// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include "net/base/completion_callback.h"
#include "net/base/load_flags.h"
#include "net/base/net_errors.h"
#include "net/socket/client_socket.h"
namespace net {
class SSLCertRequestInfo;
class SSLHostInfo;
class SSLInfo;
struct RRResponse;
// DNSSECProvider is an interface to an object that can return DNSSEC data.
class DNSSECProvider {
// GetDNSSECRecords will either:
// 1) set |*out| to NULL and return OK.
// 2) set |*out| to a pointer, which is owned by this object, and return OK.
// 3) return IO_PENDING and call |callback| on the current MessageLoop at
// some point in the future. Once the callback has been made, this
// function will return OK if called again.
virtual int GetDNSSECRecords(RRResponse** out,
CompletionCallback* callback) = 0;
~DNSSECProvider() {}
// A client socket that uses SSL as the transport layer.
// NOTE: The SSL handshake occurs within the Connect method after a TCP
// connection is established. If a SSL error occurs during the handshake,
// Connect will fail.
class SSLClientSocket : public ClientSocket {
// Next Protocol Negotiation (NPN) allows a TLS client and server to come to
// an agreement about the application level protocol to speak over a
// connection.
enum NextProtoStatus {
// WARNING: These values are serialised to disk. Don't change them.
kNextProtoUnsupported = 0, // The server doesn't support NPN.
kNextProtoNegotiated = 1, // We agreed on a protocol.
kNextProtoNoOverlap = 2, // No protocols in common. We requested
// the first protocol in our list.
// Next Protocol Negotiation (NPN), if successful, results in agreement on an
// application-level string that specifies the application level protocol to
// use over the TLS connection. NextProto enumerates the application level
// protocols that we recognise.
enum NextProto {
kProtoUnknown = 0,
kProtoHTTP11 = 1,
kProtoSPDY1 = 2,
kProtoSPDY2 = 3,
// Gets the SSL connection information of the socket.
virtual void GetSSLInfo(SSLInfo* ssl_info) = 0;
// Gets the SSL CertificateRequest info of the socket after Connect failed
virtual void GetSSLCertRequestInfo(
SSLCertRequestInfo* cert_request_info) = 0;
// Get the application level protocol that we negotiated with the server.
// *proto is set to the resulting protocol (n.b. that the string may have
// embedded NULs).
// kNextProtoUnsupported: *proto is cleared.
// kNextProtoNegotiated: *proto is set to the negotiated protocol.
// kNextProtoNoOverlap: *proto is set to the first protocol in the
// supported list.
virtual NextProtoStatus GetNextProto(std::string* proto) = 0;
static NextProto NextProtoFromString(const std::string& proto_string);
static bool IgnoreCertError(int error, int load_flags);
virtual bool was_npn_negotiated() const;
virtual bool set_was_npn_negotiated(bool negotiated);
virtual void UseDNSSEC(DNSSECProvider*) { }
virtual bool was_spdy_negotiated() const;
virtual bool set_was_spdy_negotiated(bool negotiated);
// True if NPN was responded to, independent of selecting SPDY or HTTP.
bool was_npn_negotiated_;
// True if NPN successfully negotiated SPDY.
bool was_spdy_negotiated_;
} // namespace net