// vim:tw=110:ts=4: /************************************************************************************************************ * * FILE : mmd.c * * DATE : $Date: 2004/07/23 11:57:45 $ $Revision: 1.4 $ * Original: 2004/05/28 14:05:35 Revision: 1.32 Tag: hcf7_t20040602_01 * Original: 2004/05/13 15:31:45 Revision: 1.30 Tag: hcf7_t7_20040513_01 * Original: 2004/04/15 09:24:42 Revision: 1.25 Tag: hcf7_t7_20040415_01 * Original: 2004/04/08 15:18:17 Revision: 1.24 Tag: t7_20040413_01 * Original: 2004/04/01 15:32:55 Revision: 1.22 Tag: t7_20040401_01 * Original: 2004/03/10 15:39:28 Revision: 1.18 Tag: t20040310_01 * Original: 2004/03/03 14:10:12 Revision: 1.16 Tag: t20040304_01 * Original: 2004/03/02 09:27:12 Revision: 1.14 Tag: t20040302_03 * Original: 2004/02/24 13:00:29 Revision: 1.12 Tag: t20040224_01 * Original: 2004/01/30 09:59:33 Revision: 1.11 Tag: t20040219_01 * * AUTHOR : Nico Valster * * DESC : Common routines for HCF, MSF, UIL as well as USF sources * * Note: relative to Asserts, the following can be observed: * Since the IFB is not known inside the routine, the macro HCFASSERT is replaced with MDDASSERT. * Also the line number reported in the assert is raised by FILE_NAME_OFFSET (20000) to discriminate the * MMD Asserts from HCF and DHF asserts. * *************************************************************************************************************** * * * SOFTWARE LICENSE * * This software is provided subject to the following terms and conditions, * which you should read carefully before using the software. Using this * software indicates your acceptance of these terms and conditions. If you do * not agree with these terms and conditions, do not use the software. * * COPYRIGHT 2001 - 2004 by Agere Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source or binary forms, with or without * modifications, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * . Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following Disclaimer as comments in the code as * well as in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * . Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following Disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * . Neither the name of Agere Systems Inc. nor the names of the contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * Disclaimer * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, INFRINGEMENT AND THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ANY * USE, MODIFICATION OR DISTRIBUTION OF THIS SOFTWARE IS SOLELY AT THE USERS OWN * RISK. IN NO EVENT SHALL AGERE SYSTEMS INC. OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH * DAMAGE. * * **************************************************************************************************************/ #include "hcf.h" // Needed as long as we do not really sort out the mess #include "hcfdef.h" // get CNV_LITTLE_TO_SHORT #include "mmd.h" // MoreModularDriver common include file //to distinguish DHF from HCF asserts by means of line number #undef FILE_NAME_OFFSET #define FILE_NAME_OFFSET DHF_FILE_NAME_OFFSET /************************************************************************************************************* * *.MODULE CFG_RANGE_SPEC_STRCT* mmd_check_comp( CFG_RANGES_STRCT *actp, CFG_SUP_RANGE_STRCT *supp ) *.PURPOSE Checks compatibility between an actor and a supplier. * *.ARGUMENTS * actp * supp * *.RETURNS * NULL incompatible * <>NULL pointer to matching CFG_RANGE_SPEC_STRCT substructure in actor-structure matching the supplier * *.NARRATIVE * * Parameters: * actp address of the actor specification * supp address of the supplier specification * * Description: mmd_check_comp is a support routine to check the compatibility between an actor and a * supplier. mmd_check_comp is independent of the endianess of the actp and supp structures. This is * achieved by checking the "bottom" or "role" fields of these structures. Since these fields are restricted * to a limited range, comparing the contents to a value with a known endian-ess