#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""pprof_proto_generator.py: read perf.data, generate pprof.profile, which can be
used by pprof.
python app_profiler.py
python pprof_proto_generator.py
pprof -text pprof.profile
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import os
import os.path
import re
import shutil
import sys
import time
from annotate import Addr2Line
from simpleperf_report_lib import *
from utils import *
import google.protobuf
log_exit('google.protobuf module is missing. Please install it first.')
import profile_pb2
def load_pprof_profile(filename):
profile = profile_pb2.Profile()
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
return profile
def store_pprof_profile(filename, profile):
with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
class PprofProfilePrinter(object):
def __init__(self, profile):
self.profile = profile
self.string_table = profile.string_table
def show(self):
p = self.profile
sub_space = ' '
print('Profile {')
print('%d sample_types' % len(p.sample_type))
for i in range(len(p.sample_type)):
print('sample_type[%d] = ' % i, end='')
print('%d samples' % len(p.sample))
for i in range(len(p.sample)):
print('sample[%d]:' % i)
self.show_sample(p.sample[i], sub_space)
print('%d mappings' % len(p.mapping))
for i in range(len(p.mapping)):
print('mapping[%d]:' % i)
self.show_mapping(p.mapping[i], sub_space)
print('%d locations' % len(p.location))
for i in range(len(p.location)):
print('location[%d]:' % i)
self.show_location(p.location[i], sub_space)
for i in range(len(p.function)):
print('function[%d]:' % i)
self.show_function(p.function[i], sub_space)
print('%d strings' % len(p.string_table))
for i in range(len(p.string_table)):
print('string[%d]: %s' % (i, p.string_table[i]))
print('drop_frames: %s' % self.string(p.drop_frames))
print('keep_frames: %s' % self.string(p.keep_frames))
print('time_nanos: %u' % p.time_nanos)
print('duration_nanos: %u' % p.duration_nanos)
print('period_type: ', end='')
print('period: %u' % p.period)
for i in range(len(p.comment)):
print('comment[%d] = %s' % (i, self.string(p.comment[i])))
print('default_sample_type: %d' % p.default_sample_type)
print('} // Profile')
def show_value_type(self, value_type, space=''):
print('%sValueType(typeID=%d, unitID=%d, type=%s, unit=%s)' %
(space, value_type.type, value_type.unit,
self.string(value_type.type), self.string(value_type.unit)))
def show_sample(self, sample, space=''):
sub_space = space + ' '
for i in range(len(sample.location_id)):
print('%slocation_id[%d]: id %d' % (space, i, sample.location_id[i]))
self.show_location_id(sample.location_id[i], sub_space)
for i in range(len(sample.value)):
print('%svalue[%d] = %d' % (space, i, sample.value[i]))
for i in range(len(sample.label)):
print('%slabel[%d] = ', (space, i))
def show_location_id(self, location_id, space=''):
location = self.profile.location[location_id - 1]
self.show_location(location, space)
def show_location(self, location, space=''):
sub_space = space + ' '
print('%sid: %d' % (space, location.id))
print('%smapping_id: %d' % (space, location.mapping_id))
self.show_mapping_id(location.mapping_id, sub_space)
print('%saddress: %x' % (space, location.address))
for i in range(len(location.line)):
print('%sline[%d]:' % (space, i))
self.show_line(location.line[i], sub_space)
def show_mapping_id(self, mapping_id, space=''):
mapping = self.profile.mapping[mapping_id - 1]
self.show_mapping(mapping, space)
def show_mapping(self, mapping, space=''):
print('%sid: %d' % (space, mapping.id))
print('%smemory_start: %x' % (space, mapping.memory_start))
print('%smemory_limit: %x' % (space, mapping.memory_limit))
print('%sfile_offset: %x' % (space, mapping.file_offset))
print('%sfilename: %s(%d)' % (space, self.string(mapping.filename),
print('%sbuild_id: %s(%d)' % (space, self.string(mapping.build_id),
print('%shas_functions: %s' % (space, mapping.has_functions))
print('%shas_filenames: %s' % (space, mapping.has_filenames))
print('%shas_line_numbers: %s' % (space, mapping.has_line_numbers))
print('%shas_inline_frames: %s' % (space, mapping.has_inline_frames))
def show_line(self, line, space=''):
sub_space = space + ' '
print('%sfunction_id: %d' % (space, line.function_id))
