* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "Coordinator.h"
#include <dirent.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <android-base/logging.h>
#include <hidl-hash/Hash.h>
#include <hidl-util/StringHelper.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "AST.h"
#include "Interface.h"
#include "hidl-gen_l.h"
static bool existdir(const char *name) {
DIR *dir = opendir(name);
if (dir == NULL) {
return false;
return true;
namespace android {
const std::string &Coordinator::getRootPath() const {
return mRootPath;
void Coordinator::setRootPath(const std::string &rootPath) {
mRootPath = rootPath;
if (!mRootPath.empty() && !StringHelper::EndsWith(mRootPath, "/")) {
mRootPath += "/";
void Coordinator::setOutputPath(const std::string& outputPath) {
mOutputPath = outputPath;
void Coordinator::setVerbose(bool verbose) {
mVerbose = verbose;
bool Coordinator::isVerbose() const {
return mVerbose;
void Coordinator::setDepFile(const std::string& depFile) {
mDepFile = depFile;
const std::string& Coordinator::getOwner() const {
return mOwner;
void Coordinator::setOwner(const std::string& owner) {
mOwner = owner;
status_t Coordinator::addPackagePath(const std::string& root, const std::string& path, std::string* error) {
FQName package = FQName(root, "0.0", "");
for (const PackageRoot &packageRoot : mPackageRoots) {
if (packageRoot.root.inPackage(root) || package.inPackage(packageRoot.root.package())) {
if (error != nullptr) {
*error = "ERROR: conflicting package roots " +
packageRoot.root.package() +
" and " +
mPackageRoots.push_back({path, package});
return OK;
void Coordinator::addDefaultPackagePath(const std::string& root, const std::string& path) {
addPackagePath(root, path, nullptr /* error */);
Formatter Coordinator::getFormatter(const FQName& fqName, Location location,
const std::string& fileName) const {
if (location == Location::STANDARD_OUT) {
return Formatter(stdout);
std::string filepath;
status_t err = getFilepath(fqName, location, fileName, &filepath);
if (err != OK) {
return Formatter::invalid();
onFileAccess(filepath, "w");
if (!Coordinator::MakeParentHierarchy(filepath)) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: could not make directories for %s.\n", filepath.c_str());
return Formatter::invalid();
FILE* file = fopen(filepath.c_str(), "w");
if (file == nullptr) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: could not open file %s: %d\n", filepath.c_str(), errno);
return Formatter::invalid();
return Formatter(file);
status_t Coordinator::getFilepath(const FQName& fqName, Location location,
const std::string& fileName, std::string* path) const {
status_t err;
std::string packagePath;
std::string packageRootPath;
switch (location) {
case Location::DIRECT: { /* nothing */
*path = mOutputPath + fileName;
} break;
case Location::PACKAGE_ROOT: {
err = getPackagePath(fqName, false /* relative */, false /* sanitized */, &packagePath);
if (err != OK) return err;
*path = mOutputPath + packagePath + fileName;
} break;
case Location::GEN_OUTPUT: {
err = convertPackageRootToPath(fqName, &packageRootPath);
if (err != OK) return err;
err = getPackagePath(fqName, true /* relative */, false /* sanitized */, &packagePath);
if (err != OK) return err;
*path = mOutputPath + packageRootPath + packagePath + fileName;
} break;
case Location::GEN_SANITIZED: {
err = convertPackageRootToPath(fqName, &packageRootPath);
if (err != OK) return err;
err = getPackagePath(fqName, true /* relative */, true /* sanitized */, &packagePath);
if (err != OK) return err;
*path = mOutputPath + packageRootPath + packagePath + fileName;
} break;
default: { CHECK(false) << "Invalid location: " << static_cast<size_t>(location); }
return OK;
void Coordinator::onFileAccess(const std::string& path, const std::string& mode) const {
if (mode == "r") {
// This is a global list. It's not cleared when a second fqname is processed for
// two reasons:
// 1). If there is a bug in hidl-gen, the dependencies on the first project from
// the second would be required to recover correctly when the bug is fixed.
