# -*- mode: makefile -*-
# List of libcore directories to include in documentation.
# Shared between libcore and frameworks/base.
# Exports: libcore_to_document as a list of .java files relative to libcore/.
ifndef libcore_docs_include_once
# List of libcore javadoc source files
_libcore_files := $(openjdk_javadoc_files) $(non_openjdk_javadoc_files)
_icu_files := \
$(call find-files-in-subdirs, external/icu, \
"*.java", \
android_icu4j/src/main/java/android/icu/lang \
android_icu4j/src/main/java/android/icu/math \
android_icu4j/src/main/java/android/icu/text \
android_icu4j/src/main/java/android/icu/util \
_icu_files := $(addprefix external/icu/, $(_icu_files))
# Get list of targets annotated with annotations from jaif file
# Remove un-annotated original source file and replace them with annotated targets
ojluni_annotate_src := $(patsubst libcore/ojluni/src/main/java/%,%, $(annotated_ojluni_files))
ojluni_annotate_output := $(patsubst %,$(call intermediates-dir-for,JAVA_LIBRARIES,core-oj,,COMMON)/annotated/%, $(ojluni_annotate_src))
_libcore_files := $(filter-out $(patsubst %, libcore/ojluni/src/main/java/%, $(ojluni_annotate_src)), $(_libcore_files))
_libcore_generated_files := $(ojluni_annotate_output)
# List of libcore-related javadoc source files
# NOTE: Because libcore-related source spans modules (not just libcore!), files names here are
# returned that are relative to the build root / $(TOPDIR) and not libcore.
# BUILD_DROIDDOC requires file names that are relative the *current* LOCAL_DIR so users must account
# for this.
# libcore_to_document_generated are files in $(TARGET_OUT_COMMON_INTERMEDIATES)
libcore_to_document := $(_libcore_files) $(_icu_files)
libcore_to_document_generated := $(_libcore_generated_files)
libcore_docs_include_once := 1
endif # libcore_docs_include_once