self.show_function_id(line.function_id, sub_space)
print('%sline: %d' % (space, line.line))
def show_function_id(self, function_id, space=''):
function = self.profile.function[function_id - 1]
self.show_function(function, space)
def show_function(self, function, space=''):
print('%sid: %d' % (space, function.id))
print('%sname: %s' % (space, self.string(function.name)))
print('%ssystem_name: %s' % (space, self.string(function.system_name)))
print('%sfilename: %s' % (space, self.string(function.filename)))
print('%sstart_line: %d' % (space, function.start_line))
def show_label(self, label, space=''):
print('%sLabel(%s =', space, self.string(label.key), end='')
if label.HasField('str'):
print('%s)' % self.get_string(label.str))
print('%d)' % label.num)
def string(self, id):
return self.string_table[id]
class Sample(object):
def __init__(self):
self.location_ids = []
self.values = {}
def add_location_id(self, location_id):
def add_value(self, id, value):
self.values[id] = self.values.get(id, 0) + value
def add_values(self, values):
for id in values.keys():
value = values[id]
self.add_value(id, value)
def key(self):
return tuple(self.location_ids)
class Location(object):
def __init__(self, mapping_id, address, vaddr_in_dso):
self.id = -1 # unset
self.mapping_id = mapping_id
self.address = address
self.vaddr_in_dso = vaddr_in_dso
self.lines = []
def key(self):
return (self.mapping_id, self.address)
class Line(object):
def __init__(self):
self.function_id = 0
self.line = 0
class Mapping(object):
def __init__(self, start, end, pgoff, filename_id, build_id_id):
self.id = -1 # unset
self.memory_start = start
self.memory_limit = end
self.file_offset = pgoff
self.filename_id = filename_id
self.build_id_id = build_id_id
def key(self):
return (
class Function(object):
def __init__(self, name_id, dso_name_id, vaddr_in_dso):
self.id = -1 # unset
self.name_id = name_id
self.dso_name_id = dso_name_id
self.vaddr_in_dso = vaddr_in_dso
self.source_filename_id = 0
self.start_line = 0
def key(self):
return (self.name_id, self.dso_name_id)
class PprofProfileGenerator(object):
def __init__(self, config):
self.config = config
self.lib = ReportLib()
config['binary_cache_dir'] = 'binary_cache'
if not os.path.isdir(config['binary_cache_dir']):
config['binary_cache_dir'] = None
if config.get('record_file'):
kallsyms = 'binary_cache/kallsyms'
if os.path.isfile(kallsyms):
self.comm_filter = set(config['comm_filters']) if config.get('comm_filters') else None
if config.get('pid_filters'):
self.pid_filter = {int(x) for x in config['pid_filters']}
self.pid_filter = None
if config.get('tid_filters'):
self.tid_filter = {int(x) for x in config['tid_filters']}
self.tid_filter = None
self.dso_filter = set(config['dso_filters']) if config.get('dso_filters') else None
def gen(self):
self.profile = profile_pb2.Profile()
self.string_table = {}
self.sample_types = {}
self.sample_map = {}
self.sample_list = []
self.location_map = {}
self.location_list = []
self.mapping_map = {}
self.mapping_list = []
self.function_map = {}
self.function_list = []
# 1. Process all samples in perf.data, aggregate samples.
while True:
report_sample = self.lib.GetNextSample()
if report_sample is None:
event = self.lib.GetEventOfCurrentSample()
symbol = self.lib.GetSymbolOfCurrentSample()
callchain = self.lib.GetCallChainOfCurrentSample()
if not self._filter_report_sample(report_sample):
sample_type_id = self.get_sample_type_id(event.name)
sample = Sample()
sample.add_value(sample_type_id, 1)
sample.add_value(sample_type_id + 1, report_sample.period)
if self._filter_symbol(symbol):
location_id = self.get_location_id(symbol.vaddr_in_file, symbol)
for i in range(callchain.nr):
entry = callchain.entries[i]
if self._filter_symbol(symbol):
location_id = self.get_location_id(entry.ip, entry.symbol)
if sample.location_ids:
# 2. Generate line info for locations and functions.
# 3. Produce samples/locations/functions in profile
for sample in self.sample_list:
for mapping in self.mapping_list:
for location in self.location_list:
for function in self.function_list:
return self.profile
def _filter_report_sample(self, sample):
"""Return true if the sample can be used."""