// 2). This option is never used in Android builds.
mReadFiles.insert(StringHelper::LTrim(path, mRootPath));
if (!mVerbose) {
"VERBOSE: file access %s %s\n", path.c_str(), mode.c_str());
status_t Coordinator::writeDepFile(const std::string& forFile) const {
// No dep file requested
if (mDepFile.empty()) return OK;
onFileAccess(mDepFile, "w");
FILE* file = fopen(mDepFile.c_str(), "w");
if (file == nullptr) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: could not open dep file at %s.\n", mDepFile.c_str());
Formatter out(file, 2 /* spacesPerIndent */);
out << StringHelper::LTrim(forFile, mOutputPath) << ": \\\n";
out.indent([&] {
for (const std::string& file : mReadFiles) {
out << StringHelper::LTrim(file, mRootPath) << " \\\n";
return OK;
AST* Coordinator::parse(const FQName& fqName, std::set<AST*>* parsedASTs,
Enforce enforcement) const {
AST* ret;
status_t err = parseOptional(fqName, &ret, parsedASTs, enforcement);
if (err != OK) CHECK(ret == nullptr); // internal consistency
// only in a handful of places do we want to distinguish between
// a missing file and a bad AST. Everywhere else, we just want to
// throw an error if we expect an AST to be present but it is not.
return ret;
status_t Coordinator::parseOptional(const FQName& fqName, AST** ast, std::set<AST*>* parsedASTs,
Enforce enforcement) const {
auto it = mCache.find(fqName);
if (it != mCache.end()) {
*ast = (*it).second;
if (*ast != nullptr && parsedASTs != nullptr) {
if (*ast == nullptr) {
// circular import OR that AST has errors in it
return OK;
// Add this to the cache immediately, so we can discover circular imports.
mCache[fqName] = nullptr;
AST *typesAST = nullptr;
if (fqName.name() != "types") {
// Any interface file implicitly imports its package's types.hal.
FQName typesName = fqName.getTypesForPackage();
// Do not enforce on imports. Do not add imports' imports to this AST.
status_t err = parseOptional(typesName, &typesAST, nullptr, Enforce::NONE);
if (err != OK) return err;
// fall through.
std::string packagePath;
status_t err =
getPackagePath(fqName, false /* relative */, false /* sanitized */, &packagePath);
if (err != OK) return err;
const std::string path = makeAbsolute(packagePath + fqName.name() + ".hal");
*ast = new AST(this, &Hash::getHash(path));
if (typesAST != NULL) {
// If types.hal for this AST's package existed, make it's defined
// types available to the (about to be parsed) AST right away.
std::unique_ptr<FILE, std::function<void(FILE*)>> file(fopen(path.c_str(), "rb"), fclose);
if (file == nullptr) {
mCache.erase(fqName); // nullptr in cache is used to find circular imports
delete *ast;
*ast = nullptr;
return OK; // File does not exist, nullptr AST* == file doesn't exist.
onFileAccess(path, "r");
// parse file takes ownership of file
if (parseFile(*ast, std::move(file)) != OK || (*ast)->postParse() != OK) {
delete *ast;
*ast = nullptr;
if ((*ast)->package().package() != fqName.package() ||
(*ast)->package().version() != fqName.version()) {
"ERROR: File at '%s' does not match expected package and/or "
} else {
if ((*ast)->isInterface()) {
if (fqName.name() == "types") {
"ERROR: File at '%s' declares an interface '%s' "
"instead of the expected types common to the package.\n",
path.c_str(), (*ast)->getInterface()->localName().c_str());
} else if ((*ast)->getInterface()->localName() != fqName.name()) {
"ERROR: File at '%s' does not declare interface type "
} else if (fqName.name() != "types") {
"ERROR: File at '%s' declares types rather than the "
"expected interface type '%s'.\n",
} else if ((*ast)->containsInterfaces()) {
"ERROR: types.hal file at '%s' declares at least one "
"interface type.\n",
if (err != OK) {
delete *ast;
*ast = nullptr;
return err;
if (parsedASTs != nullptr) {
// put it into the cache now, so that enforceRestrictionsOnPackage can
// parse fqName.