gives a clue to their actual * endianess. * *.DIAGRAM *1a: The role-field of the actor structure has a known non-zero, not "byte symmetric" value (namely * COMP_ROLE_ACT or 0x0001), so if and only the contents of this field matches COMP_ROLE_ACT (in Native * Endian format), the actor structure is Native Endian. *2a: Since the role-field of the supplier structure is 0x0000, the test as used for the actor does not work * for a supplier. A supplier has always exactly 1 variant,top,bottom record with (officially, but see the * note below) each of these 3 values in the range 1 through 99, so one byte of the word value of variant, * top and bottom words is 0x00 and the other byte is non-zero. Whether the lowest address byte or the * highest address byte is non-zero depends on the Endianess of the LTV. If and only if the word value of * bottom is less than 0x0100, the supplier is Native Endian. * NOTE: the variant field of the supplier structure can not be used for the Endian Detection Algorithm, * because a a zero-valued variant has been used as Controlled Deployment indication in the past. * Note: An actor may have multiple sets of variant,top,bottom records, including dummy sets with variant, * top and bottom fields with a zero-value. As a consequence the endianess of the actor can not be determined * based on its variant,top,bottom values. * * Note: the L and T field of the structures are always in Native Endian format, so you can not draw * conclusions concerning the Endianess of the structure based on these two fields. * *1b/2b * The only purpose of the CFG_RANGE_SPEC_BYTE_STRCT is to give easy access to the non-zero byte of the word * value of variant, top and bottom. The variables sup_endian and act_endian are used for the supplier and * actor structure respectively. These variables must be 0 when the structure has LE format and 1 if the * structure has BE format. This can be phrased as: * the variable is false (i.e 0x0000) if either * (the platform is LE and the LTV is the same as the platform) * or * (the platform is BE and the LTV differs from the platform). * the variable is true (i.e 0x0001) if either * (the platform is BE and the LTV is the same as the platform) * or * (the platform is LE and the LTV differs from the platform). * * Alternatively this can be phrased as: * if the platform is LE * if the LTV is LE (i.e the same as the platform), then the variable = 0 * else (the LTV is BE (i.e. different from the platform) ), then the variable = 1 * if the platform is BE * if the LTV is BE (i.e the same as the platform), then the variable = 1 * else (the LTV is LE (i.e. different from the platform) ), then the variable = 0 * * This is implemented as: * #if HCF_BIG_ENDIAN == 0 //platform is LE * sup/act_endian becomes reverse of structure-endianess as determined in 1a/1b * #endif *6: Each of the actor variant-bottom-top records is checked against the (single) supplier variant-bottom-top * range till either an acceptable match is found or all actor records are tried. As explained above, due to * the limited ranges of these values, checking a byte is acceptable and suitable. *8: depending on whether a match was found or not (as reflected by the value of the control variable of the * for loop), the NULL pointer or a pointer to the matching Number/Bottom/Top record of the Actor structure * is returned. * As an additional safety, checking the supplier length protects against invalid Supplier structures, which * may be caused by failing hcf_get_info (in which case the len-field is zero). Note that the contraption * "supp->len != sizeof(CFG_SUP_RANGE_STRCT)/sizeof(hcf_16) - 1" * did turn out not to work for a compiler which padded the structure definition. * * Note: when consulting references like DesignNotes and Architecture specifications there is a confusing use * of the notions number and variant. This resulted in an inconsistent use in the HCF nomenclature as well. * This makes the logic hard to follow and one has to be very much aware of the context when