<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
<!-- File properties dialog title. This dialog show fine grained details about a file. -->
<string name="inspector_title">Info</string>
<!-- File properties dialog error shown when information about a file could not be loaded-->
<string name="inspector_load_error">File info could not be loaded</string>
<!-- Title of inspector's debug information section. The contents of this section
features detailed "internal" information useful primarily to developers.
This section is only visible to developers or people running debug builds. [CHAR LIMIT=48] -->
<string name="inspector_debug_section">Debug info (dev only)</string>
<!-- Title of inspector's debug info metadata sub-section. [CHAR LIMIT=48] -->
<string name="inspector_debug_metadata_section">Raw metadata: <xliff:g id="metadataType" example="EXIF">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Title of inspector's media details info section. Shows information related to camera, dimensions, and authors. -->
<string name="inspector_metadata_section">Media details</string>
<!-- File properties dialog section title. In this section we show information about the default handler application for this type of file.-->
<string name="handler_app_file_opens_with">This kind of file opens with</string>
<!-- File properties dialog section title. In this section we show information about the applicaiton that provides the file.
Examples of such applicaitons are: Box, Microsoft OneDrive, and Google Drive, etc)-->
<string name="handler_app_belongs_to">This file is supplied by</string>
<!-- File properties dialog user message if a default app has not been selected-->
<string name="handler_app_not_selected">Not selected</string>
<!-- File properties dialog user message if the default app is unknown-->
<string name="handler_app_unknown">Unknown</string>
<!-- The height and width of a photo. -->
<string name="metadata_dimensions">Dimensions</string>
<!-- The width and height of a photo, followed by a the "megapixel rating".
Cameras are frequently rated by "megapixels". In U.S. English the "megapixels" rating
of a camera is denoted by a number followed by "MP". E.g. 12.2MP or 8MP. -->
<string name="metadata_dimensions_format"><xliff:g id="width" example="1280">%1$d</xliff:g> x <xliff:g id="height" example="1024">%2$d</xliff:g> - <xliff:g id="megapixels" example="12.2">%3$,.1f</xliff:g>MP</string>
<!-- The location of where a photo was taken. -->
<string name="metadata_coordinates">Coordinates</string>
<!-- The location a photo was taken in the form of latitude/longitude coordinates. -->
<string name="metadata_coordinates_format"><xliff:g id="latitude" example="33.996">%1$,.3f</xliff:g>, <xliff:g id="longitude" example="-118.476">%2$,.3f</xliff:g></string>
<!-- The elevation a photo was taken. -->
<string name="metadata_altitude">Altitude</string>
<!-- The camera make and model. -->
<string name="metadata_camera">Camera</string>
<!-- The camera make and model. Where make is usually the company, and model is the individual camera model name. -->
<string name="metadata_camera_format"><xliff:g id="make" example="Sony">%1$s</xliff:g> <xliff:g id="model" example="Snazzy Snapper">%2$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- The value of a photos aperture. Note that this is probably camera EXIF data.-->
<string name="metadata_aperture">Aperture</string>
<!-- The value of a photos shutter speed. Note that this is probably camera EXIF data.-->
<string name="metadata_shutter_speed">Shutter speed</string>
<!-- How long a video/audio file is.-->
<string name="metadata_duration">Duration</string>
<!-- When a photo was taken. Note that this is probably camera EXIF data.-->
<string name="metadata_date_time">Taken on</string>
<!-- Message presenting EXIF aperture information in the tradition "f/2.0" format familiar to users. This format is basically an industry standard that shouldn't be translated, so it is marked as not translatable. -->
<string name="metadata_aperture_format" translatable="false">f/<xliff:g id="aperture" example="2.0">%1$,.1f</xliff:g></string>
<!--The tag for the focal length of a camera. Note that this is probably camera EXIF data-->
<string name="metadata_focal_length">Focal length</string>
<!--The format for displaying the focal length of a camera. Note that this is probably camera EXIF data-->
<string name="metadata_focal_format"><xliff:g id="length" example="24">%1$.2f </xliff:g>mm</string>
<!--The tag for the ISO Speed of a camera. Note that this is probably camera EXIF data-->
<string name="metadata_iso_speed_ratings">ISO equivalent</string>
<!--The format for displaying ISO speed. Note that this is probably camera EXIF data-->
<string name="metadata_iso_format">ISO <xliff:g id="iso_speed" example="35">%1$d</xliff:g></string>
<!--The title of the audio file, Note this is probably MP3 ID3 tags.-->
<string name="metadata_artist">Artist</string>
<!--The composer for the audio file, Note this is probably MP3 ID3 tags-->
<string name="metadata_composer">Composer</string>
<!--The title of the album (i.e. collection of recordings) the song belongs to. Note this is probably MP3 ID3 tags-->
<string name="metadata_album">Album</string>
<!-- The address nearest to where a photo was taken -->
<string name="metadata_address">Location</string>
<!-- String label for developer/debug file details, specifying which stream types are available. -->
<string name="debug_stream_types">Stream types</string>
<!-- String label for developer/debug file details, specifying the size of the file in bytes. -->
<string name="debug_raw_size">Raw size (bytes)</string>
<!-- String label for developer/debug file details, specifying a file's uri/content address. -->
<string name="debug_content_uri" translatable="false">Uri</string>
<!-- String label for developer/debug file details, specifying document id. -->
<string name="debug_document_id" translatable="false">Document id</string>
<!-- String label for developer/debug file details, specifying mimetype. -->
<string name="debug_raw_mimetype" translatable="false">Raw mimetype</string>
<!-- String label for developer/debug file details, specifying that a file is an archive. -->
<string name="debug_is_archive" translatable="false">Is archive</string>
<!-- String label for developer/debug file details, specifying that a file is a container (like a folder or an archive). -->
<string name="debug_is_container" translatable="false">Is container</string>
<!-- String label for developer/debug file details, specifying that a file is partial (being downloaded). -->
<string name="debug_is_partial" translatable="false">Is partial</string>
<!-- String label for developer/debug file details, specifying that a file is virtual (has no byte representation). -->
<string name="debug_is_virtual" translatable="false">Is virtual</string>
<!-- String label for developer/debug file details, specifying that a file supports creating files within it. -->
<string name="debug_supports_create" translatable="false">Supports create</string>
<!-- String label for developer/debug file details, specifying that a file is deletable. -->
<string name="debug_supports_delete" translatable="false">Supports delete</string>
<!-- String label for developer/debug file details, specifying that a file has associated metadata. -->
<string name="debug_supports_metadata" translatable="false">Supports metadata</string>
<!-- String label for developer/debug file details, specifying that a file can be removed. -->
<string name="debug_supports_remove" translatable="false">Supports remove</string>
<!-- String label for developer/debug file details, specifying that a file can be renamed. -->
<string name="debug_supports_rename" translatable="false">Supports rename</string>
<!-- String label for developer/debug file details, specifying that a file supports the "settings" feature. -->
<string name="debug_supports_settings" translatable="false">Supports settings</string>
<!-- String label for developer/debug file details, specifying that a file has a viewable thumbnail. -->
<string name="debug_supports_thumbnail" translatable="false">Supports thumbnail</string>
<!-- String label for developer/debug file details, specifying that a file supports the "weblink" feature. -->
<string name="debug_supports_weblink" translatable="false">Supports weblink</string>
<!-- String label for developer/debug file details, specifying that a file is writable. -->
<string name="debug_supports_write" translatable="false">Supports write</string>