRows == Rows ? r : 0;
result.buf.reg[r + c * Rows] =
Mul(lhs.buf.reg[lhs_r + lhs_c * LhsRows],
rhs.buf.reg[rhs_r + rhs_c * RhsRows]);
return result;
template <typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
typename BroadcastBinaryOpRegisterBlock<Lhs, Rhs>::Type BroadcastMul(
const Lhs& lhs, const Rhs& rhs) {
using Flip = FlipLhsRhs<Lhs, Rhs>;
return BroadcastMulImpl<
typename Flip::FlippedLhsType,
typename Flip::FlippedRhsType>::Run(Flip::FlippedLhs(lhs, rhs),
Flip::FlippedRhs(lhs, rhs));
template <typename Lhs, typename Rhs, typename Acc>
struct BroadcastMulAddImpl {
static void Run(const Lhs& lhs, const Rhs& rhs, Acc* acc) {
static constexpr int Rows = Acc::kRows;
static constexpr int Cols = Acc::kCols;
static constexpr int LhsRows = Lhs::kRows;
static constexpr int LhsCols = Lhs::kCols;
static constexpr int RhsRows = Rhs::kRows;
static constexpr int RhsCols = Rhs::kCols;
static_assert(Acc::kRegisterLanes == 1,
"This path is only for scalar values");
static_assert(Lhs::kRegisterLanes == 1,
"This path is only for scalar values");
static_assert(Rhs::kRegisterLanes == 1,
"This path is only for scalar values");
static_assert(LhsRows == Rows || LhsRows == 1, "");
static_assert(RhsRows == Rows || RhsRows == 1, "");
static_assert(LhsCols == Cols || LhsCols == 1, "");
static_assert(RhsCols == Cols || RhsCols == 1, "");
for (int c = 0; c < Cols; c++) {
const int lhs_c = LhsCols == Cols ? c : 0;
const int rhs_c = RhsCols == Cols ? c : 0;
for (int r = 0; r < Rows; r++) {
const int lhs_r = LhsRows == Rows ? r : 0;
const int rhs_r = RhsRows == Rows ? r : 0;
MulAdd(lhs.buf.reg[lhs_r + lhs_c * LhsRows],
rhs.buf.reg[rhs_r + rhs_c * RhsRows],
&acc->buf.reg[r + c * Rows]);
template <typename Lhs, typename Rhs, typename Acc>
void BroadcastMulAdd(const Lhs& lhs, const Rhs& rhs, Acc* acc) {
using Flip = FlipLhsRhs<Lhs, Rhs>;
BroadcastMulAddImpl<typename Flip::FlippedLhsType,
typename Flip::FlippedRhsType,
Acc>::Run(Flip::FlippedLhs(lhs, rhs),
Flip::FlippedRhs(lhs, rhs), acc);
template <typename RegisterBlockType, typename SrcObjectType>
struct LoadImpl {
static_assert(std::is_same<SrcObjectType, void>::value,
"This generic impl should never be hit");
template <typename ScalarType, int Rows, int Cols, typename SrcScalarType>
struct LoadImpl<RegisterBlock<ScalarType, Rows, Cols>,
MatrixMap<SrcScalarType, MapOrder::ColMajor>> {
using RegisterBlockType = RegisterBlock<ScalarType, Rows, Cols>;
using SrcObjectType = MatrixMap<SrcScalarType, MapOrder::ColMajor>;
static RegisterBlockType Run(const SrcObjectType& src, int row, int col) {
RegisterBlockType result;
int i = 0;
for (int c = 0; c < Cols; c++) {
const ScalarType* src_ptr = src.data(row, col + c);
for (int r = 0; r < Rows; r++) {
result.buf.reg[i++] = *src_ptr++;
return result;
template <typename ScalarType, int Rows, int Cols, typename SrcScalarType,
VectorShape Shape>
struct LoadImpl<RegisterBlock<ScalarType, Rows, Cols>,
VectorMap<SrcScalarType, Shape>> {
using RegisterBlockType = RegisterBlock<ScalarType, Rows, Cols>;
using SrcObjectType = VectorMap<SrcScalarType, Shape>;
static RegisterBlockType Run(const SrcObjectType& src, int pos) {
static_assert(Shape == VectorShape::Col || Rows == 1, "");