walking through * the code. * NOTE: The Endian Detection Algorithm places limitations on future extensions of the fields, i.e. they should * stay within the currently defined boundaries of 1 through 99 (although 1 through 255) would work as well * and there should never be used a zero value for the bottom of a valid supplier. * Note: relative to Asserts, the following can be observed: * 1: Supplier variant 0x0000 has been used for Controlled Deployment * 2: An actor may have one or more variant record specifications with a top of zero and a non-zero bottom * to override the HCF default support of a particular variant by the MSF programmer via hcfcfg.h * 3: An actor range can be specified as all zeros, e.g. as padding in the automatically generated firmware * image files. *.ENDDOC END DOCUMENTATION *************************************************************************************************************/ CFG_RANGE_SPEC_STRCT* mmd_check_comp( CFG_RANGES_STRCT *actp, CFG_SUP_RANGE_STRCT *supp ) { CFG_RANGE_SPEC_BYTE_STRCT *actq = (CFG_RANGE_SPEC_BYTE_STRCT*)actp->var_rec; CFG_RANGE_SPEC_BYTE_STRCT *supq = (CFG_RANGE_SPEC_BYTE_STRCT*)&(supp->variant); hcf_16 i; int act_endian; //actor endian flag int sup_endian; //supplier endian flag act_endian = actp->role == COMP_ROLE_ACT; //true if native endian /* 1a */ sup_endian = supp->bottom < 0x0100; //true if native endian /* 2a */ #if HCF_ASSERT MMDASSERT( supp->len == 6, supp->len ) MMDASSERT( actp->len >= 6 && actp->len%3 == 0, actp->len ) if ( act_endian ) { //native endian MMDASSERT( actp->role == COMP_ROLE_ACT, actp->role ) MMDASSERT( 1 <= actp->id && actp->id <= 99, actp->id ) } else { //non-native endian MMDASSERT( actp->role == CNV_END_SHORT(COMP_ROLE_ACT), actp->role ) MMDASSERT( 1 <= CNV_END_SHORT(actp->id) && CNV_END_SHORT(actp->id) <= 99, actp->id ) } if ( sup_endian ) { //native endian MMDASSERT( supp->role == COMP_ROLE_SUPL, supp->role ) MMDASSERT( 1 <= supp->id && supp->id <= 99, supp->id ) MMDASSERT( 1 <= supp->variant && supp->variant <= 99, supp->variant ) MMDASSERT( 1 <= supp->bottom && supp->bottom <= 99, supp->bottom ) MMDASSERT( 1 <= supp->top && supp->top <= 99, supp->top ) MMDASSERT( supp->bottom <= supp->top, supp->bottom << 8 | supp->top ) } else { //non-native endian MMDASSERT( supp->role == CNV_END_SHORT(COMP_ROLE_SUPL), supp->role ) MMDASSERT( 1 <= CNV_END_SHORT(supp->id) && CNV_END_SHORT(supp->id) <= 99, supp->id ) MMDASSERT( 1 <= CNV_END_SHORT(supp->variant) && CNV_END_SHORT(supp->variant) <= 99, supp->variant ) MMDASSERT( 1 <= CNV_END_SHORT(supp->bottom) && CNV_END_SHORT(supp->bottom) <=99, supp->bottom ) MMDASSERT( 1 <= CNV_END_SHORT(supp->top) && CNV_END_SHORT(supp->top) <=99, supp->top ) MMDASSERT( CNV_END_SHORT(supp->bottom) <= CNV_END_SHORT(supp->top), supp->bottom << 8 | supp->top ) } #endif // HCF_ASSERT #if HCF_BIG_ENDIAN == 0 act_endian = !act_endian; /* 1b*/ sup_endian = !sup_endian; /* 2b*/ #endif // HCF_BIG_ENDIAN for ( i = actp->len ; i > 3; actq++, i -= 3 ) { /* 6 */ MMDASSERT( actq->variant[act_endian] <= 99, i<<8 | actq->variant[act_endian] ) MMDASSERT( actq->bottom[act_endian] <= 99 , i<<8 | actq->bottom[act_endian] ) MMDASSERT( actq->top[act_endian] <= 99 , i<<8 | actq->top[act_endian] ) MMDASSERT( actq->bottom[act_endian] <= actq->top[act_endian], i<<8 | actq->bottom[act_endian] ) if ( actq->variant[act_endian] == supq->variant[sup_endian] && actq->bottom[act_endian] <= supq->top[sup_endian] && actq->top[act_endian] >= supq->bottom[sup_endian] ) break; } if ( i <= 3 || supp->len != 6 /*sizeof(CFG_SUP_RANGE_STRCT)/sizeof(hcf_16) - 1 */ ) { actq = NULL; /* 8 */ } #if HCF_ASSERT if ( actq == NULL ) { for ( i = 0; i <= supp->len; i += 2 ) { MMDASSERT( DO_ASSERT, MERGE_2( ((hcf_16*)supp)[i], ((hcf_16*)supp)[i+1] ) ); } for ( i = 0; i <= actp->len; i += 2 ) { MMDASSERT( DO_ASSERT, MERGE_2( ((hcf_16*)actp)[i], ((hcf_16*)actp)[i+1] ) ); } } #endif // HCF_ASSERT return (CFG_RANGE_SPEC_STRCT*)actq; } // mmd_check_comp
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