# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Task unittest.
Part of the Chrome build flags optimization.
__author__ = 'yuhenglong@google.com (Yuheng Long)'
import random
import sys
import unittest
import task
from task import Task
# The number of flags be tested.
# The random build result values used to test get set result method.
# The random test result values used to test get set result method.
class MockFlagSet(object):
"""This class emulates a set of flags.
It returns the flags and hash value, when the FormattedForUse method and the
__hash__ method is called, respectively. These values are initialized when the
MockFlagSet instance is constructed.
def __init__(self, flags=0, hash_value=-1):
self._flags = flags
self._hash_value = hash_value
def __eq__(self, other):
assert isinstance(other, MockFlagSet)
return self._flags == other.FormattedForUse()
def FormattedForUse(self):
return self._flags
def __hash__(self):
return self._hash_value
def GetHash(self):
return self._hash_value
class TaskTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""This class test the Task class."""
def testEqual(self):
"""Test the equal method of the task.
Two tasks are equal if and only if their encapsulated flag_sets are equal.
flags = range(NUM_FLAGS)
# Two tasks having the same flag set should be equivalent.
flag_sets = [MockFlagSet(flag) for flag in flags]
for flag_set in flag_sets:
assert Task(flag_set) == Task(flag_set)
# Two tasks having different flag set should be different.
for flag_set in flag_sets:
test_task = Task(flag_set)
other_flag_sets = [flags for flags in flag_sets if flags != flag_set]
for flag_set1 in other_flag_sets:
assert test_task != Task(flag_set1)
def testHash(self):
"""Test the hash method of the task.
Two tasks are equal if and only if their encapsulated flag_sets are equal.
# Random identifier that is not relevant in this test.
identifier = random.randint(-sys.maxint - 1, -1)
flag_sets = [MockFlagSet(identifier, value) for value in range(NUM_FLAGS)]
for flag_set in flag_sets:
# The hash of a task is the same as the hash of its flag set.
hash_task = Task(flag_set)
hash_value = hash(hash_task)
assert hash_value == flag_set.GetHash()
# The hash of a task does not change.
assert hash_value == hash(hash_task)
def testGetIdentifier(self):
"""Test the get identifier method of the task.
The get identifier method should returns the flag set in the build stage.
flag_sets = [MockFlagSet(flag) for flag in range(NUM_FLAGS)]
for flag_set in flag_sets:
identifier_task = Task(flag_set)
identifier = identifier_task.GetIdentifier(task.BUILD_STAGE)
# The task formats the flag set into a string.
assert identifier == str(flag_set.FormattedForUse())
def testGetSetResult(self):
"""Test the get and set result methods of the task.
The get result method should return the same results as were set.
flag_sets = [MockFlagSet(flag) for flag in range(NUM_FLAGS)]
for flag_set in flag_sets:
result_task = Task(flag_set)
# The get result method should return the same results as were set, in
# build stage. Currently, the build result is a 5-element tuple containing
# the checksum of the result image, the performance cost of the build, the
# compilation image, the length of the build, and the length of the text
# section of the build.
result = tuple([random.randint(0, RANDOM_BUILD_RESULT) for _ in range(5)])
result_task.SetResult(task.BUILD_STAGE, result)
assert result == result_task.GetResult(task.BUILD_STAGE)
# The checksum is the identifier of the test stage.
identifier = result_task.GetIdentifier(task.TEST_STAGE)
# The first element of the result tuple is the checksum.
assert identifier == result[0]
# The get result method should return the same results as were set, in
# test stage.
random_test_result = random.randint(0, RANDOM_TESTRESULT)
result_task.SetResult(task.TEST_STAGE, random_test_result)
test_result = result_task.GetResult(task.TEST_STAGE)
assert test_result == random_test_result
def testDone(self):
"""Test the done methods of the task.
The done method should return false is the task has not perform and return
true after the task is finished.
flags = range(NUM_FLAGS)
flag_sets = [MockFlagSet(flag) for flag in flags]
for flag_set in flag_sets:
work_task = Task(flag_set)
# The task has not been compiled nor tested.
assert not work_task.Done(task.TEST_STAGE)
assert not work_task.Done(task.BUILD_STAGE)
# After the task has been compiled, it should indicate finished in BUILD
# stage.
result = tuple([random.randint(0, RANDOM_BUILD_RESULT) for _ in range(5)])
work_task.SetResult(task.BUILD_STAGE, result)
assert not work_task.Done(task.TEST_STAGE)
assert work_task.Done(task.BUILD_STAGE)
# After the task has been tested, it should indicate finished in TEST
# stage.
work_task.SetResult(task.TEST_STAGE, random.randint(0, RANDOM_TESTRESULT))
assert work_task.Done(task.TEST_STAGE)
assert work_task.Done(task.BUILD_STAGE)
if __name__ == '__main__':