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/* $Id: reporter.c,v 1.1 2000/09/21 21:35:06 alaffin Exp $ */
* This is the report generator half of the scanner program.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "reporter.h"
#include "symbol.h"
#include "tag_report.h"
#include "splitstr.h"
* Report Generation *
static int scanner_reporter(SYM);
static int iscanner_reporter(SYM);
static int scanner_test_end(SYM, SYM, SYM);
static int iscanner_test_end(SYM, SYM, SYM);
static int (*reporter_func) (SYM) = scanner_reporter;
static int (*test_end_func) (SYM, SYM, SYM) = scanner_test_end;
* Do the report generation.
* A problem: I really need multiple cursors. I'd rather not look into
* the depths of the current symbol table implimentation (there are the
* cursors there that I could use) so that a different (faster!) symbol
* table can be used in the future.
* I could get a key (tag), get it's sub-keys (TCIDs), then get the key
* again to reset to the top level, _then_ get the next key. That would
* be very inefficient.
* The solution I chose is to extract all tags into a list (char array),
* then go thru that list with the cursor free for other levels to use.
* (1) make a list (2d char array) of all Tags
* (2) search for the first tag that has a "stime" record, and use that as
* the date (MMDDYY) that the tests were run.
* (3) print the report header
* (4) go thru all tags and report each as described at the beginning of
* this file
static int scanner_reporter(SYM tags)
DBT Key, Data;
SYM Tag, Keys;
time_t clock;
struct tm *tm;
/* a list of tags, a count of the number of tags allocated to the list,
and a pointer to go thru the list */
char **taglist, **tl;
int ntags;
int tagcount; /* how many tags used */
char key_get[KEYSIZE];
char *info;
* extract tag names from data
ntags = NTAGS_START;
taglist = malloc(sizeof(char *) * ntags);
tagcount = 0;
tl = taglist;
sym_seq(tags, &Key, &Data, R_FIRST);
do {
if (tagcount == ntags) {
/* exceeded tag array size -- realloc */
ntags += NTAGS_START;
taglist =
(char **)realloc(taglist, sizeof(char *) * ntags);
tl = taglist + tagcount;
*tl++ = Key.data;
} while (sym_seq(tags, &Key, &Data, R_NEXT) == 0);
if (tagcount == ntags) {
/* exceeded tag array size -- realloc */
ntags += NTAGS_START;
taglist = (char **)realloc(taglist, sizeof(char *) * ntags);
tl = taglist + tagcount;
*tl++ = NULL;
ntags = tagcount;
/* Retrieve one "stime" to get the date. */
for (tl = taglist; *tl != NULL; tl++) {
strcpy(key_get, *tl);
strcat(key_get, ",_keys,stime");
if ((info = (char *)sym_get(tags, key_get)) != NULL) {
clock = atoi(info);
tm = gmtime(&clock);
strftime(key_get, KEYSIZE, "%x", tm);
sym_put(tags, strdup("_RTS,date"), strdup(key_get), 0);
* The way that I am using 'Keys' and 'Tag' makes assumptions about the
* internals of the sym_* data structure.
/* dump 'em all */
for (tl = taglist; *tl != NULL; tl++) {
if (!strcmp(*tl, "_RTS"))
strcpy(key_get, *tl);
strcat(key_get, ",_keys");
if ((Keys = sym_get(tags, key_get)) == NULL) {
return 0;
strcpy(key_get, *tl);
if ((Tag = sym_get(tags, key_get)) != NULL) {
tag_report(NULL, Tag, Keys);
return 0;
* End-Of-Test seen, insert this tag into the global tag data.
* (1) Get the test's tag
* (2) insert the keywords in the "_keys" tag
* (3) insert it into the global data under this tag, replacing any existing
* data.
* a "feature" of the key implimentation: I can insert a key tree
* under another key tree with almost zero brainwork because a SYM
* is what the DATA area points to.
static int scanner_test_end(SYM alltags, SYM ctag, SYM keys)
static int notag = 0; /* counter for records with no tag (error) */
char tagname[KEYSIZE]; /* used when creating name (see above) */
char *tag; /* tag name to look things up in */
char *status; /* initiation status of old tag */
SYM rm; /* pointer to old tag -- to remove it */
if (alltags == NULL || keys == NULL || ctag == NULL)
return -1; /* for really messed up test output */
/* insert keys into tag */
sym_put(ctag, "_keys", (void *)keys, 0);
/* get the tag, or build a new one */
if ((tag = (char *)sym_get(keys, "tag")) == NULL) {
/* this is an "impossible" situation: test_output checks for this
* and creates a dummy tag. */
sprintf(tagname, "no_tag_%d", notag++);
fprintf(stderr, "No TAG key! Using %s\n", tagname);
sym_put(keys, "tag", strdup(tagname), 0);
tag = strdup(tagname);
* Special case: duplicate tag that has an initiation_status failure
* is thrown away.
if ((rm = (SYM) sym_get(alltags, tag)) != NULL) {
if ((status =
(char *)sym_get(keys, "initiation_status")) != NULL) {
if (strcmp(status, "ok")) {
/* do not take new data. remove new data */
sym_rm(ctag, RM_KEY | RM_DATA);
return 1;
} else {
/* remove old data in alltags */
sym_rm(rm, RM_KEY | RM_DATA);
} else {
/* new data does not have an initiation_status -- throw it away */
sym_rm(ctag, RM_KEY | RM_DATA);
return 1;
/* put new data.. replaces existing "tag" key if it exists
* (it's data should have been removed above) */
sym_put(alltags, tag, ctag, PUT_REPLACE);
return 0;
static int iscanner_reporter(SYM tags)
return 0;
static int iscanner_test_end(SYM alltags, SYM ctag, SYM keys)
if (alltags == NULL || keys == NULL || ctag == NULL)
return -1; /* for really messed up test output */
/* insert keys into tag */
sym_put(ctag, "_keys", (void *)keys, 0);
return tag_report(alltags, ctag, keys);
int reporter(SYM s)
return reporter_func(s);
int test_end(SYM a, SYM b, SYM c)
return test_end_func(a, b, c);
void set_scanner(void)
reporter_func = scanner_reporter;
test_end_func = scanner_test_end;
void set_iscanner(void)
reporter_func = iscanner_reporter;
test_end_func = iscanner_test_end;