static_assert(Shape == VectorShape::Row || Cols == 1, "");
RegisterBlockType result;
for (int i = 0; i < Rows * Cols; i++) {
result.buf.reg[i] = src(pos + i);
return result;
template <typename ScalarType, int Rows, int Cols, typename SrcScalarType,
VectorShape Shape>
struct LoadImpl<RegisterBlock<ScalarType, Rows, Cols>,
VectorDup<SrcScalarType, Shape>> {
using RegisterBlockType = RegisterBlock<ScalarType, Rows, Cols>;
using SrcObjectType = VectorDup<SrcScalarType, Shape>;
static RegisterBlockType Run(const SrcObjectType& src, int) {
static_assert(Shape == VectorShape::Col || Rows == 1, "");
static_assert(Shape == VectorShape::Row || Cols == 1, "");
RegisterBlockType result;
for (int i = 0; i < Rows * Cols; i++) {
result.buf.reg[i] = src(0);
return result;
template <typename RegisterBlockType, typename SrcObjectType>
RegisterBlockType Load(const SrcObjectType& src, int row, int col) {
return LoadImpl<RegisterBlockType, SrcObjectType>::Run(src, row, col);
template <typename RegisterBlockType, typename SrcObjectType>
RegisterBlockType Load(const SrcObjectType& src, int pos) {
return LoadImpl<RegisterBlockType, SrcObjectType>::Run(src, pos);
template <typename RegisterBlockType>
struct LoadContiguousImpl {
using ScalarType = typename RegisterBlockType::ScalarType;
static_assert(RegisterBlockType::kRegisterLanes == 1,
"This path is only for scalar values");
static RegisterBlockType Run(const ScalarType* src) {
RegisterBlockType result;
for (int i = 0; i < RegisterBlockType::kScalarCount; i++) {
result.buf.reg[i] = src[i];
return result;
template <typename RegisterBlockType>
RegisterBlockType LoadContiguous(
const typename RegisterBlockType::ScalarType* src) {
return LoadContiguousImpl<RegisterBlockType>::Run(src);
template <int BroadcastRows, int BroadcastCols, typename SrcObjectType>
struct LoadForBroadcastingShape {};
template <int BroadcastRows, int BroadcastCols, typename ScalarType,
VectorShape Shape>
struct LoadForBroadcastingShape<BroadcastRows, BroadcastCols,
VectorMap<ScalarType, Shape>> {
static constexpr int kRows = Shape == VectorShape::Col ? BroadcastRows : 1;
static constexpr int kCols = Shape == VectorShape::Row ? BroadcastCols : 1;
template <int BroadcastRows, int BroadcastCols, typename ScalarType,
VectorShape Shape>
struct LoadForBroadcastingShape<BroadcastRows, BroadcastCols,
VectorDup<ScalarType, Shape>> {
static constexpr int kRows = 1;
static constexpr int kCols = 1;
template <typename RegisterBlockType, typename SrcObjectType>
struct LoadForBroadcastingRegisterBlock {
using Shape =
RegisterBlockType::kCols, SrcObjectType>;
using ScalarType = typename RegisterBlockType::ScalarType;
using Type = RegisterBlock<ScalarType, Shape::kRows, Shape::kCols>;
template <typename RegisterBlockType, typename SrcObjectType>
struct LoadForBroadcastingImpl {
static_assert(std::is_same<SrcObjectType, void>::value,
"This generic impl should never be hit");
template <typename ScalarType, int Rows, int Cols, typename SrcScalarType,
VectorShape Shape>
struct LoadForBroadcastingImpl<RegisterBlock<ScalarType, Rows, Cols>,
VectorMap<SrcScalarType, Shape>> {
using RegisterBlockType = RegisterBlock<ScalarType, Rows, Cols>;