mCache[fqName] = *ast;
// For each .hal file that hidl-gen parses, the whole package will be checked.
err = enforceRestrictionsOnPackage(fqName, enforcement);
if (err != OK) {
mCache[fqName] = nullptr;
delete *ast;
*ast = nullptr;
return err;
return OK;
const Coordinator::PackageRoot* Coordinator::findPackageRoot(const FQName& fqName) const {
// Find the right package prefix and path for this FQName. For
// example, if FQName is "android.hardware.nfc@1.0::INfc", and the
// prefix:root is set to [ "android.hardware:hardware/interfaces",
// "vendor.qcom.hardware:vendor/qcom"], then we will identify the
// prefix "android.hardware" and the package root
// "hardware/interfaces".
auto ret = mPackageRoots.end();
for (auto it = mPackageRoots.begin(); it != mPackageRoots.end(); it++) {
if (!fqName.inPackage(it->root.package())) {
if (ret != mPackageRoots.end()) {
std::cerr << "ERROR: Multiple package roots found for " << fqName.string() << " ("
<< it->root.package() << " and " << ret->root.package() << ")\n";
return nullptr;
ret = it;
if (ret == mPackageRoots.end()) {
std::cerr << "ERROR: Package root not specified for " << fqName.string() << "\n";
return nullptr;
return &(*ret);
std::string Coordinator::makeAbsolute(const std::string& path) const {
if (StringHelper::StartsWith(path, "/") || mRootPath.empty()) {
return path;
return mRootPath + path;
status_t Coordinator::getPackageRoot(const FQName& fqName, std::string* root) const {
const PackageRoot* packageRoot = findPackageRoot(fqName);
if (root == nullptr) {
*root = packageRoot->root.package();
return OK;
status_t Coordinator::getPackageRootPath(const FQName& fqName, std::string* path) const {
const PackageRoot* packageRoot = findPackageRoot(fqName);
if (packageRoot == nullptr) {
*path = packageRoot->path;
return OK;
status_t Coordinator::getPackagePath(const FQName& fqName, bool relative, bool sanitized,
std::string* path) const {
const PackageRoot* packageRoot = findPackageRoot(fqName);
if (packageRoot == nullptr) return UNKNOWN_ERROR;
// Given FQName of "android.hardware.nfc.test@1.0::IFoo" and a prefix
// "android.hardware", the suffix is "nfc.test".
std::string suffix = StringHelper::LTrim(fqName.package(), packageRoot->root.package());
suffix = StringHelper::LTrim(suffix, ".");
std::vector<std::string> suffixComponents;
StringHelper::SplitString(suffix, '.', &suffixComponents);
std::vector<std::string> components;
if (!relative) {
components.push_back(StringHelper::RTrimAll(packageRoot->path, "/"));
components.insert(components.end(), suffixComponents.begin(), suffixComponents.end());
components.push_back(sanitized ? fqName.sanitizedVersion() : fqName.version());
*path = StringHelper::JoinStrings(components, "/") + "/";
return OK;
status_t Coordinator::getPackageInterfaceFiles(
const FQName &package,
std::vector<std::string> *fileNames) const {
std::string packagePath;
status_t err =
getPackagePath(package, false /* relative */, false /* sanitized */, &packagePath);
if (err != OK) return err;
const std::string path = makeAbsolute(packagePath);
DIR* dir = opendir(path.c_str());
if (dir == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not open package path %s for package %s:\n%s\n",
packagePath.c_str(), package.string().c_str(), path.c_str());
return -errno;
struct dirent *ent;
while ((ent = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
if (ent->d_type != DT_REG) {
const auto suffix = ".hal";
const auto suffix_len = std::strlen(suffix);
const auto d_namelen = strlen(ent->d_name);
if (d_namelen < suffix_len
|| strcmp(ent->d_name + d_namelen - suffix_len, suffix)) {
fileNames->push_back(std::string(ent->d_name, d_namelen - suffix_len));