if self.comm_filter:
if sample.thread_comm not in self.comm_filter:
return False
if self.pid_filter:
if sample.pid not in self.pid_filter:
return False
if self.tid_filter:
if sample.tid not in self.tid_filter:
return False
return True
def _filter_symbol(self, symbol):
if not self.dso_filter or symbol.dso_name in self.dso_filter:
return True
return False
def get_string_id(self, str):
if len(str) == 0:
return 0
id = self.string_table.get(str)
if id is not None:
return id
id = len(self.string_table) + 1
self.string_table[str] = id
return id
def get_string(self, string_id):
return self.profile.string_table[string_id]
def get_sample_type_id(self, name):
id = self.sample_types.get(name)
if id is not None:
return id
id = len(self.profile.sample_type)
sample_type = self.profile.sample_type.add()
sample_type.type = self.get_string_id('event_' + name + '_samples')
sample_type.unit = self.get_string_id('count')
sample_type = self.profile.sample_type.add()
sample_type.type = self.get_string_id('event_' + name + '_count')
sample_type.unit = self.get_string_id('count')
self.sample_types[name] = id
return id
def get_location_id(self, ip, symbol):
mapping_id = self.get_mapping_id(symbol.mapping[0], symbol.dso_name)
location = Location(mapping_id, ip, symbol.vaddr_in_file)
function_id = self.get_function_id(symbol.symbol_name, symbol.dso_name,
if function_id:
# Add Line only when it has a valid function id, see http://b/36988814.
# Default line info only contains the function name
line = Line()
line.function_id = function_id
exist_location = self.location_map.get(location.key)
if exist_location:
return exist_location.id
# location_id starts from 1
location.id = len(self.location_list) + 1
self.location_map[location.key] = location
return location.id
def get_mapping_id(self, report_mapping, filename):
filename_id = self.get_string_id(filename)
build_id = self.lib.GetBuildIdForPath(filename)
if build_id and build_id[0:2] == "0x":
build_id = build_id[2:]
build_id_id = self.get_string_id(build_id)
mapping = Mapping(report_mapping.start, report_mapping.end,
report_mapping.pgoff, filename_id, build_id_id)
exist_mapping = self.mapping_map.get(mapping.key)
if exist_mapping:
return exist_mapping.id
# mapping_id starts from 1
mapping.id = len(self.mapping_list) + 1
self.mapping_map[mapping.key] = mapping
return mapping.id
def get_mapping(self, mapping_id):
return self.mapping_list[mapping_id - 1] if mapping_id > 0 else None
def get_function_id(self, name, dso_name, vaddr_in_file):
if name == 'unknown':
return 0
function = Function(self.get_string_id(name), self.get_string_id(dso_name), vaddr_in_file)
exist_function = self.function_map.get(function.key)
if exist_function:
return exist_function.id
# function_id starts from 1
function.id = len(self.function_list) + 1
self.function_map[function.key] = function
return function.id
def get_function(self, function_id):
return self.function_list[function_id - 1] if function_id > 0 else None
def add_sample(self, sample):
exist_sample = self.sample_map.get(sample.key)
if exist_sample:
self.sample_map[sample.key] = sample
def gen_source_lines(self):
# 1. Create Addr2line instance
if not self.config.get('binary_cache_dir'):
log_info("Can't generate line information because binary_cache is missing.")
if not self.config['addr2line_path'] or not is_executable_available(
if not find_tool_path('addr2line'):
log_info("Can't generate line information because can't find addr2line.")
