/* linux/arch/arm/mach-msm/board-trout-mddi.c ** Author: Brian Swetland <swetland@google.com> */ #include <linux/gpio.h> #include <linux/kernel.h> #include <linux/init.h> #include <linux/platform_device.h> #include <linux/delay.h> #include <linux/leds.h> #include <linux/err.h> #include <asm/io.h> #include <asm/mach-types.h> #include <asm/system_info.h> #include <linux/platform_data/video-msm_fb.h> #include <mach/vreg.h> #include "board-trout.h" #include "proc_comm.h" #include "clock-pcom.h" #include "devices.h" #define TROUT_DEFAULT_BACKLIGHT_BRIGHTNESS 255 #define MDDI_CLIENT_CORE_BASE 0x108000 #define LCD_CONTROL_BLOCK_BASE 0x110000 #define SPI_BLOCK_BASE 0x120000 #define I2C_BLOCK_BASE 0x130000 #define PWM_BLOCK_BASE 0x140000 #define GPIO_BLOCK_BASE 0x150000 #define SYSTEM_BLOCK1_BASE 0x160000 #define SYSTEM_BLOCK2_BASE 0x170000 #define DPSUS (MDDI_CLIENT_CORE_BASE|0x24) #define SYSCLKENA (MDDI_CLIENT_CORE_BASE|0x2C) #define PWM0OFF (PWM_BLOCK_BASE|0x1C) #define V_VDDE2E_VDD2_GPIO 0 #define MDDI_RST_N 82 #define MDDICAP0 (MDDI_CLIENT_CORE_BASE|0x00) #define MDDICAP1 (MDDI_CLIENT_CORE_BASE|0x04) #define MDDICAP2 (MDDI_CLIENT_CORE_BASE|0x08) #define MDDICAP3 (MDDI_CLIENT_CORE_BASE|0x0C) #define MDCAPCHG (MDDI_CLIENT_CORE_BASE|0x10) #define MDCRCERC (MDDI_CLIENT_CORE_BASE|0x14) #define TTBUSSEL (MDDI_CLIENT_CORE_BASE|0x18) #define DPSET0 (MDDI_CLIENT_CORE_BASE|0x1C) #define DPSET1 (MDDI_CLIENT_CORE_BASE|0x20) #define DPSUS (MDDI_CLIENT_CORE_BASE|0x24) #define DPRUN (MDDI_CLIENT_CORE_BASE|0x28) #define SYSCKENA (MDDI_CLIENT_CORE_BASE|0x2C) #define TESTMODE (MDDI_CLIENT_CORE_BASE|0x30) #define FIFOMONI (MDDI_CLIENT_CORE_BASE|0x34) #define INTMONI (MDDI_CLIENT_CORE_BASE|0x38) #define MDIOBIST (MDDI_CLIENT_CORE_BASE|0x3C) #define MDIOPSET (MDDI_CLIENT_CORE_BASE|0x40) #define BITMAP0 (MDDI_CLIENT_CORE_BASE|0x44) #define BITMAP1 (MDDI_CLIENT_CORE_BASE|0x48) #define BITMAP2 (MDDI_CLIENT_CORE_BASE|0x4C) #define BITMAP3 (MDDI_CLIENT_CORE_BASE|0x50) #define BITMAP4 (MDDI_CLIENT_CORE_BASE|0x54) #define SRST (LCD_CONTROL_BLOCK_BASE|0x00) #define PORT_ENB (LCD_CONTROL_BLOCK_BASE|0x04) #define START (LCD_CONTROL_BLOCK_BASE|0x08) #define PORT (LCD_CONTROL_BLOCK_BASE|0x0C) #define CMN (LCD_CONTROL_BLOCK_BASE|0x10) #define GAMMA (LCD_CONTROL_BLOCK_BASE|0x14) #define INTFLG (LCD_CONTROL_BLOCK_BASE|0x18) #define INTMSK (LCD_CONTROL_BLOCK_BASE|0x1C) #define MPLFBUF (LCD_CONTROL_BLOCK_BASE|0x20) #define HDE_LEFT (LCD_CONTROL_BLOCK_BASE|0x24) #define VDE_TOP (LCD_CONTROL_BLOCK_BASE|0x28) #define PXL (LCD_CONTROL_BLOCK_BASE|0x30) #define HCYCLE (LCD_CONTROL_BLOCK_BASE|0x34) #define HSW (LCD_CONTROL_BLOCK_BASE|0x38) #define HDE_START (LCD_CONTROL_BLOCK_BASE|0x3C) #define HDE_SIZE (LCD_CONTROL_BLOCK_BASE|0x40) #define VCYCLE (LCD_CONTROL_BLOCK_BASE|0x44) #define VSW (LCD_CONTROL_BLOCK_BASE|0x48) #define VDE_START (LCD_CONTROL_BLOCK_BASE|0x4C) #define VDE_SIZE (LCD_CONTROL_BLOCK_BASE|0x50) #define