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// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <string>

#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/frame_tree_node.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"

namespace content {

class FrameTreeNode;
class Navigator;
class RenderFrameHostDelegate;
class RenderProcessHost;
class RenderViewHostDelegate;
class RenderViewHostImpl;
class RenderFrameHostManager;
class RenderWidgetHostDelegate;

// Represents the frame tree for a page. With the exception of the main frame,
// all FrameTreeNodes will be created/deleted in response to frame attach and
// detach events in the DOM.
// The main frame's FrameTreeNode is special in that it is reused. This allows
// it to serve as an anchor for state that needs to persist across top-level
// page navigations.
// TODO(ajwong): Move NavigationController ownership to the main frame
// FrameTreeNode. Possibly expose access to it from here.
// TODO(ajwong): Currently this class only contains FrameTreeNodes for
// subframes if the --site-per-process flag is enabled.
// This object is only used on the UI thread.
class CONTENT_EXPORT FrameTree {
  // Each FrameTreeNode will default to using the given |navigator| for
  // navigation tasks in the frame.
  // A set of delegates are remembered here so that we can create
  // RenderFrameHostManagers.
  // TODO(creis): This set of delegates will change as we move things to
  // Navigator.
  FrameTree(Navigator* navigator,
            RenderFrameHostDelegate* render_frame_delegate,
            RenderViewHostDelegate* render_view_delegate,
            RenderWidgetHostDelegate* render_widget_delegate,
            RenderFrameHostManager::Delegate* manager_delegate);

  // Returns the FrameTreeNode with the given |frame_tree_node_id|.
  FrameTreeNode* FindByID(int64 frame_tree_node_id);

  // Executes |on_node| on each node in the frame tree.  If |on_node| returns
  // false, terminates the iteration immediately. Returning false is useful
  // if |on_node| is just doing a search over the tree.
  void ForEach(const base::Callback<bool(FrameTreeNode*)>& on_node) const;

  // After the FrameTree is created, or after SwapMainFrame() has been called,
  // the root node does not yet have a frame id. This is allocated by the
  // renderer and is published to the browser process on the first navigation
  // after a swap. These two functions are used to set the root node's frame
  // id.
  // TODO(ajwong): Remove these once RenderFrameHost's routing id replaces
  // frame_id.
  bool IsFirstNavigationAfterSwap() const;
  void OnFirstNavigationAfterSwap(int main_frame_id);

  // Frame tree manipulation routines.
  // TODO(creis): These should take in RenderFrameHost routing IDs.
  RenderFrameHostImpl* AddFrame(int render_frame_host_id,
                                int64 parent_frame_tree_node_id,
                                int64 frame_id,
                                const std::string& frame_name);
  void RemoveFrame(RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host,
                   int64 parent_frame_id,
                   int64 frame_id);
  void SetFrameUrl(int64 frame_id, const GURL& url);

  // Resets the FrameTree and changes RenderFrameHost for the main frame.
  // This destroys most of the frame tree but retains the root node so that
  // navigation state may be kept on it between process swaps. Used to
  // support bookkeeping for top-level navigations.
  // If |main_frame| is NULL, reset tree to initially constructed state.
  // TODO(ajwong): This function should not be given a |main_frame|. This is
  // required currently because the RenderViewHost owns its main frame. When
  // that relation is fixed, the FrameTree should be responsible for
  // created/destroying the main frame on the swap.
  void SwapMainFrame(RenderFrameHostImpl* main_frame);

  // Convenience accessor for the main frame's RenderFrameHostImpl.
  RenderFrameHostImpl* GetMainFrame() const;

  // Allows a client to listen for frame removal.  The listener should expect
  // to receive the RenderViewHostImpl containing the frame and the renderer-
  // specific frame ID of the removed frame.
  // TODO(creis): These parameters will later change to be the RenderFrameHost.
  void SetFrameRemoveListener(
      const base::Callback<void(RenderViewHostImpl*, int64)>& on_frame_removed);

  FrameTreeNode* root() const { return root_.get(); }

  // Returns the FrameTreeNode with the given renderer-specific |frame_id|.
  // For internal use only.
  // TODO(creis): Replace this with a version that takes in a routing ID.
  FrameTreeNode* FindByFrameID(int64 frame_id);

  scoped_ptr<FrameTreeNode> CreateNode(int64 frame_id,
                                       const std::string& frame_name,
                                       int render_frame_host_id,
                                       FrameTreeNode* parent_node);

  // These delegates are installed into all the RenderViewHosts and
  // RenderFrameHosts that we create.
  RenderFrameHostDelegate* render_frame_delegate_;
  RenderViewHostDelegate* render_view_delegate_;
  RenderWidgetHostDelegate* render_widget_delegate_;
  RenderFrameHostManager::Delegate* manager_delegate_;

  scoped_ptr<FrameTreeNode> root_;

  base::Callback<void(RenderViewHostImpl*, int64)> on_frame_removed_;


}  // namespace content