* Copyright (c) 2016, Google Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "int_compat.h"
#include "string_compat.h"
#include "profile.pb.h"
namespace quipper {
class PerfDataProto;
} // namespace quipper
namespace perftools {
// Sample label options.
enum SampleLabels {
kNoLabels = 0,
// Adds label with key PidLabelKey and number value set to the process ID.
kPidLabel = 1,
// Adds label with key TidLabelKey and number value set to the thread ID.
kTidLabel = 2,
// Equivalent to kPidLabel | kTidLabel
kPidAndTidLabels = 3,
// Adds label with key TimestampNsLabelKey and number value set to the number
// of nanoseconds since the system boot that this sample was taken.
kTimestampNsLabel = 4,
// Adds label with key ExecutionModeLabelKey and string value set to one of
// the ExecutionMode* values.
kExecutionModeLabel = 8,
// Adds a label with key CommLabelKey and string value set to the sample's
// process's command. If no command is known, no label is added.
kCommLabel = 16,
// Sample label key names.
const char PidLabelKey[] = "pid";
const char TidLabelKey[] = "tid";
const char TimestampNsLabelKey[] = "timestamp_ns";
const char ExecutionModeLabelKey[] = "execution_mode";
const char CommLabelKey[] = "comm";
// Execution mode label values.
const char ExecutionModeHostKernel[] = "Host Kernel";
const char ExecutionModeHostUser[] = "Host User";
const char ExecutionModeGuestKernel[] = "Guest Kernel";
const char ExecutionModeGuestUser[] = "Guest User";
const char ExecutionModeHypervisor[] = "Hypervisor";
// Perf data conversion options.
enum ConversionOptions {
// Default options.
kNoOptions = 0,
// Whether to produce multiple, per-process profiles from the single input
// perf data file. If not set, a single profile will be produced ((but you do
// still get a list of profiles back; it just has only one entry).
kGroupByPids = 1,
// Whether the conversion should fail if there is a detected mismatch between
// the main mapping in the sample data vs. mapping data.
kFailOnMainMappingMismatch = 2,
struct ProcessProfile {
// Process PID or 0 if no process grouping was requested.
// PIDs can duplicate if there was a PID reuse during the profiling session.
uint32 pid = 0;
// Profile proto data.
perftools::profiles::Profile data;
// Min timestamp of a sample, in nanoseconds since boot, or 0 if unknown.
int64 min_sample_time_ns = 0;
// Max timestamp of a sample, in nanoseconds since boot, or 0 if unknown.
int64 max_sample_time_ns = 0;
// Type alias for a random access sequence of owned ProcessProfile objects.
using ProcessProfiles = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ProcessProfile>>;
// Converts raw Linux perf data to a vector of process profiles.
// sample_labels is the OR-product of all SampleLabels desired in the output
// profiles. options governs other conversion options such as whether per-PID
// profiles should be returned or all processes should be merged into the same
// profile.
// Returns a vector of process profiles, empty if any error occurs.
extern ProcessProfiles RawPerfDataToProfiles(
const void* raw, int raw_size, const std::map<string, string>& build_ids,
uint32 sample_labels = kNoLabels, uint32 options = kGroupByPids);
// Converts a PerfDataProto to a vector of process profiles.
extern ProcessProfiles PerfDataProtoToProfiles(
const quipper::PerfDataProto* perf_data, uint32 sample_labels = kNoLabels,
uint32 options = kGroupByPids);
} // namespace perftools