WAKEUP (LCD_CONTROL_BLOCK_BASE|0x54) #define WSYN_DLY (LCD_CONTROL_BLOCK_BASE|0x58) #define REGENB (LCD_CONTROL_BLOCK_BASE|0x5C) #define VSYNIF (LCD_CONTROL_BLOCK_BASE|0x60) #define WRSTB (LCD_CONTROL_BLOCK_BASE|0x64) #define RDSTB (LCD_CONTROL_BLOCK_BASE|0x68) #define ASY_DATA (LCD_CONTROL_BLOCK_BASE|0x6C) #define ASY_DATB (LCD_CONTROL_BLOCK_BASE|0x70) #define ASY_DATC (LCD_CONTROL_BLOCK_BASE|0x74) #define ASY_DATD (LCD_CONTROL_BLOCK_BASE|0x78) #define ASY_DATE (LCD_CONTROL_BLOCK_BASE|0x7C) #define ASY_DATF (LCD_CONTROL_BLOCK_BASE|0x80) #define ASY_DATG (LCD_CONTROL_BLOCK_BASE|0x84) #define ASY_DATH (LCD_CONTROL_BLOCK_BASE|0x88) #define ASY_CMDSET (LCD_CONTROL_BLOCK_BASE|0x8C) #define SSICTL (SPI_BLOCK_BASE|0x00) #define SSITIME (SPI_BLOCK_BASE|0x04) #define SSITX (SPI_BLOCK_BASE|0x08) #define SSIRX (SPI_BLOCK_BASE|0x0C) #define SSIINTC (SPI_BLOCK_BASE|0x10) #define SSIINTS (SPI_BLOCK_BASE|0x14) #define SSIDBG1 (SPI_BLOCK_BASE|0x18) #define SSIDBG2 (SPI_BLOCK_BASE|0x1C) #define SSIID (SPI_BLOCK_BASE|0x20) #define WKREQ (SYSTEM_BLOCK1_BASE|0x00) #define CLKENB (SYSTEM_BLOCK1_BASE|0x04) #define DRAMPWR (SYSTEM_BLOCK1_BASE|0x08) #define INTMASK (SYSTEM_BLOCK1_BASE|0x0C) #define GPIOSEL (SYSTEM_BLOCK2_BASE|0x00) #define GPIODATA (GPIO_BLOCK_BASE|0x00) #define GPIODIR (GPIO_BLOCK_BASE|0x04) #define GPIOIS (GPIO_BLOCK_BASE|0x08) #define GPIOIBE (GPIO_BLOCK_BASE|0x0C) #define GPIOIEV (GPIO_BLOCK_BASE|0x10) #define GPIOIE (GPIO_BLOCK_BASE|0x14) #define GPIORIS (GPIO_BLOCK_BASE|0x18) #define GPIOMIS (GPIO_BLOCK_BASE|0x1C) #define GPIOIC (GPIO_BLOCK_BASE|0x20) #define GPIOOMS (GPIO_BLOCK_BASE|0x24) #define GPIOPC (GPIO_BLOCK_BASE|0x28) #define GPIOID (GPIO_BLOCK_BASE|0x30) #define SPI_WRITE(reg, val) \ { SSITX, 0x00010000 | (((reg) & 0xff) << 8) | ((val) & 0xff) }, \ { 0, 5 }, #define SPI_WRITE1(reg) \ { SSITX, (reg) & 0xff }, \ { 0, 5 }, struct mddi_table { uint32_t reg; uint32_t value; }; static struct mddi_table mddi_toshiba_init_table[] = { { DPSET0, 0x09e90046 }, { DPSET1, 0x00000118 }, { DPSUS, 0x00000000 }, { DPRUN, 0x00000001 }, { 1, 14 }, /* msleep 14 */ { SYSCKENA, 0x00000001 }, { CLKENB, 0x0000A1EF }, /* # SYS.CLKENB # Enable clocks for each module (without DCLK , i2cCLK) */ { GPIODATA, 0x02000200 }, /* # GPI .GPIODATA # GPIO2(RESET_LCD_N) set to 0 , GPIO3(eDRAM_Power) set to 0 */ { GPIODIR, 0x000030D }, /* 24D # GPI .GPIODIR # Select direction of GPIO port (0,2,3,6,9 output) */ { GPIOSEL, 0/*0x00000173*/}, /* # SYS.GPIOSEL # GPIO port multiplexing control */ { GPIOPC, 0x03C300C0 }, /* # GPI .GPIOPC # GPIO2,3 PD cut */ { WKREQ, 0x00000000 }, /* # SYS.WKREQ # Wake-up request event is VSYNC alignment */ { GPIOIBE, 0x000003FF }, { GPIOIS, 0x00000000 }, { GPIOIC, 0x000003FF }, { GPIOIE, 0x00000000 }, { GPIODATA, 0x00040004 }, /* # GPI .GPIODATA # eDRAM VD supply */ { 1, 1 }, /* msleep 1 */ { GPIODATA, 0x02040004 }, /* # GPI .GPIODATA # eDRAM VD