dir = NULL;
std::sort(fileNames->begin(), fileNames->end(),
[](const std::string& lhs, const std::string& rhs) -> bool {
if (lhs == "types") {
return true;
if (rhs == "types") {
return false;
return lhs < rhs;
return OK;
status_t Coordinator::appendPackageInterfacesToVector(
const FQName &package,
std::vector<FQName> *packageInterfaces) const {
std::vector<std::string> fileNames;
status_t err = getPackageInterfaceFiles(package, &fileNames);
if (err != OK) {
return err;
for (const auto &fileName : fileNames) {
FQName subFQName(package.package(), package.version(), fileName);
return OK;
status_t Coordinator::convertPackageRootToPath(const FQName& fqName, std::string* path) const {
std::string packageRoot;
status_t err = getPackageRoot(fqName, &packageRoot);
if (err != OK) return err;
if (*(packageRoot.end()--) != '.') {
packageRoot += '.';
std::replace(packageRoot.begin(), packageRoot.end(), '.', '/');
*path = packageRoot; // now converted to a path
return OK;
status_t Coordinator::isTypesOnlyPackage(const FQName& package, bool* result) const {
std::vector<FQName> packageInterfaces;
status_t err = appendPackageInterfacesToVector(package, &packageInterfaces);
if (err != OK) {
*result = false;
return err;
*result = packageInterfaces.size() == 1 && packageInterfaces[0].name() == "types";
return OK;
status_t Coordinator::addUnreferencedTypes(const std::vector<FQName>& packageInterfaces,
std::set<FQName>* unreferencedDefinitions,
std::set<FQName>* unreferencedImports) const {
CHECK(unreferencedDefinitions != nullptr);
CHECK(unreferencedImports != nullptr);
std::set<FQName> packageDefinedTypes;
std::set<FQName> packageReferencedTypes;
std::set<FQName> packageImportedTypes;
std::set<FQName> typesDefinedTypes; // only types.hal types
for (const auto& fqName : packageInterfaces) {
AST* ast = parse(fqName);
if (!ast) {
std::cerr << "ERROR: Could not parse " << fqName.string() << ". Aborting." << std::endl;
if (fqName.name() == "types") {
#if 0
for (const auto &fqName : packageDefinedTypes) {
std::cout << "VERBOSE: DEFINED " << fqName.string() << std::endl;
for (const auto &fqName : packageImportedTypes) {
std::cout << "VERBOSE: IMPORTED " << fqName.string() << std::endl;
for (const auto &fqName : packageReferencedTypes) {
std::cout << "VERBOSE: REFERENCED " << fqName.string() << std::endl;
for (const auto &fqName : typesDefinedTypes) {
std::cout << "VERBOSE: DEFINED in types.hal " << fqName.string() << std::endl;
for (const auto& fqName : packageReferencedTypes) {
// A package implicitly imports its own types.hal, only track them in one set.
for (const auto& fqName : typesDefinedTypes) {
// defined but not referenced
unreferencedDefinitions->insert(packageDefinedTypes.begin(), packageDefinedTypes.end());
// imported but not referenced
unreferencedImports->insert(packageImportedTypes.begin(), packageImportedTypes.end());
return OK;
status_t Coordinator::enforceRestrictionsOnPackage(const FQName& fqName,
Enforce enforcement) const {
CHECK(enforcement == Enforce::FULL || enforcement == Enforce::NO_HASH ||
enforcement == Enforce::NONE);
// need fqName to be something like android.hardware.foo@1.0.
// name and valueName is ignored.
if (fqName.package().empty() || fqName.version().empty()) {
std::cerr << "ERROR: Cannot enforce restrictions on package " << fqName.string()
<< ": package or version is missing." << std::endl;
return BAD_VALUE;
if (enforcement == Enforce::NONE) {
return OK;
FQName package = fqName.getPackageAndVersion();
// look up cache.
if (mPackagesEnforced.find(package) != mPackagesEnforced.end()) {
return OK;
// enforce all rules.
