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 *  Copyright 2007-2012 Broadcom Corporation
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.
#ifndef UIPC_H
#define UIPC_H

#include <mutex>

#define UIPC_CH_ID_AV_CTRL 0
#define UIPC_CH_NUM 2

#define UIPC_CH_ID_ALL 3 /* used to address all the ch id at once */


typedef uint8_t tUIPC_CH_ID;

/* Events generated */
typedef enum {
  UIPC_OPEN_EVT = 0x0001,
  UIPC_CLOSE_EVT = 0x0002,
  UIPC_RX_DATA_EVT = 0x0004,

 * UIPC IOCTL Requests

#define UIPC_REG_CBACK 2

typedef void(tUIPC_RCV_CBACK)(
    tUIPC_CH_ID ch_id,
    tUIPC_EVENT event); /* points to BT_HDR which describes event type and
                           length of data; len contains the number of bytes of
                           entire message (sizeof(BT_HDR) + offset + size of
                           data) */

const char* dump_uipc_event(tUIPC_EVENT event);

typedef struct {
  int srvfd;
  int fd;
  int read_poll_tmo_ms;
  int task_evt_flags; /* event flags pending to be processed in read task */
  tUIPC_RCV_CBACK* cback;

struct tUIPC_STATE {
  pthread_t tid; /* main thread id */
  int running;
  std::recursive_mutex mutex;

  fd_set active_set;
  fd_set read_set;
  int max_fd;
  int signal_fds[2];


 * Initialize UIPC module
 * @param user User ID who uses UIPC
std::unique_ptr<tUIPC_STATE> UIPC_Init();

 * Open a UIPC channel
 * @param ch_id Channel ID
 * @param p_cback Callback handler
 * @param socket_path Path to the socket
 * @return true on success, otherwise false
bool UIPC_Open(tUIPC_STATE& uipc, tUIPC_CH_ID ch_id, tUIPC_RCV_CBACK* p_cback,
               const char* socket_path);

 * Closes a channel in UIPC or the entire UIPC module
 * @param ch_id Channel ID; if ch_id is UIPC_CH_ID_ALL, then cleanup UIPC
void UIPC_Close(tUIPC_STATE& uipc, tUIPC_CH_ID ch_id);

 * Send a message over UIPC
 * @param ch_id Channel ID
 * @param msg_evt Message event type
 * @param p_buf Buffer for the message
 * @param msglen Message length
 * @return true on success, otherwise false
bool UIPC_Send(tUIPC_STATE& uipc, tUIPC_CH_ID ch_id, uint16_t msg_evt,
               const uint8_t* p_buf, uint16_t msglen);

 * Read a message from UIPC
 * @param ch_id Channel ID
 * @param p_msg_evt Message event type
 * @param p_buf Buffer for the message
 * @param len Bytes to read
 * @return true on success, otherwise false
uint32_t UIPC_Read(tUIPC_STATE& uipc, tUIPC_CH_ID ch_id, uint16_t* p_msg_evt,
                   uint8_t* p_buf, uint32_t len);

 * Control the UIPC parameter
 * @param ch_id Channel ID
 * @param request Request type
 * @param param Optional parameters
 * @return true on success, otherwise false
bool UIPC_Ioctl(tUIPC_STATE& uipc, tUIPC_CH_ID ch_id, uint32_t request,
                void* param);

#endif /* UIPC_H */