using SrcObjectType = VectorMap<SrcScalarType, Shape>;
using ResultBlockType =
typename LoadForBroadcastingRegisterBlock<RegisterBlockType,
static_assert(ResultBlockType::kRegisterLanes == 1,
"This path is only for scalar values");
static ResultBlockType Run(const SrcObjectType& src, int pos) {
ResultBlockType result;
for (int c = 0; c < ResultBlockType::kCols; c++) {
for (int r = 0; r < ResultBlockType::kRows; r++) {
const int i = Shape == VectorShape::Col ? r : c;
result.buf.reg[r + c * ResultBlockType::kRows] = src(pos + i);
return result;
template <typename ScalarType, int Rows, int Cols, typename SrcScalarType,
VectorShape Shape>
struct LoadForBroadcastingImpl<RegisterBlock<ScalarType, Rows, Cols>,
VectorDup<SrcScalarType, Shape>> {
using RegisterBlockType = RegisterBlock<ScalarType, Rows, Cols>;
using SrcObjectType = VectorDup<SrcScalarType, Shape>;
using ResultBlockType =
typename LoadForBroadcastingRegisterBlock<RegisterBlockType,
static_assert(ResultBlockType::kRegisterLanes == 1,
"This path is only for scalar values");
static ResultBlockType Run(const SrcObjectType& src, int) {
ResultBlockType result;
for (int c = 0; c < ResultBlockType::kCols; c++) {
for (int r = 0; r < ResultBlockType::kRows; r++) {
result.buf.reg[r + c * ResultBlockType::kRows] = src(0);
return result;
template <typename RegisterBlockType, typename SrcObjectType>
typename LoadForBroadcastingRegisterBlock<RegisterBlockType,
LoadForBroadcasting(const SrcObjectType& src, int row, int col) {
return LoadForBroadcastingImpl<RegisterBlockType, SrcObjectType>::Run(
src, row, col);
template <typename RegisterBlockType, typename SrcObjectType>
typename LoadForBroadcastingRegisterBlock<RegisterBlockType,
LoadForBroadcasting(const SrcObjectType& src, int pos) {
return LoadForBroadcastingImpl<RegisterBlockType, SrcObjectType>::Run(src,
template <int ConstantValue, typename RegisterBlockType>
struct AddConstantImpl {
static void Run(RegisterBlockType* block) {
using RegisterType = typename RegisterBlockType::RegisterType;
const RegisterType dup = Dup<RegisterType>(ConstantValue);
for (int i = 0; i < RegisterBlockType::kRegisterCount; i++) {
block->buf.reg[i] = Add(block->buf.reg[i], dup);
template <typename RegisterBlockType>
struct AddConstantImpl<0, RegisterBlockType> {
static void Run(RegisterBlockType*) {
// This is a no-op.
template <int ConstantValue, typename RegisterBlockType>
void AddConstant(RegisterBlockType* block) {
AddConstantImpl<ConstantValue, RegisterBlockType>::Run(block);
template <int N>
using RegBufferInt32 = RegisterBuffer<std::int32_t, N>;
template <int N>
using RegBufferInt16 = RegisterBuffer<std::int16_t, N>;
template <int N>
using RegBufferUint8 = RegisterBuffer<std::uint8_t, N>;
template <int R, int C>
using RegBlockInt32 = RegisterBlock<std::int32_t, R, C>;
template <int R, int C>
using RegBlockInt16 = RegisterBlock<std::int16_t, R, C>;
template <int R, int C>
using RegBlockUint8 = RegisterBlock<std::uint8_t, R, C>;
} // end namespace gemmlowp
#if defined GEMMLOWP_NEON
#include "simd_wrappers_neon.h"
#elif defined GEMMLOWP_SSE4
#include "simd_wrappers_sse.h"
#elif defined GEMMLOWP_MSA
#include "simd_wrappers_msa.h"