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# Examples of using simpleperf to profile Android applications

## Table of Contents

- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Profiling Java application](#profiling-java-application)
- [Profiling Java/C++ application](#profiling-javac-application)
- [Profiling Kotlin application](#profiling-kotlin-application)

## Introduction

Simpleperf is a native profiler used on Android platform. It can be used to profile Android
applications. Its documentation is [here](https://android.googlesource.com/platform/system/extras/+/master/simpleperf/doc/README.md).
Instructions of preparing your Android application for profiling are [here](https://android.googlesource.com/platform/system/extras/+/master/simpleperf/doc/README.md#Android-application-profiling).
This directory is to show examples of using simpleperf to profile Android applications. The
meaning of each directory is as below:

    ../scripts/                  -- contain simpleperf binaries and scripts.
    SimpleperfExamplePureJava/   -- contains an Android Studio project using only Java code.
    SimpleperfExampleWithNative/ -- contains an Android Studio project using both Java and C++ code.
    SimpleperfExampleOfKotlin/   -- contains an Android Studio project using Kotlin code.

It can be downloaded as below:

$ git clone https://android.googlesource.com/platform/system/extras
$ cd extras/simpleperf/demo

The testing environment:

Android Studio 3.0
test device: Android O (Google Pixel 2)
test device: Android N (Google Nexus 6P)
Please make sure your device having Android version >= N.

## Profile a Java application

Android Studio project: SimpleExamplePureJava

1. Build and install the application:

# Open SimpleperfExamplesPureJava project with Android Studio,
# and build this project successfully, otherwise the `./gradlew` command below will fail.
$ cd SimpleperfExamplePureJava

# On windows, use "gradlew" instead.
$ ./gradlew clean assemble
$ adb install -r app/build/outputs/apk/app-profiling.apk

2. Record profiling data:

$ cd ../../scripts/
# app_profiler.py collects profiling data in perf.data, and binaries on device in binary_cache/.
$ python app_profiler.py -p com.example.simpleperf.simpleperfexamplepurejava

3. Show profiling data:

# report_html.py generates profiling result in report.html.
$ python report_html.py --add_source_code --source_dirs ../demo --add_disassembly

## Profile a Java/C++ application

Android Studio project: SimpleExampleWithNative

1. Build and install the application:

# Open SimpleperfExamplesWithNative project with Android Studio,
# and build this project sucessfully, otherwise the `./gradlew` command below will fail.
$ cd SimpleperfExampleWithNative

# On windows, use "gradlew" instead.
$ ./gradlew clean assemble
$ adb install -r app/build/outputs/apk/profiling/app-profiling.apk

2. Record profiling data:

$ cd ../../scripts/
# app_profiler.py collects profiling data in perf.data, and binaries on device in binary_cache/.
$ python app_profiler.py -p com.example.simpleperf.simpleperfexamplewithnative

3. Show profiling data:

# report_html.py generates profiling result in report.html.
$ python report_html.py --add_source_code --source_dirs ../demo --add_disassembly

## Profile a Kotlin application

Android Studio project: SimpleExampleOfKotlin

1. Build and install the application:

# Open SimpleperfExamplesOfKotlin project with Android Studio,
# and build this project sucessfully, otherwise the `./gradlew` command below will fail.
$ cd SimpleperfExampleOfKotlin

# On windows, use "gradlew" instead.
$ ./gradlew clean assemble
$ adb install -r app/build/outputs/apk/profiling/app-profiling.apk

2. Record profiling data:

$ cd ../../scripts/
# app_profiler.py collects profiling data in perf.data, and binaries on device in binary_cache/.
$ python app_profiler.py -p com.example.simpleperf.simpleperfexampleofkotlin

3. Show profiling data:

# report_html.py generates profiling result in report.html.
$ python report_html.py --add_source_code --source_dirs ../demo --add_disassembly