status_t err;
err = enforceMinorVersionUprevs(package, enforcement);
if (err != OK) {
return err;
if (enforcement != Enforce::NO_HASH) {
err = enforceHashes(package);
if (err != OK) {
return err;
// cache it so that it won't need to be enforced again.
return OK;
status_t Coordinator::enforceMinorVersionUprevs(const FQName& currentPackage,
Enforce enforcement) const {
if(!currentPackage.hasVersion()) {
std::cerr << "ERROR: Cannot enforce minor version uprevs for " << currentPackage.string()
<< ": missing version." << std::endl;
if (currentPackage.getPackageMinorVersion() == 0) {
return OK; // ignore for @x.0
bool hasPrevPackage = false;
FQName prevPackage = currentPackage;
while (prevPackage.getPackageMinorVersion() > 0) {
prevPackage = prevPackage.downRev();
std::string prevPackagePath;
status_t err = getPackagePath(prevPackage, false /* relative */, false /* sanitized */,
if (err != OK) return err;
if (existdir(makeAbsolute(prevPackagePath).c_str())) {
hasPrevPackage = true;
if (!hasPrevPackage) {
// no @x.z, where z < y, exist.
return OK;
if (prevPackage != currentPackage.downRev()) {
std::cerr << "ERROR: Cannot enforce minor version uprevs for " << currentPackage.string()
<< ": Found package " << prevPackage.string() << " but missing "
<< currentPackage.downRev().string() << "; you cannot skip a minor version."
<< std::endl;
bool prevIsTypesOnly;
status_t err = isTypesOnlyPackage(prevPackage, &prevIsTypesOnly);
if (err != OK) return err;
if (prevIsTypesOnly) {
// A types only package can be extended in any way.
return OK;
std::vector<FQName> packageInterfaces;
err = appendPackageInterfacesToVector(currentPackage, &packageInterfaces);
if (err != OK) {
return err;
bool extendedInterface = false;
for (const FQName ¤tFQName : packageInterfaces) {
if (currentFQName.name() == "types") {
continue; // ignore types.hal
const Interface *iface = nullptr;
AST* currentAST = parse(currentFQName, nullptr /* parsedASTs */, enforcement);
if (currentAST != nullptr) {
iface = currentAST->getInterface();
if (iface == nullptr) {
if (currentAST == nullptr) {
std::cerr << "WARNING: Skipping " << currentFQName.string()
<< " because it could not be found or parsed"
<< " or " << currentPackage.string() << " doesn't pass all requirements."
<< std::endl;
} else {
std::cerr << "WARNING: Skipping " << currentFQName.string()
<< " because the file might contain more than one interface."
<< std::endl;
if (iface->superType() == nullptr) {
// Assume that currentFQName == android.hardware.foo@2.2::IFoo.
FQName lastFQName(prevPackage.package(), prevPackage.version(),
AST *lastAST = parse(lastFQName);
for (; lastFQName.getPackageMinorVersion() > 0 &&
(lastAST == nullptr || lastAST->getInterface() == nullptr)
; lastFQName = lastFQName.downRev(), lastAST = parse(lastFQName)) {
// nothing
// Then lastFQName == android.hardware.foo@2.1::IFoo or
// lastFQName == android.hardware.foo@2.0::IFoo if 2.1 doesn't exist.
bool lastFQNameExists = lastAST != nullptr && lastAST->getInterface() != nullptr;
if (!lastFQNameExists) {
if (iface->superType()->fqName() != lastFQName) {
std::cerr << "ERROR: Cannot enforce minor version uprevs for "
<< currentPackage.string() << ": " << iface->fqName().string() << " extends "
<< iface->superType()->fqName().string()
<< ", which is not allowed. It must extend " << lastFQName.string()
<< std::endl;
// at least one interface must extend the previous version
// @2.0::IFoo does not work. It must be @2.1::IFoo for at least one interface.
if (lastFQName.getPackageAndVersion() == prevPackage.getPackageAndVersion()) {
extendedInterface = true;
if (mVerbose) {
std::cout << "VERBOSE: EnforceMinorVersionUprevs: " << currentFQName.string()
<< " passes." << std::endl;
if (!extendedInterface) {
// No interface extends the interface with the same name in @x.(y-1).
