创建 RecyclerView LayoutManager – Part 2

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创建 RecyclerView LayoutManager – Part 2

创建 a RecyclerView LayoutManager – Part 2

本文是这个系列中的 Part 2,这里是 Part 1Part 3 的链接。

上次我们讲了创建一个 RecyclerView LayoutManager 的核心步骤。接下来,
我们会介绍如何给普通基于适配器的 View 加入一些附加特性。

友情提醒:示例中的代码在这里 Github

Item Decorations 支持

RecyclerView 有一个很好的特性 RecyclerView.ItemDecoration,它可以给
布局属性(margins)。后者就是 LayoutManager 必须提供的约束子视图布局方式。

RecyclerPlayground 里有几个 decorator 用来介绍它们的实现方式。

LayoutManager 中提供了一些辅助方法操作 decorations ,不需要我们自己实现:

只要你使用了正确的方法去获取视图的属性和测量数据,RecyclerView 会自己搞定细节部分的处理。


当使用 notifyDataSetChanged()触发 RecyclerView.Adapter 的更新操作时,
LayoutManager 负责更新布局中的视图。这时,onLayoutChildren()会被再次调用。
实现这个功能需要我们调整代码,判断出当前状态是生成一个新的视图 还是 adapter

public void onLayoutChildren(RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, RecyclerView.State state) {
    //We have nothing to show for an empty data set but clear any existing views
    if (getItemCount() == 0) {

    //...on empty layout, update child size measurements
    if (getChildCount() == 0) {
        //Scrap measure one child
        View scrap = recycler.getViewForPosition(0);
        measureChildWithMargins(scrap, 0, 0);

         * We make some assumptions in this code based on every child
         * view being the same size (i.e. a uniform grid). This allows
         * us to compute the following values up front because they
         * won't change.
        mDecoratedChildWidth = getDecoratedMeasuredWidth(scrap);
        mDecoratedChildHeight = getDecoratedMeasuredHeight(scrap);

        detachAndScrapView(scrap, recycler);


    int childLeft;
    int childTop;
    if (getChildCount() == 0) { //First or empty layout
         * Reset the visible and scroll positions
        mFirstVisiblePosition = 0;
        childLeft = childTop = 0;
    } else if (getVisibleChildCount() > getItemCount()) {
        //Data set is too small to scroll fully, just reset position
        mFirstVisiblePosition = 0;
        childLeft = childTop = 0;
    } else { //Adapter data set changes
         * Keep the existing initial position, and save off
         * the current scrolled offset.
        final View topChild = getChildAt(0);
        if (mForceClearOffsets) {
            childLeft = childTop = 0;
            mForceClearOffsets = false;
        } else {
            childLeft = getDecoratedLeft(topChild);
            childTop = getDecoratedTop(topChild);

         * Adjust the visible position if out of bounds in the
         * new layout. This occurs when the new item count in an adapter
         * is much smaller than it was before, and you are scrolled to
         * a location where no items would exist.
        int lastVisiblePosition = positionOfIndex(getVisibleChildCount() - 1);
        if (lastVisiblePosition >= getItemCount()) {
            lastVisiblePosition = (getItemCount() - 1);
            int lastColumn = mVisibleColumnCount - 1;
            int lastRow = mVisibleRowCount - 1;

            //Adjust to align the last position in the bottom-right
            mFirstVisiblePosition = Math.max(
                    lastVisiblePosition - lastColumn - (lastRow * getTotalColumnCount()), 0);

            childLeft = getHorizontalSpace() - (mDecoratedChildWidth * mVisibleColumnCount);
            childTop = getVerticalSpace() - (mDecoratedChildHeight * mVisibleRowCount);

            //Correct cases where shifting to the bottom-right overscrolls the top-left
            // This happens on data sets too small to scroll in a direction.
            if (getFirstVisibleRow() == 0) {
                childTop = Math.min(childTop, 0);
            if (getFirstVisibleColumn() == 0) {
                childLeft = Math.min(childLeft, 0);

    //Clear all attached views into the recycle bin

    //Fill the grid for the initial layout of views
    fillGrid(DIRECTION_NONE, childLeft, childTop, recycler);

我们根据有没有已经被 attach 的子视图来判断当前是一个新的布局还是一个更新操作。
如果是更新,我们根据第一个可见视图的 position(通过监测视图左上角是哪个子视图)
和当前 x/y 滑动的位移这些信息去执行新的 fillGrid(),同时保证左上角的 item 位置不变。



这个方法提供了另一个重置布局的场所,设置新的 adapter 会触发这个事件
这个阶段你可以安全的返回一个与之前 adapter 完全不同的视图。所以,

public void onAdapterChanged(RecyclerView.Adapter oldAdapter, RecyclerView.Adapter newAdapter) {
    //Completely scrap the existing layout

移除视图会触发一个新的布局过程,当 onLayoutChildren() 被再次调用时,
我们的代码会执行创建新视图的布局过程,因为现在没有 attched 的子视图。

Scroll to Position

另一个重要的特性就是给 LayoutManager 添加滚动到特定位置的功能。


当 layout 应该立即将所给位置设为第一个可见 item 时,调用 RecyclerView 的 scrollToPosition()
在一个 vertical list 里,item 应该放在顶部;horizontal list 中,通常放在左边。在我们的
网格布局中,被选中的 item 应该放在视图的左上角。

public void scrollToPosition(int position) {
    if (position >= getItemCount()) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Cannot scroll to "+position+", item count is "+getItemCount());

    //Ignore current scroll offset, snap to top-left
    mForceClearOffsets = true;
    //Set requested position as first visible
    mFirstVisiblePosition = position;
    //Trigger a new view layout

因为有一个良好的 onLayoutChildren() 实现,这里就可以简单的更新目标位置并触发一个
新的 fill 操作。


在这方法里我们需要创建一个 RecyclerView.SmoothScroller实例,

RecyclerView.SmoothScroller 是提供 API 的抽象类,含有四个方法:

你可以自己实现一个 scroller 达到你想要的效果。不过这里我们只使用系统提供的
LinearSmoothScroller 就好了。只需实现一个方法computeScrollVectorForPosition()
然后告诉 scroller 初始方向还有从当前位置滚动到目标位置的大概距离。

public void smoothScrollToPosition(RecyclerView recyclerView, RecyclerView.State state, final int position) {
    if (position >= getItemCount()) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Cannot scroll to "+position+", item count is "+getItemCount());

     * LinearSmoothScroller's default behavior is to scroll the contents until
     * the child is fully visible. It will snap to the top-left or bottom-right
     * of the parent depending on whether the direction of travel was positive
     * or negative.
    LinearSmoothScroller scroller = new LinearSmoothScroller(recyclerView.getContext()) {
         * LinearSmoothScroller, at a minimum, just need to know the vector
         * (x/y distance) to travel in order to get from the current positioning
         * to the target.
        public PointF computeScrollVectorForPosition(int targetPosition) {
            final int rowOffset = getGlobalRowOfPosition(targetPosition)
                    - getGlobalRowOfPosition(mFirstVisiblePosition);
            final int columnOffset = getGlobalColumnOfPosition(targetPosition)
                    - getGlobalColumnOfPosition(mFirstVisiblePosition);

            return new PointF(columnOffset * mDecoratedChildWidth, rowOffset * mDecoratedChildHeight);

在这个实现中,和现有 ListView 的行为相似,无论是 RecyclerView 的哪个方向滚动,


如何给你的 LayoutManager 提供数据集改变时的动画效果。

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