addr2line = Addr2Line(self.config['addr2line_path'], self.config['binary_cache_dir'])
# 2. Put all needed addresses to it.
for location in self.location_list:
mapping = self.get_mapping(location.mapping_id)
dso_name = self.get_string(mapping.filename_id)
addr2line.add_addr(dso_name, location.vaddr_in_dso)
for function in self.function_list:
dso_name = self.get_string(function.dso_name_id)
addr2line.add_addr(dso_name, function.vaddr_in_dso)
# 3. Generate source lines.
# 4. Annotate locations and functions.
for location in self.location_list:
mapping = self.get_mapping(location.mapping_id)
dso_name = self.get_string(mapping.filename_id)
sources = addr2line.get_sources(dso_name, location.vaddr_in_dso)
source_id = 0
for source in sources:
if source.file and source.function and source.line:
function_id = self.get_function_id(source.function, dso_name, 0)
if function_id == 0:
if source_id == 0:
# Clear default line info
location.lines = []
location.lines.append(self.add_line(source, dso_name, function_id))
source_id += 1
for function in self.function_list:
dso_name = self.get_string(function.dso_name_id)
if function.vaddr_in_dso:
sources = addr2line.get_sources(dso_name, function.vaddr_in_dso)
source = sources[0] if sources else None
if source and source.file:
function.source_filename_id = self.get_string_id(source.file)
if source.line:
function.start_line = source.line
def add_line(self, source, dso_name, function_id):
line = Line()
function = self.get_function(function_id)
function.source_filename_id = self.get_string_id(source.file)
line.function_id = function_id
line.line = source.line
return line
def gen_profile_sample(self, sample):
profile_sample = self.profile.sample.add()
sample_type_count = len(self.sample_types) * 2
values = [0] * sample_type_count
for id in sample.values.keys():
values[id] = sample.values[id]
def gen_profile_mapping(self, mapping):
profile_mapping = self.profile.mapping.add()
profile_mapping.id = mapping.id
profile_mapping.memory_start = mapping.memory_start
profile_mapping.memory_limit = mapping.memory_limit
profile_mapping.file_offset = mapping.file_offset
profile_mapping.filename = mapping.filename_id
profile_mapping.build_id = mapping.build_id_id
profile_mapping.has_filenames = True
profile_mapping.has_functions = True
if self.config.get('binary_cache_dir'):
profile_mapping.has_line_numbers = True
profile_mapping.has_inline_frames = True
profile_mapping.has_line_numbers = False
profile_mapping.has_inline_frames = False
def gen_profile_location(self, location):
profile_location = self.profile.location.add()
profile_location.id = location.id
profile_location.mapping_id = location.mapping_id
profile_location.address = location.address
for i in range(len(location.lines)):
line = profile_location.line.add()
line.function_id = location.lines[i].function_id
line.line = location.lines[i].line
def gen_profile_function(self, function):
profile_function = self.profile.function.add()
profile_function.id = function.id
profile_function.name = function.name_id
profile_function.system_name = function.name_id
profile_function.filename = function.source_filename_id
profile_function.start_line = function.start_line
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generate pprof profile data in pprof.profile.')
parser.add_argument('--show', nargs='?', action='append', help='print existing pprof.profile.')
parser.add_argument('-i', '--perf_data_path', default='perf.data', help=
"""The path of profiling data.""")
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output_file', default='pprof.profile', help=
"""The path of generated pprof profile data.""")
parser.add_argument('--comm', nargs='+', action='append', help=
"""Use samples only in threads with selected names.""")
parser.add_argument('--pid', nargs='+', action='append', help=
"""Use samples only in processes with selected process ids.""")
parser.add_argument('--tid', nargs='+', action='append', help=
"""Use samples only in threads with selected thread ids.""")
parser.add_argument('--dso', nargs='+', action='append', help=
"""Use samples only in selected binaries.""")
parser.add_argument('--addr2line', help=
"""Set the path of addr2line.""")
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.show:
show_file = args.show[0] if args.show[0] else 'pprof.profile'
profile = load_pprof_profile(show_file)
printer = PprofProfilePrinter(profile)
config = {}
config['perf_data_path'] = args.perf_data_path
config['output_file'] = args.output_file
config['comm_filters'] = flatten_arg_list(args.comm)
config['pid_filters'] = flatten_arg_list(args.pid)
config['tid_filters'] = flatten_arg_list(args.tid)
config['dso_filters'] = flatten_arg_list(args.dso)
config['addr2line_path'] = args.addr2line
generator = PprofProfileGenerator(config)
profile = generator.gen()
store_pprof_profile(config['output_file'], profile)
if __name__ == '__main__':