std::cerr << "ERROR: " << currentPackage.string()
<< " doesn't pass minor version uprev requirement. "
<< "Requires at least one interface to extend an interface with the same name "
<< "from " << prevPackage.string() << "." << std::endl;
return OK;
Coordinator::HashStatus Coordinator::checkHash(const FQName& fqName) const {
AST* ast = parse(fqName);
if (ast == nullptr) return HashStatus::ERROR;
std::string rootPath;
status_t err = getPackageRootPath(fqName, &rootPath);
if (err != OK) return HashStatus::ERROR;
std::string hashPath = makeAbsolute(rootPath) + "/current.txt";
std::string error;
bool fileExists;
std::vector<std::string> frozen =
Hash::lookupHash(hashPath, fqName.string(), &error, &fileExists);
if (fileExists) onFileAccess(hashPath, "r");
if (error.size() > 0) {
std::cerr << "ERROR: " << error << std::endl;
return HashStatus::ERROR;
// hash not defined, interface not frozen
if (frozen.size() == 0) {
// This ensures that it can be detected.
return HashStatus::UNFROZEN;
std::string currentHash = ast->getFileHash()->hexString();
if (std::find(frozen.begin(), frozen.end(), currentHash) == frozen.end()) {
std::cerr << "ERROR: " << fqName.string() << " has hash " << currentHash
<< " which does not match hash on record. This interface has "
<< "been frozen. Do not change it!" << std::endl;
return HashStatus::CHANGED;
return HashStatus::FROZEN;
status_t Coordinator::getUnfrozenDependencies(const FQName& fqName,
std::set<FQName>* result) const {
CHECK(result != nullptr);
AST* ast = parse(fqName);
if (ast == nullptr) return UNKNOWN_ERROR;
std::set<FQName> imported;
// no circular dependency is already guaranteed by parsing
// indirect dependencies will be checked when the imported interface frozen checks are done
for (const FQName& importedPackage : imported) {
std::vector<FQName> packageInterfaces;
status_t err = appendPackageInterfacesToVector(importedPackage, &packageInterfaces);
if (err != OK) {
return err;
for (const FQName& importedName : packageInterfaces) {
HashStatus status = checkHash(importedName);
if (status == HashStatus::ERROR) return UNKNOWN_ERROR;
if (status == HashStatus::UNFROZEN) {
return OK;
status_t Coordinator::enforceHashes(const FQName& currentPackage) const {
std::vector<FQName> packageInterfaces;
status_t err = appendPackageInterfacesToVector(currentPackage, &packageInterfaces);
if (err != OK) {
return err;
for (const FQName& currentFQName : packageInterfaces) {
HashStatus status = checkHash(currentFQName);
if (status == HashStatus::ERROR) return UNKNOWN_ERROR;
if (status == HashStatus::CHANGED) return UNKNOWN_ERROR;
// frozen interface can only depend on a frozen interface
if (status == HashStatus::FROZEN) {
std::set<FQName> unfrozenDependencies;
err = getUnfrozenDependencies(currentFQName, &unfrozenDependencies);
if (err != OK) return err;
if (!unfrozenDependencies.empty()) {
std::cerr << "ERROR: Frozen interface " << currentFQName.string()
<< " cannot depend on unfrozen thing(s):" << std::endl;
for (const FQName& name : unfrozenDependencies) {
std::cerr << " (unfrozen) " << name.string() << std::endl;
// UNFROZEN, ignore
return err;
bool Coordinator::MakeParentHierarchy(const std::string &path) {
static const mode_t kMode = 0755;
size_t start = 1; // Ignore leading '/'
size_t slashPos;
while ((slashPos = path.find('/', start)) != std::string::npos) {
std::string partial = path.substr(0, slashPos);
struct stat st;
if (stat(partial.c_str(), &st) < 0) {
if (errno != ENOENT) {
return false;
int res = mkdir(partial.c_str(), kMode);
if (res < 0) {
return false;
} else if (!S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
return false;
start = slashPos + 1;
return true;
} // namespace android