// Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com
#include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_measurement.h"
#include "core/fxcrt/fx_extension.h"
namespace {
constexpr float kPtToInch = 72;
constexpr float kPtToCm = kPtToInch / 2.54f;
constexpr float kPtToMm = kPtToCm / 10;
constexpr float kPtToMp = 0.001f;
constexpr float kPtToPc = 12;
} // namespace
CXFA_Measurement::CXFA_Measurement(const WideStringView& wsMeasure) {
CXFA_Measurement::CXFA_Measurement() {
Set(-1, XFA_Unit::Unknown);
CXFA_Measurement::CXFA_Measurement(float fValue, XFA_Unit eUnit) {
Set(fValue, eUnit);
void CXFA_Measurement::SetString(const WideStringView& wsMeasure) {
if (wsMeasure.IsEmpty()) {
m_fValue = 0;
m_eUnit = XFA_Unit::Unknown;
int32_t iUsedLen = 0;
int32_t iOffset = (wsMeasure[0] == L'=') ? 1 : 0;
float fValue = FXSYS_wcstof(wsMeasure.unterminated_c_str() + iOffset,
wsMeasure.GetLength() - iOffset, &iUsedLen);
XFA_Unit eUnit = GetUnitFromString(
wsMeasure.Right(wsMeasure.GetLength() - (iOffset + iUsedLen)));
Set(fValue, eUnit);
WideString CXFA_Measurement::ToString() const {
switch (GetUnit()) {
case XFA_Unit::Mm:
return WideString::Format(L"%.8gmm", GetValue());
case XFA_Unit::Pt:
return WideString::Format(L"%.8gpt", GetValue());
case XFA_Unit::In:
return WideString::Format(L"%.8gin", GetValue());
case XFA_Unit::Cm:
return WideString::Format(L"%.8gcm", GetValue());
case XFA_Unit::Mp:
return WideString::Format(L"%.8gmp", GetValue());
case XFA_Unit::Pc:
return WideString::Format(L"%.8gpc", GetValue());
case XFA_Unit::Em:
return WideString::Format(L"%.8gem", GetValue());
case XFA_Unit::Percent:
return WideString::Format(L"%.8g%%", GetValue());
return WideString::Format(L"%.8g", GetValue());
float CXFA_Measurement::ToUnit(XFA_Unit eUnit) const {
float f;
return ToUnitInternal(eUnit, &f) ? f : 0;
bool CXFA_Measurement::ToUnitInternal(XFA_Unit eUnit, float* fValue) const {
*fValue = GetValue();
XFA_Unit eFrom = GetUnit();
if (eFrom == eUnit)
return true;
switch (eFrom) {
case XFA_Unit::Pt:
case XFA_Unit::Mm:
*fValue *= kPtToMm;
case XFA_Unit::In:
*fValue *= kPtToInch;
case XFA_Unit::Cm:
*fValue *= kPtToCm;
case XFA_Unit::Mp:
*fValue *= kPtToMp;
case XFA_Unit::Pc:
*fValue *= kPtToPc;
*fValue = 0;
return false;
switch (eUnit) {
case XFA_Unit::Pt:
return true;
case XFA_Unit::Mm:
*fValue /= kPtToMm;
return true;
case XFA_Unit::In:
*fValue /= kPtToInch;
return true;
case XFA_Unit::Cm:
*fValue /= kPtToCm;
return true;
case XFA_Unit::Mp:
*fValue /= kPtToMp;
return true;
case XFA_Unit::Pc:
*fValue /= kPtToPc;
return true;
return false;
// static
XFA_Unit CXFA_Measurement::GetUnitFromString(const WideStringView& wsUnit) {
if (wsUnit == L"mm")
return XFA_Unit::Mm;
if (wsUnit == L"pt")
return XFA_Unit::Pt;
if (wsUnit == L"in")
return XFA_Unit::In;
if (wsUnit == L"cm")
return XFA_Unit::Cm;
if (wsUnit == L"pc")
return XFA_Unit::Pc;
if (wsUnit == L"mp")
return XFA_Unit::Mp;
if (wsUnit == L"em")
return XFA_Unit::Em;
if (wsUnit == L"%")
return XFA_Unit::Percent;
return XFA_Unit::Unknown;