supply */ { DRAMPWR, 0x00000001 }, /* eDRAM power */ }; #define GPIOSEL_VWAKEINT (1U << 0) #define INTMASK_VWAKEOUT (1U << 0) static int trout_new_backlight = 1; static struct vreg *vreg_mddi_1v5; static struct vreg *vreg_lcm_2v85; static void trout_process_mddi_table(struct msm_mddi_client_data *client_data, struct mddi_table *table, size_t count) { int i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { uint32_t reg = table[i].reg; uint32_t value = table[i].value; if (reg == 0) udelay(value); else if (reg == 1) msleep(value); else client_data->remote_write(client_data, value, reg); } } static int trout_mddi_toshiba_client_init( struct msm_mddi_bridge_platform_data *bridge_data, struct msm_mddi_client_data *client_data) { int panel_id; client_data->auto_hibernate(client_data, 0); trout_process_mddi_table(client_data, mddi_toshiba_init_table, ARRAY_SIZE(mddi_toshiba_init_table)); client_data->auto_hibernate(client_data, 1); panel_id = (client_data->remote_read(client_data, GPIODATA) >> 4) & 3; if (panel_id > 1) { printk(KERN_WARNING "unknown panel id at mddi_enable\n"); return -1; } return 0; } static int trout_mddi_toshiba_client_uninit( struct msm_mddi_bridge_platform_data *bridge_data, struct msm_mddi_client_data *client_data) { return 0; } static struct resource resources_msm_fb[] = { { .start = MSM_FB_BASE, .end = MSM_FB_BASE + MSM_FB_SIZE, .flags = IORESOURCE_MEM, }, }; struct msm_mddi_bridge_platform_data toshiba_client_data = { .init = trout_mddi_toshiba_client_init, .uninit = trout_mddi_toshiba_client_uninit, .fb_data = { .xres = 320, .yres = 480, .width = 45, .height = 67, .output_format = 0, }, }; static struct msm_mddi_platform_data mddi_pdata = { .clk_rate = 122880000, .fb_resource = resources_msm_fb, .num_clients = 1, .client_platform_data = { { .product_id = (0xd263 << 16 | 0), .name = "mddi_c_d263_0000", .id = 0, .client_data = &toshiba_client_data, .clk_rate = 0, }, }, }; int __init trout_init_panel(void) { int rc; if (!machine_is_trout()) return 0; vreg_mddi_1v5 = vreg_get(0, "gp2"); if (IS_ERR(vreg_mddi_1v5)) return PTR_ERR(vreg_mddi_1v5); vreg_lcm_2v85 = vreg_get(0, "gp4"); if (IS_ERR(vreg_lcm_2v85)) return PTR_ERR(vreg_lcm_2v85); trout_new_backlight = system_rev >= 5; if (trout_new_backlight) { uint32_t config = PCOM_GPIO_CFG(27, 0, GPIO_OUTPUT, GPIO_NO_PULL, GPIO_8MA); msm_proc_comm(PCOM_RPC_GPIO_TLMM_CONFIG_EX, &config, 0); } else { uint32_t config = PCOM_GPIO_CFG(27, 1, GPIO_OUTPUT, GPIO_NO_PULL, GPIO_8MA); uint32_t id = P_GP_CLK; uint32_t rate = 19200000; msm_proc_comm(PCOM_RPC_GPIO_TLMM_CONFIG_EX, &config, 0); msm_proc_comm(PCOM_CLKCTL_RPC_SET_RATE, &id, &rate); if (id < 0) pr_err("trout_init_panel: set clock rate failed\n"); } rc = platform_device_register(&msm_device_mdp); if (rc) return rc; msm_device_mddi0.dev.platform_data = &mddi_pdata; return platform_device_register(&msm_device_mddi0); } device_initcall(trout_init_panel);